York College 2010-2011 Academic Catalog

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ENG 203. English Proficiency. 3 hours credit, summer. Intensive review and practice in sentence structure, punctuation, and writing skills. All students graduating with a Bachelor’s degree from York College are required to pass the York College English Proficiency Exam during their sophomore year. If the student does not make a 70% on the exam by the second attempt, then (during the student’s junior year), he or she will be required to pass ENG 203 with a minimum grade of “C”. ENG 213. American Literature I. 3 hours credit, spring, even years. This course does not fulfill the general education requirement for core-level courses. This course is a survey of the literary canon from the colonial era to the Civil War. This course offers a variety of genres and will focus upon the historical impact of writing and the connection to social and political movements, as well as other relevant ideas that come from the readings. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123. ENG 223. American Literature II. 3 hours credit, spring This course fulfills the general education requirement for core-level courses. This course is a survey of the major works of literature from the Civil War to the present. The course offers a variety of genres and will focus upon the historical impact of literary movements as related to social, political, and ethical effects upon society. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123. ENG 273. World Literature. 3 hours credit, fall.. This course fulfills the general education requirement for core-level courses. Through civilizations, both ancient and modern, this course introduces the liberal arts student to the multitude of perspectives created by culture, situation, and time context. The contrasts in similarities and differences in readings will acquaint, broaden, and develop the student’s global perspective. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123. ENG 313. British Literature I. 3 hours credit, fall,even years. A study of British literature from the Middle Ages through the restoration with attention given to the various influences upon the writers and the literary movements. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 323. British Literature II. 3 hours credit, spring, odd years. A study of British literature from the Romantic Period to Post-WWII, with attention given to the various influences upon the writers and the literary movements. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 343. Advanced Composition. 3 hours credit, even years, spring This course refines and polishes research and compsition skills beyond the rudiments of rhetorical patterns. The emphasis will be upon expository and argumentation readings, with student analysis and student constructions that mirror a more in-depth and refined approach to writing. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 383. Poetry. 3 hours credit, spring, odd years. This course emphasizes the study of poetic theory with applications to all periods and types of poetry. The course content assists in the development of special skills for the appreciation and criticism of poetry. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 385. Creative Writing. 3 hours credit, fall, odd years. The study and application of the creative writing process, paying special attention to professional models, designs, and forms. The course may focus on a specific creative genre and it will emphasize creating original works of poetry and fiction. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 395. Film as Literature. 3 hours credit, fall, even years. Film as Literature provides a forum to think about film as a literary production through discussion, analysis, critique, and composition. Students will write popular reviews and analytical responses, as well as a documented research project. Students will be exposed to a variety of films in multiple genres with a special emphasis on contemporary film. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 404. Literary Criticism. 3 hours credit, spring, odd years. By combining readings in critical theory with examples of critical practice on specific literary texts, this course will introduce the central evaluative and interpretive questions of literary theory and will introduce many of the major schools and dominant figures of literary criticism. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. ENG 413. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 hours credit, fall, odd years. This course introduces the student to the scientific study of English, as well as a survey of the history of English as related to origin, phonology, morphology, semantics, and syntax. Prerequisites: ENG 113 and ENG 123, 223, 273. 55

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