Omnino - Volume 3

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Volume 3, Number 1 - 2012-2013

Fluency and Guided Repeated Oral Reading

Sarah Lively

Effects of Collaboration on Academic Performance: Cognitive Load Theory as an Integral Component of Group Learning

Rachel L. Bradley

Copper Complexes as a Delivery Agent for Medicinal Agents

Melody Sobhani, John Milam, Lakesha Butler, David Jenkins, Iris Rivera, Satilla Johns, Rebekah Graham, Haley Franklin, Dustin Jenkins

114 126 147

The 2012 Charter Schools Constitutional Amendment in Georgia: A Countylevel Analysis of the Election Results


Effects of Locus of Control and Dream Recall Training on Dreaming


Christopher John May Crystal Logan


The Cambridge Introduction to George Orwell by John Rodden and John Rossi

Reviewed by Erica Even

Witches, Wife Beaters, & Whores Common Law and Common Folk in Early America by Elaine Forman Crane

Reviewed by Megan Shelton

205 210

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