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Drum Dance & Dream for Peace Drum Dance Dream for Peace comes to North Texas, Summer Solstice, Tuesday June 21, 2011, 7-9 PM, Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics, 340 Country Club Lane, Fairview, Texas.

RSVP: Drum Dance Dream for Peace Facebook event page Drums Not Guns - is a Dallas, Texas 501 (c)(3) nonprofit membership organization devoted to stopping violence (increase the peace) through the power of percussion; to provide our youth with creative ways to re-channel negative energy... diffuse anger... build team spirit, self-worth, self-esteem, learn to listen better... and community through the power of percussion." The Mission of the Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics is to be a growing community of families coming together to put their deepest values into action in order to co-create a new culture of sustainibility. By bringing the three R’s of education into a new era of Reverence for all life, Responsibility for the planet, and ecological understanding of the Relationships between the whole and its parts, we believe we can participate in making the world a better place by being the change we wish to see.

The umbrella is all inclusive and does not discriminate. It accepts everyone under it for protection, no matter the race, religion, age, gender, or color. The umbrella requires action on the part of the individual. It has to be picked up, opened up and held up to provide the protection that it can offer.


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