Política Común 1

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Modern times are haunted by the "emergence" of new political

What is a Political Subject?

subjects in the historical arena. The endless and critical spreading

Davide Tarizzo

of these subjects can be traced back to the apocalyptic event of Christianity with the crisis of the ancient sacred and the burst of Truth in political discursivity. Lacanian psychoanalysis helps us to grasp the deep structure of this historical turn, as well as the exit from it, i.e. the exit from the politics of Truth.

Key words: Political Declaration - Psychoanalysis - Christianity Sacred – People

It is common knowledge that the Mexican state took an enduring

Humanism Begets Good

turn toward political and cultural conservatism as a result of the


1940 presidential elections. In this essay I examine the underlying

Alfonso Reyes and Police

tenets of Mexican humanism and its relation to the history of the


mass uprisings of the Mexican revolution in the months prior to

(September-December 1939)

that turn. In particular, I analyze the work of Alfonso Reyes in its

Gareth Williams

relation to the exercise of sovereign will and the orienting of the past. I argue that Alfonso Reyes can certainly be considered to be a thinker of the post-revolutionary aesthetic and pedagogical (that is, ethical) state in modern Mexico. However, I also argue that he can only be considered to be so if we read him as a creator and purveyor of the ideology and law of bourgeois imperium and its sovereign command.

Key Words: Humanism - Sovereignty - Nomos - Imperium - Mexican Revolution

Este trabajo aborda la pregunta de hasta qué punto Baruch de Spi-


noza se ha mantenido fiel al esquema de subjetividad marrana al

Democracia y subjetividad

separar el problema de la identidad respecto del problema de la


construcción del cuerpo político. Esta fidelidad, que permite a Spi-

José Luis Villacañas

noza romper con la vieja metafórica que comparaba el cuerpo político y la persona, constituye la base misma de su pensamiento democrático.

Palabras clave: Identidad - Cuerpo político - Catástrofe - Democracia - Metáforas - Marranos.

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