Vision mag june new

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Tapping into an Abdundant Universe


By Tomas Loarca


t’s very easy to get caught up in the routine of everyday living; waking up in the morning, going to work, eating lunch, and then retreating as fast as humanly possible to the comforts of home to do it again the next day. I call this my narrow focused mentality or more simply put my lower elevation energy. If you are like me and get into this frame of mind, how is it possible to re-inspire ourselves and attain a higher mental energy? I believe Shakespeare gave the antidote when he wrote, “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.” When I first processed this thought, a flow of creativity and inspiration quickly descended like dew on a beautiful bright morning. In the days of Shakespeare, the size of the sea was incomprehensible, vast, and eternal. We have now come to map the sea, measure its bounds, and found its limits. However the metaphor relates to another abundant endlessness, the Universe. The Universe like the sea is boundless and abundant, containing an infinite amount of intelligence, creation, love, and possibility. There is more then enough for everyone and everything. The Universe gives and is waiting to give more but it does not impose its self except to those who truly desire and ask. Like a parent the Universe serves us and gives us what we need as evidenced by oxygen, water, sun,

fuel, etc. It also gives us what we ask for. Several years ago I received an audio book from a close friend which gave great importance into forming relationships between intention and others. I learned to write down my desires, believe I would attain them, make a plan, and then live my life as if I had already received them. I had written down four desires at the beginning of 2012. I asked for them and looked for different ways to give back to what was being given to me. At the end of the year, three of the four desires came into existence. I did not do anything great except for writing, thinking, asking, and serving. However I believe this was an extremely powerful exercise that allowed me to tap into a new possibility and a higher level of energy. At this point the Universe again served me by transmuting my thoughts into physical existence. The final equation in the circle is: how do we serve a Universe that serves us so abundantly? The answer lies in service to others. We become full partners with the Universe when answering the needs of others by serving them. There is a joy and loving energy that accompanies service to others. Service can be as simple as saying hello, giving a complement, leaving a nameless gift, or endowing something great. Big or small the size of your service does not matter; it develops relational bonds, strengthens neuro-pathways, and fosters love. Ask for guidance in identifying one in need, you will be lead by source to fulfill your intention. Everyday service is a secret of those who find daily peace and have spiritual abundance. Service emulates love and

returns to the giver many folds over. It brings the mind to a higher level of energy which in turn invites the power of inspiration and creation. You will be inspired and develop a direct conduit with source. I will never forget the inspiration of my mother who taught me the power of service. She took me, unwillingly, to give a valued possession to a less fortunate family anonymously. Her lesson that day could not be paid in gold as it taught me the extreme joy of service that has stayed with me for decades. I will never forget the inspired anonymous family that blessed my sister and her young family with a substantial amount of money in their mailbox during a time of hardship. I will not forget the foster teen who said “this is the best summer I’ve ever had” after the formation of a traveling foster brotherhood developed by several generous collaborators who were never known to the youth. No matter what state you are in, formulate your thoughts towards a young Juliet who said “the more I give thee…the more I have”. You are blessed with abundance, give of it freely and you shall not run out. Tomas Loarca is the author of A Possible Reality: Carlos Loarca Artist and Muralist. He is an adoption social worker with a focus in community and relationship development. He can be reached at or follow @APossibleRealit

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