The Wooden Tooth Review: 08'-09' Issue

Page 18

down from the zipper and her shirt inside out lying on the couch. This man was bad news. “Oh my God, Stacey. Thank you for getting him off of me. What do we do? He’s a creep. I don’t even remember where he was from. We gotta do something, though.”

“Taylor you’re so stupid. How much did you drink? You look

like hell. Why would you let him in? Seriously. You owe me for my next

Kennan Killeen - The Pink Abyss

manicure. Which is going to be freaking tomorrow. Look at my nail!”

“Ok, ok fine, whatever… Thank you for saving me. But Stace, we

really have to get him out of here.”

While the girls were carrying on their conversation, the stranger

slowly began emerging from his temporary state of blindness and confusion. He let out a grunt as he tried to push himself back to a standing position, although the white foam was making things difficult.

“Hurry, Stace, what do we do?!”

“You bitches.” The foam covered man stood up with the assistance

of an armchair. “What, you think you can overpower a 30-year-old man? I’ll kill both of you and no one will have a clue as to what happened. Hell, they’ll think you killed each other in a monstrous cat-fight.” He laughed at his own comments. “Cat-fight.” He chuckled again.

Kill us? Stacey was not about to die for Taylor. She used every

ounce of strength to hurl the half-empty extinguisher at the stranger’s head, immediately knocking him to the ground. The study room floor began soaking up thick liquid the same color as the fire extinguisher. 11

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