The Homewood Star June 2018

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The Homewood Star

A20 • June 2018 Garage sale at Shades Valley Lutheran Church in 2017. The annual sale raises money to fund a summer youth mission trip. Photo courtesy of Shades Valley Lutheran Church.

Shades Valley Lutheran Church garage sale to help fund youth mission trip By JE SSE CH A MBERS

Orleans and attending the E L C A N ational Y outh G athGarage Sale Shades V alley L utheran ering in Houston. C hurch, f or the 1 6 th year, The sale includes house• WHERE: SVLC fellowwill host a garage sale to wares, clothes, toys, appliship hall help send a youth group on ances, books, tools, f urniture • HOURS: June 8 and 9, a summer mission trip. and craf t items, according to 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The sale will take place Peters. • CALL: 871-3512 in the SV L C f ellowship The youth enj oy work• WEB: shadesvalley hall on Friday, J une 8 , and ing together to hold the sale Saturday, J une 9 , 8 a.m. to and take pride in the work 2 p.m., according to event it takes to raise their trip spokesperson C arrie Peters. money, according to Peters. The church is located at 720 “ The kids also enj oy learnShades C reek Parkway. The sale is conducted ing how to serve others on their annual trips,” by high school youth groups at two churches, Peters said. Shades V alley L utheran and Shepherd of the The sale has become a popular event, Hills L utheran. according to Peters. “ There’s always a line “ A f ew years ago, the senior high kids bef ore the doors even open,” she said. started meeting together f or a j oint Bible study Unsold items are donated to other local every week and traveling together f or the trip, charities. so they also started working the sale together,” The church is accepting donations f or the Peters said. sale until J une 3. The groups will travel J une 2 3– J uly 1 , For details, call 8713512 or go to shades doing service work at C amp R estore in N ew

Kids enjoying the Vacation Bible School held outdoors in June 2017 at Patriot Park in Homewood by Christ Fellowship Church. This year the event will take place at Central Park. Photo courtesy of Christ Fellowship Church.

Christ Fellowship Church mixes faith and fun in Vacation Bible School at Central Park By J ESSE CH A MBERS

also Bible stories and testimony — Adams said. And Vacation C hrist Fellowship C hurch all kids in the community Bible School will continue one of its traare welcome, not j ust C FC ditions by hosting V acation regulars. • WHERE: Central Park Bible School outdoors. But “ It’s been a lot of f un over • HOURS: June 4–7, 6–8 there’s a change of venue this the past several years to see p.m. summer. a lot of the same kids come • CALL: 538-2325 Due to construction at out and tell us how much f un • WEB: cfcbirmingham. Patriot Park, the church will they have doing recreation org host V BS at C entral Park, with ‘ Mr. N ick’ — associate J une 4– 7 , 6 – 8 p.m., accordpastor N ick Murray — or ing to R yan Adams, C FC doing craf ts, or hearing the associate pastor. gospel f rom somebody in our C hildren ages 3– 1 0 are encouraged to attend, church,” Adams said. “ W e hope that this honors and admission is f ree. C FC doesn’t have a per- the L ord, blesses children in our church and manent building and holds its Sunday services community and bears f ruit in their lives.” in R osewood Hall, so it has held V BS at Patriot Putting on V BS is a “ church-wide ef f ort,” Park every year since 2 0 1 4. according to Adams. “ W hile we’ll miss being in W est Home“ W e have a lot of wonderf ul volunteers who wood, we’re ex cited about having it at C entral are great with kids and passionate about J esus,” Park,” Adams said. he said. The f ormat will be the usual mix of f un and For details, call 538 -2 32 5, visit cf cbirmingham. f aith — with craf ts, recreation and snacks, but org or go to Facebook @ cf cbirmingham.

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