WorldChefs Magazine 5

Page 5


contEnts 04 WelCome BY THe PresIDenT oF WACs

Wacs and you 08 WACs neWs 10 gloBAl CHeFs CHAllenge 12 HAns BuesHkens Young CHeFs CHAllenge 14 WACs Congress DAeJeon koreA 20 THAIFex – WorlD oF FooD AsIA 2012 pauLino schEMBri mAlTA

sara harrEL usA


22 reAl CHAnge, reAl CHAnges 24 A BeTTer CHeF TomorroW 26 WACs reCognITIon oF QuAlITY CulInArY eDuCATIon sPAns FIve ConTInenTs In ITs FIrsT YeAr

Wacs rEgionaL rEport - this tiME For asia 32 THe JAPAnese DegusTATIon


34 THe voDkA oF THe eAsT raMandEEp singh InDIA

rick MoonEn usA

36 THe WAY oF THe PerAnAkAns 38 WHAT Do THe 5 Colors meAn In koreAn CuIsIne? 39 THe unexPloreD TIBeTAn CuIsIne

We invite external columnists to submit articles and express their views on issues related to the culinary industry. These articles are not the official view of the World Association of Chefs Societies. If you wish to express your point of view please contact us at Contributors to this issue: Francis Lo - Hong Kong Jasper Jek - Singapore Daniel Chia - Singapore Edwin Soon - Singapore Anna Kim - USA Rick Moonen - USA Paulino Schembri - UK Glenn Austin - Australia Sara Harrel - USA Ramandeep Anand - India speCial thanks to: City of Daejeon VEGA Export HUG AG Academy of Ice Carving and Design Chefs Hat Convotherm Custom Culinary Dick Knives Figgjo KDU College

40 An InTroDuCTIon To InDIAn CuIsIne 41 AsIAn CHeF AuTHors 42 AlsATIAn WIne BrunCH AT TIong BAHru mArkeT


in&out oF th E kitchEn 44 FAvourITe WInes For AsIAn FlAvours 48 mAnAgIng FooD Allergens 49 DIversIFYIng our DIeT AnD THe FuTure HeAlTH oF our oCeAns 50 reAl WorkPlACe sAFeTY 52 A “vegeTArIAn HAven” In ToronTo


54 moDernIsT CuIsIne THe ArT AnD sCIenCe oF CookIng 56 WACs evenTs CAlenDAr 58 WACs memBers

38 05

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