Zeppelin portfolio

Page 36

Small ideas for a big city


Exhibition / conference / 17.10–15.11.2008, Museum of Romanian Peasant, Aquarium hall

The exhibition promoted 16 alternative projects to improve public spaces in Bucharest. Small ideas, costwise, which could truly improve the quality of life for communities and certain urban situations. Designed by the members of the organi‑ zation and by young invited architects, the proposals submitted to authorities and the wide audience addressed various places, from abandoned sites to the great housing neighbourhoods, and spaces in the heart of the historical centre. The key requirement was the denial of the utopia and the invention of solutions with a very low budget, which could soon applied and turn into model‑interventions: no wast, excessive demolitions and grand constructions, but with a well defined target, we can make the life in our cities bearable. Part of those projects went, meanwhile, into more advanced stages. The project aimed to support a slow administration, promote professionals, theoretical models and fast working strategies.

bienala de arhitectură bucurești

> Irina Băncescu & Olivia Nicolescu > Bogdan & Van Broeck Architects (Oana Bogdan, Leo Van Broeck,

Iat o demonstraie c se poate face ceva cnd vorbim de spaiul public, de blocurile comuniste, de strzi ticsite de maini, de monumente sau de grdini, de tot ce ne doare pe noi cel mai tare. Am lansat acest titlu i am primit 16 proiecte care se pot realiza cu bani puini i logistic insignifiant: unele sunt proiecte de design urban, altele efort de recuperare, un mic recycle al locului, iar altele propun o curenie deteapt. Noi suntem gata de treab.

Aron Sumeghy)

i probabil v ntrebai ce-i cu cioara Cioara e n expoziie fiindc nou ne place adaptarea ei de la cmpul cu grune la forfota din ora. E un martor simpatic al tranziiei de la viaa de sat la cea urban. Ea e o parte din fauna slbatic adaptat acestei convieuiri. i mai sunt i altele, dar e doar un afi nu trebuie s scriem tot.

> Radu Comşa

Un proiect inventat de revista Arhitectura

> Atelier Mihai Duţescu

17 octombrie  15 noiembrie

Sofie Liesenborghs, Joris Moonen, Philip Stessens,


Muzeul ranului Romn  sala Acvariu

> ISD STUDIO (Ştefan Davidovici & Irina Şuteu) > Horia Marinescu > Vladimir Obradovici > Planwerk Cluj > Point4 & Arhitectura (Justin Baroncea, Radu Enescu, Ştefan Ghenciulescu, Constantin Goagea, Jean Craiu, Carmen Popescu, Ada Demetriu) > Synthesis Architecture (Panteli Mourgka) > Ştefan Tuchilă



NR. 52 FEB 2007 8 RON


cu sprijinul


prin partener arboreverde

parteneri media

sponsori principali MAGENTA: C: 0 M: 100 Y: 0 K: 0

PORTOCALIU: POLICROMIE: POLICROMIE: Pantone Process Magenta C:C 0 Pantone 22-1 C M:




CULOARE SPECIALA: Y: 100 Pantone Process Magenta C

ROSU: C: 0 CULOARE SPECIALA: M: 100 Pantone 130 C Y: 100 K:


POLICROMIE: Pantone 73-1 C CULOARE SPECIALA: Pantone 485 C

Organizers: Zeppelin team suPPOrted by: Museum of Romanian Peasant, Administration of National Cultural Heritage Partner: Cembrit main sPOnsOrs: Final Distribution, Velux, National Investments Commission sPOnsOrs: Rheinzink, Apla, Alukonigstahl, Kludi, Steelcase Romania, Energobit Schreder, Bramac, Rigips, Bicau, Romstal, Cărturești

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