The Promise of Peace: Violet Oakley's United Nations Portraits

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General view of the working press room after the Security Council session had ended. 03 April 1946, United Nations, Hunter College,New York. Copyright © United Nations 2012

uncomfortable cross-examination he would be

answered clearly with ready responses. Still, it

required to endure. According to Oakley, “His

was his exotic looks that continued to impress the

empty seat looked like Geneva with Italy absent

artist: “I kept seeing illuminated manuscripts.”6

in 1936.”4 This referred to the day of Abyssinia’s Delegate Gromyko proved to be a challenge to

(now Ethiopia) appeal to the League of Nations

Oakley. His regular absence prevented her from

for assistance that year after Benito Mussolini

making enough sketches or notations to produce

invaded the oil-rich country. As the Security

an adequate portrait by the time she submitted

Council discussed the Iran-Russia issue, Oakley

her interim progress report to The Bulletin. As

made note that “a small dark man with a fiercely

she noted in a letter to the managing editor,

drawn profile like that in a Persian manuscript

“His empty chair is not of any help!”7 Eventually,

slipped quickly into a seat at the far right of the

Gromyko began to attend the meetings and

crescent table. And so, I got my first careful little

she was able to make her studies. From her

drawing of the morning—(‘Small in stature, but not

seat, Oakley made note of the delegate’s age.

small in debate’ as one newspaper commented

Her drawing, she said, “as it developed, looked

afterward).”5 As the representative from the

very young, very boyish. He is young, as Mr.

Netherlands peppered Ala with questions, Ala

[Paul] Hasluck said the other day when I asked 8

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