ZSL Conservation Project Information Sheets

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ZSL Conservation

Aims and objectives The Wildlife Wood Project seeks to bring corporate investment and commitment to improve the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife in timber production forests. It does this by: • improving understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of logging

on biodiversity in timber concessions developing indicators to measure the status of wildlife populations and methods with which to monitor these indicators, for

• • •

incorporation into FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standards working with research institutions to train local MSc students assisting timber companies to develop practical management plans for their concessions that conserve wildlife building capacity within timber companies and government

© Nöelle Kümpel / ZSL

departments to carry out, monitor and certify these management

Future directions

plans improving monitoring and control of illegal activities to support initiatives such as the EU’s FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement and

With the success of the Wildlife Wood Project’s pilot

Governance in Trade) framework.

activities in Ghana and Cameroon, we plan to apply its outputs on a broader scale: • the wildlife indicators and monitoring system developed will be widely disseminated in order to serve as a model elsewhere in West and Central Africa’s forests and

ultimately further afield these indicators should be incorporated into certification schemes such as the standards being developed by FSC for the Congo Basin, thus providing clear and consistent guidelines for companies on

wildlife management in timber concessions the indicators will also be applicable to other systems of forest management such as proposed REDD (reduced

© Eric Arnhem / ZSL

Collaborators and supporters

emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) schemes, allowing the incorporation of a verifiable measure of biodiversity.

John Bitar & Co. Ltd

The Wildlife Wood Project also works in Ghana with the University of Ghana, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the Forestry Commission, and in Cameroon with the University of Yaoundé, the University of Dshang’s Centre Régional d'Enseignement Spécialisé en Agriculture (CRESA) and the Ministère des Fôrets et de la Faune (MINFOF).

More information For more information on this project please contact Chris Ransom (chris.ransom@zsl.org) or Dr Noëlle Kümpel (noelle.kumpel@zsl.org) w w w . zsl. o r g / w ild lif e w o o d p r o je c t


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