Backpacker Essentials April 2013

Page 25


A YOUNG MAN from a grazing background, Stuart Austin “learned more than I could ever imagine from my work in Alberta about farming, and from the Canadian agribusiness community about business.� Stuart worked as a guide on a guest ranch taking tourists up into the PRXQWDLQV RQ KRUVHEDFN RQ RLO oHOGV DQG RQ D JUDLQ IDUP +H MRLQHG two young farmer organisations and was elected as the chair of both of them. He learnt how to put himself out there and talk to anyone, and “most important of all, I built a professional network. Whilst there, I got a business idea and partnered with a Canadian to place Aussies in Canadian farms and Canadians in Aussie farms.� His business, 3RVLWLYH 3HUIHFWLRQ KDV JURZQ ZLWK SDUWQHUV LQ oYH FRXQWULHV 5HFHQWO\ p\LQJ EDFN WR &DQDGD k, KDG WR SLQFK P\VHOI DQG ZRQGHU how the skinny young cowboy who ventured from southern NSW to WKH 1RUWKHUQ 7HUULWRU\ VRPH \HDUV DJR LV QRZ EHLQJ pRZQ KDOI ZD\ round the world as an ambassador for the beef industry.� Stuart Austin turned his Canadian work experience into a successful business back home.

KEY FACTS Visa Information First stop is the website run by the Canadian Government – In particular check out this excellent guide. Not Australian? Work permits are available to young adults from countries which have similar agreements with the Canadian government: see more on their international site. Working Holiday Programs: Need some help? Look at Canadian working holiday programs run by Work ‘n’ Holiday that take the hassle out of organising your Canadian experience. These LQFOXGH \RXU oUVW QLJKWV RQ arrival at HI-Canada hostels.


WHERE TO STAY HI-Canada have more than 60 great hostels across the country. See more at

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