Zeppelin portfolio

Page 43

Avant‑garde and continuity


Itinerant exhibition in Romania and conference on Croatian contemporary architecture / 17.10–15.11.2008, Museum of Romanian Peasant

The explosion of good quality architecture is the result not only of the local circumstances, but also of a certain historical continuity. The exhibition focused on the most productive eras in the modern and contemporary history, presenting a selection of exemplary works. The first matches the ‘30s, after winning the independence. The architecture of the ’50s and the ‘60s reflect the special case of Yugoslavia in the socialist block. The lack of Stalinism and the determined opening to the West, especially for the republics in the West of the federation, welcome a modern architecture able to meet the Dalmatic background, and generally the Mediterranean one. The new trends after the Balkan wars reflect the reintegration in the European cultural space and the social changes and, simultaneously, the searches for a critical regionalism.

Organizers: Zeppelin Association for the Romanian edition of the project, a Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG – Vienna Insurance Group and Arhiteckst Zagreb co‑production; commissioners: Adolph Stiller, Vera Grimmer, Tadej Glažar, Maroje Mrduljaš, Andrija Rusan suPPOrted by: Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Administration of National Cultural Heritage Partner: Cembrit main sPOnsOrs: Final Distribution, Velux, National Investments Commission sPOnsOrs: Rheinzink, Apla, Alukonigstahl, Kludi, Steelcase, Energobit, Bramac, Rigips, Bicau, Romstal, Cărturești

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