World Development Indicators 2012

Page 304

About the data



In a market-based economy, household, producer,

effective exchange rate index and a cost indicator

• Official exchange rate is the exchange rate deter-

and government choices about resource allocation

of relative normalized unit labor costs in manufactur-

mined by national authorities or the rate determined

are influenced by relative prices, including the real

ing. For selected other countries the nominal effec-

in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is cal-

exchange rate, real wages, real interest rates, and

tive exchange rate index is based on manufactured

culated as an annual average based on monthly

other prices in the economy. Relative prices also

goods and primary products trade with partner or

averages (local currency units relative to the U.S.

largely reflect these agents’ choices. Thus relative

competitor countries. For these countries the real

dollar). • Purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion

prices convey vital information about the interaction

effective exchange rate index is the nominal index

factor is the number of units of a country’s currency

of economic agents in an economy and with the rest

adjusted for relative changes in consumer prices; an

required to buy the same amount of goods and ser-

of the world.

increase represents an appreciation of the local cur-

vices in the domestic market that a U.S. dollar would

The exchange rate is the price of one currency

rency. Because of conceptual and data limitations,

buy in the United States. • Ratio of PPP conver-

in terms of another. Offi cial exchange rates and

changes in real effective exchange rates should be

sion factor to market exchange rate is the result

exchange rate arrangements are established by

interpreted with caution.

obtained by dividing the PPP conversion factor by the

governments. Other exchange rates recognized by

Inflation is measured by the rate of increase in a

market exchange rate. • Real effective exchange

governments include market rates, which are deter-

price index, but actual price change can be nega-

rate is the nominal effective exchange rate (a mea-

mined largely by legal market forces, and for coun-

tive. The index used depends on the prices being

sure of the value of a currency against a weighted

tries with multiple exchange arrangements, principal

examined. The GDP deflator reflects price changes

average of several foreign currencies) divided by

rates, secondary rates, and tertiary rates.

for total GDP. The most general measure of the over-

a price deflator or index of costs. • GDP implicit

Official or market exchange rates are often used

all price level, it accounts for changes in government

deflator measures the average annual rate of price

to convert economic statistics in local currencies to

consumption, capital formation (including inventory

change in the economy as a whole for the periods

a common currency in order to make comparisons

appreciation), international trade, and the main com-

shown. • Consumer price index reflects changes

across countries. Since market rates reflect at best

ponent, household final consumption expenditure.

in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a

the relative prices of tradable goods, the volume of

The GDP deflator is usually derived implicitly as the

basket of goods and services that may be fixed or

goods and services that a U.S. dollar buys in the

ratio of current to constant price GDP—or a Paasche

may change at specified intervals, such as yearly.

United States may not correspond to what a U.S.

index. It is defective as a general measure of inflation

The Laspeyres formula is generally used. • Whole-

dollar converted to another country’s currency at

for policy use because of long lags in deriving esti-

sale price index refers to a mix of agricultural and

the official exchange rate would buy in that country,

mates and because it is often an annual measure.

industrial goods at various stages of production and

particularly when nontradable goods and services

Consumer price indexes are produced more fre-

account for a significant share of a country’s output.

quently and so are more current. They are also con-

An alternative exchange rate—the purchasing power

structed explicitly, based on surveys of the cost of

parity (PPP) conversion factor—is preferred because

a defined basket of consumer goods and services.

it reflects differences in price levels for both tradable

Nevertheless, consumer price indexes should be

and nontradable goods and services and therefore

interpreted with caution. The definition of a house-

provides a more meaningful comparison of real out-

hold, the basket of goods, and the geographic (urban

put. See table 1.1 for further discussion.

or rural) and income group coverage of consumer

The ratio of the PPP conversion factor to the official

price surveys can vary widely by country. In addi-

exchange rate—the national price level or compara-

tion, weights are derived from household expendi-

tive price level—measures differences in the price

ture surveys, which, for budgetary reasons, tend to

level at the gross domestic product (GDP) level. The

be conducted infrequently in developing countries,

price level index tends to be lower in poorer countries

impairing comparability over time. Although useful for

and to rise with income.

measuring consumer price inflation within a country,

The real effective exchange rate is a nominal effective exchange rate index adjusted for relative

distribution, including import duties. The Laspeyres formula is generally used.

consumer price indexes are of less value in comparing countries.

movements in national price or cost indicators of

Wholesale price indexes are based on the prices at

the home country, selected countries, and the euro

the first commercial transaction of commodities that

area. A nominal effective exchange rate index is the

are important in a country’s output or consumption.

ratio (expressed on the base 2005 = 100) of an

Prices are farm-gate for agricultural commodities and

Data on official and real effective exchange rates

index of a currency’s period-average exchange rate

ex-factory for industrial goods. Preference is given to

and consumer and wholesale price indexes are

to a weighted geometric average of exchange rates

indexes with the broadest coverage of the economy.

from the International Monetary Fund’s Interna-

for currencies of selected countries and the euro

The least squares method is used to calculate

tional Financial Statistics. PPP conversion factors

area. For most high-income countries weights are

growth rates of the GDP implicit deflator, consumer

and GDP deflators are from the World Bank’s data

derived from industrial country trade in manufac-

price index, and wholesale price index.


Data sources

tured goods. Data are compiled from the nominal

2012 World Development Indicators



Exchange rates and prices

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