Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness

Page 133

TABLE B.4b Performance of Agriculture-Focused Projects, by Time Period


Number of projects

Satisfactory overall outcome

Percent SatisSatisSatisAffected factory Satisfactory factory factory “Good” by sustainaborrower quality Bank M&E political bilitya performance at entry supervision qualityb factorsb

Affected by external factorsb

Time period (fiscal years) 1998–2001 2002–08














Note: The data analysis for table B.4a is based on data downloaded from the World Bank database on December 2, 2008. Data analysis for table B.4b is based on data downloaded on May 05, 2010, for comparison of ratings for projects over two time periods (fiscal 1998–2001 and fiscal 2002–08). The total number of agriculture-focused projects rated for overall outcome in this data set is 126. Bolded cells are percentages that are statistically significantly different from the mean for all Regions (p ≤ 0.10). a. See appendix table D.1 for definition of sustainable projects. b. Based on comments in the ICR review database, where political factors include lack of government will or support caused by factors such as change of government or political appointments or delays in fulfilling counterpart funding obligations. For M&E quality, the percentages reported exclude observations where the ICR reviewer did not have any comment or rating on M&E. M&E quality is good for projects rated substantial or high for M&E and for projects with comments that indicated that M&E quality was substantial, high, or good. c. T-test statistic not provided. d. Statistically below mean of Regions other than South Asia. e. The number of projects with ratings on overall outcome for agriculture-focused projects is 99. For other ratings, the number of projects changes depending on availability of data for that rating. For example, sustainability ratings are available for 90 projects and borrower performance ratings for 104 projects. The maximum number of agriculture-focused projects in the closed evaluation portfolio is 105. f. Statistically significantly higher than the mean of countries other than the 20 lowest-income countries. g. Statistically significantly different from each other. h. Statistically significantly below nonagriculture-based economies (that is, below transforming and urbanized ratings). i. Statistically above mean for agriculture-based economies.

Appendix B: Description and Performance of the Evaluation Portfolio



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