17 womans board of foreign missions rca 1901

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W om an ’? Bo&fd of Foreign M in io n ? .



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25 E ast 22D S t r e e t , N


F i r s t , 1901

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25 E ast 22 d S tre et 1901

E. SCOTT CO. P rinters

W est 230 S tree t N ew York


Mrs. D a v id J. B u r r e l l , 248 W. 75th St., New York City. H O N O RARY P R E SID E N T :

Mrs. P a u l D. V an C l e e f , 288 Barrow St., Jersey City, N. J. V IC E -P R E SID E N T S:

Mrs. H e n r y N. C obb , 451 Central Ave., East Orange, N. J. “ E d w a r d G. J a n e w a y , 36 West 40th St., New York City. HO N O R A R Y V I C E - P R E S I D E N T S :

Mrs. W il l ia m W il l ia m s , 342 West 71st Street, New York City. “ J o h n M. F e r r i s , Flatbush, L. I. Miss K a t e F r e l i n g h u y s e n , Somerville, N. J. Mrs. J ames F. Z w e m e r , 231 Central Ave., Holland, Mich. “ J a r e d V a n W a g e n e n , Lawyersville, N. J. . . “ • R e N S E H. JO L D E R S M A . “ C. V. R. G il m o r e , Holland; Mich. “ V. H . Y o u n g m a n , 135 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y. Miss C a r o l i n e G r i d l e y , 21 Hopper St., Utica, N. Y. Mrs. R. E. A n d r e w s , Hudson, N. Y. “ G e r t r u d e L. V a n d e r b i l t , 560 Flatbush Ave.,Brooklyn,N.Y. “ H e n r y C a m e r d e n , 248 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ J acob J. J a n e w a y , 192 Livingston Ave.,New Brunswick,‘N J. “ M a r g a r e t E. S a n g s t e r , 489 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ J o h n B. D r u r y , 88*Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N. J . “ D. B. V an H o u t e n , 122 West 123d St., New York City. “ S. B. J o sl in , Buskirks, N. Y. “ R a l p h V e n e k l a s e n , Zeeland, Mich. Miss A. M. S a n d h a m , 138 West 45th St., New York City. Mrs. C. L. W e l l s , 900 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ J o h n W. C o n k l i n . “ J ames I. V a n c e , 27 Washington St., Newark, N. J.




Mrs. D e W i t t K n o x , “ The Rockingham;' Broadway and 56th St., New York City. C O R R E SP O N D IN G S E C R E T A R Y :


Mrs. A. L. C u s h i n g , 25 East 22d St., New York City. F O R E IG N C O R R E SP O N D IN G S E C R E T A R I E S :

India, Miss 0. H. L a w r e n c e , 36 East 69th St., New York City. China, Mrs. J o h n G. F a g g , 3 Rutherford PI., New York City. Japan, Miss M a r t h a 'V. B u s si n g , Hotel San Remo, Central Park West, New York City. ' Arabia, Mrs. E. E. Olcott, 38 West 39th St., New York City. TREASURER:

Mrs. F . S. D o u g l a s , 1019 Broad Sr., Newark, N. J . a R A R Y ROLL:

Mrs. H a m il t o n V. M e e k s , Weehawken, N. J. E D IT O R O F T H E " M I S S IO N G L E A N E R ."

Mrs. H en ry N. Cobb, 25 East 22d St„ New York City. E D I T O R O F “ T H E D A Y S T A R ." .

Miss R i t a V. Z. C obb , 25 East 22c] St., New York City. E D I T O R I A L C O R R E S P O N D E N T FOR " T H E H E lD E N W ER E L D :" *

Mrs. L. B. H al sey , 855 West End Ave., New York City. S U M M E R S E W IN G G U IL D : ■

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Miss K a t h a r i n e V an N e s t , 45 West 56th St., N. Y . City. com m ittee.

Mrs. J o h n G. F a g g , Miss 0 . H. L a w r e n c e , Mrs. E. E. O l c o t t ,

Miss M a r t h a V. B ussin g , “ H elen M H arrim an ,

“ M a u d S. C l a r k , M iss M. M o f f a t .

MANAGERS. Mrs. P a u l D. V an C l e e f , 288 Barrow St., Jersey City, N. J. “ P e t e r D o n a l d . 39 West 46th St., New York City.

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A. L o r in g C u s h i n g , 25 E a s t 22c! St., N e w Y o rk C ity. G e o r g e S. B is h o p , Burnet St., East Orange, N . J A. A. R a v e n , 864 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. H e n r y N. C obb , 451 Central Ave., East Orange, N. J. E d w a r d B. C o e , 42 West 53d St., New Y ork City. J o seph R. D u r y e e , 139 East 36th St., New York City. G e o r g e P. D u Bots, 303 Lexington Ave., New York City. E d w a r d G. J a n e w a y , 36 West 40th St., New York City. D a v id J. B u r r e l l , 248 West 75th St., New York City. E dw ar d P hillips, F r e d e r ic k S. D o u g l a s , 1019 Broad St., Newark, N. J. J. S. N. D e m a r s t , Queens, L. I. S a m u e l S l o a n , 7 East 38th St., New York City. L. B. H alsey , 855 West End Ave., New York City. H a m i l t o n V. M ee k s , Weehawken, N. J. . D e W i t t K no x , th e Rockingham, cor. -Broadway and 56th


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St., New York City. R. G o o d l a t t e , 20 Lexington Ave., Passaic, N. J. W i t t M a so n , 222 Garfield PI., Brooklyn, N. Y.

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I saac W. G o w e n , W eeh a w k en , N. J. J o h n G F a g g , 3 Rutherford PI., New York City. “ P h i l i p V a n A l s t i n e , Spring Valley, N. Y. ‘* E. E. O l c o t t , 38 West 39th St.. New York City. Miss O. H. L a w r e n c e 36 East 69th St., New York City. “ M ary O. D u r y e e , 30 Washington PI., Newark, N. J. “ M a r t h a V. B u s si n g , Hotel San Remo, New York City. “ K a t h a r i n e V an N e s t , 45 West 56th St., New York City. “ H e l e n M. G o u l d , 579 Fifth Ave., New York City. “ G e r t r u d e D o d d , 13 West 48th St., New York City.

Executive Committee. Mrs. D. J. B u r r e l l , “ P a u l D . V a n C l e e f , ex-off. “ H e n r y N. C obb , f‘ D e W i t t K n o x , Miss M ary O. D u r y e e , “ K a th a rin e V an N est, “ R i t a V. Z. C obb , M rs. F . S. D o u g l a s ,

Mrs. E. E. O l c o t t , “ A. L. C u s h i n g , “ J o h n G. F a g g , Miss O. H . L a w r e n c e , “

M a r t h a V. B u s si n g . ‘ ’

Mrs. H a m il t o n V. M ee k s , L. B. H a l s e y , “ E d w a r d G. J a n e w a y ,.

Mrs. J. S. N. D e m a r e s t .

TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING. T he Tw enty-seventh A nniversary of the W om an’s Board of Foreign Missions was held in the M arble Collegiate Church on Tuesday, May 14th, 1901. T he President, Mrs. H enry N. Cobb, presided and conducted the devotional service with which the day was opened, Rev. D. J. Burrell, D . D., leading in prayer. T he T reasu rer’s S tatem ent showed the total receipts for the year to have been $35,375.19. T he list of M anagers for the ensuing year was read and duly acted upon, after which the roll of the Classes was called. The representatives of the various Classes had been, as far as possible, seated together—printed cards m arking the location of each—and those present responded to the roll-call by rising, fifteen Classes being represented. T he introduction of the m issionaries next took place, several of them speaking a few words of greeting. The first address was delivered by Rev. Lewis R. Scudder, M.D., his subject being, The Mark of the Cross.” As the followers of Siva and of Mohammed may be recognized by the m arks which they bear on their bodies, so should the Christian be distinguished by external signs, th a t he m ay bear the m ark of his God w herever he m ay go. Christ said, “ If any m an will come after me let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” T he m ark of the Cross m eans love, purity, tran s­ form ation of character. T he world has recently awakened to the fact th a t the term “ rice Christian ” is a m isnom er. Events in Ctiina have proved th a t these so-called “ rice C hristians ” are men upon whom the Cross has made its indelible sign. A fter giving several instances of the power of the Cross in the lives of those who bear its m arks on the lives of those who have it not, Dr. Scudder im pressed upon us our responsibility for the exercise of this power, th a t from us may go forth peace and sanctification and the power of the Gospel, the evidences of the m ark of the Cross upon us.

Dr. Scudder’s address was followed by a H indu lyric, sung by a chorus of young ladies. Miss Mary O. Duryee presented the plea of the women of the F ar East, com m encing her address with an earnest prayer th a t self m ight be forgotten and Christ lifted up in our hearts. We are the representatives of 50,000 women of pur Reform ed Church, avowed disciples of our Lord Jesus C hrist. W hat shall be our response to the cry which comes to us from India, China, Japan and Arabia? Shall we answ er th at we can give no more, th a t the work m ust be cut ? Of w hat avail are our gifts if those who have gone out as our su b stitu tes m ust be cram ped and discouraged in* th eir woik because those gifts are insufficient ? W hat have we done with our L ord’s order—have we ever definitely determ ined our p art in its fulfilment ? W hat sacrifices have we made ? These searching questions were followed by a list of defininite objects to which we may devote our gifts—$20.00 will support and educate for one year a girl in China, $30.00 will do the sam e for a girl in India, and for $125.00 a year one m ay own her own school in the la tte r country. 1 A few m om ents of silent prayer followed Miss Duryee's solemn words. * * T he object of the offering was most impressively stated by Mrs. J. G. Fagg, who asked for a sum sufficient for the retu rn of Mrs. L. W. Kip to her work in China, and pledges for her salary for five years. Glowing indeed was the tribute paid to this dear m issionary by one who was her co-worker in the Amoy Mission, and who could speak authoritatively of her splendid service there. T he offering was indeed an act of worship, accom panied as it was by a sweet hym n of con­ secration by the chorus, and followed by a dedicatory prayer. • * Miss A nna F. Bacon, P resident of the Young W oman's Branch, gave a brief history o f 'th i s latest addition to our ranks, which has already proved the wisdom of its organization. ' . i . The m orning session was closed with the benediction, pro­ nounced by Rev. P. W. Pitcher. T he bountiful luncheon and pleasant intercourse of the interm ission were thoroughly enjoyed.

Rev. C. H . Fenn being detained by illness, D r. S. L. Baldwin, of the M ethodist Board, kindly took his place, urging the necessity for increased effort in China, touching upon the three branches—medical, educational and evangelistic—of m issionary work, and em phasizing the im portance and indis* pensability of each. Miss Mary Deyo voiced the cry from Japan, which, with all its evidences of m odern civilization, so sadly lacks its very foundation. N otw ithstanding her revised treaties and the new code of laws which make her the political equal of every country of Christendom, Japan and her people are imm oral, heathen and dishonest. H er 42,000 Christians are but a little leaven am ong her 43,000,000 heathen. We dare not neglect this open door, swung so wide for our entrance. •The Japanese national anthem* was sung by the chorus, after which Dr; Jam es I. V ance was introduced. H is topic was, “ The Spirit of Calvary in the E nterprise of Missions.” C hrist’s last comm and is a startlin g one, in th a t all distinc­ tions of race, creed or caste are obliterated and a m an’s claim to recognition established on the sole fact th a t he is a.hum an being. T he carrying out of this com m and is .still our busi­ ness, tw o-thirds of the world being still unevangelized. Busi­ ness energy, sound common-sense, economy, wise planning, all are needed in the carrying out of this seem ingly impossible order, w h ich'is rendered feasible because the M aster added the words, “ Lo, I am with you alway.” Absolute devotion to a cause commands the adm iration of all men. Let us throw m ore enthusiasm into m issionary work th at we may kindle the flame in other hearts. L et us give hearty cheers for our Lord, rejoicing th at H e perm its us to carry a Cross for His sake, rem em bering that, as Christ laid down His life for us, so ought we to lay down our lives for our brethren. The benediction, pronounced by Dr. Scudder, brought to a close this day, the keynote of which had been, g rea ter con­ secration and sacrifice ; the results of which, it is hoped, may shine throughout all the work of the next year. S'. J.


T he Tw enty-seventh A nnual R eport of the Woman's Board of Foreign Missions is presented under an ever deepen­ ing conviction of the greatness of the work in which we are engaged. We are grateful for God’s favor in enabling us to accomplish so much, although we realize th at m ore m ight have been done, and done m ore perfectly. We cross the threshold of another year, into the New Century, with broad­ ened thoughts and purposes, as we catch b rig h t glim pses of the coming dawn when Christ can claim the entire world as H is own. T here are battles yet to be fought and won, and perhaps m artyr crowns placed upon the brows of some of our devoted workers before the dear Lord will see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. T he Board of M anagers have endeavored to faithfully adm inister the affairs com m itted to th eir care, and although some were laid aside from active service by severe illness, others took up the burdens and carried them bravely forw ard. A t the re-organization of the Board the th ird Tuesday in May a note was received from M rs. Paul D . Van Cleef expressing the wish th a t her nam e should not be again placed in the nom inating list for the Presidency. She had very efficiently served for five years, but on account of increasing fam ily cares she wished to be relieved from active duties. She was unanim ously chosen as H onorary President of the Board th a t we m ight still have the benefit of her ripe experience. H er place was filled by the election of Mrs. H enry N. Cobb, who had served for several years as one of our Vice­ Presidents. W ith re g re t we received the resignation of Mrs. William B. Hill from the Board of Managers, her home being a long distance from New York rendered it alm ost impossible for her to attend the m eetings regularly. Mrs. E . E. Olcott was

chosen to fill the vacancy and gladly welcomed to our num ber, thus m aking our list of th irty com plete. . Room 1 0 has been m ore than usual the m eeting place betw een our home workers and our m issionaries who are in this country on furlough. T he greetings have been warm and tender as these tired servants retu rn after an absence of five or seven years. Here, too, we bid God-speed to those who go jforth to their d istant stations. Each year m akes the hom e of our Board more real and precious, and the friends who frequent it often exclaim, “ How did we ever get along w ithout it ! ” S o c ie t ie s .


The work of the year in some Societies bears the im print of fidelity and diligence. T he increase in the num ber of our A uxiliaries is especially gratifying, and so long as we can count upon such a noble band of women as our constituency, so long we m ay be assured of our perm anent success. T here is however a perceptible falling off in the receipts from many of our Societies, and while this is always to be deplored, yet the large am ounts given to the fam ine fund for India may have been the cause. A few Societies, too, have dropped from o u r list, but it has usually been in churches where there are no pastors and where the pastors’ wives have been the m oving sp irit am ong them . We num ber in our new list 34 Societies, which includes the Young People’s Circles and Mission Bands. T hese have been gladly welcomed to our ranks and letters of g ree tin g and encouragem ent sent. Our entire list num bers 580. ■ ‘ We miss the bright, chatty letters from our Societies and Mission Bands since the inauguration of the Blank System, some even failing to answ er the necessary questions upon them . T his is a cause of sincere regret, for we covet the m es­ sages from our dear home workers who are like children of one fam ily circle. T rea su ry .

T he closing m onth of our financial year is always a tim e of anxiety, but as for several years the full am ount had been reached to cover the appropriation given us by Synod’s Board, we rested in the belief th a t we could not tak e’a step backward. But as we look into our treasury and find th a t we are over five - thousand Idollars short of what is needed to carry on the work,

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we stand amazed and ask, “ W ho h a s ^ e e n unfaithful ? W hat has been the ^ a u s e ? ” We tru st th at every woman in our Church will look into her own heart, and ask : Lord, is it ‘I ? H ave I w ithheld even in a sm all m easure the g ifts(th a t rig h t­ fully belong to my M a ste r? ” If each has done w hat she could then surely we can leave the result.w ith God. We have under­ taken no new work this year. We yet have unbounded confi­ dence in the women of our Church who have stood firm and strong by our m issionaries in the past and believe th at another year we can record larger offerings and a full treas­ ury. T otal receipts, $35,375.19. *• . B ab y Roll.



O ur Baby Roll has grown faster than any other p a rt of our work. T his m ay have been largely due to the efforts of our efficient Secretary, Mrs. H am ilton V. Meeks, whose report will give what has been accom plished for these little ones. “ We believe there have been holy-hearted H annahs who have dedicated th eir children to God as they have given their nam es to be enrolled with the prayer, ‘ As long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord.” T he Lord never breaks H is cove­ n an t w ith those who fulfill th eir covenant with H im .” ‘‘ » , 1 ’ . Y oung W om an ’s B ranch*


T here had been in the h earts of some of the m em bers of our Board for several years a g rea t longing to bring the young women of our Church into close union with the work of the W oman’s Board. T his need is all the g rea ter as year by year the demands for assistance from 'our Societies increase and our lines of helpfulness m ust be extended. A com m it­ tee was chosen from the Board to prepare a* plan for such an organization, and on N ovem ber 20th twelve young ladies were invited to m eet the com m ittee and the “ Young W oman’s B ra n c h ” came into bsing, and the hope of years realized. A lready its influence is being felt and the bright young m em bers are devising ways and m eans by which th eir organization may be a tru e helpm eet to the m other Board. R ecep tio n .

T he one always delightful social gathering, in stitu ted by •the Board on the Anniversary of its T w entieth Birthday and held annually ever since, was as usual largely attended and

thoroughly enjoyed. T he Board of Publication kindly gave the use of their large room 'for the receiving party, thus adding greatly to the success of the occasion. M any of our noted clergym en were present. T he guests and absent friends were filled with the “ grace of g iv in g ” and over eleven hun­ dred dollars was the result from open hearts and gracious hands. L itera tu re-

We have not reached the desired increase of subscribers to our Missionary Magazine, although we are glad to report an addition of 196 over those of last year. It is the one thing essential to an intelligent grow th in our Societies. With strong pleading we would urge the appointing of a b rig h t wide awake com m ittee in each Church who will go from house to house through the congregation to solicit subscriptions and keep a strict account of the date of each for renewal.- Our attention is repeatedly called to the fact of copies not being received by our subscribers and upon looking into our books find the tim e for renew al has expired m onths before. H ad there been a com m ittee appointed whose office it was to look after the sub­ scriptions this would not have occurred. T he am ount is so small th a t it is easily forgotten. In one of our Societies several of the m em bers have paid one dollar, covering four years, not wishing to bear in m ind the annual sum of twenty-five cents. Dear friends, do rem em ber your one periodical th at especially links you with our beloved toilers in the far away lands. The circulation of 3,500 copies am ong a Church mem ­ bership of over one hundred thousand needs no argum ent to show what should be done. T he Day Star still shines on with a steady light and m ulti­ tudes of children are warm ed and cheered by its brightness. We would call especial a tte n tio n to the adm irable exercise “ Seedtim e and H arvest ” just issued for a Children’s Day Ser­ vice. This exercise will be very helpful to those desiring to give children's entertainm ents throughout the entire year and if faithfully followed may be made very effective. Two new leaflets have been issued by our Board, fifteen hundred copies of the “ Children's Hom e at Amoy, China ” and one thousand copies of “ A S ister’s M essage" to the K ing’s D aughters of our Church by our beloved Mary Deyo, who was

am ong the first to organize these circles in Japan. Also the reprint of one thousand copies of “ Once T here W as a Prince." These are given free of charge to our Societies except postage. Five hundred copies have been bought from other Boards and sold at cost. T h e M ite B ox.

T he question has been asked “ Does God need our m ites ?" Yes, He needs them for our own sake. Many a box has been brought to our rooms filled w ith the love tokens from little hands where the m other in her quiet home has tau g h t her children to save for C hrist's sake. But this quiet rem inder g athers in the littles too from those who are older. One batchelor friend sends regularly every year the contents of a m ite box with which we are careful to keep him always sup­ plied. For these needs we have issued two thousand extension boxes, also two thousand boxes for A rabia ; two thousand for the children, beside one thousand star cards. These are free to all who will by these unpretentious m eans glean for our foreign w ork. ' This year we make a departure in our Annual R eport, only giving the Hom e D epartm ent of our work. T he foreign reports are published in booklet form, each country by itself, thus enabling our Societies to have sufficient m aterial for four or m ore m eetings, when taking up the subject of our Mission stations. We tru st our Societies will make free use of them . Copies will be sent to each President and Secretary of our A uxiliaries and to all others who will w rite to the Rooms for them . As it was the decision of the leading men and women gathered a t the Ecum enical Conference last year th a t a plan for a united system atic study of Missions should be prepared and published, a Com m ittee was appointed for this purpose. T he first issue was in six lessons on “ Missions in the N ine­ teenth C entury,” and another series on the “ H istory of Mis­ sions from Apostolic Tim es till the Closing of the E ighteenth C e n tu ry ” will be ready for use in Septem ber. We would recom m end this course of study to our Societies for much val­ uable knowledge can be secured, and 'they will be found especially useful to those who have charge of arran g in g for

m onthly Society m eetings. The series may be had by apply­ ing to our Board Rooms, 25 East 22d St. * L ib rary.

Through the generosity of a tru e friend to Missions the Library in our Rooms is becoming of g reat value to those who desire a knowledge of w hat is being accomplished throughout the world in the g rea t cause of Foreign Missions. Thirty-five volumes have been added during the past two years. These books are up to date publications by the very best authors and are free to every one in our Church except the small cost of postage. A new catalogue is soon to be published that, will give a complete list of the books. All applications m ade to the L ibrary Com m ittee will receive prom pt attention. C o n fe r e n c e s.

It is always a pleasure to give the report of our yearly Conferences. The. newly appointed Field Secretary for, the Foreign Board, recently said, “ I do not think the women of our Church have half the credit given them th at they deserve. It has been my privilege to attend quite a num ber of these Women’s Conferences and I am amazed a t the strength, tact and ability with which they are m anaged.” As this testim ony comes from our reverend b rother whose h eart is thoroughly on fire with missionary zeal we gladly pass it on for the encour­ agem ent o f »our dear Conference helpers. T he m eetings in nearly every Classis have been b e tte r attended than usual, especially those in the Classes of Passaic, M ontgomery, Schen­ ectady and New Brunswick, these having been held this spring. These yearly gatherings are a strong developing power to m any of our women who have been chosen to fill the respon­ sible position of officers in th eir Unions. W omen who have felt th at they had no gifts for public service, have come to the front as strong, efficient leaders and an inspiration to others. T he Woman’s Board m ost gratefully appreciate the valuable assistance rendered by these Classical agencies. • T he Reform ed Church entertained the Fourth Interdenoninationat Conference this year, the women m eeting in the M arble Collegiate Church, New York City. R e p re se n tativ es'fro m th irty W omen’s Boards frcm the U nited States and Canada were present. A most delightful

spirit prevailed, the ruling topics being Co-operation and Comity. T here were spicy, interesting discussions on m any valuable papers. Our own Mrs. W. VV. Scudder and Miss Deyo pre­ sented two ot these papers, which w ere second to none. To those who could attend this Conference, the hearty union of the different denom inations, and the evident oneness of spirit, object and aim, was extrem ely delightful. T h e Con­ ference m eets next year in Toronto, Canada. . M is sio n a r ie s.

