The Vegan Summer 1948

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ACTOTEM A S u m m a r y of Recent Events Edinburgh A t the half-yearly meetings The Vegetarian Society held in Edinburgh in May, indications of the vegan trend were evidenced at each session among both audience and speakers. The Cookery Demonstration given by Mrs. Fay. K. Henderson was a complete success; printed recipes were distributed, and the appreciative audience sampled the various dishes. The title " Savouries Without M e a t " and " Sweets Without Eggs and M i l k " attracted a large number of people, but it was unfortunate that so many were unable to obtain admittance. A return visit has therefore been suggested. Birmingham The Editor recently gave a talk on " The Merits of a Natural D i e t " to the British Health Freedom Society in this city, and it was well received. A n animated discussion followed, and many questions were asked concerning veganism. This again confirms that there is a growing interest in the principles of our way of living, and there is a great need for many more similar lectures throughout the country. London Vegan Group The following are extracts from the Secretary's Report submitted to the Group's A.G.M. on 13th March last: T h e year has seen considerable progress within the Group; membership has greatly increased, the great financial crisis when we were almost threatened with extinction has been overcome, the London Vegan Letter has appeared regularly each quarter, and a series of public meetings and social events has been arranged.

In conclusion, I think we may look back on the past year as one of marked progress in the vegan cause and as an important phase in the history of our Group. W e have grown from small membership and have passed through' difficult times, but we have now, I think, a solid foundation on which to build. Let us re-dedicate ourselves anew to those ideals which we know are right and make a resolution here and now to put all we know into the attaining of these values, and to make our lives a shining example of the things in which we believe. Remember that it is by example rather than by word that others will judge us and our cause.

Report by the Treasurer A t 31st May, The Vegan Society had funds in hand of roughly ÂŁ160 after meeting all obligations. During the three months to that date, the sum of ÂŁ5 Is. was received specifically for the Secretarial Fund, as against ÂŁ62 7s. 6d. in the previous quarter, and members are reminded of the appeal by the President in the Winter, 1947 issue of The Vegan. Our Life Members now total forty-five. G.A.H.

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