Assessment Plan for Academic Support and Student Development 2012-2015

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To develop a congruent and selective program of professional development that promotes effective and continuous contribution to the realization of the program’s mission

The Adult Education Program will ensure the development and maintenance of a comprehensive program of professional development that is characterized by effectiveness and good stewardship.

The number of GED completions will increase by 2% YOY (data collected each spring).

The number of GED completions decreased 1.2% YOY.

As a result of analysis, several program modifications have occurred. Staff have initiated a comprehensive review of academic progression process, class hours offered per site, and more effective use of online supplemental instruction. To better monitor student perceptions, staff have committed to increased surveying to assist in earlier interventions for students encountering barriers.

Representatives of the Adult Education Program will attend a minimum of three professional development activities that promote student success and access to academic instruction in fulfillment of the program’s mission to its

100% of Adult Education staff completed a minimum of ten hours of approved professional development during the 12-13 AY. Activities included attendance at state and national Adult Education conferences, regional instructional

As a result of these activities, all employees became TABE (Test for Basic Education) certified. Professional development increased proficiency in the use of targeted instructional design; student placement based on intake assessment; and


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