Page 108

108 -1.3. Uti­caj okru­že­nja na uče­nje mo­zga Sle­ep Dis­tur­ban­ce in Chil­dren and Ado­le­scents with Di­sor­ders of De­ve­lop­ment: its Sig­ ni­fi­can­ce and Ma­na­ge­ment. Cli­nics in De­ve­lop­men­tal Me­di­ci­ne, Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­sity Press, Vol. 155, pp. 24-29. Win­ter, R. and K. Roth (1994), “Ent­wic­klung mo­to­rischer Fer­tig­ke­i­ten”, in J. Ba­ur, K. Bös and R. Sin­ger (eds.), Mo­to­rische Ent­wic­klung - Ein Hand­buch, Ver­lag Karl Hof­ mann, Schor­ndorf, pp. 217-237. Wol­fson, A.R. and M.A. Car­ska­don (1998), “Sle­ep Sche­du­les and Dayti­me Fun­cti­o­ ning in Ado­le­scents” Child De­ve­lop­ment, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 875-887. Wright, E. (2004), Ge­ne­ra­tion Kill, Ban­tam Press, Lon­don.

Raz­ume ­ ­ti mo­zak: Ro­đe­nje na­u­ke o uče­nju

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