Y-SAV Country report Sweden, 2012

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Coun ntry Report Sw weden, 2012

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The target t group p is adolesce ents betwee en 12-25 yeaars who hav ve been sexually victimize ed. Novahuse et offers support via teleephone, onliine chat apy groups and a support in contact with w the and e-mail, counsselling, thera a spread information n about authorities. Theyy also offerr lectures and S sexual victimizatioon and rightt now (2012) there is a ccampaign in Swedish ernet’. schools regarding ‘Youth, Sex and the Inte

1.2 Reggional/local level n’s Shelters (Kvinnojourrer) Women Website e

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Wome en´s Shelterrs that are members of o The Sweddish Associa ation of Wome en’s Shelterss and Young g Women’s Empowermeent Centres can be found via this linkk: //www.kvinn nojouren.se/ /node/3706 http:/ NGO. The Swedish S movvement of women´s w sh helters has bbeen an im mportant driving force in m making men n´s violence against woomen visible and in cting and su pporting wo omen who ha ave been subbjected to viiolence. protec There e are about 140 local wo omen´s shellters in Swedden supportting and helpin ng women su ubjected to violence. Most M shelterss offer coun nselling, advice e, safe accoommodation and support in contacct with the police, social services, faamily court and a the legal system.

mpowermen nt Centres (T Tjejjourer) Young Women’s Em Website e Type off organisatio on Short d description

Young g Women’s E mpowermen nt Centres ca an be found vvia this link http:/ //www.tjejj ouren.se/ko ontakta-en-jo our NGO. There e are about 60 young women´s w empowerment centres in Sweden and 25 2 of these are members of the Sw wedish Assocciation of Women’s W Shelte ers and You n’s Empowe erment Centtres. Many of the ung Women Empow werment Ce entres are attached a to a women´ss shelter bu ut their work is i different ffrom the wo ork of the she elters. The bbiggest difference is that the t Empowerrment Centrres meet girlls who have questions about all kinds of things, n not just abou ut violence, e.g. relatioonships, sex,, sexual assaullt, bullying and substance abuse. Another difference is that Empow werment Ce entres work more with outreach annd preventio ons than wome en´s shelterss do. The tarrget group varies from ccentre to cen ntre but is usually girls an d young wom men from 13 3 to their eaarly twentiess. Some es have a tellephone help pline. centre

Victim Supp port Centres Crime V Website e Type off organisatio on Short d description

All Criime Victim SSupport Centtres can be found f via thi s link http:/ //boj.se/?c==4&pg=73 NGO. There e are over 100 local Crime C Victim m Support C Centres in Sweden, S organised by the C Crime Victim m Support Associations (BBOJ).

efanten BUP-Ele Website e Type off organisatio on

http:/ //www.lio.se e/Verksamhe eter/Narsjuk kvarden-i-ceentralaOsterg gotland/BUP P-kliniken-i-L Linkoping/BU UP-Elefantenn/ Region nal health caare with national tasks.


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