O ur m issionaries have labored under fearful discourage-^ m ents during the last year. In our Amoy Mission there were® weeks and m onths of intense anxiety as to the extent of the g rea t uprising in the N orth of China and its effects upon our own Mission. Several of our schools were closed, and all our m issionaries gathered on or near Kolongsu, which was a safe harbor for them , and also offered a retrea t for m issionaries from other Boards. It was a testing tim e for our native C hristians, but w ith scarcely an exception they rem ained true, often suf­ fering persecution and loss of property, b u t not denying th eir Lord. Work has been resum ed in nearly all of our stations as peace and quietness have been restored, due largely to the friend­ liness of the M andarins. In India our Mission has suffered from plague, famine and cholera, and although our m issionaries seem possessed of charm ed lives and no h u rt has come to them , yet the daily w itnessing of these scenes has been heartrending. Through the gifts sent from our home Societies m any lives have been saved and m any h earts won for Christ. T he picture sent by Miss M. K. Scudder of a large group of starving people and even little children gathered in our compound at R anipettai where they were being given food is touching in the extrem e. Added to all these trials a heavy reduction had to be made in the am ount of m oney sent to our missionaries. This has cut into the very life and soul of our w ork. Some schools have been closed, from others large num bers of pupils have had to be dism issed and teachers turned aw ay. ° N otw ithstanding all these things our m issionaries have kept bravely on doing the best possible under these distress­ ing circum stances. T hey are not working for hire-, but for

Christ their Lord, grieving only th at they are not perm itted to g a th e r in the fields that are w hite for the harvest. No new m issionaries have been sent out during the year by the W oman’s Board. But four have been returned to their fields of labor. T he m emory of the loving services cheerfully given by Miss W inn and Miss Couch as they went am ong our churches, will linger long in our m em ories; especially precious was Miss Winn's m eeting with the children who have so faith­ fully and loyally given for her support. These two dear workers left for Japan in Septem ber and at once entered upon th eir mission duties. o l t was a g reat pleasure to m any in our home churches to m eet the Misses Talm age who are so closely connected with our Amoy Mission and who have given twenty-five years of loving service for the conversion and uplifting of the women and children in China. T heir furlough was tru ly earned and they returned to China in January refreshed and strengthened by their home coming. Miss Mary Deyo and Miss Anna Thom pson who are now in this country have been very gladly welcomed by many of our Societies and Churches where they have inspired and encour­ aged the home workers by their recital of the great need of more aggressive.effort.for the C hristianizing of the thousands in the land of the Rising Sun. It is with re g re t th at we have been called to accept the resignation of two of our m issionaries during the y ear. Miss von Bergen from India, and Miss A nna Stryker from our Sem inary at Nagasaki, Japan. Miss S tryker labored on at her post of duty until ill health compelled her to resign the work th at had grown very dear to her. We extend to her our sincere sym pathy and p art with her regretfully. The tidings from our A rabian Missionary, Mrs. Zwemer, are full of interest, and we often wonder at her bravery as she goes am ong the people, who are so antagonistic to everything Christian. It is no unusual thing for her to be kindly welcomed by the women in the homes and just as she begins to read or talk to them of the saving love of Christ, to have the man of the house appear and order her to leave. This she does not always do but enters into conversation with him, often w in­ ning his confidence and respect. H er medical training has enabled her to do much for the sick and suffering women in

Bahrein, and no opportunity is lost when a word for Christ can be spoken. H er life is full of activity and w hether she is tre a tin g the sick, visiting in the homes, or entertaining the large num ber who call, with music and hymns, she is the same devoted servant of h er Lord whom we love to own and honor. . As a Board we have taken under our special care and pro足 tection our beloved helpers Mrs. John Scudder and M rs. Leonard K ip. Both of these dear sisters have been called, this past year, to p a rt with those upon whose strong arm s they had leaned for m any years, and we gladly take them as our own, prom ising them our love and sympathy. Mrs. Kip is still in this country, b u t will retu rn to China som etim e during the year. H er long connection with this Mission and her thorough understanding of the language and character of the people will be of inestim able value to our Amoy Mission. H osp ital.

Questions are constantly asked as to the tim e when our hospital a t V ellore will be com pleted. We can reply th a t a beginning has been m ade, but with the slow m oving East Indian tim e is of little value, and the patience of those who have it in charge is sorely taxed. We are hoping th at before another annual rep o rt is given the building will be finished, and the m any who are looking with longing eyes for the tim e when the doors will be opened toadm it the suffering ones, satisfied. It is not too early to be thinking of the beds th a t m ust be sup足 ported. Who will not gladly give thirty-five dollars a year for one of these, to be nam ed for some dear friend whose m emory is precious. The list has already been headed as a memorial to one whom m any will rem em ber as a Hon. Vice-President of our Board. Dr. Ida Scudder is diligently applying h er profession to the sick and distressed in and around Vellore, often being called to the hom es of the w ealthy fam ilies and rem unerated for her services. T h ree beds have been placed in our Mission house where she takes the poor th a t have no com fortable homes, b u t are severely ill, th a t she may have them under her own eye. D esperate cases th a t have been given over by the native doctors are often placed under her care, and her success has been such as to already give her an honored name.^ She anxipusly aw aits the tim e when the hospital can be opened,

iS and with Dr. H art as her co-worker the work to which she has looked forw ard for so many years established, and the Mary T aber Schell Hospital stand as a m onum ent to beneficent love. W hile we have not reached the m ark we set, or the end we wished to attain, yet we will not falter or be discouraged, knowing th at Christ our Leader will open the way before us into more perfect m easures for increasing the offerings to uphold His cause. T he sum o'f $35,000 will be needed to carry the work to the close of another year. We ask each woman in our Church to add twenty-five per cent, to h er usual offering. We ask, too, th at Societies will take one or m ore scholarships in our schools, ranging from $20, $30, $40 to $60. We have sent to the President of each A uxiliary from five to tw enty sum m er cards for distribution. These can be- used for this extra offering, and a larger num ber will be furnished if desired. Above and beyond all hum an aid we need earnest prevail­ ing prayer for God’s special blessing upon those who, pro­ fessing the name of our Master, stand aloof and let the few bear the burdens of the many, th a t their heartsm ay be opened to understand the tru e m eaning of our Savior’s mission into this world. Our F ather gave his best, He gave his all when He gave His only son for a perishing world. Can we do less? M rs . A. L. C u s h i n g ,

Corresponding Secretary.

REPORT OF THE SOMMER SEWING GUILD. • *f Inasm uch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these.ye have done it unto m e.’* T hese oft quoted words of the M aster express b e tte r than any the spirit of the Sum m er Sewing Guild, for the work is designed to be a special and ex tra offering m ade “ in His nam e " for His little ones in foreign lands, and to uphold the hands of H is faithful workers there, m issionaries. The gift of the sum m er of 1900 was larg er than ever before ; 89 auxiliaries, 27 Young People's Societies, and 20 individual m em bers contributed 4,285 articles, a large am ount of basted patchw ork and over 500 rolled bandages. T he response for s m a l l contributions from the Societies for defraying the cost of transportation to the Mission stations brought in $43This response in answ er to the appeal, first made when the work was well under way, was so hearty we are encouraged to think th a t another year the whole cost will be covered and the ideal reached of m aking the work of the Guild a complete offering. In the late autum n these gifts were sent to our Missions in China, India, Japan and A rabia and now a fte r th eir long jo u r­ ney are clothing the girls in the Boarding Schools in India, the poor in Arabia, giving com fort to the sick in the Hospitals, and delighting the h earts of hundreds of children in the schools at prize giving tim es. . Those who gave so generously tow ard the Hospital sup­ plies will be glad to know th at every request from the Hospi­ tal staff for the new H ospital in Vellore w as’fully m et. From China a m issionary w rites : “ Please give thanks for us all to the donors of th e baby socks, mufflers, w ristlets and bags. The" women will be leaving the school for their homes soon and I will give each one a b a g .1' • From India one w rite s : “ I wonder how the m issionaries got along in th e days before the Sum m er Sewing Guild was instituted, but perhaps they had no ‘c u ts ' to face in those days. These .boxes alm ost entirely clothe our girls. For the sm aller girls we do not have to buy anything in the way of

clothing. W hen the boxes arrive our anxiety in this regard is over for the year. If we had to clothe as well as feed our girls we simply could not keep as m any of them in school and would have to send home a larger num ber of th e m /’ A nother writes : “ T he very first n ig h t the boxes cam e I took out the dolls for im m ediate use. P a rt of the jackets for the school boys have already been substituted for rags some of them were wearing, because they did not like to go with no jacket w hatever and I have only perm ission to make one set a year for them .” From another station : “ T he girls are m aking quilts for D r. H a rt’s H ospital beds of the patch work sent so abundantly last year. T hey work in K ensington stitch, on a wide border at top and bottom or on large squares in the cen­ te r such words as ‘ Ask and it shall be given.’ ‘Seek and ye shall fin d / We mean to have every spread speak to the o n ­ lookers one verse at least from the Word of L ife /' A m issionary in Japan w rites : “ I w ant to thank the kind donors and also the packers of the boxes. E very single article is acceptable and can be used to advantage in the work. I have so enjoyed looking over the things and thin k in g of the kindly thoughts interw oven in the work. May God bless and rew ard all for their love and in te re st.” From A rabia : “ We send hearty thanks for again so kindly sending us a box of clothing, all the things were much appre­ ciated, the doctors were glad to see the goodly pile of bandages and old linen, and our four sisters in Bahrein were glad and thankful to gaze on a new garm ent all th eir own. I wish our arm y of the thread and needle could have seen our courtyard on several occasions. One night it got abroad th a t garm ents were being given out. T he next m orning Lydia came up to say the courtyard was full of women, w hat should she do with them . I went down and looked them over and sent some away, the others were made to sit down in rows and not allowed to rise until they were given a strobe^ and after a talk with some they were passed out. “ I know the garm ents have been the m eans of opening doors and hearts where we tru st the nam e of C hrist will yet become precious and having received earthly good at our hands may they become willing to listen to heavenly things.” Nor has all the good been done in foreign lands. “ It is twice blessed.”

T he letters from the workers in the Societies at home are full of the pleasure it has been to prepare the gifts and often they tell of a rich blessing to an auxiliary through the work in bringing the m em bers into close contact and an increased in­ terest in Foreign Missions,and from m any comes the assurance th a t the offerings were sent with prayers th a t to the recipients m ight come not only com fort to the body b u t in some way be the m eans of bringing some souls to our dear Lord. One of the bundles was m arked : “ From one of the dear old ladies, an inm ate of an Old L adies’ Hom e who was anxious to help.” Tw elve dolls were m arked w ith'A m erican names— the story was th at in one of our churches the young ladies of the C hristian Endeavor Society dressed one dozen dolls which th eir juniors had purchased. The Leader w rite s: “ T here happened to be just twelve little girls in the Junior Society and each girl has nam ed a doll for herself. I t has been a very g reat pleasure to them to dress a doll and bestow a nam e upon it.” . Some of our Auxiliaries to whom the sum m er is the busiest tim e of the year have made th eir garm ents during the w inter months. To them came the rew ard of earning such words as the following, for early last sum m er a box of the w inter sewing was sent to India. “ T h a t last box of petticoats and jackets was such a providence coming ju st when my stock was ex­ hausted. I have rarely had a sudden w ant so providentially m et. Surely He, our Father, foresaw and cared for H is little ones. We close the record of this happy year of service, feeling confident of the continued support of the m em bers of the Guild, extending a welcome to any who will join us and giving to all as a watchword for the coming year, the words of one of our workers, “ Pray as you cut out or sew th a t these garm ents may become channels for C hrist’s love to flow through to the hearts th a t are weary from sin." K a th a rin e V


N est.



' A nother year of work for the W om an’s Board of Foreign Missions has rolled by, a year of toil and struggle, of joys and prayer. We ourselves know best w hether or not we have filled to the full the m easure of our duty, w hether the m onths now gone have been used to the best advantage. T here is an opportunity for every one to help in the work, and though each special departm ent of the Board has its individual helpers and workers, they need the cooperation of every m em ber of the A uxiliaries. Upon this cooperation they depend and to carry on the work with any degree of success, they ought to have it. And th ere is no departm ent of the Board w here it is m ore im portant, or can be m ore easily given than in the “ Baby R oll. ” Our Missionary Societies are composed of m others and sisters, who, if they would only interest them selves to bring the “ wee ones” into line and consecrate them in infancy to the Lord's service, would be able to accomplish an immense am ount of good. T he associations of early childhood are always the tenderest and at the same tim e the m ost lasting in life. W hat m ight not the m em ory of the fact th at they were prom ised to the Lord mean to some one of your children ! Know ing th at they were consecrated by their m other from baby hood to work for the Lord and give to His cause and having, these principles instilled into them , they would rem ain in H is service as they grew older. W hat a power an arm y of children fitted from infancy for the M aster's use would have. We w ant every woman in the M issionary Societies and in our Churches to think of this, and w here the roll is established to work u n tir­ ingly to increase the m em bership, and where it does not exist to lose no tim e in organizing. Our M aster has said, “ Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of H eaven.” H e wants them ! We have every reason to feel encouraged, not only has the m em bership list nearly doubled in two years, now num ber­ ing six hundred and sixty-four, but the in terest in this d ep art­ m ent of work is certainly increasing. T he "B ab y R oll,” as you all know, helps support the “ Children’s H o m e ” a t Amoy, China, and I shall be glad to

send the new leaflet, giving an interesting account and repoH of the work being done there to any one who m ay desire it. Any little child m ay become a m em ber of the Baby Roll and secure a certificate by the paym ent of tw enty-cents annually for five years, or by one full paym ent of one dollar and twenty-five cents. T he child's full name, w ith date of birth, and the nam e and address of the one who is to pay the fee should be sent to me. 째 M r s . H a m il t o n V. M e e k s , Secretary.






Miss Anna F. Bacon, President, Miss M atilda S. Janew ay, Secretary. Miss Maud Clark, Miss M argaret Coe, “ Elizabeth Andrews, “ C. Ditmars, “ Alice Castree, “ R . V. Z. Cobb, “ A . Van Cleef, “ C. Duryee, “ K atherine Wood, “ S. A . Bussing, “ W hitehead, “ E dith Raven, “ S. P. D uB ois, ' “ Annie Wyckoff, We young women felt much flattered receiving notes from the Secretary of the W . B. F. M., telling us they hoped we would give our help in’ effecting a Young Woman’s Branch as an adjunct of th eir Board. ’ In response to the call five young women m et together on November 20th, 1900. M rs. Cobb, who was present w ith four other m em bers of the W om an’s Board, told us how necessary it had been thought to have an auxiliary to their work, also how few young women of the p resent day felt an interest in Foreign Missions, and how im portant it was for the work in the future to have such a feeling aroused now. Num erous plans of work were told us in which we m ight help or lighten the work carried on by the W om an’s Board. So before we adjourned th at day we five had draw n up a con­ stitution and by-laws and nam ed ourselves the Young Woman’s Branch of the W. B. F. M. " O ur special work this w inter has been interesting the K ing’s Daughters Circles in Miss Deyo, and asking them to contribute to her support, and in th a t way have her go out to Japan as the K ing’s D aughters missionary. T his involved quite an am ount of w riting, as each Circle in the Church was

w ritten to. In the eastern classes there are 97 circles, while in the w est they seem unknown. T w enty-three circles re ­ sponded, and we tru st m ore will do so. Our total so far is $170 00. We reg ret exceedingly th a t this is less than a q u arter of the am ount we need. H ow ever, we have gathered valuable inform ation as to w hat young w om en’s societies exist in the churches, and though financially our work has not been as successful as we had hoped, yet we have been brought in touch w ith alm ost every Reform ed Church in the United States, and the statistics will certainly be of value. On April 26th we gave a reception for Miss Deyo to m eet the K ing’s D aughters. We were very much pleased by having quite a 0num ber of guests. Miss Deyo made a short address and also M rs. Sangster. Every one seem ed most interested, and we look forw ard tru stin g th a t our first efforts will bring forth some fruit in the future. Our o th er work is to help with the clerical work of Room 10, the Sum m er Sewing Guild, the “ G leaner ” and “ D ay star,” and to make ourselves useful a t the various conferences during the year. ' . . From the five ch a rter m em bers, who were the Misses Bacon, Clark, Castree, Cobb and Janeway, we now num ber fourteen. We feel in looking back over the past w inter th a t although we have not very much to say for ourselves, still the W. B. P. M. have not found us w anting when they needed our help, and our prayer for the future is th a t they m ay depend on us always, and th a t we m ay become a most useful Branch to them . . . M a t i l d a S. J a n e w a v ,





If *1 6£ z

.SC'S lx “ §2x


» 5


it* u5 | «1w


196 08 Miss Em ily D . Sum m er, 121 N . Pearl St.



F irst, A lbany........................ Sunday School Mies. Bd Golden Rule B d.............. M adison A re ., A lbany........ J u n io r Miss. Soc........... T hird, A lbany............. . H olland, A lbany................... S ixth, A lbany........................ F ir s t B ethlehem ..................... Second B ethlehem ................. K n o x ........................................ C larksville............................... Coeym ans................................ O utlook B d..................... Jeru sa le m ................................ New B altim ore.......................

J i

$75 00

5 00

368 00 835 30 Miss J a n e t M acN augbton, 488 M adison Ave. Miss Jen n ie n . Sewall, 576 M adison Ave. 20 00 Mies K ate A. Sawyer. 104 H erkim er St. 10 00 15 00 Mrs. A . P . De Rouville, 101 Dove St. 12 65 Mrs. S. L. Vostder, 25 H u n ter Ave. 29 00 M rs.Charles D .N iver,South Bethlehem ,N .Y . 3 25 Mrs. C linton W . Clowe, Delm ar, N . Y. 11 00 M iss Grace T . Barckley, Knox, N. Y. 8 00 Mrs. S. J . W right, C larksville, N . Y . 0 00 A nna L. P ond, Coeym ans, N . Y. M rs. C. W . Burrowes, Coeymans, N . Y. 18 77 Mrs. T . A. B eekm an, Jerusalem , N . Y. 91 82 54 45 Sirs. A. L. W ickes, New Baltim ore, N . Y.

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : Mrs. V. H . Y ouugm an, 135 Lancaster S t., A lbany, N . Y.


I I I 1oS*


,s.«t Z

F irst, H ackensack................ S chraalenburgh...................... Sunshine Miss. B d....... New D u rh am ........................ F irst, H oboken..................... N orth Bergen......................... P a lisa d e s................................. •• W illingW orkersM .B G m tenb erg ........I .................... T he Sunshine Miss. Bd. C herry Hill.............................. Spring V alley ......................... C L. II. Miss. B d ........ W estw ood........................ O radell...................................... C. L. S. Miss. B d............ '



SI 26

3 5 00

'i s . . . .

125 00





$63 66 M rs. A . S. D em arcst, 28 W arren St. 40 45 Mrs. M. Germond, Dum ont, N . J . M rs. A m elia Jo n es, D um ont, N. J . 10 00 185 00 Miss Carolyn D nryee, Fairvlew , N . J . Mrs. E dith L. Brounell, 520 H udson St. 41 00 Miss Sophie D ebne, W eehaw ken P . O. Mrs. E . C anhum , F o rtL e e , N . J . M rs. F . Ferw erda, F o rt Lee. N . J . 13 76 Miss R . Jo n es, G uttenberg, N . J . Sirs. W . S. W atson, W est New Y o rk ,lN. J . 18 15 Sirs. Jo h n H. V oorhle, C herry H ill, N . J . 10 00 Mrs. A. U. Hopper, V alleta, N . J . Mrs. F ran k B ntchelder, R iver Edge, N . J . 30 00 M rs. D ora L. Stever, W estwood. N . J . . 20 40 M rs. H iram Beilis, Oradell, N . J . 8 00 Annie C hurch, Oradell, N . J .


M rs. C hristie Romaine, H ackensack, N . J .

M rs. I. W . Gowen, W eehaw ken, N . J .

B ergen...................................... 100 F irst, B ayonne....................... 50 W ayne St., Jersey C ity........ 28 P ark, Jerse y C ity ................. 28 1 Bergen P o in t......................... 32 Lafayette, Jersey C ity.......... 25 Miss. Bd.......................... Free, Jerse y C ity................... '*16 G reenville................................ 24

$10 00 10 00 10 00 1 16

b 00

Total Contri­ buted through Society.

C ontribated to Arabia.

Contri bated to Hindu G irls’ School.


No. o f Mem. in Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies of the M iss.Gleaner.



172 40 880 00 ,* ? !$ 58 22 00

Mrs. E lijah S. Cowles, 282 Barrow S t.. J . C. Mrs. R. T . Eddow es, 41 W.35tb St..B ayonne Miss Irene C. P hillips, 816 V arick S t., J . C. Miss Louise Carlisle, 105 Cole St. Mies D. A. E sty, 59 W . 4th S t. . S S Mrs. J . B. Doremus, 201 Pacific Ave. M rs. W . D . Edwards. 428 Bergen Ave. Mrs. J . S. Iledden, 257 8th S t. 3 s Helen Reid, 119 D anforth Ave,, Jersey City.


CLASSICAL C O M M ITT EE : Mrs. Cornelias C. B rett, 509 Bergen Ave., Jerse y C ity. M rs. W, D. Edw ards, 428 Bergen A ve., Jersey City. M rs. W . II. Boococb, 768 A venue C, Bayonne, N . J .

Hope. W estfield.....................

10 11

Van R aalte..............................



Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontribnted to A rabia.

C ontribnted to H indu G irls’ School.


No. o f Mem. in Society. No. o f Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies o f the M iss.G leaner.


88 25 10 0


25 M rs. T . Brower, H arrison, So Dak. 00 Miss M argaret D ykcma, Westfield, N o.D ak. 00 Mrs. S. J . H anseling, M arion, So. D ak. ' 00 M rs. Jo h n Van D envelen, Thole, So. Dak. o



A tw ood.................................... C oopersvllle........................... F rem ont................................... Young Ladies' Mis. Bd. F irst, G rand H a v e n ............. Second, G rand R apids......... S ixth, “ •* __ Young Ladies1M is. Bd. Seventh, G rand R apids....... N inth, “ *f .. .. First. Kalam azoo................... T hird, “ ................... F o a rth , “ ...................

B • i l l s 1 =8 a 'O j a £ au Xx* ♦J^ • oj •si .03 §2*S 63 55 Zo w 5 a * a*

|i i f i I I ^ j=® §3 111 ^5


§ 5 00 Mrs. H. v.d. J a c h t, A tw ood, Mich § 2 85 81 50 Mrs. S. S ichtcnnan, Coopersvllle. Mich. Mrs. II. Pell, Frem ont, Mich. 5 00 Miss Jen n ie Rozeina, Frem ont, Mich. 10 00 105 00 Mrs. P . Brnsse, G rand H aven, Mich. 8 50 18 50 Mies A nna W inter, 88 Monroe S t., Gd. R ps. 14 75 Mrs. W. Jacobs, 780 So. E ast St., Gd. Rps. Mies M innie Burg, cor. Kaimacoo & O aknlll 5 00 5 00 Mrs. S. H. Jotdersm a, 321 A lpine Ave. 27 10 M rs. J . Dykm an. 818 So. Lane Ave. 142 85 Mrs. N ieesink, 017 S. B urdick, K alam azoo.. 15 00 Grace Jager, N. W est S t., Kalamazoo. Mich. 10 00 Mrs. A. Gonw, 809 Em erson S t., Kalam azoo

C atek lll............................

