It's In the BOX!

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+Component Profile: Merry-go-round The merry-go-round is inspired by a product known as the Playpump. The Playpump was designed and implemented for undeveloped countries as a mechanism to provide a fun and easy way to pump water from deep wells into storage tanks.The pump is a play accessory for children, and at the same time functions as a water-moving device. “The award-winning Playpump provides a creative alternative to the major infrastructure upgrading that is a standard part of third-world renewal programmes, saving costs and maximizing benefits to the community in ways that conventional programmes never could” (Cumberlidge 2007, 40). The merry-go-round in the BOX! would be used to move water from tank-to-tank or tank-to-crops. Furthermore a generator connected to the merry-go-round could produce electricity while children played. 59

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