Assessment Plan for Academic Support and Student Development 2012-2015

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Campus Security Mission: The mission of Campus Security is to maintain a peaceful, safe learning environment through services marked by professionalism, commitment to the mission of the college, and proactive adherence to sound law enforcement and safety protocols and best practices. To achieve this mission, the Office is committed to the following unit goals and measures of performance: Unit Goals To provide services that contribute to the preservation of life, the protection of property, and the safety of the campus community

Intended Outcomes The Safety and Security (Campus Police) Department will ensure the safety and security of the college’s faculty, staff, and students as well as its property, plant, and equipment through the development of a comprehensive safety program that includes monitoring, supervising, evaluating, and documenting departmental and campus-wide performance.

Assessment Criteria The Campus Safety and Security Plan will be reviewed and approved by the Safety and Security Committee and the Presidential Cabinet (12-13 AY and every three years).

Assessment Results A major revision and update of the Campus Safety and Security Plan was begun in 12-13 but not completed.

Use of Results To commit the resources necessary to complete the plan, the college recruited and oriented five new positions to staff the college’s first full-time campus police department. Review has been rescheduled for spring 2014.

80% of employees surveyed will report agreement that the campus represents a safe and secure environment (12-13 AY and every two years).

86% of employees reported awareness of the college’s comprehensive safety and security plan. Only 75% reported familiarity with their individual responsibility in the event of an emergency.

To improve these results, many changes have been implemented. Campus Police will provide training to building emergency coordinators on their roles and responsibilities in emergencies. A briefing for all employees has been


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