10 100

F irst, Coxeackle.................... Second, C oxeackle............... K isk ato m ................................


L eeds......................................




i 11 6


$5 00 1 00



T otal C ontri­ bated through Society.

C ontribnted to H indu G irls' School.

II £

Copies of the M iss.G leaner.

No. o f Mem. In Society.


!5 3!


§20 75 Mrs. A nna nallen b eck , A thens, N . Y. . $20 00 184 73 Mrs. Jo h n A hrett, C atekiP, N. Y. Mrs. W . I. Jen n in g s, W illiam S t., Cateklll. 20 00 Mrs. W . E. R ay, W est Coxeackle, N . Y. 36 00 152 85 Mrs. W . E. W inans. Coxeackle, N . Y. 13 25 Miss Ada J . Lennon, Paleoville, N . Y. E tta Ilaw ver, K iskatom , N . Y. 15 00 Mrs. C. A. V edder, Leeds, N. Y.

CLA SSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Mies Mary A. D em arest, 808 M ain S t., Cateklll, N . Y.

Second, Cleveland................. K ing’s W illing W orkers F irst. H olland........................ T hird. »• ......................... Rrt ___ Second, Jam e sto w n . . . . . . . . N orth H olland........................ Overisel.................................... Sonth B len d o n...................... Z eeland................................... “ T ry p h o sa................

23 35 19 38 60

Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontribnted to A rabia.

C ontributed to H lndn G irls' School.


No. o f Mem. In Society. No. o f Mem. on B aby Roll. Copies o f the iM iss.Gleaner.


6 ........... 40


14 25 46 20 31 55 32 ?.a3

Mrs. M. D alm an, Beaverdam, Mich. M rs. 11. N ykam p, 297 D are St., Cleveland. Dora J N ykam p, 297 D are St., Cleveland. Miss M andZw em er.858 C entral Ave., U oll'd M iss Jen n ie K rem ers, 39 E. 18th S t., H oll'd Mrs. G. H. D nbbink. 9 00 M rs. T . R elnbrant, Jam estow n, Mich. 15 00 Mrs. A. U. Strabbing, New H olland, Mich. 76 57 Mrs. H . A. F ortuine. Overisel, Mich. 12 00 Mrs. P . Stegem an, Farow e, Mich. 53 00 Mrs. D. T anls. V riesland, Mich. 207 40 Mrs. D. P. De Jo n g , Zeeland, Mich. „ 60 00 Mies Lena De Free, Zeeland, Mich.

§20 8 5 5 00 29 75 5 00

12 1 12 30 6


00 00 00 00 00

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Mrs. Ralph V eneklasen, Zeeland, Mich.

F irst, Claverack..................... G allatin............. ...................... G erm antow n...........................

18 89 25

Green p o r t.......................... G reenport, Red Hill Chape). H u d so n ............. ..................... M ellenvllle.............................. P h ilm o n t................................ U pper R ed H ook(St.John's) w e s t Copake..........................

45 21 77 15 20 22 27


10 1 17


4 12 4 1

Total C ontri­ bated through Society.

C ontribnted to A rabia.

C ontribated to H indu G irls' School.


No. o f Mem. , in Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies of the M iss.Gleaner.



§71 65 Mrs. J . B. Esseletyn, Claverack, N . Y. 14 62 Mrs. Kate L. W eaver, G allatinville, N . Y. 51 00 Mrs. A nnieL ingar RockfeM er.M adahn.N.Y. Mrs. A nnie Lingar R ockefeller.M adalln.N. Y. 60 00 Mrs. W . B. W alker, Greendale. N. Y. 10 00 Mrs. A. H. B aurhyte, C atskili S tation, N.Y. 20 00 8 25 00 100 75 Miss Helen Van W yck, H udson, N . Y. 15 40 M rs. Geo. Cookincbam , Mellenvllle. N . Y. 28 76 Miss Mary E. Snyder, Philm ont, N. Y. 60 00 A nna B. Moore. U pper Red Hook, N . Y. 5 00 10 00 15 00 Mrs. Jo h n G. Pulver, W est Copake, N. Y.

§ 5 00




CLA SSICAL C O M M ITTEE : Mrs. E. L. Perrine, U pper Red Hook, N. Y.

M rs. J . P . Van W yck, nudeon, N . Y.

Second, P ella..........................

92 8 74

T rin ity , Chicago....................

8 17

Irving P a rk , Chicago............


l i



100 00 Mrs. W alter Sm ith, 2535 N . 41st A ve., Chic. Mrs. Maggie Y . M iller, 44 C ourt St. 210 25 Mrs. J o h n Van der Linden, Pella, la.

1 $30 00 5

Total Contri­ buted through Society.

C ontribnted .to H lndn Girls’ School.

No. o f Mem. , in Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies of the IMiss.Gleaner.


$ 5 66

25 00 M rs. J . E . A m crm an, R aritan, 111. 10 00 M iss Grace Bus, 569 W . H arrison St.

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : Miss E lizabeth D im nent, 89 Y ork St., Chicago, III.



i i s i 1 aS If I«-S 3.C a1 3 5 “ =1 s'® S3-S I- 2 o « 5


§ S i?



=2 si® 5s $70 50 $88-24 Mrs. Jo h n M eyer, A lton, Iowa. Mies G. K rone, Leota, Minn. 20 00 20 00 Mrs. D. Van den B rink, Boyden, Iowa. 20 00 Mrs. Jacob K uyper, Carmel, Iowa. 115 00 Mies M. Den H erder, H olland, Neb. 80 00 Mrs. A. E. B runstlng, H all, Iowa. Mrs. G. K uipers, H ull, Iowa. 20 00 Mrs. J . Van De Velde, Luctor, K an. 81 00 Mrs. C. Duven, M aurice, Iow a. Mrs. G . Slothoober, M iddlebnrg, Iowa. 20 00 Mrs. Benj. Syw assink, 1101 Lucas Grove. 5 00 Josep h in e V. T e W inkel, 1169 Lucas Grove. 118 80 Mrs. D. Roos. N ew kirk. Iowa. 40 00 Miss M innie G rootenhnis. N ew kirk, Iowa. 75 00 Mrs. B. Van der Anrde, O range C ity, la. 25 00 110 00 Miss M artha N oordhoff, O range C ity, la. 38 50 Mrs. H . Bootstna, Pella, Iowa. Mrs. H J . V eldm an, Pella, Iowa. 03 00 Miss Mary van H aaften, Pella, Iowa. 9 00 Miss H annah V ender Beck, Pella, N eb. 95 54 Mrs. G. W. W cssellnk, Slonx Center, Iowa. 37 00 Miss H enrietta Schut, Sionx Centre, Iowa.

A lto n ........................................ B ethel....................................... Boyden .................................... C arm el...................................... H olland, N eb.......................... H u l l .......................................... M artha C ircle................. L u c to r...................................... M aurice.................................... M ld d leh u rg ............................ M uscatine................................ G trle’ MIes. B d ............... N e w k irk .................................. T onng Ladies' Mlsa.Cir. F irst, Orange City Young Ladles' Mias. Bd. F irst, Pella M oonlight Mies. B d ... T h ird , P ella............................ Pella, N eb................................ F irst, Sioux C enter............... Y oung Ladies'M ies. Bd.

CLASSICAL COM M ITTEE : M rs. N . M. Steffens, Orange C ity, Iowa.


a . i* S i I* ! 0 * 0 ja


at oj 6£

I ? §3-S I® ° 5

20 2 9 Bloomingdale.., 80 . . . . 5 T h e Clove........ 67 . . . . 4 G ardiner........... H a rle y ............... 86 . . . 8 V olunteers. K ingston F a ir S tree t............ 75 . . . . 8 N e w P a ltz ................................ 8 0 . . . 7 K ettleboro S. S.................................................


il *11



Mrs. Howard D em arest. B loom ington, N . Y. Miss Ella Rider, High Falls, N. Y. Miss E d ith M. Scars, G ardiner, N . Y. Mrs. P . P . B rink, H urley, U lster C o., N. Y. Miss M. Elm endorf, K ingston, N . Y. 42 53 Mre.Virgel Van W agoner, 144 Elm endorf St. 99 17 Mrs. G ertrude Le Fevre, New Paltz, N . Y. 5 00

$16 67 14 22

00 46 00 50

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Mrs. A sa Le Fevre, F o rest Glen, N . Y. Mies A m anda Krom, H igh Falls, -N. Y.


r-a §1^ *S °3-S 52

3 =8 a'o ja oj a5-S t SO s i * ,B a 5 o-2 >2 lg II o 3


Jam aica.................................... N e w to w n ................................ T he King’s D a u g h ters.. O vster B ay............................ W iillam sburgh, C rystal Soc. F irst, A sto ria......................... Second, 41 ......................... F lu sh in g .......................... K en t S t.................................... Sooth B ashw ick ................... Q aeeos...................................... M anhaeset............................... F irst, Long Island C ity.......

22 1



5 00

5 80 00 5 00



’ '*9

0 10

6 00

10 21

18 50

<5 00 114 45 5 IS 60 37

87 00 00 88 00 50

22 00

47 40 05 71 18 8

28 00 00 69 00 00


Mrs. M. G. Stockholm , 411 F ulton St., Ja m . Mrs. F. Booth, E lm bnrst, L. I. Mrs. C. R. Clearwater, E lm hurst, L. I. M rs. S. Downing, Glen H ead, L. I. M iss E dith Burr, 151 T aylor S t., Brooklyn. Miss Em m a T . Sm ith, 70 R em sen St., A st’a Miss Lilly G erken, 275 G rand Ave., A storia. M rs. W m. Badger, 135 M adison A ve., Flush. Miss Josephine V. Kane, 102 M ilton S t.. B’n. Miss E. Lockwood, 1055 L afayette A ve., B’n. Miss E. L. H endrickson, Elm ont. L. I. Edellza Scbenck, M anbasset. L. I. Mrs. E. Hiscox. 47 5th A ve., L. I. City.

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : M rs. C. Rapelye, A storia, L. I.

Mrs. J . S. N. Dem urest, Queens, L. I.


* s*


F irst, B ro o k ly n ..................... F latbush ................................ G race Chapel, F la tb u s h .. . . New U tr e c h t........................ T he N eighbors............... G ra v e se n d .............................. Flatlands, B ro o k ly n............. E ast New Y ork, Brooklyn South B rooklyn......... ........... T w elfth St., B rooklyn........ N orth, B rooklyn................... H eights, B rooklyn................. A rabian Circle................. B ethany Chapel, B rooklyn. New B r o o k ly n ................... Edgew ood................................ Bay R idge................................



o ! Ji Sx” g +* O— O ft. i 5 s i tI si

!* H


ZH .

$125 00 8 50 00 299 100 31 131 85 00 80 00

125 00 142 00


Sim 00 50 00 00

218 00 15 00 22 62 61 00 66 00

140 20 20 00 821 44 89 44 20

00 00 24 88 00

75 00 56 00

Mrs. A lbert Korber, 103 Lincoln Pi. M rs. U. L. Welle, 900 F latbush Ave. A. H enderson, 41 R utland Road, Flatbneb. M rs. F. C. DeMund. 8781 Bay Parkw ay, Bk. Mies Phoebe M. Lott, 18th Ave., Brooklyn. M rs.F.E.U . R enaud,14N eck Kd.,Gravesend Miss R. J . Ryder, Kings H lghw ny.Flatlands M rs. W m. F. Rycrson, Station L,Brooklyn. Miss S. J . Spence, 194 52d S t. *• ' Mrs. II. Bowie, 24014th S t., Brooklyn. Mies Id a A. D em arest, 11 Revere Pi.,U klyn. M. Louise Edw ards, 145 Berkeley PI. Miss E thel M. H osford, 142 S t. M arks Ave. Mrs. C. A. F . Lageretedt, 735th Ave. Bklyn. Mrs. M ary Goebel. 850 C banncey St.,B klyn. Mrs; J . H orner, 135648tb St., Brooklyn. Miss Laura L.B ennett, 416 79ih S t. Brooklyn

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : M iss M. Louise Edw ards, 145 Berkley Place.

M rs. P eter A. M acLean, 864 P resident S t., B rooklyn, N . Y.


B ethany, G rand R ap id s— Grace, G rand R a p i d s .......... Second, G rand H aven.......... Hope, H ollan d....................... Second, K alam azoo............. H elpers Miss. B d........... Second, M uskegon...............


Total Contri­ buted through Society.

$10 00 $85 5 60 105 14 00 69 10 15



C ontribnted [ to A rabia. |

■35 U 5a

C ontribated to H indu G irls' School.

No. o f Mem. In Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll.


’” 4 1 5

00 00 00 27 90 00 00



Mrs. J . C. Heyboer. 23 H oldbrook St. Mrs.G. Vogel, 821 Grandvllle Ave., G d.R pdt. Mrs. Jam es J . Danhof, G rand H aven, M ich. Mrs. Geo. W. Brow ning. COW. 18th S t.,U o l. Mrs. E. J . B lekkink, 528 W. W alnnt St. Miss Ada M olbrock, 1704 S.W . S t.. K alam . Miss Cornelia Stcketee, 141 Peck S t., M usk.

CLASSICAL COM M ITTEE : M rs. C. V. R. Gilmore, H olland, Mich. M rs. N . S. King, 138 W . 11th St., H olland, Mich.

14 50 23 24

Total Contri­ buted through Society.


$14 00 Mrs. H. W . Ruck, M arlboro, N . J . 82 25 Mrs. Wm. M. Conover, C olt’s N eck,N . J. $5 00 81 89 Mrs. D. D. H endrickson. M iddletown, N . J . Mies Marie B. Conover, M iddletown, N . J . 42 00 .Mies J . A. Conover, Freehold. N. J . 5 00 Madge H. Conover, K eyport, N. J . .Mrs. T . Patterson, Long Brooch C ity, N. J . 12 05 Mies Jen n ie M. Strong, C**Us Neck. N .J. 5 00 Mrs. F.’M. Bognrdue. 1117 Fifth A ve..N. J . Mrs. Van M ater, A sbury P a rk , N. J .

22 6 2

21 32 18

C ontribated to Arabia.

C ontribnted to H indu G irls' School.


No. o f Mem. in Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies of the Mies.Gleaner.


9 8

CLASSICAL C O M M ITT EE : Mrs. E dgar Schenck, Holmdel, N. J . M rs. P eter Stry k er, A sbury P a rk , N. J .





s3 « A m sterd am ................... . A nriesville........................ C urry tow n......................... Florida................................ F o n d a ........................ •.... F o /t P la in ......................... H e rk im e r........................... Ovvasco O u tle t................. S t. Johnflvllle................... S p rak e re ............................ S y ra c u se ...............-........... Thousand Is la n d s ........... U tic a .................................. “ T he K ing s D aughters. *• S. S ............................



12 10 ' “ s


87 45




15 93 24

20 12

10 6 8

$10 00

1 io 66 12 8 60 00

$ 6 48 Miss E. M. Vo«slcr, 27 S torr'e St.. A m st’dm. 6 33 Miss Jen n ie M. M iller, Anriesville. N*. Y. 10 00 A nna E. V oorlues, C urrytow n. N. Y. 11 25 Mies H enrietta Pearse, M inavllle, N. Y. $ 5 00 41 97 Mrs. P. W. SRteriy. Fonda. N. Y. 49 33 Mrs. H enry Zoller, F ort Plain. N . Y. 25 60 Lizzie L. Greene, H erkim er. N. Y, 7 00 Mrs. S. N. Sw artw ont, A uburn, N. Y. 5 00 80 00 Mrs. S. W alrath, 8 Main St., St. Johnsvllle. 80 00 Mies J . A. M itchell, Sprakere, N. Y. 10 00 188 50 Mrs. M. C. A m es.608 U ndid Ave .Syracuse. 17 60 Mrs. L u ther Davis, A lexandria Bay, N. Y. 11 00 91 50 Miss K. C. B rayton, 252 Genesee S t., U tica. 20 00 Miss G. Chapm an, 104 Jo h n St.. U tica, N.Y. 80 00

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : M rs. G. C. C hurchill, 296 Genesee St., U tica, N . Y . Mies Caroline Gridley, 21 H opper S treet, U tica, N. Y.

B elleville................................. M ustard Seed Miss. Bd. F irst, N ew ark........................ T he G leaners.................. Irv in g to n ................................. G irls’ Mies. B a n d .......... New Y ork A venue, N ew ark N o rth , N ew ark ...................... S. S. and K earnv............ F ra n k lin .............................. . Clinton A ve.. N e w a rk ....... Heidelberg G uild.........'.

12 28 7



40 70

12 95 8 80

T rinity, N ew ark.................... Stone House P la in s ............. O ra n g e .................................

20 9 ::::

P la in ile ld ................................ W hatsoeverCIrcleKg.D.

65 12

2 1 40


I !


Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontribnted to H indu G irls’ School.

? ;

Copies o f the M iss.G leaner.

No. o f Mem. in Society.




$40 00 Miss Louiee Taylor, 248 M ain St.. Belleville. 85 00 Miss Enderp, 141 Bank St. 20 00 Miss EHz. M. S talb. box 285,Irvington, N :J. 25 00 Mrs. L . A. Sm ith, 804 CH ntonAve.,Newark. Miss Mary Crowell, Irvington. N . J . $ 1 2 00 116 77 Miss M. H enrietta Price, 27 Pacific St. 600 00 Miss Mary Polhem us,86 Jam es S t., Newark. 500 00 $ 1 3 45 49 92 Mrs. C. B. Van D ewater. N utley. N . j . 216 48 Mrs. E. n . P eters, 1017 Broad S t., N ew ark. 125 00 45 00 170 00 Mrs. W. E. Crane, 74 P a rk h n rst St. “ 54 87 12 50 Miss Lydia Brown, Plnm P oint Lane, Newk. 15 00 Mrs. R. M. Bogardus, Brookdale, N . J . 70 00 221 86 M is8Flor.J.VanN es‘t.l9W aliiuiSt.,E .O range 49 43 Allen C larke 687 Springdale Ave., E Orange 50 00 Miss G. Em m ons, 15 JacksonA ve, Plainfield 5 00 Mrs. W ill T. W illiams, 66 W estervelt Ave.

CLASSICAL COM M ITTEE : M rs. T . D. Sm ith, 14 W ateon A ve., E ast O range, N . J .



F irst, New H runsw ick........ Ladles’ Aid Society___ Young People’s M. G. Six Mile H un........................ M issionary G uild........... Taylor M issions Circle. H illsborough........................... Sarah Sutphen M. B .... M iddlebush............................. Sunshine M ission Bond. G riggstow n............................ Miss. B. of Griggstown. Second. New B r.unsw lck.... Young W om en’s M. G.. K ing’s H elpers M. B .. T h ird . New Brunsw ick........ S letuchen ................................ Golden Crown Mies. B. Suydam S tree t....................... Campbell .Mission Band E astM U lstone........................ H opeful W orkers M. B. H ighland P a rk ....................... Mission B a n d . . . . . ........ *


$5 00 It:...

is;..... 18,


187 85 M rs. G. S. Van Pelt. 90 Bayard St. 8U 00 M rs. A. Bartholomew , S cott & French Sts. 10 00 J e a n e tte Lockwood. 112 Bayard St. $45 69 07 10 Mies H. M. S.Cnshm on. Franklin P ark .N .J. 25 00 85 00 Miss M. R. Stoothoff, Franklin P a rk , N . J 21 50 Miss Addle Polhemue. F ranklin P ark, N . J 10 00 86 50 Mrs. Jo h n Bronson, Hilleborougb, N. J . Miss Bessie Van Cleef, M illstone, N . J . 18 45 Mrs. D. J . Vonrheee, M iddlebush, N J . Mrs. A. De H art, M iddlebush, N. J . 40 00 Mrs. II. W . H oagland, Rocky H ill, N. J . Miss Lydia Southard, Griggstown, N J 166 15 Miss Mary H. Parker. Bishop Place. 17 17 Mies E dna M erritt, 88 W elton St. SO 00 Miss A. D. W oodbrldge, New Brunswick. 4 00 Mies A nna Searle, Sem inary Place. 40 85 Mrs. Sarah F . De M ott, M eiuehen, N . J . ' Mrs. A. Hoffman, M etucben, N. J . 25 00 Mrs. J . B. D rury, gg Livingston Ave. SO 00 Mies Sadie A. Sm ith, New Brunsw ick, N. J . 23 00 Mrs. Ohae. D unn, E ast M illstone, N. J . 14 80 Miss M argaret D unn, R. M illstone. “ 26 00 Miss Blendlna Sraock.N ew B runsw ick. N .J. • • • • • j M rs. Charles Nofey, New B rim sw ick, N . J .


Miss A nna D. W oodbrldge, 121 Ham ilton S t., New Brunswick, N . J .|M rs . A. Paige Peeke, EafetlMliletone, N . J .

a= s a l a g l i ogi? SL ^a-S '—— “ SO C IETIES. 55” n I S e5*c a - z § 55 « 3 o 2 ^5 Collegiate. F ifth A v e n n e... 05 25 §250 00 ............ 1743 42


J u n io r Mis?. Soc............ Collegiate M arble................. S t. N icholas G u ild......... Collegiate, W est E u d ............ G u ild ................................ Collegiate, M iddle................. M orning S tar Miss. Ud. Y oung Worn. Mies. Soc. Collegiate, 34th S tree t.......... F irst Collegiate,- H arlem . . . . Second Collegiate, Harlem . Young W orn.,Dorcas So., S onth C hurch......................... M anor Chapel, S outh C b ... P o rt R ichm ond....................... B loom ingdale......................... M adison A venue................... Bethany Chapel S. S . . . . U nion, High B ridge............. K ing's D aughters......... B righton H eights, Staten Is. G race C h.................................. “ Coral W o rk e rs.... H am ilton G range................. A nderson M em orial............. F o rd b a m ......... .......................


125 00 152 00

26 . 75 . 55 . 27 . 20 .*

04 . 35 .

