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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States Art

Citation of the Article of the Directive

Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) grunde taler derimod, betinget af, at EU-statsborgeren råder over sådanne indtægter eller midler til sit og familiemedlemmernes underhold, at de pågældende efter en konkret vurdering ikke kan antages at ville falde det offentlige til byrde.

§ 11. Familiemedlemmer til en af § 6 omfattet EU-statsborger har ret til ophold her i landet ud over de 3 eller 6 måneder, de pågældende i medfør af udlændingelovens § 2, stk. 1 og 2, kan tage ophold i Danmark, når de ledsager eller slutter sig til den pågældende og i forvejen har fast, lovligt ophold i et EU/EØS-land elelr Schweiz.

Stk. 2. Opholdsret efter stk. 1 er, medmindre ganske særlige grunde taler derimod, betinget af, at EU-statsborgeren råder over sådanne indtægter eller midler til sit og familiemedlemmernes underhold, at de pågældende efter en konkret vurdering ikke kan antages at ville falde det offentlige til byrde.

Milieu Ltd & Europa Institute

Translation into English of national provision exceptional grounds, the right of residence under paragraph 1 of family members shall be conditional on the EU citizen having sufficient income or resources for the maintenance of the citizen and the family members so that it can be presumed, on the basis of a specific appraisal, that they will not become a burden on the social assistance system. 11.(1) Family members of an EU citizen covered by Section 6 (who are those?) shall have the right to reside in Denmark beyond the period of three or six months they may reside in Denmark under Section 2(1) and (2) of the Aliens Act when they accompany or join the person concerned and already have permanent lawful residence in an EU/EEA state or Switzerland. (2) Unless there are very exceptional grounds, the right of residence under paragraph 1 of shall be conditional on the EU citizen having sufficient income or resources for the maintenance of the citizen and his or her family members so that it can be presumed, on the basis of a specific appraisal, that they will not become a burden on the social assistance system.

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