Special Art Collection of 44DEGREES online art magazine. 2020.PART ONE

Page 41

MARLEN ISMALON Through my paintings, I explore the feeling of alienation in post- modernist society. Caught up in virtual realities and disassociated from nature, we are disconnected from ancient knowledge. Underneath the surface of all things, this knowledge vibrates. It holds truth so real and simple, yet so easily ignored and forgotten. We pay a price for living the tech vision. We walk about with a longing to reconnect with the deepest part of who we are. When civilization gets further away from ancient truth, social order starts to deteriorate. Chaos is a dangerous state we all fear. When chaos takes over it sets humanity back onto a dark path. But perhaps only when under the threat of chaos, we are pushed to reexamine our choices. Because it is precisely the choices we make in life, especially those things we choose to overlook, which shape the world we live in. marlenismalon@gmail.com FB

The Dance, 85X84, Acylic on Canvas

Gravity,84X84, Acrylic on canvas

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