125 00



Miss Helen Van Kleeck, 235 W est 45th St. George M unroe, 16 E a st 78th St. Miss Mary Bussing, 4 E ast 12th St. Ella Blauvelt, 843 W est 23d St. M rs. S. D. Scudder, 207 W est 85th St. Miss Evelyn B allantine, 266 W est End Ave. Sllrs A . W . O lcott, 111 W est 18th St. M rs. H . Lautenechlaeger, 818 6tb St. 5 00 Mies Alice W hite, 320 E ast 18th St. 5 00 Mies Jen n ie Sw an, 485 W est 48d St. 182 09 Miss E. J . V arian, 325E ast 124th St. 100 00 M rs. Jam es D. Shipm an, 20 W est 128th St. 10 00 Miss A nnie F . B ennett, 262 R est 128th St. 150 00 M rs. E . G. Janew ay, 38 W est 40tn St. 5 00 25 00 M rs. Jam es Palm er, 205 West 87th St. 86 00 Miss M innie Van N am e, Mariner e Harbor. Mrs. Geerge W. M indil, 101 VS est 78th St. 931 00 Mies Letitia O’Neil), 143 W est 57th St. 125 00 Mr. A. Becketlnc, 1 W est S ls tS t. c 186 75 Miss M aud Clark. W oody C rest,H igh Bridge. 25 00 Miss H.O.Voorliees.WoodyCreBtAv. ** 38 50 Miss E . M. Fellows. 6 2d Ave New Brighton 35 00 Mrs. J . K. D nryee. 189 E ast 86th St. ' Mies M. Bigler. 448 W est 48th St. 85 00 M iss FlorenceM . Layton, 682 W est 149tb St. 16 02 M rs. L. K. Peecook, 2303 C am breleng Ave. 97 50 M rs. J . H aupt, S. Boulevard, B edford Park. 1424 68 210 75 184

00 30 75 00 9S

CLASSICAL C O M M ITT EE : Miss A . W. O lcott, 111 W est 18th St.

Mrs. D. B. Van H onten, 122 W est 123d S t.

B loom ingburg........................ Deer Parle, P o rt J e rv is ....... Ellen v ille ................................ M ontgom ery........................... New Ilu rlev ............................ New P rospect......................... S haw angnnk........................... W alden................................. . Y oang Ladies’ Mis. Clr. W allkill ,f.................... W aw arslng..............................

10 89 50 33 17 42 20 42 33 57 30

II? 2 ou 5


16 18




8 *49 17 6

Total Contri. buted through Society.



C ontribnted to A rabia.


Copies o f thi M iss.Gleaner


No. o f Mem. in Society.



§5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00

io 5 00

10 Mrs. F . E. Clapbam . Bloom ingburg, N . Y. 30 00 Mrs. C. H . N orris, 18 Broome S t., Pt.JervIe. 38 00 Mrs. P . II. Decker, Elle'nville, N . Y. 22 25 Mrs. W illiam M ould, M ontgomery, N . Y. 7 00 Miss J . A. T raphageu, New H urley, N. Y. $io 66 50 00 Mrs. Sim on Vernooy, P ine Bush, N . Y. 5 00 M iss M argaret T uttle, Brnnysw icb, N . Y. BOO 25 00 Mrs. Sanford Abrams. W alden, N . Y. 5 00 5 00 Annie Slnsabaugb, W alden, N . Y. 84 82 M rs. D ayton R elyea, W allkill, N. Y. 5 00 Miss M ary C. Plllsbury, N apanoch, N . Y.

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Miss M ary K . Berg, M ontgom ery, N . Y. M rs. W illiam W yckoff Schom p, W alden, N. Y.

88 A cqiiackanonk....................... 75 Helen E. A ycrigg M. B. 29 7 N yack, N. Y.......................... P a ra m u s .................................. "2 9 '" 8 Pascack ................................... 21 1 N orth Parealc........................ C onklin M iss. Bd ........ 25 Paterson, B roadw ay............. Paterson, Second................... 84 17 Ridgewood.............................. P lcrm ont.................................. 16 Mahwah.*................................ 17 70 "2 0 j Spring Valley, N. Y ............. V alley L ights M ies. B d . 30 16 Tappan. N. Y ........................ 46 " ’4 10 W arwick, N . Y...................... W est N ew H em pstead.........



11 S3

$10 00 15 00 15 00


15 00

Total Contri­ buted throngh Society.


C ontribnted to H indu G irls' School.

No. o f Mem. in Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies o f the M iss.Gleaner.


202 20 Miss A . E . G aston, 236 Lex. A ve., Passaic. 60 00 M attie S. G reenlee, 216 High St.. Passaic. 220 00 Mrs. G .F . Blauvelt, 88N. Broadway, N yack. 28 66 M rs. D. S. H ammond, Ridgewood, N . J . 21 59 M rs. D. T . Dawson, Park Ridge, N .J . 60 50 M re.J.H \Vkitehead,35 H am ilton Av., Pass c

109 01 Mrs. J C hristie, 203 Sum m er St., Patereou. 10 00 10 00 " $ 10*06 82 50 Mrs.Theo.W.Welles.TO H am U tonA v.,Pat's’n 25 00 Mrs. J . E . Provine, Ridgewood, N . J . 19 70 Mrs. Howard C. H asbrouck, Pierm ont.N .Y . 5 00 27 00 Miss M ary S. Zabriskle, Suffern, N . Y. 5 00 100 49 Mrs. C. E. Crispell, S pring Valley. N . Y. 5 00 Miss Helen K err, Spring Valley, N. 5 65 39 15 Mies C. M. Stephens, T appan, N . Y. 10 00 76 84 Mrs. Ira A . H aw kins, WarwicK, N . 10 00 Miss Helen D. D em arest, W arw ick, N . Y. 13 50 M rs. H enry W . B rink, Spring Valley, N. Y.


CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Mrs. P h ilip Van Aletlne, Spring Valley, N . Y.

Preaknees................................ P o m p to n ...............................

20 40 40 10 40

F irst, T oto w a........................


Boonton ................................ Lfttie F a lls..............................



15 2 S

10 00

6 3 8

T otal C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontribnted to A rabia.


: C ontributed 1 to H indu G irls' School.

No. o f Mem. in Society. No. o f Mem. •m Baby Roll. Copies of the M iss.G leaner.


$5 $ 5 0 0 91 26 20 64 5 28


00 Mrs. W . A. V olght. Boonton, N. J . 50 Mrs. C. McKay, L ittle Falls, N. J . 00 Mrs. C. H. Howard, B«ionton. N. J . 14 Mrs. R D.Beneen.27 Jefferson S t.,P aterson. U M rs.M atildaB .W ilson,l-om pton L akcs,N .J. 00 Mrs. C. R. Borland, O akland, N . J . 50 Miss Mary G raham , 221 Graham Ave ,P a fn .

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : M rs. Jo h n F. P o st, Rivcrdnle, X . J . Miss F . M. B eekm an, Riverdale, N . J . Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontributed to A rabia.


, C ontributed I to H indu G irls' School.


Copies o f the M iss.Gleaner.


No. o f Mem. In Society.


$20 26 2 27 " $ 1 2 5 80 55

B law eubnrg................. %........ Be and Do C. of K G .. H arlingen.............................. B right H ope Mission B.

12 87 lb 40 81< 61

Mary Roe Mission Band F irst Philadelphia.................



18 58

26 25 29 9 18

Second Philadelphia............. F o u rth “ ............. R ocky H ill............................. Talm age M em orial...............

81 80

4 .............


Mrs. S. O . Law sing, Rlchboro, Pa. Mrs. T . R. Stryker, Biawenburg, N . J . Miss M arie McComb, Biawenburg, N . J . Mrs. W m. S. T erhune, Bound Brook, N . J . Mias Leila B rokaw , PJalnville. N. J . Mrs. Jo h n H art, N eshanic, N. J . Mrs. J . N. Van Llew, N* shanlc, N . J . 00 Mrs. P. H. M illiken. 1433 Poplar St. Miss Von Bergen, 1604 Poplar St. 71 Miss Ida Reed. 858 N. 8th S t., Philadelphia. 00 Miss Annie E. B eatty, Koxborougb, Phil. 75 Mrs. W . N. S talls, Rocky H ill, N. J . 00 Mrs. C. H. W ood, T hree Bridges, N . J . 00 Mrs. M. Ehly, cor. C otton & Terrace, Phil.

00 79 70 Iti 00 00

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : „ M rs. Jo h n H art, N eshanlc, N. J . Mrs. P. U. Mmikcn,.1133 Poplar S t., Philadelphia, Pa.



S• It

1=1 IS1*' IP ii .a §S^

z©5 Z o

« 3

E llm ..................................... F orreston.. • ....................... N o rth SiblOy..................... P a rk e rsb u rg ............. . Peoria, III........................... Young Reople’e Soc. Salem .................................. Silver C reek ....................... W ash in g to n ...................... Z ion.....................................


r-a llif SECR ETA R IES.

3l® £5

$ 5 00 Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. M rs. 15 00 Mrs. Rev. Mrs. Mrs. 48 00 Mrs. $ S 00 7 50 Mrs.

R. Stom berp, F lagg C enter, III. R. De Vries, F o m s to n , III. R. Janssen, Sibley, Iow a. W. V ictor, F e rn , Iow a. G. Zindler, 418 Kecd Ave., Peoria, III. G. Zindler, 418 Reed A ve., Peoria, III. Aug. Ross, L ittle Rock, Iow a. E . Fuls, German Valley, Ills. G. R . D. K ram er, Ackley, Iowa. E. C. W iecbm an, C hapin, Iowa.

CLA SSICAL C O M M ITTEE : M rs. E. Fuls, G erm an"V alley, Steph. Co., Ills.

F irst, Poughkeepsie.............


Second, Poughkeepsie.......... F is h k ill.................................... H opew ell...................... ........... New H ackensack.................. R hinebeck...............................

80 34 " i o


90 s m m 10 5 00

50 35

i4 8

M lllbrook................................ W illing WorkersMiee.Bd

39 16



T otal Contri­ buted through Society.

C ontributed to Arabia.


C ontribated to H indu Girls* School.


Copies o f the M iss.Gleaner.


No. o f Mem, in Society.


175 53 Miss M ary J . Elsw orth, 303 Mill St. Mrs. Edm und P latt, 267 Mill St. 00 Miss V irginia M. Gow, College Ave. 38 Mrs. Charles du Roie, F ishkill Village, N.Y. 87 Mies R. L M om fort, Fishkill Plains, N. Y. 15 Mrs. Agnes Seger, New H ackensack, N . Y. 00 Miss Jessie M. Sherwood, Rhinebeck, N . Y. Miss M ary.Strykcr, Rhinebeck, N . Y. 55 66 Phebe E. Place. 67 00 Mrs. E. W right Vail, Sonth M lllbrook, N.Y. 30 00 M arian Lyall, South M lllbrook, N . Y.

512 34 " s s 'o o 02 60 45


CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : M rs. J . E . Lyall, South M lllbrook, N . Y.

125 R e a d ln p to n ............................. 100 25 R ockaw ay................................ 25 N o rth Branch ....................... 30 L end-a-H and................... 8 Second, R aritan..................... 92 Law rence Miss. S o c .. . . 27 S onth B ranch ........................ 60 T h ird , R aritan........................ 43 H igh Bridge............................ 20


5 1 25 33 6 20 5

$5 00

Total Contri­ buted through Society.

C ontributed to Arabia.

C ontribnted to Hindu Girls* School.


No. o f Mem. in Society. No. of Mem. •m Baby Roll. Copies of the M iss.Gleaner.


SI 6 58 50 15 24 24 125 96 68 50 7


00 Mrs. A. A. Em ery, Somerville, N J . 85 Mrs. Elm er S utpnen, Readington, N. J . 33 Miss Mary N . voorbees, M ine Brook, N . J . 00 Miss Em ma S tryker,W hite D ouseS ta , N .J . 80 Mrs. M. A. H am ann, N orth Branch, N . J . 80 Miss E. R. Stephens. N orth Branch Depot. 00 Mrs. Jo h n Petiy.185W .M ain S t., Somerville. 79 Grace M. V oorhees, Somerville, N. J . 50 Mrs. Isaac Sperling, S outh Branch, N . J . 14 M rs. J . M. Thom pson, R aritan, N. J . 50 Mrs. Sigm und L. Apgar, High Bridge, N. J .

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : M iss C ornelia T . Talm age, Somerville. N . J .


« B8

If P






B ath ............................. Blooming Grove........ C astleton, Em anuel. C h ath am ..................... F irst G h en t............... Second G h en t............ G reen h u sh ................. E ln d erh o o k ............... N a s s a u ....................... New C o n co rd .. . . . . . Schodack ................... Schodack L anding.. S tuyvesan t................. ' L ight B ea re rs... S tuyvesant F a lls ....

la 11

5 00




$ 15 00

if. o 251


$29 80 Mrs. J . C. Chandler, 'B ath-on-H udson, N.Y. 5 25 E. J . Phillips, 75? B urden A ve., Troy, N . Y. 10 QD Mrs. E. E llis Thom as, Caetleton-on-H udson 105 00 Miss H enrietta M. B row ning,C hatham .N .Y . s a 122 18 Mrs. Charles T racy, G hent, Col. Co., N . Y.23 29 Mrs. Clarence K ittle, S totivilie, N . Y. 26 00 Mrs. Jo h n Laubenbeim er, E a st G reenhush. 20 96 Miss Helen W. Collier. K lnderhoob, N. Y. 41 40 M rs. G. D. Lydecher, N assau, N . Y. 5 00 Lillian A. King, New Concord, N . Y. 32 05 Mrs. H . Van V alkenburg, M uitzeekill, N.Y. 8 00 8 00 Mrs. J . A. H errick, Schodack Landing, N .Y . 40 48 Miss T heresa A. Clow, Stuyvesant, N . Y. Mrs. R . M. H otaling, Stuyvesant, N . Y. 12 00 Mrs. C. V an A lstyne,Stuyvesant Falls,N ,Y .

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : M rs. Chas. T racy, G hent, Col. Co., N . V. Mrs. Abble J . Bell, C hatham , Col. Co., N . Y.



S. I f

o |


o5 ’ I I z, E a st W illiam son.................. L odi.......................................... Young Ladies’ Miss. Bd

Tyre ............................. ...........



$ 4 00 5 8 10 '*5 00 20 34 ' ‘ 5*66 20 5

11 38 2% 84 oo

00 00 00 60 00 00

25 00

50 14 29 31 15

20 30

29 19 10 00 48 50 18 78

M rs.G .D angrem ond.lSSCh.St.,N ew ark,N .Y . M rs. J . W lllink, E . B righton. N . Y. Mrs. G. C. Dangrem ond, E. W m son, N . Y . . Miss M. H. Eyienbergh, Farm er, Seneca Co. Mrs. Abram H arris, Lodi. N. Y. Mrs. W m. Schoonerm an,M arion, W ayneCo. Mrs. Bruins, M arion, N. Y. Me?. J o h n Moil, W illiam son, N . Y. Miss Nellie S. W isse, Pultneyville, N . Y. — Mrs. A.Van Oeveren,124StarAve.,Rochester. Mrs. E . B allings, 83 W ild Si., Rochester. Mies C hristina Hasbrouck, Malcom, N. Y.

> CLASSICAL COM M ITTEE : M iss J . M argaret H opem an, 39 Lake View P ark , R ochester, N . Y.

C ohoes..................................... G ansevoort.............................. Greenwich ............................. N orthum berland.................... W est T roy (S onth)............... “ (N o rth )............... W ynantekili............................

70 25 IS 23 82 9 26 13


* 3

27 1 5 20 10 6 6 11

Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontributed to A rabia.


C ontribnted to H indu Girls’ School.

CLASSIS OF SARATOGA. Copies of the Miss. Gleaner.


No. o f Mem. ; in Society.




$5 00 Mrs. A. A. R oll, Cohoes, N . Y. 50 00 Mrs. W . J . Elliot, 53 Main S t., Cohoee, N .Y .

$2 00

5 00 Mrs. J . D. Steenburgh, G ansevoort. N . Y. 87 89 Miss J e ssie B. Angel), G reenw ich, N . Y. 37 40 Mrs. Reed Peck, Bacon lit)), Sar. Co., N. Y .. Miss A nna M. Schuyler, W est Troy, N , Y. 18 00 Mrs. W illiam Cary, W atcrvliet, N . Y. 8 75 Mrs. C has. E . K inney, W ynantskill, N . Y.__

CLASSICAL COM M ITTEE : M rs. F . C. Scoville, G reenwich, N . Y.


AUam ont................................ A m ity..................................... “ Y oang Ladles' Soc. B ellev n e.............................. . Glenvllle. F irst..................... Glenvllle, Second................. H elderbnrc............................ Lieha’s K ill.......................... N lskaynna............................. Y oang People's S o c ... P rln c e to w n .......................... R otterdam , F ir s t............... . Schenectady, F ir s t............. Griffis Bd........................ Schenectady, Second.........

°cn 6S z

l i ~i II d i l l5 H la g

No. of on Baby

it; a «

2 3

$5 00

9 24

5 00 20 00


81 22


o 35




80 42


3 s


25 18 26 25 31 40 24 50

s f

5 66

$5 00 Mrs. Fred. Keenholet, J r .. A ltam ont, N . Y. 7 50 Miss E sth er F ort, V lscber’s Ferry, N . Y. M ibb Van V ranken, V iecher’s Ferry, N . Y. 17 98 Mrs. W illiam O strander, Scbnectady, N . Y. 85 00 Mlse J o lla A. C. H arm on, Glenvllle, N . Y. 85 00 52 50 M rs. J . E . Butler, Scotia, N . Y. 6 00 M rs. M.A. Tygort, G ollderland C entre,N .Y . 11 25 Miss Em ma E. Lansing, L isba's K ill, N. Y. 54 75 Mies Ida V an Dnyne, N lskaynna, N. Y. 10 00 M rs. C. P . D itm ars, N iskayuna, N . Y. 13 00 Mlse Em m a Fairlle, D unnevllle, N . Y. 51 81 Mies Helen B radt, R otterdam Junctlon.N .Y . 10 57 124 82 Miss K ate M ynderse, F ro n t St.,Schenectady 84 00 Miss Rachel Y ates, 514 S tate St..Scbenectady 50 00 M rs. C. W . K endall, 158 N o tt Terrace, **

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : M rs. C. P. D itm ars, N iskayuna, N .Y ., Box 81.

Law yers ville...........................

20 10 6 28

M lddleburgh........................... S choharie................................

24 80

B ern e........................................



10 6



Miss C arrie E. F ilklns, Berne, N . Y. Mrs. A. S. Griffin, C entral Bridge. N . Y. M rs. P eter H ouck, Howe’s Cave. N . Y. M rs. J . V an W agenen. J r . Lawyersvillc,NY. Miss S. M. H oeabone, Law yersvillc. N . Y. 10 00 Miss C ornelia Bonck. M iddleburg, N . Y. 14 80 M rs. H elen Lasell, Schoharie, N . Y.

821 5 3 16



Total C ontri­ buted through Society.

C ontribated to A rabia.

C ontribnted to H indu G irls' School.



|No. o f Mem. In Society. No. of Mem. on Baby Roll. Copies o f the M ias.Gleaner.


M rs. J a y W estlnghouee, 230 U nion St., Schenectady, N.Y.

14 40 00 25

{CLASSICAL C O M M ITT EE : Mrs. J a re d Van W agenen, Law yersvillc, N . Y. M rs. H erbert B. Roberts, Berne, N . Y.

Blue M ountain....................... T he C om forter, K ingston... Esopns .................................... F la tb u s h ..................................

19 oo 32 42

J a y Gould M em orial............. K ingston..................................

16 100 18 30


: : : : : : : :

1 i


>i ...


Total Contri­ buted through Society.


C ontribated to Arabia.

C ontributed to H indu G irls' School.


No. o f Mem. In Society. INo. o f Mem. >n Baby Roll.


8 0 15 8 18 00 18 8 5 00 5 00 36 5 5 186 9 83


00 M rs.C h ester Short,R oute 2,Saugerties,N .Y . 25 Mrs. Geo.A. Shufeldt, SbufcldlSt-K ingston 00 M rs. W ill Terpenlng, U lster Pork. N . Y. 56 Mrs. E. O eterhoadt,R oute 4,Saugerties,N Y . 00 00 M rs. N. U. D em arest, R oxbnry, N. Y. 26 Miss Susan Bell, 287 W aehington Ave. 75 Miss M ary C. E llsw orth, P o rt Ewen. N. Y. CO M rs. F ran k Pldgeon, Saugerties, N . Y.

CLASSICAL C O M M ITTEE : ' M rs. K atherine H. D e W Itt, 22 L afayette Ave., K ingston, N .Y . M rs. W . B. M erritt, 15 Green St, K lngston,N .Y .


B ro n x v ille .............................. SO 1 15 B usy Bees’ C ir., K . D .. ............. C o rtla n d to w n ........................ " i e ’ ” 2 ” ’8 M t. V eruo n ............................. Y. L. Miss. B d ............... P a rk H1H (Y onkers)............ Girls’ Miss. B d. . ........... PeekskiU ................................. F irst. T arry to w n ................... Second, T arry to w n............... U n io n v llle ............... ........... F irst, Y onkers........................ W orkers for C hrist B d .

SO 6 53

10 $ 1 0 00 2


21 35


15 00

35 14 41

6 4 25

2 6£ 200

Total Contri* buted through Society.


C ontribnted to A rabia.

No. o f Mem. in Society. No. of Mem. on B aby Roll. Copies o f the Miss. Gleaner.



8 8 85 $44 04 M re.F.J.M eige, Law rence P ark, B ronxville. Mre. A . E. Latim er, B ronxville. N. Y. "ftOO Mrs. Lewis H u n t, M ontrose N .Y . H attie E. H arris, M ontrose, N . Y. 82 53 Mies M. E. L. A rcher, 178 Sum m it Ave. Mies Alma H o erst,151 F irst Ave„M t. V ernon. 6 00 89 05 Mre. M ilton P. Kaler. 46 P o st S t.. Y onkers. Mrs. W. P. Bruce, 71 Livingston Ave. 5 00 Miss Jo h a n n a U. V ernols, 1115 Howard S t. 10 00 91 25 Mre. Jo h n K nox Allen, T arrytow n, N . Y. 40 00 M is. Jo h n J . Lowe, 8 B ’dw ay, T arrytow n. 44 00 A nnie A. H all, T arrytow n, N . Y. 3 66 8 00 Miss Grace E. Kipp, N eperan, W estc h 'r Co. 74 87 Agnes M itchell, 154 Linden St: 24 50 Miss Eliza P. Cobb, 221 Broadway, Y onkers.

CLASSICAL C 0 5 D IIT T E E : Miss M ary Louise Powles, N orth T arrytow n, N. Y.

Mlsa A nna F o fd ic k Bacon, B ronxvjlte, N . Y.


a • S= A 5 l a l


A ito ..........................................

at a


9| z©5 l g 50 54 96


laS » 5 10

Ml*s. B and...................... Gibbsvllle, W ls......................



Is 8 17 sn *R?1 00 Mre. J . W . Gluwen, Alto, Wle. 30 71 Mrs. J.n .N ich o la a , 10774 M ich. Ave.,Chlcago 144 50 Miss H annah W alvoord, C edar Grove, Wie. H attie M eenges, C edar Grove, W Is. '70 00 M rs. H. Q arm ellng, 195 H astings St..C hlc'o.


