Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crimes

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About the Authors

influential book on the French civil insolvency and bankruptcy regime for individuals. In addition to publishing numerous papers and articles in legal journals in France, he coauthored the books Integrity in Mobile Phone Financial Services: Measures for Mitigating the Risks of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (2008) and Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, A Practical Guide for Bank Supervisors (2009), both published by the World Bank. Chatain holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and is a graduate of the French Political Science Institute of Toulouse. Andrew Zerzan was among the first to publish research on mobile money and anti-money laundering regulation. In 2006, he began working at the World Bank, analyzing the effects of new technologies on the lives of the poor. The following year, he joined a team (led by PierreLaurent Chatain) to conduct a cutting-edge study on the different market integrity practices of mobile money providers in developed and emerging markets. Linked to his role in a United Nations task force on counter-terrorism, he authored the 2009 working paper “New Technologies, New Risks? Innovation and Countering the Financing of Terrorism” that assessed the actual threat of terrorist financing in a variety of advanced payment systems. He has presented at a number of international summit meetings and conferences. Zerzan draws on his private sector experience as a consultant in Japan, where he built a grassroots business that bridged disparities in strategic communications among global companies. He studied financial regulation at the London School of Economics and currently works as an independent expert in the field. Wameek Noor currently works as a consultant in the Financial and Private Sector Development Network of the World Bank. He has researched, analyzed, and presented globally published research on the best way to expand financial access among the poor without constraining an innovation-friendly environment that fosters private sector growth. He continues to coauthor policy studies on mobile banking, remittances, governance, and anticorruption—key and potentially innovative mechanisms to expand financial sector development by ensuring an effective regulatory and supervisory framework.

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