Academic Program Outcomes Assessment 2012-2015

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PO (2): Diagnostic Imaging faculty will demonstrate a commitment to the achievement of standard performance benchmarks regarding program effectiveness.

practices (data collected each spring semester).

portfolios, e-learning, and the use of 3-D learning objects to enhance instruction.

80% of graduates will report satisfaction with the quality and efficacy of instruction, curriculum, assessment, teaching pedagogies, and instructional resources (each spring semester).

On the most recent graduate survey (2012), 100% of graduates rated overall satisfaction with educational experience as “Very Good� or higher.

An advisory committee comprised of external practitioners will meet a minimum of once annually to review the courses, curriculum, syllabi, instructional resources, facilities, faculty professional development, job placement, and response to industry trends and needs (minimum of once each fall or spring semester).

The RTA Advisory Committee met 10.25.12 with 15 people in attendance. Faculty shared the new WSCC Strategic Plan. Major items of discussion were clinical placement issues, the adoption and implementation of a statewide standardized curriculum, and the acquisition of new instructional resources through the college’s budget hearing process.

As a result of discussion, faculty have made area practitioners aware of reduced clinical placement opportunities due to the presence of for-profit competitors in the region. Links with potential employers was strengthened.

50% of entering new students will graduate within three years of program entry (data collected each spring).

The graduation rates for the 2008, 2009, and 2010 cohorts were 74%, 68%, and 70% respectively.

To improve graduation rates, faculty have volunteered to have diagnostic imaging students participate in the new life-coaching program under


objects, wikis, and blogs to enhance instruction. Faculty committed to more disciplinespecific professional development in 2013-2014. To improve graduate satisfaction rates, faculty have increased time in RAD 122 for using C-arm in surgery.

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