2016 Call for Nominations Digital Brochure

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TheWomenofDi s t i nct i onAwar dsi sYWCA Met r oVancouver ’ spr emi erf undr ai s i ngevent . TheWomenofDi s t i nct i onAwar dshonour swomenwhos eout s t andi ngachi evement scont r i but et ot hewel l bei ngand f ut ur eofourcommuni t y .TheAwar dsal s ohonour sbus i nes s esandor gani zat i onst hats uppor tt hewel l nes sanddi ver s e needsoft hei rempl oyees .

NOMI NATI ON DETAI LS How doImakeanomi nat i on? Al lnomi nat i onsmus tbecompl et edands ubmi t t edonl i ne. Wer ecommendyouhaveal ldocument sr eadybef or e compl et i ngt heonl i nenomi nat i on.Pl eas evi s i tourwebs i t e andvi ew ourt ut or i alonhow t os ucces s f ul l ycompl et ea nomi nat i on.A nomi nat ormus tcompl et eal lr equi r edf i el ds ont heonl i nenomi nat i onf or m,i ncl udi ng: •Nomi neeandnomi nat ori nf or mat i on •Summar yofnomi nat i on( 1 20wor dmaxi mum) •Nomi nat i oncr i t er i a( 300wor dmaxi mum f oreachof t hecr i t er i a) •Let t er sofs uppor t( t hr eel et t er sr equi r ed) •Opt i onal :s uppl ement almat er i al s( magazi neads medi ar el eas eset c. ,t hr eepagesmaxi mum) •Submi tt heonl i nenomi nat i onf or m andupl oadal l addi t i onalmat er i albyFr i day ,Januar y1 5,201 6at5: 00pm

5.Bei ngr ecogni zedbyhercommuni t yf orhers us t ai ned commi t mentandcont r i but i onwi t hi nhercat egor y( e. g. awar ds ,accol ades )

Nomi neecr i t er i a–Out s t andi ngWor kpl ace AnOut s t andi ngWor kpl aces uppor t st hewel l nes sanddi ver s e needsofi t sempl oyeesby: 1 . Bei ngar ol emodeli nbes twor kpl acepr act i cesand i mpl ement i ngani nnovat i vei ni t i at i veexcl us i vel yf orempl oyees 2.Bei ngpr ogr es s i veandr es pons i vet oempl oyeeneeds , i ncl udi ngwor k/ l i f ebal ance 3.Suppor t i ngt headvancementands ucces sofwomen 4.Fos t er i ngpr of es s i onaldevel opmentandment or s hi p 5.Suppor t i ngempl oyeevol unt eer i s m andcommuni t yi ni t i at i ves 6.Pr omot i ngheal t hyl i f es t yl es

How ar et henomi neesandr eci pi ent schos en?


Thenomi nat i onscommi t t eer evi ewsal ls ubmi s s i onsf or compl et enes sandel i gi bi l i t y .Accept ednomi nat i onsar e or war dedt oani ndependentj udgi ngpanel .Thenomi nat i ons Vi s i tywcawomenof di st i nct i on. or gunder“NOMI NATI ONS” f c o mmi t t e e a n d j u d g i n g p a n e l r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o wi t h h o l d Deadl i nef ornomi nat i ons:Fr i day ,Januar y1 5,201 6 anawar di nanycat egor y .Al lnomi neeswi l lbeadvi s edoft he 5: 00pm el i gi bi l i t yoft hei rappl i cat i onsbyTues day ,Febr uar y2,or Wednes day ,Febr uar y3,201 6. El i gi bl enomi neesmus t : a.Li veandwor k( i ndi vi dual s )oroper at e( bus i nes s es andor gani zat i ons )wi t hi nt heMet r oVancouverr egi on boundedbyandi ncl udi ngHope,Pember t on,Suns hi ne Coas tandt heUni t edSt at esbor der b.Notcur r ent l ybei nacampai gnf orors er vi ngat er mi n of f i ceasanel ect edgover nmentof f i ci al c.Sat i s f yeachoft hef i venomi nat i oncr i t er i af or t hei rawar dcat egor yasl i s t edbel ow d.Cons entt ot henomi nat i onandt hepubl i cat i onofher / i t sname,phot oandi nf or mat i on e.At t endt hephot os hootonei t herTues day ,Febr uar y 1 6,orWednes day ,Febr uar y1 7,201 6 f .At t endt heAnnounci ngt heNomi nees ’r ecept i on, Tues day ,Mar ch8,201 6andAwar dsdi nneron Wednes day ,June8,201 6 g.Be1 825year sofageasofWednes day ,June8,201 6, f ort heYoungWomanofDi s t i nct i oncat egor y h.Sat i s f yt heYWCA Met r oVancouverWomenof Di s t i nct i onVal uesSt at ement i .Submi taquot eandpar t i ci pat ei nt heConnect i ngt he Communi t yAwar d( i ndi vi dualnomi neesonl y)

