Locked up no more 4-17-08

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A Voice divided

Two newspapers set to launch this amidst squabble over rights for The Ojai and Ventura Voice by Hannah Guzik

“They tried to steal the name and walk away with the publication,� he said. According to Kate, San Marchi left no will or directive. The Smiths say they and other former Voice contributors wanted the paper to continue and didn’t think Alpern, or anyone else, was taking the reins to get a new issue out — so they decided to, before people forgot about the paper and its distribution boxes were removed. “On March 22, we had waited long enough,�

and Ojai. Brian received only gas money in return for delivering the paper, Kate said. According to Alpern, the Smiths weren’t happy with the amount of time he had taken to ensure the San Marchi family was taken care of and that the Voice business was in order before publishing another issue. “Getting the Voice back up off the ground had to be done at a slower pace than they wanted. It’s not easy task, and my main concern was not the delivery boy’s schedule,� he said.

Shakespeare’s “What’s in a name?â€? passage. The Rose and the publication Alpern plans to The Ojai and Ventura Voice will have two sepaput out, a “revampedâ€? Voice, will be competing rate but similar reincarnations this month, as for the same advertisers, writers and readers. writers and friends of the late editor, publisher Joel Anderson, a Voice writer and photogand one-man-force behind the paper, Jeffrey rapher since 1993, is acting editor of The Rose, San Marchi, have divided their alliances over and Alpern has assumed the title for The Voice. the direction of the publication. At press time, The Rose was scheduled Both camps are headed by longtime friends to be distributed April 15 in Ventura and of San Marchi, who died of a heart attack while Ojai, and The Voice was scheduled to hit delivering the Voice, a free biweekly newspaper, newsstands April 25. Both Alpern and the Dec.r 23, 2007, in Ventura. Smiths say their paper will have a similar Almost exactly three months later, Ray Alplook and feel to the original Voice. Like San ern, a longtime Voice writer and photograMarchi’s paper, both papers will be free and pher, filed a fictitious business name statement printed in a tabloid format. with the Ventura County Clerk and Recorder’s Both camps also say they have the “blessingâ€? office for “The Ojai and Ventura Voice,â€? a stanof San Marchi’s two daughters, Ana and Rosa. dard procedure when a business is transferred The family gave the old Voice files, computer — Ray Alpern, Ojai and Ventura Voice writer between owners. and distribution truck to Alpern, according to The next day, March 25, Brian Smith, a him, but the Smiths say they have also been in Voice distributor for 17 years, and his wife contact with the daughters, who encouraged Kate also filed a statement for “The Ojai and Kate said. “Ray Alpern had dozens of calls “I think it’s unfortunate that some of Jeff’s them to create another paper, Kate said. Ventura Voice.â€? from everybody and he hadn’t returned them. friends, who were part of the Voice as well, Perhaps the most peculiar part of the twoIncidentally, both public notices were Meanwhile we had discovered that the boxes were not happy with the time frame, but their paper-trails story is that both groups profess AD P published in issues of the Reporter earlier were disappearing.â€? AD PROOF interests are their own business interests,â€? their admiration of San Marchi, the “one-manthis month. The boxes are ownedClient: by the Smiths; accordAlpern said. bandâ€? who brought theNewman community together Beach Blvd. Ad Executive: Diane (805) 64 “We went down on Tuesday, and we didn’t chiTexture Ad Executive: Kelly Tracy (805)After 648-2244 ing to Kate, her husband installed them for being informed that theall Voice name- through his paper. Please check this proof over carefully and indicate corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proofâ€?, “2nd Proofâ€? know there was anyindicate rush. We all were operat- free more than decade agoa “over a lunchIfand sake was taken, theafter Smiths filed two additional “We’re doing this isIS. the same spirit as Jeff this proof overthat carefully and corrections clearly. You awill have “1st Proofâ€?, “2nd Proofâ€?, and “Final Proofâ€?. we receive no proof the 1st or 2nd Proofs, AD WILL RUN AS If this proof meets your a ing in good said. . If we receive no faith,â€? proof Kate after the 1st or 2nd Proofs,a AD WILL RUN AS out IS. If this meets your approval handshakeâ€? to help Marchi. Soon, for PROOF the names “The Ojai andbox, Ven-date San Marchi,â€? “His spirit was that on San the 1stproof proof, checkstatements off “FINAL (APPROVED)â€? and sign atsaid theKate. bottom. Due to a computer researching error at the oof, check off “FINAL PROOF (APPROVED)â€? box, date andSmith sign at the bottom. Brian was getting up at dawn every tura Roseâ€? and “Formerly-Known-as-The Voice of cooperation.â€? ISSUE: 4 N O T I C E : P L E A S E FA X T H I S P R O O F T O ( 8 0 5 ) 6 4 8 - 2 2 4 5 A S A P Clerk’s office, the Smiths failed to see the name other to deliver the paper to northernISSUE: Collective,â€? titles they plan to use for their new “Jeff was so much The Voice,â€? Alpern 4/17/08 L E A S E FA X T H I S P R O O F T O ( 8 0 5 ) 6 4 8 - 2 2 4 5 A SSaturday AP had already been registered, she said. locations, as far as Montecito, as San Marchi publication. The name for the new paper, a said. “We’re going to keep quality of integrity However, Alpern sees the matter differently. handled most of the distribution in Ventura creative reflection of the dispute, comes from of his Voice.â€? âœŚ

“They tried to steal the name and walk away with the publication.�

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