Assessment Plan for Academic Support and Student Development 2012-2015

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Adult Education Mission: To provide basic academic instruction for individuals who have discontinued public education or may be seeking to improve academic skills in order to gain employment or enroll in higher education. To achieve this mission, the Adult Education Program is committed to the unit goals and performance measures listed below: Unit Goals To provide accessible, comprehensive academic instruction to Adult Education constituencies

Intended Outcomes The Adult Education Program in partnership with public service entities and other nonprofit agencies will provide accessible academic instruction to Adult Education constituencies.

Assessment Criteria The Adult Education program will provide, operate, and manage a minimum of two instructional sites in each of four target counties (data collected each spring).

Assessment Results During the 2012-2013 program year (July 1— June 30), the program provided instruction at 17 instructional sites: Blount: 4 Cullman: 9 Morgan: 2 Winston: 2

Use of Results As a result of analysis, minor modifications have been made to sites. In Blount County, for example, moved one site to larger classroom facility. Two Cullman sites also moved to larger facility providers.

The number of students enrolled in sponsored adult education programs will increase 3% YOY (data collected each spring).

The number of students enrolled in sponsored adult education programs increased 5% YOY (693 to 731).

As a result of analysis, the program has increased marketing to two annual campaigns. To increase visibility, the staff has participated in more community events (8 in 2012-13). Staff have committed to continued representation at non-profit service provider meetings.


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