How ar et henomi neesr ecogni zed? Nomi neesandawar dr eci pi ent swi l lbehonour edatt he Awar dsr ecept i onanddi nnerhel datt heVancouverConvent i on Cent r eonWednes day ,June8,201 6.Awar dr eci pi ent sar e announcedatt hedi nner .Ti cket sf orgues t swi l lbeavai l abl e onl i neatywcawomenof di s t i nct i on. or gonWednes day , Febr uar y3,201 6.

Connect i ngt heCommuni t yAwar d( i ndi vi dual sonl y) Al li ndi vi dualnomi neesar eel i gi bl ef ort heConnect i ngt he Communi t yAwar d.I ti st heonl yawar ddet er mi nedbyan onl i nevot e. Eachnomi neechoos esaYWCA pr ogr am ar eat os uppor t : •Ear l yl ear ni ngandchi l dcar ef orchi l dr en •Reduci ngchi l dpover t y •Saf eandaf f or dabl ehous i ng •Heal t hychoi cesf oryout h •Pr event i ngvi ol enceagai ns twomen

Nomi neecr i t er i a–I ndi vi dual s A WomanofDi s t i nct i oni ns pi r esot her s .Shehasachi eved out s t andi ngs ucces si nherf i el dby: 1 .Br eaki ngnew gr oundorol dbar r i er s 2.Showi ngvi s i on,cr eat i vi t yandi ni t i at i ve 3.Bei ngal eaderandr ol emodel 4.Par t i ci pat i ngact i vel yasavol unt eer

Theonl i nevot ewi l lbeopenApr i l20–May1 3,201 6.Nomi nees ar eencour agedt ous es oci almedi at opr omot et hei rchoi ces andencour agevot es .Thenomi neewi t ht hemos tvot eswi l l r ecei vet heConnect i ngt heCommuni t yAwar dandScot i abank wi l ldonat e$1 0, 000t ot heYWCA pr ogr am ar eaofherchoi ce.



Spons or edbyTD BankGr oup

Spons or edbyI ndus t r i alAl l i anceFi nanci alGr oup

Sheenr i chest hecommuni t yt hr oughhert al ent sandcommi t ment t ovi s ual ,l i t er ar y,medi a,ar chi t ect ur aland/ orper f or mi ngar t sand has made a s i gni f i cant and s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouver .She excel s atf aci l i t at i ng orpr omot i ng t he ar t i s t i c ef f or t sofot her sand br oadeni ng communi t yengagementi nt he ar t s .She may be a cur at or ,ar t s admi ni s t r at or ,ar t i s torot her memberoft hear t scommuni t y.

BUSI NESS&THEPROFESSI ONS Spons or edbyGol dcor pI nc.

Hercol l eagues and compet i t or si nt he f i el d acknowl edge her pr of es s i onall eader s hi pandcons i s t entcommi t mentt oexcel l ence. She has made a s i gni f i cantand s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouver whi l e l ever agi ng her achi evement s and bus i nes s acumen t o f aci l i t at e change and cr eat e oppor t uni t i es . She demons t r at esr es pectf or ,andengagementwi t h,hercommuni t y, cl i ent s and col l eagues .She may be a CEO,s eni orexecut i ve, pr of es s i onalorbus i nes s woman.

