3rdGeneration : Palestine

Page 46

(And you were like staying at home, and what did you do?) “A-aaall the day. All the time we were staying at home. Me and my family, we were trying to fill out our time.. with anything, like, fixing out garden, because its near, no one can see it, but if you go down there, and, nearby, not the road, nearby the road, it’s … a disaster... When I was a kid, at that time, like 16, 17, I had a video camera. I used to record a lot of things, like tanks, and the ruins, and some rockets hitting the paradise hotel.

like oh shit, imagine, they gonna shoot on the car. So that was the … . that was a really really scary thing. I was in the sleeping bag, I was sure that I don‘t get alive in the next day so here I am, like, I pray. He got out, and they began shooting near by his legs, I was hearing that so I was afraid that they are going to hit the car because it‘s going to explode, its a car you know, its a big car, a van … . a GMC car, so they just beginning duff duff duff and my uncle begins to scream, ’Stop, Stop, Stop’ … ..

I was near by getting killed, I remember, it was so hot, like this summer, and I was sleeping in that factory on And they felt that he is friendly, the roof, and there was something … because were not holding anylike.. Israeli soldiers talking in Hebrew, thing, you know, were just sleepI was sleeping in a car, Van car, it was ing, and not hitting even stones me and my uncle. My uncle. Together, or something, we were just sleepand ah, they said ’Who is that?’ ing, we were workers. And we were like just sleeping, nothing, I was so scared. I was so young, and say … that he was shouting, he 16, 17, in high school. My last say, like, you shouldn‘t be there, and year.” they begin shooting at us. Yeah. I remember that because he told me to get out of this car and my uncle he said, there’s no one in the car. And I was

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