11 GO Mrs. Jo h n T e G rootehuie, M orrison. Ind. 11 06 128 75 Mrs. Jam es Koom an. Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Mrs. S. V ender W erf, Gibbsville, Wls, 95 00 Mrs. A . Schfppers, G reenleafton, Minn. 9 00 Mrs. G. J . Dulrnes, O ostbnrg, Wis. 5 00 15 00 Mrs. F . Lubbers, 121SJ N. 15th St., L afayette

52 38 15 21

15 00 165 00 13 50 20 00 8 71 7 00 37 00






Mre. A. C. de ileus, 039 11th S t. ' *' Miss H annah K lelnhesllnk, O ostburg, Wie. Mrs. D. Faas. Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Mre. G. T e Linde, W aupun, Wie. Miss H attie G crrltsen, W aupun, Wis.

CLASSICAL C O M M IT T E E : Mr*. H. H tr.n iliu g ; 195 Hasting* S t.. Chicago, III. Mies H annah H arm eling, O ostburg, W is. Mies H annah W alvoord, C edar Grove, W ls.

OFFICERS OF MISSIONARY UNIONS. CLASSIS O F ALBANY. President* M rs. Chas. D. N iver, South Bethlehem, A lbany Co.. N . Y. • Secretary* M iss M argaret V . Pearse, 148 W estern A ve., A lbany, N . Y. Treasurer* Mrs. W . T . B. Van O rden, New Balti­ m ore, A lbany Co., N . Y. CLASSIS O F BERG EN . President, M rs. D. P . W eelervelt, Woodcliff, Ber­ gen Co., N . J . Vice-President, M rs. F . E . D em arest, R iver Edge, Bergen Co., N . J . Secretary, M rs. I. W . Gowen, W eehaw ken, N . J . Treasurer, M iss K atherine Van B uskirk, Oradell, N .J .


SO U TH CLASSIS O F BERGEN. Vice-President, W . M. W hipple, 12 W ayne S t., J e r­ sey C ity, N . J . Secretary, Mrs. K. S. Eddowes, 41 W . 85th St., Bayonne, N . J . Treasurer, M rs. Cornelius B rett, 509 Bergen Ave., Jersey'C ity , N . J . C LA SSIS O F GRAND R IV E R . President, M rs. C. V . R. Gilmore, H olland, Mich. Vice-President, Mrs. E . J . B lekkink, Kalam azoo, Mich. Secretary, Mrs. G. H D nbbink,' H olland, Mich. Treasurer, M rs. J . Van de Erve, Caulfield Ave. and B St., G rand R apids, Mich.

CLASSIS O F KIN G STO N. President, M rs. E. C. Oggel, New Paltz, N. Y. Vice-President, M rs. A . D. Relyea, W bit<port, N . Y. Secretary-Treasurer, M iss K . H. Cantine, Stone Ridge, N . Y. NORTH CLASSIS O F LONG ISLAND. President, Mrs. C. Rapelye, A storia, L. I. Vice-President, Mrs. J . S. N . D em arest, Q ueens,L .I. Secretary-Treasurer, M rs. Florence H. H arris, . Jam aica, L. I. .. SOUTH CLASSIS O F LONG ISLAND. President, M rs.B .E .D ickhaut, 165 52d S t. B rooklyn, N . Y. V ic e -P re s id e n t^ U e .P .V . Van B uskirk, 817 Neck Road, B rooklyn, N. Y. Secretary, Mrs. P . A. M acLean, 864 President Sr., B rooklyn, N . Y. CLASSIS OF MONMOUTH. President, Mre. E dgar Schenck, Holmdel, N . J . Vice-President, M rs. B.B. Staats, Long Branch C ity, • N .J . ^ Secretary, M rs. P .'K . Hageman, M iddletown, N . J . Treasurer, Miss Susan B. Smock, Freehold, N . J . CLASSIS O F MONTGOMERY. President, Mrs. A. C. M althle, T he D urston. Jam es St., Syracuse, N . Y. * Vice-President, M iss A nna Veeder, Johnstow n, N.Y. Secretary, M rs. H enry Zoller. F o rt Plain, N . Y. Treasurer, Miss M aria De B aun, Fonda, N. Y. CLASSIS OF N EW A R K.

CLASSIS O F G R EEN E . President, Mrs. Rouse, Leeds, N . Y. Vice-President, M iss E lizabeth Lusk, C ozsackie, N . Y. Secretary, Miss Josephine H opkins, Catskili, N. Y. Treasurer, Mrs. Fiero V edder, Leeds, N. Y.

President, Mrs. F . S. Douglas, 1019 Broad St., New­ ark , N. J . Vice-President, M rs. J . S. Allen, 100 NewYorkAve., N ew ark, N . J . • Secretary-Treasurer, M rs. C. B. Van Derwater, N utley, N . J .



P resident, Mrs. C. E . Corw in, G reenport, Columbia Co., N . Y. Vice-President, Mrs. G. Z, Collier, M ellenvllle, Colum bia C o ., N . Y. .Secretary, Mlse Sue F ulton, U pper Red H ook, N .Y .

President, Mre. E. V. V. Searle, M etucher, X. J . Secretary, Miss H . M arla S. C ushm an, Franklin P a rk , N . J . Treasurer, M rs. George Berdlne, Livingston Ave., New Brunsw ick, N. J .



President, Mrs. E. G. Jan e w sy , SC W est 40(h St. V ice'l'resldtnt, Miss M. L. Perlee, 150 Lexington Ave. Secr€(ary-Trea$urer, Miss 0 . II. Lawrence, 30 East 69ik St.

President, M rs. P . B ruins, Marlon, N. Y. Vice-President, Mrs. D L. B etten, B righton, N. Y. Secretary, M rs. Jo h n Lam ar, 44 Birch Crescent, Rochester, N . Y. Treasurer, Mrs. M. Van Doom, Pultueyville, N . Y.



P tesideni, Mrs. T . H . M ackenzie, P ort Jerv is, N.Y. Tux-f'rtsidenty Mrs. 1. D. Mould, M ontgomery,N.Y. Secretary-T ream rer^'iiln. Joel W hitten, Pine Bush, N. Y. • CLASSIS O F PARAMUS. P iesid fn t, Mrs. A. V ennema. Passaic, N . J . Vice-Pre»idtnt%M rs. T uber Knox, W arw ick; N. Y. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss C. M. Stephens, Tappan, N . Y.

CLASSIS O F SCH ENECTADY. President, Mrs. Jam es E . G raham , V ischer'e Ferry, N . Y. , Vice-President, M re.G eorge E .T a lm a g e ,511 Liberty S t., Schenectady, N. Y. Secretary, Mrs. Abram Van V ranken, V ischer's Ferry , N . Y. 'Treasurer, Mre. Jo h n V .V.Greene, N iskayuna,N .Y .

CLASSIS OF SARATOGA. CLASSIS O F PASSAIC. President, Mre. G. W . Labaw, 23 Bank St., P ater­ son, N. J . Vice-President, Mre. J . H. Brown, Boonton, N . J . Secretary-Treasurer, Mre. J . S. Hogan, Pom pton Plains, N. J .

President, Mre. H arris F reer, B uskirke, N. Y. Secretary, M rs. S. D. M iller, N orth Easton, W ash­ ington Co., N . Y. Treasurer, M rs.'J. D. Steenburgh,'G ansvoort, N .Y .

CLASSIS of SCHOHARIE. CLASSIS O F PH IL A D E L P H IA . President, Mre. C. H. W ood, Three Bridges, N . J . Secretary, Mise Mary W illiamson, N eshanic S ta., N. J . Treasurer, M re. J o h n H art, N eshanic. N . J .

President, Mrs. Isaac Messier, Sharon Center, N .Y . Vice-President, . Secretary, Mrs. H erbert B. Roberts, Berne, N. Y. Treasurer, M rs. D. S. M ayham, Schoharie, N . Y.



President, Mre. S. W . Buck, Poughkeepsie, N . Y. Vice-President, M re. W m. D um ont, New H acken­ sack, N. Y. Secretary, Mrs. A. H . H nlzinga, Fishkill, N . Y. Treasurer, M rs. J . H. M andeville, Poughkeepsie, N . Y.

President, M rs. A rabella H u n n . A lbany Ave., K ingston, N. Y . Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Chas. B urhans, 86 Pearl S t., K ingston, N. Y . •


CLASSIS O F W EST C H E ST ER . CLASSIS O F R EN SSELA E R. President, Mre. C harles V. W . Bedford, Omi, N . Y. Secretary, Mre. U . Van V alkenburgb, M ullreskill, N .Y . Treasurer, Miss T heresa A. Clow, Stuyvesant, N . Y.

President, VicePresident, M rs. Charles Van C ourt, M t.V ernon, N . Y. Secretary, Miss Florence Seaman, T arrytow n, N . Y. Treasurer, Wi\&& A nna F. Bacon, Bronxville, N . Y.



•In d ic a te s new societies (or th e yea r.

A c q u a c k o n o n c k , P a s s a ic , N. J. '• ' * H e len E. A y c rig g , M. B. A d d isv ille , K ic h b o ro , P a. A lb a n y , N. Y., F i r s t Ch. “ " G olden R u le, “ “ W il’g W ’k rs , “ S. S. M iss. B. ■* “ M a d iso n A v e “ “ J u n io r M iss. *• •' T h ird Ch. •' “ F o u r th Ch. “ " H o lla n d Ch. “ “ S ix th Ch.

M. B. M. B. Ch. Soc. 0

A lta m o n t, N . Y. A lto, W is. “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ' B a n d . A lton, Iow a. M " L ittle B ee’s M. B / A m ity , X. Y. ‘ • " “ Y o u n g P e o p le s So. A m s te rd a m , X . Y. . “ T rin ity . A n d e rso n M e m o ria l Ch., N .Y .C fty . A rc a d ia (X e w a rk ), N. Y. A s b u ry P a rk , X . J. “ L ittle G le a n e rs M iss. B a n d . A s to ria , X. Y. “ “ S eco n d Ch. A th e n ia , X. J., M. B. A th e n s, X . Y. A tw ood, M ich. 1 A u rie sv ille , X . Y. •B a ile y v ille , Ills. • B e a v e rd a m , M ich. B a th -o n -H u d s o n , N . Y. B a y o n n e, X . J. B e d m in ste r, X. J. B elleville, X . J . # “ “ W il’g W ’k ’r s M. B. B e rea , X . Y.

B e rg e n P o in t, X . J ...............................Y. P . S. C. K B ern e, X. Y. • B e th a n y , Ills. B e th le h e m , X. Y., F i r s t Ch. “ " W illin g W o rk e rs M. B. B e th le h em , X. Y., S eco n d Ch. B ia w e n b u rg , X. J. “ ’’ *Be a n d Do C ir­ cle of T h e K in g ’s D a u g h te rs . B lo o m in g b u rg , X . Y. " S u n b e a m s M. B. B lo o m in g d ale, XT. Y. B lo o m in g G rove, X . Y. B lue M o u n ta in , X. Y. B oonton, X. J., F i r s t Ch. “ “ S eco n d Ch. B o u n d B rook, X. J. B oyden, la. • B re a k a b e e n . Xl Y. B rig h to n , X . Y. B rig h to n H e ig h ts , S. I., X. Y. “ ‘ “ M. B. B ro o k ly n , X. Y., B a y R id g e Ch. “ F ir s t Ch. “ Y. L. C ircle. “ X o rth Ch. •• “ S o u th Ch. •• O n th e H t 's Ch. “ B e th a n y C hapel. •* S. B u sh w ic k Ch. _ “ . “ Y. L. M iss. Bd. •• “ T w e lfth S t. Ch. *• “ W illia m s b u rg Ch. “ C ry s ta l Soc. “ “ B e d fo rd Ch. “ B u sh w ic k Ch. **. “ K e n t S t. Ch. •• E a s t X. Y. Ch. E d g ew o o d Ch. “ X ew B r'k ly n Ch. •*

B ro n x v ille , N. Y. B u s k ir k ’s, X. Y. C a n a jo h u rie , N. Y. ...................S. S. Soc. C a rm e l, Iow a. C a s tle to n -o n -H u d s o n , N. Y. C a ts b a a n , N . Y. C a ts k ili, X. Y. “ AVil g W o rk e r’s M. B. C e d a r G rove, W is. “ “ “ H a p p y W o rk ­ e r 's M. B. C e n tra l B rid g e, N . Y. C e n tre v ille , M ich. C h a p in , Iow a. C h a th a m , X. Y. “ " M issio n B and. C h e rry H ill, X. J. C h icag o , 111., F i r s t Ch. “ T r in ity C h u rc h . “ “ I rv in g P a rk . ' “ “ G a n o Ch. “ “ R o se la n d F i r s t Ch. C la rk s to w n , N . Y. C la rk s v ille , X . Y. C la v e ra c k , X. Y. C lev e lan d , 0 ., F i r s t Ch. ■■ “ S e lf-D e n y in g M. B. “ " S e c o n d Ch. M “ L y d ia Soc. C lifto n , X. J., th e K in g ’s D a u g h t’rs C lo ste r, X. J. C lo v er H ill, X . J. C ly m e r, X. Y. . M ■* A b b e Ch. C o e y m a n 's, X. Y. C ohoes, X. Y. • “ “ B o g h t Ch. C ollege P o in t, L. I. C o lt’s X eck, N. J. C o n s ta n tin e , M ich. C o o p ersv llle, M ich. C o x sa c k ie , X. Y., F i r s t Ch. “ ‘ “ S e c o n d Ch. C u rry to w n , X. Y. ^ D a sh v ille F a lls, X. Y. D e tro it, M ich.

D re n th e , M ich., S. S. • E a s to n , X. Y. E a s t G re e n h u s h , X . Y. E a s t M illsto n e , X. J. “ ‘‘ “ H o p e fu l W o r k ­ ers, M. B. . E a s t W illia m so n , X. Y. • E b e n e z e r, Ills. E lle n v ille, N . Y. “ Y o u n g P e o p le ’s Soc. E n g lis h N e ig h b o rh o o d , N. J . ‘ E so p u s, X . Y. F a irfie ld , X. J. F a irv ie w , 111. . ° F a lls b u r g , N. Y. F a rm e r, X. Y. F ish k ill, X . Y. " “ B rinkerhoff! M. B. F is h k ill-o n -H u n d s o n , XT. Y. “ " “ M. B. F la tb u s h , L. I., X. Y., F la tb u s h , L. I., G ra c e C hapel. “ U ls te r Co., X. Y. F la tla n d s , L. I.. X . Y. F lo rid a , M in a v ille, X. Y. F lu sh in g , L. I. “ “ T h e G irls’ M. B. F o n d a , X. Y. F o rd h a m , X. Y. ‘‘ “ S u n e rg o l S o c iety . “ " M issio n B and. F o r t P la in , X. Y. " B u sy B e e s’ M. B. F o r e s t G len, X . Y. • F o re s to n , III. . F r a n k lin P a r k , X. J. “ M ission G uild. “ T a y lo r M. C. F ra n k lin , X. J. F re e h o ld , M a rlb o ro , X. J. . ’• X. J., S eco n d Ch. F re m o n t, M ich. " “ Y o u n g P e o p le ’s Soc. F u lto n , 111. F u lto n v ille , X. Y. G a le s b u rg h , Iow a. G a lla tin , M t. R oss, X. Y.

G a llu p v ille , N . Y. G a n e s v o o rt, X .Y. “ W id e A w a k e M B. G a rd in e r, N. Y. G e rm a n to w n , N . Y. “ ” K in g ’s M. B. G h e n t, N. Y., F i r s t Ch. " “ S eco n d Ch. G lenvllle, N . Y., F i r s t Ch. “ “ S e c o n d Ch. G ib b sv llle, W is. " " The P le a s a n t W o rk e r’s M. B. G ilboa, N . Y. . G ra h a m sv ille , N . Y. G ra n d H a v e n , M ich., F i r s t Ch. “ " " S e c o n d Ch. G ra n d R a p id s , M ich., F i r s t Ch. “ “ S e c o n d Ch. Y oung L a­ d ie s Soc. " T h ird Ch. “ “ F o u r t h Ch. “■ “ F if th Ch. . Y oung L a­ d ie s ’ M iss. B and. •' *" S ix th Ch. “ “ S e v e n th Ch. “ “ N in th Ch. " B e th a n y Ch. Y. L. Soc. G ra n d v llle . M ich. G ra v e s e n d , L. I. G re e n le a fto n , M inn. G re e n p o rt, N . Y. G re en v ille , N . J. G reen v ille, N . Y. ,4 H e lp in g H a n d M. B. G re en w ic h , N . Y. ' “ L o y a l M iss. C ircle. G rig g sto w n , N . J. • “ “ M iss. B a n d . G u ilfo rd , N. Y. . G u te n b u rg , N . J. * “ .S u n s h in e M iss B a n d .

H a c k e n s a c k , N . J., F i r s t Ch. H a g a m a n ’s, N. Y. H a rlin g e n , N. J. “ B r ig h t H o p e M. B. H a rris o n ,, So. D ak. “ “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ’ Soc. H e ld e rb e rg , N . Y. H e rk im e r, N. Y. " “ •Y o u n g L a d ie s ' Soc. H ic k sv ille . L. I. H ig h B rid g e. N. Y. C ity. H ig h B rid g e , N. J. H ig h F a lls , N. Y. “ M issio n B and. H ig h la n d P a rk , N . J. " ‘‘ ” M iss. B and H illsb o ro , N. J. " “ Y ’n g L a d ie s ’ Soc. ” ” M iss. B a n d . H in g h a m , W is. "H o b o k en , N . J. H o llan d , M ich., F i r s t 'C h . " “ T h ird Ch. “ “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ’ Soc. " “ 3rd Ch. M iss. B and. " “ E b e n e z e r Ch. *’ “ H o p e Ch. “ “ H o p e M iss. B and. H o lla n d , N eb. * H o lm d el, N. J . * H o p e w e ll J u n c tio n , N . Y. H o s p e rs , Iow a. H o w e ’s C ave. N. Y. H u d s o n , N. Y. * . H u ll, Iow a. H u rle y , N . Y. “ V o lu n te e rs M. B. Irv in g to n , N. J . • “ “ G irls ’ M iss. B and. J a c k s o n v ille , N. J., C h e e rfu l G iv e r’s M. B. " J a m e s to w n , M ich. “ * " “ Y o u n g P e o p le s ’ Soc. J e r s e y C ity , N . J., C e n tra l Ave. ’’ ’’ L a fa y e tte . • “ “ " M em . M. B. .

J e r s e y C ity , N. J., B e rg e n . " F re e Ch. " “ P a r k Ch. “ “ W a y n e St.

1 M id d leb u rg , Iow a.

J e ru s a le m , N. Y. J o h n s to w n , N . Y. K a la m a z o o , M ich., F i r s t Ch. “ “ S eco n d Ch. • •* “ T he H e lp e rs M iss. B and. “ •' T h ird Ch. “ “ l^o u rth Ch. K e y p o rt, N. J. K in d e rh o o k , N. Y. K in g sto n , N. Y„ F i r s t Ch. ^ • “ F a i r S t. Ch. “ “ W iltw y c k .

j M id d leto w n , X . J. | • “ “ The I G le a n e rs M iss. B and.

M id d leb u rg , X. Y. | M id d leb u sh , X. J. “ “ S u n s h in e M. B. S te a d y


M ilbrook, X. Y. * “ “ W illin g : M. B.

W o rk e rs

M ilw a u k ee , W is. M ohaw k, X . Y. • “ “ Y 'oung L a d le s ' Soc. M o n tg o m e ry , X . Y. M o n tro se , X. Y. * “ •' H e lp in g H a n d M iss. B and.

K isk a to m , N. Y. “ R h in e h a r t M. B. M o tt H a v e n , S t. P a u l's , X . Y. C ity. K n o x , N . Y. M o u n t P le a s a n t, X. Y. ^ L a fa y e tte , Ind. • “ “ W illin g W o rk e rs. j M o u n t V e rn o n , X. Y. • ‘ * “ “ Y o u n g L a d le s ’ M iss. B a n d . . M iss. B and. L a w y e rsv illc , N . Y. M u s c a tin e , Iow a. • L eed s, X. Y. M u sk eg o n , M ich., F i r s t Ch. L e ig h to n , Iow a. • “ “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ’ L e o ta , M inn., Y\ L. M. S. M iss. B a n d . L ittle F a lls , X . J. . •' S e c o n d Ch. L in lith g o , X. Y. ^ L is h a ’s K ill, X. Y. N a p a n o c h , X. Y., S. S. L iv in g sto n , X. Y., M em o rial Ch. Nas’sa u , X. Y. L odi, X. V. • “ “ S u n b e a m s M ission L odi, X. J., Second. B and. L o n g B ra n c h , X . J. X e sh a n ic , X. J. L o n g Isla n d C ity, X. Y. “ “ M issio n B a n d . L u c u s, M ich. X e w a rk , X. J., F i r s t Ch. L u c to r, K an . “ G le a n e rs M. B. M a b b e tsv ille , X. Y„ B u d s of P ro m “ X. Y. Ave. Ch. • ise M. B. “ R e a d y H e lp e rs M. B. M a h w a h , X. J. “ C lin to n A ve. Ch. M a rb le to w n , X. Y., S to n e R idge. “ H e id e lb e rg G uild. • •* •' X o rth Ch. “ N o rth Ch. M a rio n , X. Y. “ S u n s h in e C ircle. M a u ric e , Iow a. “ W o o d sid e Ch. M ellenvllle, X. Y. " “ Y. L. G uild. M e tu ch e n , X. J. “ “ M. B. “ G olden C ro w n M. B.

N e w B ru n sw ic k , N . J., F i r s t Ch. " “ Y oung P e o p le ’s a G uild. “ “ M issio n B a n d . “ “ J u n io r C. E . Soc. “ “ S e c o n d Ch. " Y oung W o m a n ’s G uild. ’* “ K in g ’s H e lp e rs ' M. B. “ " T h ird Ch. M. C. " “ S u y d a m S t. Ch. " C a m p b e ll M. B. " “ T h ird G e rm a n Ch. M. B. • N e w C o n co rd , N. Y. *

H a m ilto n G ra n g e . H is O w n C irc le K . D. H a rle m F i r s t Ch. S eco n d Ch. Y o u n g L a d ie s Soc. C h u rc h of th e C o m ­ fo rte r. N e w U tr e tc h t, L. I. “ T h e N e ig h b o rs. N is k a y u n a , N. Y. “ Y o u n g P e o p le ’s Soc. " J u n io r C. E. N o rth B erg en , N. J. “ “ M iss. B a n d . N o rth B len h e im , N. Y. N o rth B ra n c h , N . J. “ M issio n C ircle. N e w k irk , Io w a. " D epot, T h e L e n d “ “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ’ Cir. a - H a n d M. B. N e w B a ltim o re , N. Y. “ M issio n W o rk e rs N e w b u rg , N . Y. M. B. “ S. S. M issio n B a n d . N o rth H e m p ste a d , L. I. N ew D u rh a m , N. J. N o rth H o lla n d , M ich. “ Y. P. S. C. E. N o rth S ibley, Iow a. N e w H a c k e n s a c k , N. Y. \ N o rth u m b e rla n d , B a co n H ill, N. Y. • N e w H u rle y , N. Y. N o rw o o d P a rk , Ills, N e w H y d e P a r k , L. I. j N y a ck , N . Y. ’ N e w P a ltz , N . Y. J i " “ K a m e io k o C ircle. N ew to w n , L. I. O a k la n d , N. J. N ew Y o rk C ity , 5 th Ave. & 48 s t Ch. •O n ta rio , N . Y. “ " • J u n i o r M iss. Soc. O ra d ell, N . J. “ “ 5th A v. & 29th st. Ch. “ " t C. L. S. M iss. B a n d . “ “ U itz e n D. K. O ra n g e , N. J. " " S t. N ic h o la s G uild. " " M issio n B a n d . " " M iddle C o lle g ia te Ch. O ra n g e City', Iow a. " “ Y. W . A sso. " “ '■ Y. L. Soc. “ “ M o rn in g S t a r M. B. O o s tb u rg , W is. " “ •B lo o m in g d a le Ch. O v e risel, M ich. • • “ " M a d iso n Av. Ch. O w asco , N . Y. *■ S o u th Ch. O w asco O u tle t, N . Y. “ " M a n o r C hapel. O y s te r B a y , L. I. " G ra c e Ch. • P a lis a d e , N . J. " “ C o ra l W o r k e r s M. B. • ** W illin g W o rk e rs M iss. “ " 34th S t. Ch. B and. “ “ W. End C o lle g ia te P a ra m u s , N. J. G uild. ' P a s c a c k , N . J. “ " S u n e rg o i Soc. P a s s a ic , N. J., N o rth Ch. “ “ U n iv e rs ity H g ’ts Coll. “ C o n k lin M iss. B a n d .


