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The first time I had ever saw/hear of you guys was at Edgefest 22 (and since then been obsessed with your album!) and you guys put on a heck of a show, this year ZDV NLQG RI WKH ÀUVW WLPH \RX JX\V GLG DQ\ major touring how did you prepare? Do you guys plan out your show, or go with the vibes of the crowd? :H MXVW SOD\ DQG WKHQ ÀJXUH WKH ZKROH WRXU thing day by day. We’ve gotten a hang of it now and have lots of fun. As far as the show set list goes, it depends on how much time we have to play. We tend to change up the set due to keeping ourselves out of boredom... Your self titled debut album came out a couple of months ago can you tell us what

kind of inspired the record and the recording process? How did the lyrics come about? It all happened pretty fast. Once the guys started rehearsing is when we (not knowingly) started writing a record. Not after we had like 12 songs written we were like, “we have enough for an album!â€?. Everything was new and exciting, so, I’d say that was inspiring. You guys actually bounced around various major labels and indie labels before decidLQJ WR ODXQFK \RXU RZQ GLG \RX Ă€QG D UHDO freedom and sense of relief in releasing your music yourselves and not compromising? Were there any challenges?

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