WeddingInviteLove Lookbook, Fall 2011

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monogram, c&j, and their colors - brown, pink and

Who? This seems like a bit of a “duh” thing to add,

red - were continued throughout the entire event.

but it is incredibly important to put who the invita-

Creating Excitement and Anticipation

tion is coming from. Not only should you include the bride and the groom (obviously — lol!), but if

Receiving the perfect invitation in the mail should

the parents are helping host the event their infor-

make you ready for the wedding to arrive. If a bride

mation should be included. Generally, the bride’s

and groom put thought into what their invita-

parents are the hosts, but if the groom’s parents

tion looks and feels like, it is definitely conveyed

are helping out, their names should be included as

to the guest. A fun-filled wedding with a circus


theme should have an invitation that makes people chomp at the bit for the

One other thing to think about is to

big day to arrive.

make sure people know who the bride and groom are when they receive their

To the right is an exam-

invitation. Maybe the groom always

ple of an invitation suite

goes by a nickname and no one would

I designed for clients,

know who he was if it wasn’t included.

Alexis and Sam. Their

Feel free to make it personal, proper

low-key and relaxed wed-

etiquette doesn’t always apply to each

ding was to take place in

and every situation.

the Bahamas where they planned a weekend of fun

When? Once again, something you

activities for their guests

would assume would be second na-

to enjoy. Their invitation

ture, but it’s important to do it prop-

expressed that perfectly,

erly. Always say when the event will

not only giving guests

start — not when the music will start.

the proper information to

The time on your invitation should be

book travel and pack properly, but priming them

the time your bridal party will begin to walk down

for all of the fun that was to come!

the aisle. As a guest, you should always plan to ar-

Providing Pertinent Information

rive at least 10 minutes prior to the time provided on the invitation. Also, don’t forget to include when

Obviously one of the most important reasons for

your cocktail hour and reception will begin. You

having the perfect invitation is to include all of the

may also want to say when dinner will be served

proper information for your guests. They certainly

because the beginning of the reception is not

won’t be tossing it in the trash if it is full of useful

always the beginning of dinner - you don’t want

details! Below are some of the important things to

hungry guests!

include in your invitation suite:



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