2012-2013 Wesleyan Catalogue

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Honor Code. The Honor Code is the foundation upon which life in the Wesleyan College community is built. It is based upon the idea that individual freedom is a right founded upon responsibility. A student is expected to tell the truth, respect others and their property, and maintain academic and personal integrity and honesty in all areas of her college life. If a student violates a principle of the Honor Code at any time, the student is honor-bound to turn herself in (self-report). Likewise, if a student is aware that a fellow student has violated an honor principle, the student is honor-bound to ask the violator to self-report within 24 hours or report the violation. Maintaining these principles of honor is the ideal toward which we strive. Membership in the college community involves establishing and maintaining these broad honor principles. It is understood that by becoming a student at Wesleyan, an individual signifies her acceptance of the Honor Code.

Honor Pledge As a member of the Wesleyan College student body, I will uphold the Honor Code, strive for personal honesty and integrity in all areas of my life, and fulfill my responsibility for maintaining the Honor Code in the college community. Please refer to The Wesleyanne: Student Handbook for more information regarding the Honor Code, Honor System and other judicial processes on campus.

Student Government Association. The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the Wesleyan student body. Students elect representatives to serve on Senate, the legislative body, which meets weekly. SGA emphasizes responsibility and order, and supports an active liberal arts environment. SGA contributes to cocurricular life at the College. The development of leadership and responsible citizenship, in conjunction with Student Affairs, is the primary goal of the Wesleyan Student Government Association. Representatives of SGA may be asked to serve with faculty and administration as members of College committees. SGA makes recommendations for the allocation of student activity funds through Student Affairs. These funds support student services, student activities, and publications.

Council on Judicial Affairs. The Council on Judicial Affairs (CJA) oversees the judicial process of the Honor System, and coordinates activities designed to promote understanding of, interest in, and support for, the Honor System. CJA meets weekly. Members of CJA also serve on the Honor Council that hears social and academic violations of the Honor Code.

Campus Activities Board. A wide variety of student activities and social events at Wesleyan are planned and administered through the efforts of the Campus Activities Board (CAB). CAB serves to provide quality programming that encourages campus community and provides students with leadership development opportunities. CAB plans dances, comedy events, musical performances, movies and other activities throughout the year. Student Recreational Council. The Student Recreational Council (SRC) works to provide students with opportunities to participate in a number of recreational activities. SRC specializes in outdoor activities and programs both on- & off-campus. Special weekend programs such as day hikes, whitewater rafting and ski trips are offered throughout the year. Council on Religious Community. The Council on Religious Community (CRC) works with a variety of religious organizations and their activities on campus. CRC helps to encourage the religious and spiritual life of students. Working with the College Chaplain, CRC plans a series of ecumenical services and convocations throughout the year.

Student Organizations. Wesleyan offers a variety of campus organizations to meet the social, educational, spiritual, and recreational needs of students. These organizations, started and run by students, are open to all traditionally enrolled students. If students cannot find an organization to meet their needs, they are encouraged to start their own by contacting the Director of Student Activities. For a complete list of student organizations at Wesleyan, please refer to The Wesleyanne: The Student Handbook, available through the Office of Student Affairs.


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