Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crimes

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Customer Due Diligence Obligations and Mobile-Money Services

References Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. 2001. “Customer Due Diligence for Banks.” Basel, Belgium. Chatain, Pierre-Laurent, Raúl Hernández-Coss, Kamil Borowik, and Andrew Zerzan. 2008. “Integrity in Mobile Phone Financial Services: Measures for Mitigating Risks from Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.” Working Paper 146, World Bank, Washington, DC. de Koker, Louis. 2009. “Identifying and Managing Low Money Laundering Risk: Perspectives on FATF’s Risk-Based Guidance.” Journal of Financial Crime 16 (4): 334–52. FATF (Financial Action Task Force). 2007. “Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach to Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.” Paris, France. FATF/ESAAMLG (Financial Action Task Force/Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group). 2009. “Mutual Evaluation Report—South Africa.” JMLSG (Joint Money Laundering Steering Group). 2007. “Guidance on E-Money.” Pickens, Mark, David Porteous, and Sarah Rotman. 2009. “Scenarios for Branchless Banking in 2020.” Focus Note 57, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, Washington DC. Roth, John, Daniel Greenburg, and Serena Wille. 2004. “Monograph on Terrorist Financing.” Staff Report to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Washington, DC. staff_statements/index.htm. Solin, Marina, and Andrew Zerzan. 2010. “Mobile Money: Methodology for Assessing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks.” GSMA Discussion Paper. London. Zerzan, Andrew. 2009. “New Technologies, New Risks? Innovation and Countering the Financing of Terrorism.” Working Paper 174, World Bank, Washington, DC.

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