WSJ/NBC News Poll Results, March 2, 2011

Page 8

HART/McINTURFF February 2011 Q8

Study #11091--page 8 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Let me list some issues that have been proposed for the federal government to address. Please tell me which ONE OR TWO of these items you think should be the top priority for the federal government. (READ LIST. ACCEPT UP TO TWO RESPONSES, IF ONLY ONE GIVEN THEN ASK) And, which of these issues do you think should be the second highest priority for the federal government to address? ST


Job creation and economic growth ................................ The deficit and government spending ............................ Health care .................................................................... National security and terrorism ...................................... Energy and the cost of gas ............................................. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .................................. Immigration ..................................................................... Egypt, Libya, and the political unrest in Arab countries .. Other (VOL) ................................................................. All equally (VOL) .......................................................... None of these (VOL) .................................................... Not sure .......................................................................


1 Choice 37 22 12 9 7 6 4 1 1 1

2nd Choice 19 18 16 11 13 7 8 4 1 1 -

Combined Choice 56 40 28 20 20 13 12 5 1 1 1 1

And, thinking about the next Presidential election‌ Q9 If President Obama runs for re-election in the year 2012, do you think you will probably vote for President Obama or probably vote for the Republican candidate? + Probably vote for President Obama .............................. Probably vote for Republican candidate ....................... Vote for other party (VOL)........................................... Depends/Depends on who opponent is (VOL)............ Not sure ......................................................................

45 40 3 9 3

+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

GEORGE W. BUSH RE-ELECTION TREND Definitely vote for President Bush ...................... Probably vote for President Bush....................... Probably vote for Democratic candidate ............ Definitely vote for the Democratic candidate ...... Vote for another party's candidate (VOL) ......... Depends on who opponent is (VOL) ................ Not sure ...........................................................

12/14/03 32 12 15 18 1 9 12

+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

12/13/03 34 12 17 23 1 6 7

11/03 NA 43 40 NA 2 8 8

9/03 NA 42 40 NA 2 9 7

7/03 NA 45 36 NA 3 10 7

4/03 NA 52 24 NA 4 14 6

1/03 NA 41 34 NA 3 16 6

12/02 NA 42 28 NA 4 20 6

10/02+ NA 45 31 NA 3 17 4

5/03 NA 47 32 NA 2 12 7

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