World Development Indicators 2011 Part 1 of 2

Page 189

About the data



Trends in greenhouse gas emissions Definitions

Greenhouse gases—which include carbon dioxide,

compared. A kilogram of methane is 21 times as

• Carbon dioxide emissions are emissions from

methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, per-

effective at trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere

the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of

fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride—contribute

as a kilogram of carbon dioxide within 100 years.

cement and include carbon dioxide produced during

Nitrous oxide emissions are mainly from fossil fuel

consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas

Carbon dioxide emissions, largely a byproduct of

combustion, fertilizers, rainforest fires, and animal

flaring. • Methane emissions are emissions from

energy production and use (see table 3.7), account

waste. Nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas,

human activities such as agriculture and from indus-

for the largest share of greenhouse gases. Anthro-

with an estimated atmospheric lifetime of 114 years,

trial methane production. • Methane emissions from

pogenic carbon dioxide emissions result primarily

compared with 12 years for methane. The per kilo-

energy processes are emissions from the produc-

from fossil fuel combustion and cement manufactur-

gram global warming potential of nitrous oxide is

tion, handling, transmission, and combustion of fos-

ing. Burning oil releases more carbon dioxide than

nearly 310 times that of carbon dioxide within 100

sil fuels and biofuels. • Agricultural methane emis-

burning natural gas, and burning coal releases even


sions are emissions from animals, animal waste, rice

to climate change.

more for the same level of energy use. Cement manu-

Other greenhouse gases covered under the Kyoto

production, agricultural waste burning (nonenergy,

facturing releases about half a metric ton of carbon

Protocol are hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons,

on-site), and savannah burning. • Nitrous oxide

dioxide for each metric ton of cement produced.

and sulfur hexafluoride. Although emissions of these

emissions are emissions from agricultural biomass

Methane emissions result largely from agricultural

artificial gases are small, they are more powerful

burning, industrial activities, and livestock manage-

activities, industrial production landfills and waste-

greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide, with much

ment. • Nitrous oxide emissions from energy pro-

water treatment, and other sources such as tropi-

higher atmospheric lifetimes and high global warm-

cesses are emissions produced by the combustion

cal forest and other vegetation fires. The emissions

ing potential.

of fossil fuels and biofuels. • Agricultural nitrous

are usually expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents

For a discussion of carbon dioxide sources and

oxide emissions are emissions produced through

using the global warming potential, which allows

the methodology behind emissions calculation, see

fertilizer use (synthetic and animal manure), ani-

the effective contributions of different gases to be

About the data for table 3.8.

mal waste management, agricultural waste burning (nonenergy, on-site), and savannah burning. • Other greenhouse gas emissions include hydrofluorocar-

The six largest contributors to methane emissions account for about 50 percent of emissions


bons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride, which are to be curbed under the Kyoto Protocol.

Methane emissions, 2005 (million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) 1,400

Hydrofluorocarbons, used as a replacement for chlorofluorocarbons, are used mainly in refrigeration and semiconductor manufacturing. Perfluorocarbons,


also used as a replacement for chlorofluorocarbons in manufacturing semiconductors, are a byproduct of


aluminum smelting and uranium enrichment. Sulfur 350

hexafluoride is used largely to insulate high-voltage electric power equipment.




Russian Federation

United States



Source: Table 3.9.

The five largest contributors to nitrous oxide emissions account for about 50 percent of emissions


Nitrous oxide emissions, 2005 (million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) 500 375

Data sources Data on carbon dioxide emissions are from the


Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National



Laboratory, Tennessee, United States. Data on methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse China

Source: Table 3.9.

United States




gases emissions are compiled by the International Energy Agency.

2011 World Development Indicators


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