“ " “ “ ” *’

“ “ “ " “ "

P a te rs o n , N. J., F i r s t Ch. " “ S eco n d Ch. “ B ro a d w a y Ch. “ “ R iv e rs id e Ch. “ “ B o ro u g h o f H a w ­ th o rn . p P e a p a c k , N. J. P eekskiU , N . Y. P e k in , III., F i r s t Ch. “ “ M issio n B a n d . “ “ S e c o n d Ch. B a n d of M ercy. P e lla , Io w a, F i r s t Ch. “ " M o o n lig h t M iss. B a n d . “ " S e c o n d Ch. " “ L it t le W o rk e rs M. B. “ “ F o u r th Ch. P e o ria , 111. P e lla , N eb. P h ila d e lp h ia , P a., F i r s t Ch. “ Y o u n g L a d le s ’ M iss. Soc. “ S e c o n d Ch. * " Y oung M iss W o­ m a n ’s Soc. “ T a lm a g e M em . Ch. “ M a n a y u n k Ch. ^ P h ilm o n t, N . Y. ’ P ie rm o n t, N . Y. ’ P la in fie ld , N . J. ” “ I. H . N. “ “ Y oung W o m a n ’s M. B. P o m p to n , ,N. J. P o m p to n P la in s , N . J P o r t E w e n , N . Y. P o r t J e rv is , N . Y. P o r t R ich m o n d , S. I. P o tte rs v ille , N . J. P o u g h k e e p sie , N . Y., F i r s t Ch. “ “ Y. P . Soc. “ “ S e c o n d Ch. “ " Y oung Peo­ p le ’s M. S. P rin c e to n , N . Y. P re a k n e s s , N . J. P u ltn e y v ille , N . Y.


Q u e en s, L. I. R a r ita n , III. “ W illin g W o rk e rs M. B. R a r ita n , N. J., T h ird Ch. R e a d in g to n , N . J. R ed H ill C h a p el, N. Y. R idg ew o o d , N. J. ” T h e G le a n e rs M. B. R h in e b e c k , N. Y. R o c h e s te r, N. Y., F i r s t Ch. “ * “ S e c o n d Ch. “ " Y oung L a d ie s ’ M iss. Soc. “ “ L ittle L ig h ts M. B. R o c k aw ay , N. J., W h ite H o u s e S t a ­ tio n . R o c k y H ill, N . J. R o se la n d , 111., S e c o n d Ch. R o tte rd a m , N. Y m F i r s t Ch. “ “ S e c o n d Ch. R o x b u ry , N. Y. • S a n d h a m , S. D. S a u g e rtie s , N . Y. S c h e n e c ta d y , N . Y., F i r s t Ch. “ G riffis B a n d . “ “ S eco n d Ch. “ “ ■’B ellevue. “ “ * M iss B a n d . S c h o d a c k , N . Y. “ L a n d in g , N. Y. “ “ “ J r . Soc. S c h o h a rie , N . Y. “ “ G irls' M iss. Soc. S c h ra a ie n b e rg , N . J. ' “ M iss. B a n d . S c h u y le rv ille , N . Y. S e n e c a F a lls , N . Y. S h a n d a k e n , N . Y. S h a ro n C e n tre , N . Y.; S h e b o y g a n , W is. S h e b o y g a n F a lls , W is. •S h e ld o n , Iow a. S h a w a n g a n k , N. Y. " I. H . N. S ilv e r C reek , G e rm a n V alley, 111. S ilv er" C reek , M inn.

S io u x C e n tre , Iow a. “ “ “ Y. L a d ie s Soc. S io u x F u lls, S o u th D a k o ta . S o m e rv ille, N . J., F i r s t Ch. “ ■* . S e c o n d Ch. " “ L a w re n c e M. Soc. S o u th B lendon, M ich. “ " " Y o u n g L a d ie s M iss. B a n d . S o u th B ra n c h , N . J. S p ra k e rs , N. Y. S p r in g L a k e , M ich. S p r in g V alley, N . J., M iss. B and. S p r in g V alley, N . Y. " “ “ V alley L ig h ts M iss. B a n d . S ta n to n , N . J. S to n e H o u s e P la in s , N. J. S te in w a y , L. I. S te w a rtv ille , N . Y. S tu y v e s ta n t, N . Y. “ L ig h t B e a r e r s M. B. •' F a lls , N. Y. ‘ S t. Jo h n s v ille , N . Y. , S y ra c u s e , N . Y. * " " S eco n d Ch. T a p p a n , N. Y. T a rry to w n , N . Y. “ “ F i r s t Ch. ■' “ M issio n B a n d . “ “ S eco n d Ch. " " M iss. B a n d . T h o u s a n d Is la n d s , N . Y., A le x a n ­ d r a B ay. “ C o ra l B u ild e rs M. B. T h re e B rid es, N. J. T h u le , So. D a k o ta , V a n R a a lte Ch. T y re, N. Y. “ " W illin g W o rk e rs M. B.

U nio n v ille, N. Y. U p p e r R ed H ook. X. Y. " “ U tic a , N. Y. V e rp la n c k , X. Y. V rie sla n d , M ich.

I. H . N . I


W a ld e n , X. Y. ‘ " “ Y o u n g L a d ie s ’ Soc. " “ J r . Y. P. S. C- E. W a lk ill, N. Y. W a lp a c k , P a . (U p p e r). “ “ (L o w e r). W a rw ic k , N. Y. “ “ H e a r t a n d H a n d Soc.* W a u p u n , W is. “ “ C h ild re n ’s M. B. W e s te rlo , N . Y. W e s t C opake, X. Y. W e s t L ey d e n , X. Y. W e s t H u rle y , N. Y. W e s t X e w H e m p s te a d , X. J . ] W e s t T ro y , N . Y., N o rth Ch. “ “ M issio n B and. " S o u th Ch. W estfield , N. D a k o ta . W estw o o d , X. J. W yckoff, N. J. W y n a n ts k ill, X. Y. “ “ J u n io r Soc. Y o n k e rs, N. Y. “ ” W o rk e rs fo r C h rist. “ " W o rk e rs fo r C h ris t M iss. B and. “ “ P a r k H ill Ch. • “ M I. H . X. Z ee la n d , M ich. “ “ T ry p o s a Soc. “ " B u sy B e es M. B. N ew S o c ie tie s 34. T o ta l 580.

T reasurer’s Report, April, 1901. R E C E I P T S FROM AUXILI ARIES. A lb an y , “ " “ " “ " “

N. Y. F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ..................................... F i r s t W . W . K . D ’s ................................................ G olden R u le M. B d .......................................*... J u n io r C. E . S ...................................................... M a d iso n A v e n u e A u x ilia r y ................................. J u n io r M. S ............................................ S. S .............................................................................. O liv et M iss io n ......................................................

“ T h ird C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................................. “ S ix th C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y . . ............................. ' “ H o lla n d C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............................. A le x a n d ria B a y , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................. A lta m o n t, N. Y., A u x ilia r y .................................... ! ........... A lto, W is., A u x ilia r y .................................................... .. “ “ Y. L. M. B.......................................................... •.

$ 311 98 46 10 11 50 ---------------706 31 30 21 49 21 ---------------•

85 31 34 ---------------A lton, la., A u x ilia r y ............................................................. 39 12 , ................... M rs. J o h n M u is k e n s .................................... 50 ■* S. S...................................................................... 12 12 -------------A m s te rd a m , N\ Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............... “ “ T r in ity C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................ A s b u ry P a rk . N . J., A u x ilia r y ............................................ A s to ria , N. Y., F i r s t - C h u r c h A u x ilia r y ...................... . 12 50 “ “ J u n io r C. E . S ................................................. 20 . “ “ N . Y., S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... A th e n s, N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........................ A u rie sv ille , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................... A tw o o d , M ich., A u x ilia r y ........................ ’........................ A cco rd , N. Y„ S. S ................................................................. B a co n H ill, N . Y., N o rth u m b e rla n d A u x ilia r y .......... B a th -o n H u d s o n , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................. B a y o n n e. N. J.. A u x ilia r y .................................................. 35 “ “ P . C. K in g ’s D a u g h t e r s ....................... 10 " * “ In A s M uch C. K . D .............................. 5


779 26 12 25 17 5

79 50 65 60

116 34

101 24 19 88 6 48 5

32 27 15 9 5 5 37 29


50 25 30

40 30


B e a v e rd a m , M ich., A u x ilia r y ............................ B e rg e n P o in t, N. J., A u x ilia r y ............. ............ B e d m in ste r, N . J ., A u x ilia r y .............................. B ellev ille, X . J.. A u x ilia r y ................................... ■* ! " M. S. M. B ................... ,------

33 50 54 55

47 08 10

57 08 11 21

B ern e, N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... “ “ S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y . . . . B e th le h e m , N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia ry B la w e n b u rg h , N . J., A u x ilia r y ........................ “ “ B. & B. K. D ..................


20 50 32 14 2 83 34 5 9 15 32

B lo o m in g G rove, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................. B lo o m in g b u rg h , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................... B ro o k d a le , N . J., S to n e H o u s e P la in s , A u x i l ia r y .. B o o n to n , N . J., A u x ilia r y .................................................. B o y d en , la ., A u x ilio ry ......................................................... “ “ G irls S o c ie ty ..............................................

25 10

B lo o m in g d a le , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ....................................... " •' S. S ..................................................

18 -3

97 25 10 25


21 10

B rig h to n , X. Y., A u x ilia r y ........... B rig h to n H e ig h ts , S. I.,A u x ilia ry B ro n x v ille , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ......... B lue M o u n ta in , X. Y.. A u x ilia ry . B ro o k ly n , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................... •• •* F i r s t C h u rc h Y. L. M. C ................

36 19 35 29 5 70 280 122 50 402 50

C h u rc h on th e H e ig h ts , A u x ilia ry '* A ra b ia n C ircle •• “ S. S . . .....................

284 69 42 55 19 88 347 12 20

“ “ “ B e th a n y C h ap el G re en w o o d H e ig h ts A u x i l i a r y .. . N o rth C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................. H e rk im e r S t., S. S .............................. S o u th C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................. S o u th C h u rc h P. D. S ...................... S o u th B u sh w ic k A u x ilia r y ........... T w e lfth S tr e e t A u x ilia r y ................ F i r s t C h u rc h W ’m s b u rg A u x ilia ry F i r s t C h u rc h . “ C. M. S ............. F i r s t F la tb u s h A u x ilia ry G ra c e C h a p el, F la tb u s h . B a y R id g e A u x ilia r y -----

7 20 9 50 57 27 84 00 65 134 75

. 87 93 60

147 93 138 50 13 56

“ “ “ "

E a s t N e w Y o rk A u x ilia r y ............... E d g ew o o d , A u x ilia r y ........................ F la tla n d s A u x ilia r y ............................. F la tla n d s S. S .........................................


51 75

40 52 3 25 • 43 77

K e n t S tr e e t A u x ilia r y ...................... K e n t S tr e e t J u n io r C. E . S ...........

2 15

G ra v e s e n d A u x ilia r y ........................ N e w U tr e c h t A u x ilia r y .................... “ N e ig h b o rs S o c ie ty ...............

. 131 30

C a n a jo h a rie , N. Y., A u x ilia ry C a rm e l, la ., A u x ilia r y ............... C a s tle to n , N . Y., A u x i l ia r y ... C a ts k ili, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............. .................................... " T w o m e m b e rs ..........................................

17 190 00

161 15 10 10 10

186 93 2 188 93

C e d a r G rove, W is., A u x ilia r y .......................................... “ “ “ S e n io r H a p p y W o r k e r s . . . .

S. s ............................................................

C e n tra l B rid g e , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .........................*.......... C h a th a m , N. Y., A u x i l i a r y . . t ......................................... “ “ M rs. & M iss A n g e l l . . . . .......... , “ " S. S ............................................... ............ “ “ P . D. S. S ..............................................

7 7 50


10 112 50 5 40 84 10 5 ' 6 105

C h e rry H ill, N. J., A u x ilia r y .............................................. ........................... J r . C. E ..................................................

23 15 5 78 28 93

C h icag o , 111., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............................ 10 “ “ D o rc a s S o c ie ty ....................................................... 30 40 C h icag o , 111., T r in ity A u x ilia r y .......................................... ” '* R o se la n d F i r s t A u x ilia r y ....................... “ " R o se la n d S. S ...............................................

30 52 17 96 42 96 78 50 100

" “ ‘‘ “

R o se la n d S eco n d , B e th a n y A u x ilia ry I rv in g P a r k A u x i l i a r y ............................ N o rth w e s te rn C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y . . . . “ S. S .....................................


G ano A u x ilia r y .............................................. “ S. S ......................................................


C la rk s to w n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............................................ “ “ C. E. S ....................................................


5 75 3 8 7& 9 28 19 28 5 50 16 50

C la rk s v ille , N . Y?, A u x i l i a r y . . . ....................................... C la v e ra c k , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................. “ “ J r . C. E . S ...........................................

IS 56 43 10 ---------------------------- 6643 41 05 C lev e lan d , 0 . F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .......................... " " S m a ll C a te c h u m e n s ................................. 4 12 ---------------45 17 '* " S e c o n d C h u rc h L y d ia S o c ie ty .............. 13 *.......................... " K . W . W .......................' 5 ;---------------18 C lo ster, N . J., A u x ilia r y ........................................................... 21 52 “ " H . P . S o c ie ty .............................................. 5 ----------------* 26 52 C ly m e r, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... C ly m e r H ill, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............................................ C o e y m a n s, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ........................ C ohoes, N._ Y., A u x ilia r y ....................................................... " “ B o g h t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................... > C o lts N eck, N . J., A u x ilia r y ................................................ C o o p e rsv ille , M ich., A u x ilia r y .......................................... C o x sa c k ie , N . Y., S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............. C u rry to w n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. C h a p in , la .. A u x ilia r y ........................................................... C lifto n , N . J., A u x ilia r y ................•...................................... D e tro it, M ic h ..A u x ilia ry ....................................................... D e lm a r, N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................... E a s t G re e n b u s h , N . Y., A u x i l i a r y .................................. E a s t H o lla n d , M ich., A u x ilia r y ....................................... E a s t M illsto n e , N . J., A u x ilia r y ....................................... E llenV ille, N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................... “ “ M. B ........................................................... E a s t W illia m so n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................. F a trv ie w , 111., A u x ilia r y ....................................................... F a lls b u rg h , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. F a rm e r, N. Y., A u x i l ia r y ................................................... F is h k ill, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... “ “ C. E . S................................................... “ “ J r . C. E . S . . . . . ............; ...................... . . F is h k iil- o n - th e - H u d s o n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................. F o n d a , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ....................................................... “ “ Y. P . M. S .................................................... ‘ F o r t P la in , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. F la tb u s h , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................. “ " J r . C. E ....................................................... .

H 32 0 50 5 12 31 147 10 3 1 5 3 29 0 37 11 10 ----------------


05 56 35

50 25 30 80

21 20 22 64 4 34 80

24 25 9 13 5 38 38 55 34 66 3 15 37 81 49 38 36 56 2 38 56

F lu s h in g -, N. Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................. “ “ J r . C. E ...................................................

* 47 28 5 52 28

F r a n k lin P a rk , N. J., A u x ilia r y ....................................... “ “ “ M issio n G u ild ............................. “ •• " T a y lo r M. B ....................................

62 50 50 21 50

F re e h o ld , N. J., F i r s t Ch., A u x ilia r y .............................. ** ” *' “ J . C. E ..................................

14 1

* 134

“ “ Second Ch. A u x ilia r y ........................... F re m o n t, M ich., A u x ilia r y ............................................. “ “ V. L. M. B ..................................................

15 42 5 5 10

F u lto n , 111., A u x ilia r y .......................................................... “ Y. L. M. C. $11.10, C. E . $7.50................ F u lto n v iU e, N. Y., J r . C. E ........................ G a le s b u rg , la ., A u x ilia r y ........................... G a lla tin , N . Y .t P e n n y -a -w e e k S o ciety G a n se y o o rt. N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............. — G a rd in e r, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ...................... G e rm a n to w n , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ............... G h en t, N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............................ “ *• " “ S. S . . ..................................... G h e n t, N . Y., S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y . . .................. G ib b sv ille, W is., A u x ilia r y .................................. .............. “ " P . \V . M. B ............................ •.................... G lenville, N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ....................... Glen, N . Y., J r . C. E ................................................................. G ra h a m sv ille , N . Y., A u x i l i a r y . . . . ................................. G ra n d H a v e n , M ich., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........... “ '* “ S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y . . . . “ “ “ S e c o n d C h u rc h S. S .................. G ra n d B a p id s , M ich., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........... “ “ “ S e c o n d C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y .. . “ “ “ Second C h u rc h S. S......................... B e th a n y C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y .. G ra c e C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... “ " S. S ............... e F o u r t h C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........... F i f t h C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... “ “ Y. L. M. S . . . .

37 20 18 60 55 7 5 14 5 14 53

80 50 62


* 107 98 2 50 110 48 23 29 SO 1150 '91 50 35 5 36 95 60 2 44 62 44 5 80 9 89 15 5 10 69 15 69 35 61 80 10

S ix th C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... “ '• S. S .................. ‘ ” M. W ..............

13 50 5 73 1 25

S e v e n th “ “

5 13 50 5 70

20 48 C h u rc h A u x i l ia r y .. " Y. L. M. B .. “ S. S ...................

24 27 10 3 89 7 16 60

•• “ " N in th C h u r c h ---*• “ “ H o p e C h u rc h S. S. G ra n d v ille , M ich., A u x i l i a r y . . . ; ............... G ra n d V iew , S. D., A u x ilia r y ...................... G re e n le a fto n , M inn., A u x ilia r y ........... ........ G re e n p o rt, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ “ “ P . D. S. S ........................................... •• R ed H ill C h a p e l.............................

61 43 5 57 10

G re en w ic h , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ G rig g sto w n , N . J., A u x ilia r y .............................................. “ “ C h ild re n s M. B....................................

. 35 50 5

G u tte n b u rg , N . J., A u x ilia r y ............................................ " “ S u n s h in e M. B...................................

10 85 2


77 37 91

40 50

12 6 18 118 2 8

G u ild e rla n d C e n te r, N . Y., H e ld e rb e rg A u x ilia r y .. G u ilfo rd , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................... H a c k e n s a c k , N . J., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............... H a g a m a n ’s, N . Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. H a rris o n , S. D., A u x ilia r y .................................................. H a rlin g e n , N . J., A u x ilia r y ................................................ " » B. H . M. B..............................................


66 70 25

27 18 40 67 18 5 27 85

H a s b ro u c k H e ig h ts , N . J., S. S ......................................... H e rk im e r, X. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ H ig h F a lls , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. “ *• M J r . C. E ..............................................

57 47 1 57 59 04 7 13 65

H in g h a m , W is., A u x ilia r y .................................................. H o llan d , N eb., A u x ilia r y ...................................................... H o llan d , M ich., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .......................... “ “ “ " A frie n d o f A ra b ia

24 5 29

“ -

“ ••

T h ird C h u r c h ............................................ “ •* Y. L. M. S .........................

s “ “

73 55 8 67 82 22

" '

“ H o p e C h u r c h .............................................. " " “ J r . C. E ..........................

80 62 10


54 H o llis, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ......................................................... H o lm d el, N. J., A u x ilia r y .................................................... “ “ S. S . . . ...................................................... .. H u rle y , N . Y„ A u x i l i a r y . . .................................................. H y d e P a rk , O n - th e -H u d s o n , J r . C. E ............................ H opew ell, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................... H o sp ers, la .. A u x ilia r y ........................................................ H o w es C ave, N. Y ., A u x ilia r y ................................... ........ H u d s o n , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......................... H u ll, la .. A u x ilia r y ................................................................. Irv in g to n , N . J., A u x ilia r y .................................................. J a m a ic a , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ...................... J e r s e y C ity , N .,J., B e rg en A v e n u e C h u rc h A u x ilia ry " . “ C. E ........................... '* K . D ..........................

32 25‘ 1 33 25 20 50

8 25 35 3 100 75 30 15 114 87 159 46 10 5 174 46 *

•* “ «•


W a y n e S tre e t A u x ilia r y .................... “ “ S. S ......................... •• " J r . C. E ................... “ M W . W . K . D .........

127 10 87 60 8 25 5 227 95

•• •• ••

C e n tra l A ve. C h u rc h A u x ilia ry L a f a y e tte C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y .. . . “ C. E . S ........... “ * J r . C. E . : . . . •• " D u ry e e M em o rta l M. B

“ •• .



70 25 20 20 35 145 25

' ■* •• “

P a r k C h u rc h , H . W . K . D ............. F irs t C h u r c h ............... ....... ‘. ........... F re e C h u rc h , J r . C. E . ...................... •• •• S. S................................

•• . ••

J e ru s a le m , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................... .. J o h n s to w n , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................... • . . . . “ “ J r . C. E ................................................

1 10 50 7 86 1 8 86 18 77 11 11 22

J a m e s to w n , M ich, A u x i l i a r y . . .......................................... * K a la m a z o o , M ich., F i r s t C h u r c h . . . ............... ................ “ '* H e lp in g H a n d M. S.

9 219 25 20 239 25

“ " “

“ “

S eco n d C h u r c h ............................... “ “ Y. L. M. S ........... " H e lp in g B a n d .............

^ 53 75 10 ‘ 10 73 75

‘ T h ir d • “ •••

C h u r c h ............................... ” Y. L. M. S . . ___ S. S ..........................

