Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crimes

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Analysis of the Mobile Money Transaction Flow Summary Introduction: Regulating by Provider Type Is Insufficient Mapping the System: From Mobile Service to Settlement The Retail Outlet’s Role: Customer Interface and User Who Does What: Multiple Providers Market Integrity Roles Assumed by Providers Summary and the Rule of the Account Provider Notes References Assessment of Potential Money-Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrrorism Risks and Their Potential Mitigation Techniques Summary Integrity Risks in Theory: Placing Them into Four Major Risk Categories Fieldwork Finding: Perceptions of Integrity Risks May Be Higher Than Merited Integrity Risks in Reality Techniques Used to Effectively Mitigate M-Money Risks M-Money Risks and Mitigation Techniques Specific to the Financing of Terrorism Balancing Risk Mitigation Techniques with Financial Inclusion Objectives Notes References Overview of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Regulatory Practices and Risk Management Frameworks for Mobile Money Summary Licensing and Registration of M-Money Providers Supervision of M-Money Providers Stocktaking of Current Preventive AML/CFT Obligations

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