Selected Works from 2002 - 2011

Page 141

The Site~Abandoned Amusement Park, Barra da Tijuca

trend, fervor over personal safety, protection, and gated communities have only garnered greater affluence. A recent tour of key sites in urban, suburban, and impoverished communities in Rio reveals an interesting phenomenon: a genuine ownership of the street by the resident is taking place in inner cities and favelas, where social activities weaves deeply into streets and public activities such as street concerts and festivities takes on independent

authorship without authoritative intervention. The rich and the newly affluent are eager to author their own public/private space with aspirations toward greater homogeneity and isolation (from the outside). Despite this polarizing trend, the Brazilians love of soccer, beach, and Samba dancing perpetually lends the people of all class, race, and gender a common ground. If 2 groups of people who are otherwise separated each other through different use of public space,

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