XXC Issue #6

Page 28

, 0tv45vp4F T his is a big u ndertaking – respect w hat the X event is and be prepared to take on the challeng e. Prepare you r fam ily and/or su pport crew for the natu re of the event and w hat you w ou ld requ ire of them – after all, it is their vacation, too so be realistic w ith expectations of them . If you are entering the D u o or Team categ ory,com m u nication is key betw een m em bers. H aving clear objectives,intention and shared preparation g oes a long w ay tow ard keeping the w heels u pon you r effort betw een now and the last stag e of the event. Technical/m echanical preparation is cru cial, as w ell. H ow self su fficient can you be on the trail is as im portant to having a flaw lessly w orking bike. E xpect the u nexpected by stocking u p on chains,cables,tu bes,tires and the like. H aving solid m echanical know ledg e and

u nderstanding of you r bicycle assu res the tou g hness of you r arm or. W hen asked w hether he’d prefer fu ll-su spension or a hardtail bike for the ‘E pic, M ike K u hn says “I prefer -- a com pletely tu ned-u p bike that I can reliably cou nt on w ithou t qu estion. O ne that solid and reliable,that I tru st and know is as prepared as I am .” Q 1vy0t6 rF,,T here you have it – you r basic g u ide to preparing , for the Trans-Sylvania E pic. Follow ing an org anized plan m akes it easier to envision and su cceed at the event. Follow ing you r heart and racing for the experience assu res a victory, no m atter w hat! T his is a tru e Pennsylvania A lleg henies adventu re w ith so m u ch to experience for all. H ave an open m ind and g ood lu ck!

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A rest during course recon. Photo by**** ******




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