COMMUNI TYCHAMPI ON Spons or edbyVancouverI nt er nat i onalAi r por t

She hasper s onal l yi dent i f i ed a l ocalcommuni t y need ori s s ue and i ni t i at ed meani ngf ulchange,dedi cat i ng herown t i me and r es our cest o champi on hercaus e.W hats t ar t ed asa vol unt eer cr us adecoul dnow beaf ul l t i meorpai dr ol ef ort hi sl eader .She has made a s i gni f i cant and s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouverwhi l e bei ng r ecogni zed asa s our ce ofs t r engt h and hear ti nhercommuni t yandi sabl et ohar nes st het i me,t al entand capaci t yofot her s .Shemaybeaf oundi ngmember ,admi ni s t r at or , boar dmemberorot hercommuni t ymi ndedl eader .

EDUCATI ON,TRAI NI NG &DEVELOPMENT Spons or edbyPor tMet r oVancouver

Shehasanunwaver i ngcommi t mentt odel i ver i ng,pr omot i ngand advocat i ng f orheal t hy l i vesand communi t i es .She hasmade a s i gni f i cantand s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouverwhi l e empower i ng her communi t yt o change or bet t er t hei rl i ves t hr ough i mpr oved heal t h and wel l nes spr act i ces .She may be a phys i ci an,pr act i t i oner ,nur s eorot herwomancommi t t edt oheal t h andwel l nes s .

NONPROFI T Spons or edbyBCHous i ng

Hi r ed ors ummoned t ot her ol ef orherexempl ar yqual i f i cat i ons , s hepr opel schanget hr oughherl eader s hi p,pr of es s i onal i s m and vi s i on wi t hi nt he nonpr of i ts ect or .She hasmade a s i gni f i cant ands us t ai neddi f f er encei nMet r oVancouverwhi l es t r engt heni ng and bui l di ng moment um and capaci t y by advocat i ng f or i mpor t ant i s s ues or caus es . She ment or s ,i ns pi r es and mobi l i zesot her st hr oughherper s onalcommi t mentand pas s i on. She has s ucces s f ul l yi dent i f i ed new oppor t uni t i es ,r es our ces and/ or par t ner s hi ps .She may be a di r ect or ,CEO or ot her vi s i onar y.


Shel i s t enst ohercommuni t i esneedsandt akesi nt ent i onalact i on. Hert i r el es sef f or t scr eat ecooper at i ver el at i ons hi psandpar t ner s hi ps t hatf os t ers ol ut i ons .Thepubl i candherpeer sr es pectherf orher ent hus i as m, i nt egr i t y and hear t . Act i ng on behal f of her communi t yoror gani zat i on,s hei sacompas s i onat eadvocat ef or i mpor t anti s s ues , t opi csorpr ogr ams . Hi r ed, el ect edors ummoned i nt oherr ol e,s hei savoi ceandchampi onf orchange.Shemaybe al aw enf or cer ,f or merpol i t i call eaderorot herpubl i cs er vi ce l eader .


Shei ns pi r esapas s i onf orl i f el ongl ear ni ngi nt hos ear oundherand has made a s i gni f i cant and s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouver . She cont r i but es t hr ough pr act i ce, r es ear ch or admi ni s t r at i oni nal ear ni ngenvi r onmenti ncl udi ngt heeducat i on s ys t em, empl oyee t r ai ni ng and devel opment , communi t y educat i onoral t er nat i vepr ogr ams .Shemot i vat esot her st o gai n knowl edge,s et goal s or s eek oppor t uni t i es .She may be an academi c,educat or ,admi ni s t r at ororot herchampi onofl ear ni ng.

She has made a s i gni f i cantand s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouver t hr ough her dedi cat ed pur s ui t ofs ci ent i f i c and/ or r es ear chbas ed di s cover i es .She i shi ghl yr es pect ed i n herf i el d and i sa ment orand vi s i onar y.Herdedi cat ed appr oach t o her r es ear ch and/ or pr ogr am s i gni f i es her l eader s hi p and cr i t i cal t hi nki ng abi l i t i es .She may be a s ci ent i s t ,r es ear cher ,s eni or admi ni s t r at ororot herl eader .


