Global Healing

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dies, his wife and children will end up on the street. Also, due to their low status in society, women have less access to treatment when they should be given priority, especially mothers. Pregnant women in particular should have access to antiretroviral therapy as it can cut maternal transmission in half. The primary path to strengthening women’s rights is through education—for a woman is more likely to demand her rights if she is aware of them. I know for a fact that if I hadn’t gotten an education, my own story would be very different.

What Can Individuals Do? Use our voices and our finances. People outside Africa, especially in wealthy and influential countries, can make a huge difference. Since the U.S. is a global leader, its citizens can help their country lead by example. Although the U.S. is increasing its financial assistance, more can be done. For example, the U.S. administration’s strong promotion of just the A and B in the ABC strategy for preventing transmission (“abstain, be faithful, use a condom”) sends a mixed message. In Uganda, the success of the program was due to all three elements, including C. But even this is incomplete because it does not address the spread of HIV through sexual violence or within marriages. The entire ABC strategy and the strengthening of women’s rights and education are all needed simultaneously. However, the most immediate and practical need is financial

support. We need to find ways to fast-track small amounts of seed funding to numerous community groups, which will make an immediate difference. By financing these small groups, we will truly grow the children’s “garden.” My organization, TASO, is a shining example. We started from humble beginnings and the organization has now proven itself as a strong force against the spread of HIV/AIDS in my country. Individuals can also directly sponsor children’s education and care. Today I sponsor the education of 43 children. The wonderful thing about children is that they grow! When you see a child graduate, you feel unspeakable joy. Our coming together to face the AIDS/HIV pandemic is not about gloom and despair; it is about hope based on our collective efforts. We are here to create and strengthen our networks and support systems; we are here to give and gain from each other a renewed sense of hope and encouragement.

TAKE ACTION! See Tsunami Action, p. 82


Africa Wave

A nurturing wave for Africa’s orphans

Download the report: “AIDS in Africa: Three Scenarios to 2025” presents three possible case studies for how the AIDS epidemic in Africa could evolve over the next 20

Coming in 2006. Stay tuned!

years based on policy decisions taken today by

Noerine Kaleeba and World Pulse are embarking on an

African leaders and the rest of the world.

exciting project. Ms. Kaleeba receives numerous project

proposals from grassroots community groups mobilizing to raise HIV/AIDS orphans from across Africa. However,


UNAIDS cannot fund them all and unfortunately she must

reject many viable proposals. Next year World Pulse will host a special web portal, called “Africa Wave,” which will view proposals that pass through Ms. Kaleeba’s office and

Africa Women’s Media Coalition, a project of the International Women’s Media Foundation

partner with these groups through an immediate infusion

Maisha Yetu: Media Campaign for our Lives

of seed funding. World Pulse will post electronic proposals

A project to enhance the quality and consistency of

from these verified organizations, many needing small

media coverage about HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and

amounts of funding to expand their effective efforts to care

malaria in Africa with responsible, accurate,

for orphans. World Pulse envisions a future where every

and relevant media messages.

school, talking circle, and community joyfully partners

allow schools, communities, and individuals to directly

with an HIV/AIDS affected community-based network.

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