Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work - Part 1

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academically accredited so that classes can take place at universities in the evenings and over weekends. Include M&E content in all pre-service courses at the tertiary level (M&E is a cross-cutting issue), thereby reducing the amount of in-service training in M&E that needs to be done.


Arrange targeted exchange visit and study tours. Such tours should be very specific in their focus and should visit venues where best practice is in evidence.

Chapter 2


Examples of Strategies to Develop the Capacity of Individuals and Institutions Responsible for M&E Capacity Development i.

Support and provide in-service training for in-country training institutions to provide M&E courses. Potential training institutions need to be identified and their instructors’ capacity developed to run M&E training courses.


Implement a professional development program for local M&E consultants. Such a program would reduce reliance on international (external, fly-in/fly-out) M&E expertize.


Develop and implement “twinning” programs for capacity development. A new, emerging training institution interested in M&E may, for example, want to twin its efforts with an institution that has years of experience in M&E.


Create standardized curricula. This is another strategy that can be used to make it easier to train service providers to deliver training. Currently, there are no global standards or accredited M&E training materials; a given country’s National Qualifications and Accreditation Authority (if one exists) usually accredits these materials. Accreditation takes time. If accreditation of materials is not possible, then M&E curricula should at least be standardized so that different training service providers use the same curricula when conducting training. Many countries have elected to start by developing three M&E curricula:

• M&E concepts and an introduction to the national M&E system • Reporting routine data in the national routine reporting system • Managing data received from the national routine reporting system Standard M&E curricula should be accompanied by teaching aids (facilitator guides, presentation slides, answers to group work exercises, etc.), learning aids (participant summary handouts, group work exercises, etc.), and evaluation tools such as pre-training assessments.

Human Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation Systems


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