
Page 34

om body



Dolphin Pose

From tabletop position on all fours, place your elbows under your shoulders with your forearms parallel and palms flat on the mat. Spread your fingers and press down through the pads or your thumb and index finger. Curl your toes under, inhale and slowly begin to lift your knees off the floor, taking your hips up and back. Keep the knees slightly bent, tilt your sitting bones up toward the ceiling and allow your heart to soften down toward the floor. Press your elbows down and hug them toward one another as you widen your collarbones. Press back and up through the tops of both thighs to keep a long spine. Take 5 rounds of breath and repeat.



Bow Pose

Locust Pose

Lying face down on your stomach with your legs extending straight back and your forehead on the floor, interlace your fingers behind you. Inhale and shrug your shoulders toward your ears; exhale and take your outer arms and elbows up toward the ceiling. Inhale and lift your head, chest, legs and feet off the floor. Exhale and lengthen through the back of your neck; inhale and lift up through the base of your skull. Take a few breaths, reaching your legs back and your belly and heart forward, and engaging your shoulder blades on your back.

Exhale and release back to the floor with your forehead down. Bend your knees, bringing your heels toward your sitting bones, reach your hands back and grab a hold of your feet or ankles (if you are less flexible hold onto the tops of your feet, more flexible hold onto your ankles). Inhale and lift your outer arms up, drawing your shoulder blades back. Hug your inner thighs toward one another, spread your toes and flex your feet. Inhale and, with a firm grasp on your feet or ankles, strongly kick your feet away from your buttocks, pulling your upper torso and head off the floor. Hold for five rounds of breath and repeat.

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