26 15 2 50 5 25


“ “ F o u r th C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......... K a ts b a a n , X. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................. K ln d e rh o o k , X. Y., A u x ilia r y .......................................... K in g sto n , X’. Y., F i r s t C h u r c h .......................................... 14 '• " “ C. E. S ......................... “ “ “ “ J r . C. E ....................... .C h u rc h o f th e C o m f o r te r ............. F a ir S tre e t A u x ilia r y .......... " " • S. S .............................. " “ A F r i e n d . . . . ____


73 15 20 46 199 31 30 5 234 31 15 25 32 43 4 65 10 ‘ 47 OS 5 5 13 25

K in g s. 111.. (E lim C h u rc h ).. K e y p o rt, X. J., A u x ilia r y .. K isk a to m , X. Y., A u x ilia ry K n o x , X. Y., A u x i l ia r y ... L a w y e rsv llle , X. Y., A u x ilia r y .......................................... “ “ -Revr. E d w a rd , M ille r..................'

10 5

L eed s, XT. Y ., A u x ilia r y ......................................................... “ '' S. S ....................................................................

19 2




L ln lith g o , X. Y., L iv in g s to n C h u rc h

16 25 20

L is h a 's K ill, X. Y., A u x ilia r y ........................ ................... L ittle F a lls , X. J., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................. “ “ ' " “ J r . C. E ................... L odi, X . Y .f A u x i l i a r y . . . . ............................... L o n g Is la n d C ity , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .......... L u c to r, K a n ., A u x ilia r y ................................ L eo ta, M inn.. B e th e l C h u rc h , Y. L. M. S. L e ig h to n . la .. A u x ilia r y ................................ L o n g B ra n c h , X . J., A u x ilia r y ..................... L e M a rs, la ., A u x ilia r y ................................ .. L a fa y e tte , In d ., S. S.......................................... M a h w a h , X. J ., A u x ilia r y ................................................... " “ M iss R. W in te r in M e m o ria m .......... *■ “ P. D. S. S.................................................... ” S. S..................... .'.....................................

16 25 90 4 94 29 26 10

5 3 40 5 3 27 5 2 57 1 35 57

M a n h a s s e t, X. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. M arlo n , X . Y., A u x ilia r y ....................................................... “ “ Y. L. M. B ......................................... M an ito , III., S. S .......................... M a rb le to w n , X. Y.. A u x ilia ry M a rlb o ro u g h . X. J., C. E. S ...



17 26 25 5 .

31 25 1 75

1 10 £S

M au rice, In .,- A u x ilia r y ................................ ........................ •• *• Y. L. M. S..................................................... ■■ Y. p . C. E ........................................................

-9 20 5 --------------------------54 M ellenville. N. Y., A u x ilia r y ............................................... 15 40 M etu ch en , N . J., A u x ilia r y ................................................. 43 05 -M iddleburgh, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ............................................. 10 70 " '* C. E ........................................................ 6 -------------------------- 16 70# M iddlebush, N . J., A u x ilia r y .............................................. 13 45 M iddletow n, N . J., A u x ilia r y .............................................. 30 25 “ S te a d y G le a n e r s ............................ 4 04 ‘ ‘-------------35 59 M illbrook, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................. 56 ** “ S. S ............................................................... 1 30 M illstone, N. J., A u x ilia r y ................................................... 30 •* “ D isb ro u g h L e g a c y ................................... 100 8S *• *• C h ild re n ’s D a y ......................................... 6 50 “ C. E. S ....................................................... 5 . •• M S a ra h S u tp h e n , M. B ............................... 5 . -------------147 38 M ilw au k ee, W is., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ..................... 180 M inav ille, N. Y., F lo r id a A u x ilia r y .................................. 11 25 • •* “ S. S .......................................................... 1 50 ----------------------- 12 75 M o n tg o m ery , N . Y.,A u x ilia r y ............................................... 22 25 M o n tro se, N . Y., A u x ilia r y .................................................. 5 M t. V e rn o n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. 25 •• ................. C h in ese S. S...................................... 13 ----------------------- 38 M onroe, S. D., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... 10 M u sca tin e , la ., A u x ilia r y .................................................. 16 “ “ G irl’s M ission B a n d ................................ 5 “ “ S. S .................................................................. 1 50 -------------22-50 M usk eg o n , M ich., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................... 49 •• “ Y. L. M. S........................................... 8 •• s . S........................................................ 9 07 -------------------------- 6607 “ “ Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............' 15 M ontvllle, N . J., A u x ilia r y ................................................. 26 M oh aw k , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ...................................................... 10 •• “ S. S .................................................................. 3 76 -------------------------- 1376 M o n tc la ir H e ig h ts , N. J., S. S............................................ 5 N a p a n o c h , N . Y., S. S............................................................ 5 N a s s a u , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ...................................................... 38 . “ “ B ib le R e a d in g C irc le ............................. 2 50

N e p e ra n , N. Y., U nio n v ille, A u x ilia r y ............................ N e sh a n ic , N. J., A u x ilia r y ................................................... • •* " M. B ...................................................... N e w a rk , N. J., C lin to n A v e n u e C h u rc h A u x ilia ry .. “ “ “ ' “ H e id e lb e rg G u ild ... '• “ “ •* J r . C. 12............ 46 “ “ “ “ I n 'm e d 'te D ept. S. S. “ •• “ “ P ri. D ept. S. S.............

55 1 238 08 219 75 14 37 30 548 20

“ “

“ “

F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ___ “ M ission G le a n e rs

35 30 65 105 43

N ew Y o rk A v en u e, A u x ilia r y .......... N o rth C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ....................... “ *■ A F r i e n d . . ................. '* “ S. S..............................

618 07 670 46

‘ *

T rin ity C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................. •' S. G.........................:

12 50 12 94

' *

W o o d sid e “

62 70 9 70


1334 07

25 44 C h u r c h ................. *............... “ S. S.......................

72 40 N e w a rk , N. Y ., (A rc a d ia ,) ............................'.................... N ew B a ltim o re , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ...................................... N ew B ru n sw ic k , N. J ., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ....... “ *' *• ‘ '• Y. L. M. B................ " “ '■ •• C h in ese S. S............ " “ “ •* J r . C. E ....................


54 45 107 35 40 31 27 25 203 62

° “ “ “ “

“ “ " “

Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ___ “ “ K. H . M, B. ■* S. S ................................ “ “ T. W. M. G.

“ “

T h ird C h u rc h M ission B a n d “ “ Y. P . U . .. .

“ **

“ "

“ “

H ig h la n d P a r k C h u rc h A u x •• “ M. B ........

22 62 3 38


S u y d a m S tr e e t C h u rc h A u x , C a m p b e ll M. B .. “ “ J r . C. E .............

25 30 3 64

“ “

122 15 30 77 50 * 4 64 234 29 9 5 14


N ew C oncord, N . Y., A u x ilia ry N e w b u rg h , N . Y., A u x ilia ry —

58 64 5 ‘ 70

New* D u rh a m , X. J., G ro v e C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .......... " “ " “ " C. E ...................... " “ “ “ “ J r . C. E ............... N ew H a c k e n sa c k , X. Y., A u x ilia r y .................................. “ “ “ C h ild re n o f th e C h u r c h ... N ew H u rle y , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ............................................ N e w k irk , la .. A u x ilia r y ....................................................... “


Y. L. M. C............................................


10 10 56 44 5 03 61 47 7 118


40 158 25

N ew P a ltz , X. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ “ ”

“ “

;* “

P. D. S. S............................................... K e ttle B o ro u g h S. S ........................

107 55 18 50 5

N ew Y ork C ity, A n d e rso n M em . Ch. A u x ilia r y ......... “ “ “ C h u rc h o f th e C o m fo rte r .................... “ ” “ 5 th Ave. & 48th St. Ch. A u x ilia r y .. 1,128 42 “ 2 la d ie s ..............................500 M rs. H. W . B o o k s ta v e r 50 “ “ M a ry C. M e a d .. 50 '• ” M a x w e ll.................. 40 " " P e te r D o n a ld ___ 30 “ V R o b in s o n ................ 20 •' J . M. S..................................... 30 '• S. S................................. 90

131 05 14 25 3 67

1,938 42 5th, A ve. & 29th St. C h u r c h ............. “ “ U itze in Cir. K . D.......... •* “ A f r ie n d ................... .. '* S t/ N ic h o la s G u i l d .... '• “ M iss T a b e r ..................... " “ “

F i r s t H a rle m C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ___ Second H a rle m C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .. “ ■' “ C. E ...

1,311 125 100

J 68 30 25 1,629 30 132 09 190 114 304

F o rd h a m C h u rc h A u x ilia ry ..,.......... “ •• s. S................. 10

67 5u 107 50

S o u th C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............................ 150 “ K . A. D. C............. 10 160 So. Ch. M a n o r C h a p el C. E. S........... ...................... “ M o th e r's m e e t ..................... “ J r . C. E ...........

5 25 9

** G ra c e C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ..................... •• “ “ K . E). C......................... “ *• “ C h ild re n 's C la s s ___

15 10 10

“ “ “ “

85 20 10 84 16

35 H a m ilto n G ra n g e “ “ “ ■* ••

Ch. Y. L. M. C .. “ S. S................. “ K . D ................. “ J r . C. E ..........

131 £4 “ H ig h B rid g e C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........ ..........................• “ K . D. C........... ................................. “ J r . C. E .... n


M ad iso n , “ “ “

~ - -

C h u rc h A u x ilia ry M rs. H . O 'N eill •* M o o re ........ “ Y. P. S. C. E “ S. S............... J r . C. E. S............. B e th a n y S. S . . . . 15 C h o ir........

776 126 30 610 114 25 10 125

' M iddle C o lle g ia te C h u rc h A u x ilia ry ‘ •* “ M iss A. C. H u ie ll ' “ " I n d u s tr ia l School ‘ “ • " Y. W . M. S .............

157 23 25 38 7 75

“ “ “ •' “

“ “

A venue “ “ “ " “ “ “ ’

183 25 25 1 50 209 75

1,805 25

227 98 “ “

F o u r th G e rm a n C h u rc h A u x ilia ry “ " “ J r . C. E . . . .


“ 34th S tre e t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........... “ • “ “ ' M rs. E . B la u v e lt

5 5



35 5 40

“ W e s t E n d C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .......... ................................... J r . C. E .................

288 75 7 295 75

“ •'

M o tt H a v e n Ch. M e g a p o le n sls So. “ •• " J r . C. E .................

15 3

“ “ W e st F a rm s , R u th C ircle, K . D ... N is k a y u n a , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. “ " J r . C. E .....................................................

50 10

N e w to w n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................. N o rth B ra n c h , N. J., A u x ilia r y ........................................ “ *• •' L. A. ,H. S........................................... “ '* Y. E-. M. C...<............ •• “ *• I n d iv id u a ls ...................

18 5

60 15 17 20 24 80 20 30

N o rth H o lla n d , M ich . , 4 A u x ilia r y ___%...................... 15 N y a c k , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ........................................................... “ “ M r. H . W . V an B u re n ................................. " “ G irls M ission C irc le .....................................

187 50 68

-------------N u tle y , N. J., F r a n k lin A u x ilia r y .............................................. 48 11 “ •' S. S................................. 6 61 “ “ Y. P. S. C., E . ................................................. 1 17 ‘ “ *• J r . C. E ............................................................. 10 -------------N ew B rig h to n , N. Y., M. B. S. S........... .............’. ............

. 305

65 89 5

O o stb u rg , W is., A u x ilia r y ................................................... 30 ‘ “ “ 's . S .................................................................... 10 " ’ -------------40 O radell, N . J., W h a ts o e v e r C ircle, A u x ilia r y ............. • 29 35 O ra n g e , N. J., A u x ilia r y ....................................................... 221 86 “ “ •P . D. S. S............................................................. 30 “ " M. B ........................._......................................... 38 S3 ' 290 69 O ra n g e C ity, la ., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ......................... 32 40 =, ................................... “ D o rc a s & M. S o .......... 80 " *■ *■ " Y. Jj. M. C ..................... , 4116 “ ........................ “ S. S.................................. 12 15 -------------- 165 71 O v erisei, M ich., A u x ilia r y ................................................... 74 55 O w asco O u tle t, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ___; .............................. 7 O y s te r B a y , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ............. ,............... e 13 88 O k a la h o m a , C. E. S................................................................ 3 17 O regon, 111., E b e n e z e r C h u rc h :........................................... 7 P a ra m u s , N. J., A u x ilia r y ................................................... 28 66 P a r k e rs b u r g , Ta., A u x ilia r y ............................................... k 60 P a sc a c k , N. J .,A u x ilia r y ....................................................... 21 34 P a s s a ic , N. J., A c q u a c k a n o n c k C hurch. A u x ilia r y ... 203 20 “ “ “• H elen E. A y c rig g M. B. 60 ‘ 263 20 •' *• F i r s t H o llan d C h u rc h S. S....................... 11 50 V N o rth C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ........................... 115 50 “ •• “ - P . D. S. S............. .............. 3 50 • -------------119 P a te rs o n , N.J^, F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................... 27 50 P a te rs o n , N. J., Second C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ................... 22 50 •* " . •* S. S............................ . 6 47 -------------------------- 2897. “ “ B ro a d w a y C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............ 139 64 ' 5 10 “ “ R iv e rs id e C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................. “ “ N o rth C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ...................... 2 70 P eapack, N.J., K . D ........................................................... 25

F e e k sk ill, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ P e lla , la ., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .................................... ........................ “ M o o n lig h t M. B..................... ..................................... \V . & C. D o rc a s So...............

5 50 33 50 47 75 3 84 25

'• "

Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .............................. “ A ux. & L ittle W o r k e r s ....... “ “ S. S .................................................

42 50 148 46 3 53. 194 49 1 50 9 10 5

'• “ F o u r t h C h u rc h S. S. P e lla , N eb., A u x ilia r y ................. P e o ria , 111., A u x ilia r y ................... P h ila d e lp h ia , P a ., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................... " " “ “ Y. P . A ............. ..........

82 73 20

Second C h u rc h , Y. L. M. B ............ “ “ T ith e G le an e rs.___

22 71 5

102 73


*' “ T a lm a g e M em o rial, K . D ............... “ “ M a n a y u n k C h u rc h A u x i l ia r y .... P h ilm o n t, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................. P ie rm o n t, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... P in e B u sh , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............... ; .............................. P la in fie ld , N . J., T rin ity C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ................. “ " “ “ Y. M. L. B ........................ “ “ •* L. C. W . S.............................. " " '* K . D. C.................................. “ “ '• “ J r . C. E . & S. S .........

. o

27 13 50 29 24 45

71 . 75 20

12 65 50 34 5 6 40 108 05 75

P la tte , S. D a., S. S.................................................................. P o m p to n , N . J., A u x ilia r y .................................................. “ “ K . D .............................................................. “ " J r . C. E ......................................................

.63 73 10 8

P o m p to n P la in s , N . J., A u x ilia r y .................................... “ ” “ S. S...................................................

19 87 29 10

81 73

48 97 12 ’

P o r t E w e n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............... ................................ P o r t J e rv is , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ " “ *• J r . C. E ................................................

30 5

P o r t R ich m o n d , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ...................................... “ “ •• K . D .................................................

86 10


96 P o u g h k e e p sie , " •'

N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............ “ '* “ O ne m e m b e r— “ “ “ Y. P . M. S ........... M rs. C. D. J o h n s o n

232 25 10 2 • 1

Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............ “ J r . C. E ............

260 10 270 20 14

P re a k n e s s . N. J.. A u x ilia r y ................................................. P u ltn e y v ille , N . Y .p A u x ilia r y ............................................. P o n d s, N. J., (O a k lan d ) A u x ilia r y .................................... P r a tts v ille , N . Y., C h ild re n ’s B a n k s ................................ Q ueens, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... “ " S. S ..................................................................

46 55 3 60

R a r ita n , N. J., A u x ilia r y ..................................................... “ “ J r . C. E .....................‘..................................

50 07 2 55


5 S

50 15

R a r ita n , 111., A u x ilia r y ........................................................... R e a d in g to n , N . J., A u x ilia r y ............................................... R h in e b e c k , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. " “ J r . M. B .................................................

52 62 25 61 40 10 50

R ich b o ro , P a ., A u x ilia r y ......................................................... R o c k y H ill, N-. J., A u x ilia r y ......................................•........ R idgew ood,«N . J., A u x ilia r y ................................................ “ “ J r . C. E ................................ ‘................ ‘ “ In . C. E. S ...............................................


13 50 50 5 3 58

R o c h e s te r, N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ..................... “ “ Second1C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............ R o tte rd a m , N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A ux. & J r . C. E ... R o tte rd a m , N . Y., Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............... R o x b u ry , N . Y., J a y G ould M em o rial Ch. A u x ilia ry “ “ “ “ " C. E . . . .


35 27 05 7 65 5 5 10

R o c k a w a y , L. I ........................................................................... St. Jo h n s v ille , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ...........*.............................. " *' “ S. S....................................................... “ “ J r . C. E ..............................................

30 3 87 5

S a u g e rtie s , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................................................ “ “ B lu e M t. L. P ........................................... “ “ G. W . C. K . D ......................................... " “ S. S. & J r . C. E .......................................

32 9 5 3

3 25

38 87

49 . S c h e n e c ta d y , N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............... “ “ F i r s t C h u rc h G riffis B a n d ............... Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............. B ellev u e A u x ilia r y ......................... M rs. M o o re .................................... 5

116 32 34 150 32 55 9 74

S c h o d a ck , N. Y .p A u x ilia r y .................................................. S c h o d a c k L a n d in g , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ........................... •* " " S. S............................................ S c h ra a le n b u rg h , N . J ., A u x ilia ry . S c h o h a rie , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ........... S h a n d a k e n , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .......... S h a w a n g u n k , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ___ S h o k a n , N. Y., S. S............................. S h e b o y g a n F a lls , W is., A u x ilia ry Sioux C e n tre , In., A u x ilia r y ............ - Y. L. M. B ... •* “ “ S. S................. S o m erv ille, N . J,, A u x ilia r y ....................... ....................... •• " Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ............. “ “ " “ L a w re n c e S o c iety S o u th B o u n d B rook, N . J ., A u x ilia ry S o u th B ra n c h , N. J., A u x ilia r y .......... S p ra k e rs , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ..................... S po tsw o o d , N. J ., S. S............................ S p rin g L a k e , M ich., A u x ilia r y .......... ** “ •• S. S......................

' 8 1 15 --------

95 54 35 26 78 --------125 58 --------


» 40 14 3 5 1 3

15 45 30 25 50 85

157 32 76

183 . 22 50 63 60 30 3

10 65

-------------------------- 1635 9 95 63 5 t------------100 63 S to n e R id g e, N . Y., S. S.......................................................... D 7 S tu y v e s a n t, N. Y., A u x ilia r y ..........................................’ 40 48 S y ra c u se , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ..................... 100 “ ............................ S. S.............................. 45 ............................ ..... J r . C. E ........... ............ 5 * n 150 “ “ “ Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .. 16 63 S ilv e r C reek, 111.,A u x ilia r y ........................................................................ S te in w a y , L. I., A u x ilia r y ................................................... 19 “ •* J r . C. E ..................................................... 10 -------29 S o u th H o lla n d , III. A u x ilia ry 60 2 ‘S u ffe rn , N. Y., S. S..................... S c h u y le rv iile , N. Y., A u x ilia ry n 2 92 “ •• S. S ........ --------13 92 S alem , la ., A u x ilia r y ........... ................................................ 5 T a p p a n , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .................................... \ .............. 28 66 “ •• S. S.............................................................. 10 S p rin g V alley, N . J ., In a s m u c h C irc le ............................. S p rin g V alley, N. Y., A u x ilia r y .......................................... '• *• *' T h e V alley L i g h t s ............





T a rry to w n , N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h A u x i l i a r y .. ............ " .............................. S. S........................

81 25 40 121 25

“ “

“ “

Second C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .......... “ . “ J r . C. E ...............


2 39 41

.T o w n o f U nion, M. B ............................................................. •T hule, S. D ., A u x ilia r y ........................................................... ‘ T y re, N . Y .,A u x ilia ry ............................................................. “ “ W illin g W o r k e r s . .. ............’. ........................

. i

*■ 28 48 24

53 73 9

T h re e B rid g es, N . J., A u x i l i a r y . . . . . ............................... T h o u sa n d Is la n d s , N. Y., J r . C. E ............................ ’. . . . U ls te r P a r k , N. Y., A u x ilia r y .............................................. U tic a , N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ............................. U p p e r R ed H ook, N. Y ........................................................ " “ “ “ M rs. E lt i n g ............................. . *■ " S. S................... ...........................

1 50 18 116 50 30

30 92 60 92 4

U nion, N. Y., J r . C. E ............................................................ V isc h e rs F e rry , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ...................................... 4' *■ “ S. S.................................................

50 4 25


•16 75 59

V rie sla n d , M ich., A u x ilia r y .............................. V e rd o y , N. Y., Y. P . M. S......................................


W a te rv lie t. N. Y., S o u th C h u rc h A u x ilia ry W ald en , N . Y., F i r s t C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ....................... “ “ “ ( " M ission C irc le ............. “ * “ “ “ C. E . & M. B ................... W allk ill, N. Y., A u x i l i a r y . . . . . ............................................ W a rw ic k , N. Y., A u x ilia r y ....................; ......... •.................. '' J r . C. E ....................................................... “ “ H . & H . So.................................................


9 77 30 10 5 20 45 20 34 82 75 70





82 20 W a u p u n , W is., A u x ilia r y ....................... ............................. “ “ M ission B a n d ............................................ W e s t C opake, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................ # W e s t L ey d e n , N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............. •. W e s t C oxsackie, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ............ W e s t N ew H e m p ste a d , N. Y .,A u x ilia ry . W estw o o d , N . J ., A u x ilia r y ................................................. " S. S................... ........................................... “ P . D. S. S ......... ............................. *............


20 14

34 15

5; 20 14 76 30 9



W h ite h o u se, N. A u x ilia r y .............................................. W yckoff, N. J . t A u x ilia r y ..................................................... W y n a n ts k ill, N . Y., A u x ilia r y ................. : .......................... W estfield , N. D., H ope C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ............\ ----W o rm s e r C ity, M on., A u x ilia r y ........................................ W e s t T ro y , N . Y„ N o rth C h u rc h A u x ilia r y ................. ........................ “ “ J r . C. E ................... W e s t S ay v ille, N. Y., S .S ..................................................... Y o n k ers, N. Y., F i r s t C h u rc h , A u x ilia r y ....................... •• “ “ W o rk e rs fo r C h r i s t .. .. “ •• •• J r . C. E .............................. . “ “

“ *•

P a r k H ill C h u rc h A u x ilia r y .............. •• “ K in g s S ons & D a u g h te r s

Z ee la n d , M ich., M a rrie d W o m e n s’ M. S ..................... •• •• Y. L. T ry p h o s a So............... .............. *• •• Mr.E. B oone In M e m o ria m ................ *■ ” J r . C. E ..............................................................

14 75 17 20 8 75 20 ^ 25 63 4 76 4 41 70 37 24 50 2 23

' 97

85 55 22 50 -------------93 60 25


108 05



263 $28,306 32


R E C E IP T S A F rie n d

FROM $10 10 2 1

30 35 6

5 200

5 100 2 10 10

M rs. R . E . A n d re w s ............. M iss E . B. A n d re w s ........... A n o n y m o u s ........................... A “C o n v e rte d B is h o p " ----A n A g e d a n d C o n s ta n t F rie n d ...................................


