The Whitworthian Issue 14 April 18

Page 11

Samantha Payne Staff Writer

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Looking At Spring Fashions April 16, 1937

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VOL 102 ISSUE 14

APRIL 18, 2012

News Arts & Culture Opinions Sports


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TWILL AND COVERT AND TRICOTINE suits are in the news. Usually they are in NAVY OR GREY, ALSO IN BEIGE for this spring. … THERE ARE LOTS OF NEW NECKLINES: SQUARE ONES, BOAT-SHAPED, A NEW “V” that is very narrow, and a delightful new THREE-CORNERED one. … JACKETS ARE OFTEN COLLARLESS. Many of the new ones are CUTAWAYS. Very, very short ones are new. Boleros are growing much more important in the wardrobe picture. … CONTRASTING EDGINGS ARE TERRIBLY SMART. RICKRACK NOVELTY BRAID, CORDED EDGES, PIPINGS, AND BIA FOLD BINDINGS are all being used a great deal. … HAND-RUN STITCHING is another new decidedly new note. We find that this stitching goes under the name of SADDLE STITCHING. Many of the new sports dresses are trimmed in this manner. … WIDELY SPACED PRINTS are very clever, and also infinitely more COLORFUL than ever before. … PEPLUMS are in. We see EMBROIDERED TRIMMINGS on everything. It’s smart to have a FLASH OF COLOR FOR CONTRAST. … GAY COLORED COATS ARE EVERYWHERE. Aren’t they dashing? News of the evening: BORDERED HEMLINES—BARE SHOULDERS. HAIR ORNAMENTS PLACED ON TOP OF THE HEAD IN FRONT. FULLER AND FULLER SKIRTS.


A panel sparked discussion amongst students and staff about traditional gender roles, the church’s attitude toward women, marriage and stereotypes portrayed by the media, after a showing of the documentary “Miss Representation.” The film is narrated by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, an expectant mother who fears how a world shaped by the media will affect her daughter’s life. She said the media portrays an ideal woman that women buy into and it leads them to self-objectification, depression, Photographer: Michael Locatell and lower confidence and ambition. “Miss Representation” addressed the degradation East Resident Director Kyle Lantz served as a of women in advertisements, movies, cartoons, poli- panelist for the discussion about the documentary “Miss Representation.” tics, business and news. English professor Pam Parker was part of the panel men, and whether “feminism” was a good term. “Personally, I struggle to call myself a feminist bediscussion and urged the audience to be conscious of cause I feel that it’s known as a negative term and their media purchases. “Think about the images you’re supporting with you don’t want to be a feminist because people are going to look at you and think you hate men or that your money,” Parker said. Women who have made it to the top of their profes- women should rule the world,” Young said. “I believe sion — including Lisa Ling, Condoleezza Rice, Katie in equality, that women and men should be working Couric and Rachel Maddow — were interviewed in together. I don’t believe one should be better than the the film. Each of them admitted that for women to be other.” Junior Greg Wight, who helped put on the event, accepted in a position of power there would need to said he definitely considers himself a feminist in be a “kind of psychological breakthrough.” In the film Newsom said there have been a few some areas, but is hesitant to call himself that. He more than 30 women who have served as governors said he would rather share ideas than be labeled. “It’s about an equality bein America. She said there are tween male and female, but more women in politics in Cuba, “I really want to empower it’s often understood as ‘we’re Iraq and Afghanistan. women and we’re going to take Sophomore Mackenzie Young women to be proud of Wight said. said she found watching the film what we’re capable of and over,’” Sophomore Andy Rowland difficult as it made her realize how women were being objecI don’t want our fears to said he recognizes the challenge women face and is also contified and portrayed unrealistihold us back.” cerned by the portrayal of mascally by the mass media. culinity in the media. “It was very intense and it — Mackenzie Young “I feel like men have certain made me aware of everything sophomore alpha types that are portrayed that has been ingrained in me in the media and a lot of it is the and that has shaped me and how wrong a lot of it is,” Young said. “It broke my heart, ac- hyper masculine — you know, if you’re not big, strong tually. I think it’s something that everyone needs to and fighting explosions then you’re not a real man,” Rowland said. “So it is a challenge that men face, see or hear or at least begin to talk about.” Young said she hasn’t bought a pop magazine since too, and certain aspects such as cooking, sewing and high school because she didn’t like the false portrayal cleaning are not portrayed as masculine and meant of women, but has now noticed how those images are for men.” Rowland said he felt the misrepresentation of everywhere, including her seemingly innocent travel women by the media also affects men’s psychology magazine. “We put too much pressure on ourselves,” Young concerning women. “I think it gives women a false sense of beauty and said. “After seeing this it makes me want to tear those pages right out of my magazine. I compare myself all men a very narrow view of beauty — that a woman the time to these images, which is sad because I know must fit this criteria of skinny waist and large boobs,” Rowland said. they’re false, but it’s hard not to.” Addressing the audience, Parker encouraged feWondering about where to go from here, Young said she intends to start with practical changes by en- male students to use their voices. “It’s not enough women, to be good girls,” Parker couraging her female friends. “I really want to empower women to be proud of said. “It’s not enough to get good grades, you have to what we’re capable of and I don’t want our fears to speak up.” hold us back,” Young said. One issue debated by students after the event was Contact Samantha Payne at how negative stereotypes affect both women and

Whitworth Glimpse of the Past


Documentary sparks frank talk about women in media

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