Spons or edbyFi nni ng

Spons or edbyCl i o Shehast akenani nnovat i veappr oacht os ol vi ngapr obl em,f i l l i ng aneed orbr eaki ng i nt o anew mar ket .Herdr i ve,i ngenui t yand s ol i d vi s i on f orherbus i nes ss epar at e herf r om hercompet i t or s . She has made s acr i f i ces and t aken gr eatr i s ks t os ucces s f ul l y l aunch,r evi ve ormanage a bus i nes s ,al lwhi l e havi ng made a s i gni f i cantands us t ai neddi f f er encei nMet r oVancouver .Shemay beaf ounder ,owner ,l eaderorot heri nnovat or .

ENVI RONMENTALSUSTAI NABI LI TY Spons or edbyBCHydr o She i sdedi cat ed t o pr omot i ng and cr eat i ng t he pr act i cest hat cont r i but et o as us t ai nabl e communi t y,whi l e havi ng made a s i gni f i cant and s us t ai ned di f f er ence i n Met r o Vancouver .She gener at esoppor t uni t i est hatmi ni mi ze t he phys i cal ,ecol ogi cal , human and economi ci mpacton ourpl anet .She col l abor at es wi t hand educat esot her st oi dent i f ys t r at egi esand s ol ut i onsf or good envi r onment alpr act i cesand par t ner s hi ps .She may be an advocat e,l eader ,admi ni s t r at or or ot her pr omot er of gr een i ni t i at i vesandpr act i ces .

YOUNG WOMAN OFDI STI NCTI ON Shei sanexcept i onalyoungwomanaged1 825whodemons t r at es l eader s hi p, mat ur i t yand compas s i on.Shehasmadeas i gni f i cant di f f er encei nMet r oVancouvert hr oughhercommi t mentt oacaus e or pur s ui t ofa per s onaldr eam whi l es howi ng per s ever ance, i nnovat i on and a keen under s t andi ng of communi t yi s s ues .

OUTSTANDI NG WORKPLACE Spons or edbySAPCanadaI nc. Thi sawar d cat egor yr ecogni zesa bus i nes soror gani zat i on t hat has i mpl ement ed a uni que wor kpl ace cul t ur e.I ts uppor t s and r es pondst ot hedi ver s eneedsofi t sempl oyees , encour agi ngt hem t obal ancet hedemandsandr ewar dsofcar eer , f ami l y,communi t y andper s onalgr owt h.Thi sbus i nes soror gani zat i onacknowl edges t headdi t i onalchal l engest hati t sf emal eempl oyeesmayf aceand pr oact i vel ys uppor t st hes ucces sand advancementofwomeni n i t swor kpl ace.

VALUESSTATEMENT TheYWCA Met r o Vanc ouv erWomenofDi s t i nct i onAwar dsenc our agesnomi nat i onst hats howcas ei ndi vi dual swho ar edr i vi ng pos i t i v echangeei t herdi r ect l yorbye x ampl e.Act i vi t i esandachi e v ement sofal lpot ent i alnomi neesmus tal i gnwi t ht heYWCA’ s v al ues .Thecandi dat es ’par t i ci pat i oni nempl oyment ,r ecr eat i onors peci ali nt er es t sencaps ul at est hes pi r i tofwomen’ sequal i t yas out l i ned i n YWCA Met r o Vanc ouv er ’ s mi s s i on and vi s i on.The YWCA r es er v es t he r i ghtt or e v ok e an a war di fs ubs equent ci r cums t anc esr es pect i ngt her eci pi entc ont r adi ctt hemi s s i on, et hi csand/orv al uesofYWCAMet r oVanc ouv erorbr i ngi t sr eput at i on i nt odi s r eput e. Thenomi neeornomi nat orma ywi t hdr a wt henomi nat i on, f oranyr eas on, upt ot woweeksbef or et hea war dc er emony . Thewi t hdr a walmus tbemadei nwr i t i ng, not i f yi ngt henomi nat or / nomi neeandt heYWCAoft hewi t hdr a wal . TheYWCAwi l lac c ept t hewi t hdr a wal , ef f ect i v ei mmedi at el y .

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