30 5 5

IN D IV ID U A L S . M rs. J . L. A m e r m a n ............. S a m u e l a n d H a n n a h A ie lts W a rre n A. A c k e r m a n ......... M rs. J . L. A t w a t e r ........... \ . M rs. E m m a L. B l a u v e l t.. M iss -M ary A. B o g a r t ......... M iss M. H . B a t e s ............... M rs. G. S. B is h o p .................. M iss L o u is e B ro w n ............. M rs. S a r a h C. B u d d ............. M iss M a ry L. B a b c o c k .. .. M rs. H e le n C. B o w m a n ... M rs. C. H ilto n B ro w n ......... M iss M a r th a V. B u s s in g .. M r. W illia m O. C r a ig ......... C a sh ............................................ •• ................................ «

5 2 1

5 10

5 10 2. 1 1 10

15 30 25 25 30 1 1





1 2

1 ' M rs. M. M. C a r le .................... M rs. W . H . C a m e rd e n ......... M rs. H e n ry N. C o b b ........... M iss R. V. Z. C o b b ............... M r. W . B. C o n k lin ............. M iss E u p h e m ia C a m p b e ll... M iss F r a n c e s C u r r y ............. M iss C o rn e lia G. C ritte n d e n i M rs. A n n R. C o o k ............... M rs. P e te r D o n a ld ............... M. O. D . .. ;.............................. H e n r y & E d d ie D e M a s te r .. M rs. G e o rg e W . D u B o is ... M rs. J . R. D u r y e e .................. M iss S u s a n R. D u r y e e . . . . . B e ssie a n d W illie D e m a re s t M iss A lice D o c k s t a d e r .. . . M iss A n n a G. D u m o n t.........

25 7 45 2 70 25 25 10

4 40

1 1 5 15 5 10

125 1

13 65 5 * 140 1

60 1

1 O M iss R a c h a e l W . D u m o n t .. M rs. C h a rle s D u B o is ........... 50 1 F lo r a a n d E ls ie D a r r o w . ... M rs. D r u r y ................................ 1 10 M iss E lle n H . E ll i s ............. 10 M rs. J o h n G. F a g g ............... 21 M iss A m e lia V. W . F is h e r 35 M iss G ra c e T.- F e l t e r ......... 1 50 F ro m a S h u t - I n ...................... 2 M iss K a te F r e l ln g h u y s e n .. 10 M rs. R. B. F a r r i n g t o n . . . . . 1 P u p ils a n d G ra d u a te s of F e r r i s S e m in a r y .................. 50 M rs. W illia m E . G e e r......... 2 M iss M a ry G ille s p ie ............. 1 H . J. G ........................................ 10 M rs. H . J. G rim e s ............... 35 M rs. G. G. V. d e Z ............... 50 M rs. T. R. G o o d la tte ........... 5 M iss H e le n M. G o u ld ........... 250 M iss B e rn ie H. H o f f m a n ... 1 M rs. L. B. H a ls e y ............... 42 85 1 M iss A n n ie H a l l .................... M rs. J . 0 M. H o f e m a n ......... 1

M rs. H o f e m a n ........................ F r a n k H o g a n k a m p ............... In M e m o ria n ............................. “ . . - ...................... “ " “

1 1

150 150 150 150 15

In d iv id u a ls a n d fifty -fo u r " so c ie tie s (fo r S um m er S e w in g G u i l d ) .................... 43 35 In M e m o ry o f M rs. S a ra h J . J a c k s o n , o f P h e lp s, N. Y., by h e r d a u g h t e r . . 10 R ev. E . V a n S ly k e, D.D. In M e m o ria m ................... 100 M iss M a ry S. J o s li n ............. 50 M iss E lla J o n e s ...................... 1 M iss M a ry H . J o n e s . . . . . . 30 M rs. J. H . K a s t e n ................ 1 M iss S u s a n Y. L a n s i n g . .. 25 M rs. C. L ie v e n b r a e r ........... 1 M iss A. E. L ip p in c o tt......... 1 L. L. L ........................... 30 M iss J e n n ie C. L in d e b o rg 20 A lice, E d ith a n d L a u r a M ay L id d e ll......................... 1 M rs. H . V. M e e k s.................. 66 J . M. Col. C o ............................. 75 M iss N e ttie M e e r m a n s . .. . 1 M iss G ra c ie M a t e r s ............. 1 B e n n ie M c C u l l y . .. .............. 1 M iss J e n n ie H . M o r r is o n .. 5 M rs. A. D e W . M a s o n ... 10 A lfre d D e W itt M ason, J r . . 2 'ÂŤ6 M rs. K. D. M e e k e r............. 1 C h a rle s P. O lc o tt.................. 1 T h e M isses O lc o tt................ 10 D e lia M. O s s e w a a rd e ........... 1 50 M a r th a E. O s s e w a a r d e ... 1 50 M iss A n n a P o t t s . . . . .......... 1 M rs. E. H . P e t e r s ................ 200 M rs. J. F. P o s t ........................ 1 M rs. E. M. P ik e , a n E a s te r o ffe rin g to H o s p ita l a t V ellore, in m e m o ry of h e r b elo v ed d a u g h te r .............. 75 H e rb ie C. W . R e t a l l i n k .. .

1 80

M iss S a r a h B. R e y n o ld s ... 30 1 M iss H e n r i e t ta R .................. 2 E . & H . S t a b l e r .................... M rs. M. C. S c u d d e r ............. 10 1 25 M iss S a d ie S l a y e r ............... 1 A m y S e a m a n .......................... M rs. S a m u e l S lo a n ............... 1 0 0 M rs. S. J . S c h e r m e r h o r n .. 20 1 M iss A lice S m i th .................. M iss A n n a R . S lin g e rla n d 10 M rs. W . W . S c u d d e r ........... 10 10 M rs. L. R. S c u d d e r ............... 1 M rs. H . H . S c h o o n m a k e r .. M rs. A . M. S h e ffield ............. 10 10 M rs. E . M. S p e n c e ............... 1 M rs. J . M. T h o m p s o n ......... 1 M iss E th e l T. T a l l m a n . . . . 2 75 M rs. H . T e r h u n e .................... 4 58 T h a n k -O ffe rin g .................... M r. R a lp h V o o rh e e s ............. 500 M rs. & M iss V a n D o r e n .. 13 1 M rs. H e n ry V. V o o r h e e s .. 1 M rs. F . V. V a n V r a n k e n .. M rs. J . H . V iele & M iss 5 M a ry D e G a rm o .................. M rs. J a c o b S. W y c k o f f .... 110 M rs. W illia m B. W a lk e r, in M e m o ry of L ittle M a r th a , 20 M iss E lla B rln k e rh o ff 1 W h e e le r ................................ M r. C h a rle s W ilk in s o n ----- 60 50 D a v id a n d L e s te r W e l l s .. . T h e M isse s W a ld r o n ......... 30 M iss W y n k o o p a n d M iss R e y n o ld s ............................... 1 0 M rs. C. L. W e l l s .................... 25 1 M rs. W illia m W o o d r u f f .. . M rs. J o h n W illia m s ............. 40 C la s s is o f A lb a n y M. U nion$131 “ B e rg e n U n io n ... 19 41 " G re en e U n i o n ... 18 5 65 “ H u d s o n U n io n .. " K in g s to n U n io n 1 0 . “ Long Is la n d

“ '• “ '* “ “ " “ “ “

N o rth U n io n .. Long Is la n d S o u th U n io n .. M o n m o u th U n io n M o n tg o m e ry . . . N e w a rk U n io n .. N ew B ru n s w ic k U n io n ............... O ra n g e U n io n . . . P a r a m u s U n io n P a s s a ic U n io n .. P h ila d e l’a U n io n P le a s a n t P r a ir ie U n io n .......... .... R e n n s e l’r U n io n R o c h e s te r U n io n S a r a to g a U n io n S c h e n e c ta d y U ’n “ A F rie n d . S c h o h a rie U n io n U ls te r U n io n . . . . W e s tc h e s te r U ’n


28 90 3 S3 14 70 2 0 17 27 50 8

9 40 35 50 1 0 41 18 18 7 17 9 30 15 7 61


_ $537 A n n iv e rs a ry C o l le c ti o n .... 197 B a b y R o ll................................... 127 C o lle c tio n L a d ie s ' D ay G e n e ra l S y n o d .................... 53 I n t e r e s t on C h a rlo tte W . D u ry e e L e g a c y .................... 225 S m ith C ollege A s so c ia tio n fo r D r. M y e r s ...................... 650 B ir th d a y C o n t r ib u t i o n s .... 367 M issio n G le a n e r ...................... 755 E a s te r O ffe rin g ...................... 30 S a le s o f B o a rd P i n s ............ 1 0 21 “ S o u v e n irs ............. 6 “ “F a r - H e n c e ” . . . . “ L e a fle ts .................. 17 F o u r th In te rd e n o m in a tio n a l C o n fe re n c e s of W . B. F. M., U n ite d S ta te s a n d a n d C a n a d a .......................... 46

74 46 25

" “ “ “ “ “ " “


25 44 50 50 77


15 71 00 00 10



$3,045 18

R e c e ip ts w e re d iv id e d a s follow s: $28,113 81 G e n e ra l f u n d ..................................... S t a r a n d S ilv e r c a r d s ............................................................... 798 97 S u m m e r C a r d s .......................................................................... 207 99 B o n d s ........- .................................................................................. H in d u G irls S c h o o ls............................................................... A r a b i a . . . . '...................................................................... B a b y R o ll.................................................................■.................... B o a rd P i n s .................................................................................... R e tu rn o f M is s io n a rie s ........................................................... C h la n g C h iu .................................................................................. T h e M ission G le a n e r...............................................................

237 25 2,187 41 766 81 287 73 10 1,304 64 705 37 755 71

T o ta l R e c e ip ts ............................................................................ B a la n c e A p ril 1900..................................................... ...............

$35,375 19 339 30

$35,714 57 D IS B U R S E M E N T S . S e c r e ta r y ’s

S a l a r y ................................................................... %



92 74

S ta tio n e ry a n d P r i n t i n g ......................................................... 591 67 T h e M ission G le a n e r............................................................... 781 60 T h e D a y S t a r ............................................................................ 148 E x p e n s e of A n n iv e rs a ry ...................................................... 3 6 75 T ra v e lin g E x p e n s e s o f D e le g a te s ...................................... ; 212 13 R e n t a n d J a n i t o r .............................'........................................ 276 80 C. E . M is s io n a ry L e a g u e ...................................................... 58 12 E x p e n s e S u m m e r S e w in g W o rk G u ild ......................... 99 62 L e a f le ts ........................................................................................... 27 E x p re s s a g e , R oom 10, e t c ___: ............................................. 93 72 S ta r, S ilv e r a n d S u m m e r C a rd s a n d M ite B o x e s ____ 111 01 25 Y o u n g W o m a n s ’ B r a n c h ............................................ ........ E x p e n s e of F o u r th In te rd e n o m in a tio n a l C o n fe r­ e n c e s o f W . B .’s F . M., U n ite d S t a te s a n d C a n a d a 48 02 S y n o d ’s B o a rd fo r R e g u la r W o rk a n d S p e c ia l O b je c ts 30,044 27 D e p o sited to S p ecial A c c o u n t.............................................. 1,666 99 T o ta l D is b u r s e m e n ts ............................................................... ....................... #

34,913 44

SU M M A R Y .

B a la n c e on h a n d , A p ril 1900............................................... R e c e ip ts fro m A u x ilia rie s ................................................ 28,306 32 " “ I n d iv id u a ls ...................................................... 4,023 69 " “ S u n d r ie s ........................ 3,045 18 T o ta l R e c e ip ts .............................................................................. ...................

339 33

3 5 ,3 7 5 19

$35,714 57

D is b u rs e m e n ts fo r S u n d r ie s ............... ................................ P a id S y n o d ’s B o a rd a n d A ra b ia n M iss io n ................... D ep o sited to S pecial A c c o u n t.......................................... c B a la n c e on h a n d A p ril, 1901................................................ L o a n s to S y n o d 's B o a rd : C h a rlo tte W . D u ry e e L e g a c y .................................... D isb o ro u g h L e g a c y ........................................................... S tu rg e s

L eg a cy ,

B a la n c e ............... ............................ j

u,202 18 30,044 27 1,666 99 --------------

34,913 44 • 801 13

5,000 2,017,60 7"7 50


M R S. F . S. D O U G L A S , T r e a s u r e r

I h a v e e x a m in e d th e a c c o u n ts of th e T r e a s u r e r o f th e W o m a n 's B o ard of F o re ig n M issio n s fo r th e y e a r e n d in g A p ril 17, 1901, a n d c o m p a re d th e m w ith th e v o u c h e rs a n d find th e m c o rre c t. T h e re is a b a la n c e on h a n d o f E ig h t H u n d re d a n d O ne D o lla rs a n d th ir te e n c e n ts, (8801.13); b e sid e s th e a m o u n t o f T h re e T h o u s a n d a n d S e v e n ty -e ig h t D o lla rs a n d e ig h te e n c e n ts ($3,078.18) d e p o site d in b a n k fo r sp e c ia l a c c o u n t. N e w a rk . X . J.. A p ril 19. 1901. JA S . L. A M E R M A N

LIFE MEMBERS, Miss Dora K. Cushman, Miss Augusta C. Huiell, Mrs. Walter T. Scudder, Miss Caroline Schureman, Miss Sara De Hart, Miss Anna Van Camp, Mrs. Philip Schuyler, Mrs. George Coe, Mrs. Frederick R. Hutton, ‘ Mrs. C. H. Bell, ’ Mrs. Rachel’ S. Smith, Mrs. George Tremain, Miss Sarah Wagoner, Mrs. F. R. Wiltse,

iq o o - i q o i .

Mrs. J. H. Green, Mrs. James A. Burden, Miss Helen M. Gould; Mrs. George Inness. Jr., Miss Mary L. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald S. Mackay, Mrs. Samuel Mead, Mrs. Robert M. Maxwell, Mrs. Eben E. Olcott, Mrs. Wm. Scott Pyle, Miss Edith L. Smith, Mrs. George W. Vanderhoef, Mrs. Wm. H. Van Kleeck, Miss Anna T. Van Santvoord.


Mrs. J. V. N. Talmage. Mrs. P.*W. Pitcher. Mrs. J. A. Otte. ' Mrs. Hobart E. Studley. Mrs. C. O. Stumpf. Miss M. E. Talmage. Miss K. M. Talmage.

Mrs. A. L. Warnhuis Miss Nellie Zwemer. Miss E. M. Cappon. Miss M. C. Morrison. Miss Lily N. Duryee. Dr. Angie M. Myers. Miss Louise Brink.


Mrs. Jacob Chamberlain. . Ootacamund. Mrs. W. I. Chamberlain, Vellore. Mrs. J. W. Scudder, Palmaner. Miss Julia C. Scudder, Palmaner. Mrs. L. R. Scudder, Ranipettai. Mrs. J. H. Wyckoff, Tindtvanam. Mrs. J. A. Beattie. Chittoor. Miss M. K. Scudder, Ranipettai. Dr Louisa H. Hart, Ranipettai .

Mrs. John Scudder, Vellore. Mrs. Henry J. Scudder, Ranipettai. Mrs. L. B. Chamberlain, Madanapalle. Mrs. W. H. Farrar, Arni. Dr. Ida S. Scudder. Vellore. Miss Annie E. Hancock, Vellore. Mrs. W alter T. Scudder, M.D., Vellore.


Mrs. E. S. Booth, 178 Bluff— Yokohama. Miss A. de F. Thompson, ) Miss Julia Moulton. [f-T iW Miss H arriet J. Wyckoff, ) Yokoh'*:

Miss M. Leila Winn, Aomori. Mrs. E. R. Miller Morioka. Mrs. J . H. Ballagh, Yokohama. Mrs. Frank S. Scudder, Nagano. Mrs. M. M. Wyckoff, Tokyo.


Mrs. A. Pieters, Kagoshima. Mrs. Albert Oltmans, Saga. Miss Sara M. Couch, Nagasaki.

Mrs. Henry Stout, Nagasaki. Miss Anna B. Stout, Nagasaki. Mrs. H. V. S. Peeke, Kagoshima.


Mrs. S. M. Zwemer. Bahrein. Mrs. F. J. Barny, Busrah,

I |

Mrs. S. J . Thoms, M.D., Bahrein. Mrs.H.R.L.Worrall.M.D., Busrah.


Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss

L. W. Kip. L. R. Scudder. Mary Deyo A. K. Stryker.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss

Howard Harris. P. W. Pitcher. J . W. Schenck. H. M. Lansing.

Miss M. VanB. Calkoen, Utrecht, Netherlands.






G IR L S' BOARDING SCHOOL, AMOY, C H IN A . Scholarship, $20.00 per year. G IR L S ’ BOARDING SCHOOL, SIO-KHE, C H IN A . Support of pupil, $20.00 per year. F E R R IS SEM INARY, YOKAHAM A, JA P A N . Support of pupil, $60 00 per year. J O N A T H A N ST U R G E S SE M IN A R Y ,N A G A S A K IJA P A N . Support of pupil, $40.00 per year. B IBLE WOMAN A N D H E L P E R , JAPAN. $75.oo per year. G IR L S' BOARDING SCHOOL, M A D A N A PA LLE, INDIA. . Support of pupil, $30 00 per year. NORM AL SCHOOL FO R GIRLS, C H IT TO O R , INDIA. Support of pupil, $35.00 per year. G IR L S ’ BOARDING SCHOOL, R A N IP E T T A I, INDIA. Support of pupil, $30.00 per year. E I G H T E E N (H IG H CASTE) G IR L S ’ SCHOOLS, INDIA. $125.00 average cost for each school. BIBLE WOMAN AN D ZEN AN A T E A C H E R , INDIA. $30.00 per year. [MEDICAL WORK. MARY T A B E R SC H E L L H O SPITA L, V E L L O R E , INDIA. Beds, $35.00. „

CONSTITUTION. A rticle i . The Association jhall be called tbe “ Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America,”‘and its central point of operation shall be in the City of New York. 0

Ar j . 2. Its object shall be to extend and promote the work of Foreign Mis* sions among the women and children of heathen lands ; and. to receive and disburse all maney contributed to this Society. To the furtherance of this end, it shall also endeavor toorganize similar organizations in all Reformed Churches, and these Associatioas shall bear the name of Auxiliary ^Societies to the Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America, and shall report their work to this Board at such times as the By-Laws may direct. A r t . 3. Any person paying one dollar annually, through an Auxiliary, or directly to the treasury, shall become a member of this Association. The pay­ ment of twenty-five dollars by one person at one time shall constitute a Life Membership. A rt . 4 . The business of the Board shall be conducted by thirty Managers, eich of whom shall be a member of an Auxiliary Society. They shall be elected annually by the members of the Board who may be present at the annual meeting and shall organize on the first Tuesday after their election, by selecting from their number a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, two or more Corresponding Secretaries and a Treasurer, and such other officers as may be deemed necessaiy. They shall have the power to elect twelve or more honorary Vice-Presidents, and to appoint corresponding members, when the object of the Board can be promoted thereby; they shall also have authority to fill vacancies occurring in their body during the year. . A r t . 5. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the officers and two other Managers, to be elected annually. The Editress’of the G le ane r , or of any other publication issued by the Board shall also be, ex-officio, a member of the Executive Committee. /This Committee shall have power to transact such business as may require attention in the intervals between the stated meetings of the Managers. ' Five members shall constitute a quorum. . t A rt . 6. The annual meeting of the Board shall'be held on the second Tues­ day in May, at which time the Managers shall report to the Asiociation the oper­ ations, the conditions and prospects_thereof, and an election shall be made of Managers for the ensuing year. ' ’ A r t . 7 . A special meeting of the Board may be called at any time by the President upon the request of the Managers. * A r t . 8. This Constitution may be altered at any regular meeting of the Bsard, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, notice of the intended alteration having been given at a previous meeting. -

BY-LAWS. A rticle i . T he M anagers shall hold their stated m eetings on the second Tuesday in October, December, February, April and May, at eleven o’clock, A .M ., at such places as they shall appoint. S e v e n members shall constitute a quotum . Special m eetings may be called by the President upon the request of five members. A rt.


T he Executive Com mittee shall meet once a m onth, at such time

and place as the Com mittee shall decide. A rt . 3 . T he President shall preside at all m eetings of the Board and of the M anagers, appoint all comm ittees not otherwise provided for, and perfotm such other duties as are incident to 'th e office, and shall sign all drafts upon the treasury before they are paid. A rt , 4 . A Vice-President shall perform , in the absence of the President, all the duties of her office. T h e H onorary Vice-Presidents shall have all the privileges of C orresponding Members. A r t . 5 . T he T reasurer shall receive and bold, and keep an account of all money given to the Board, and shall disburse it as the M anagers shall direct. She shall report the state of the treasury at each regular m eeting of the Executive Com m ittee; and make a quarterly report to the M anagers. H er annual report shall be examined by an auditor appointed by the M anagers. A r t . 6 . T he Recording Secretary shall keep a full record of the proceed­ ings of the Executive Com mittee and M anagers, which shall be read for correction at the close of each meeting, and she shall give proper notice of special and stated m eetings. A r t . 7 . It shall be the duty of the C orresponding Secretaries for the foreign field to conduct the business of this Board with the Board of Foreign M issions of the Reformed Church in America, and also with the Missionaries, T eachers and Bible readers supported by this Association . T hey shall prepare the annual report of the M anagers, and M issionaries supported by this Association shall report to C orresponding Secretaries. A r t . 8 . T he C orresponding Secretaries for the home field shall corres­ pond w ith the churches, and propose the organization of Auxiliary Societies wherever it is possible to awaken an interest in the work for which this Association is formed. A r t . 9 . Auxiliary Societies shall be required to make an annual report to the M anagers, through the C orresponding Secretaries, on or before the first Tuesday in April. A r t . io . Any M anager who shall be absent from three successive meetings without giving notice of the reason of her absence, shall forfeit her position, and her place may be filled.


A r t . i i . T hese By-Law s may be amended at any m eeting of the M anagers by a vote of two-thirds of the members p re se n t; but notice of the proposed am end­ m ent m ust be given in w riting at the m eeting preceding such vote. T he following Constitutions are recommended for adoption. modified and adapted to the circum stances of different localities.

T hey can be „


R eformed Church . in A meirca . A rticle i . T he Society shall be c a lle d ------------- of the W om an’s Board of Foreign M issions of the Reformed Church in America. A r t . 2 . Its obj :ct shall be to aid the Board in sending out and m aintaining Fem ale Missionaries, Bible-Reaciers and Teachers, who shall work am ong heathen women and children. A r t . 3 . A ny person may become a m ember of this Society by the paym ent o f ------------- annually. A r t . 4 . T he officers of this Society shall be a P resident, Secretary, and T reasurer, who shall be elected annually. Art.



T he duty of these officers shall be as follow s:


T he President shall preside at all m eetings, and have a general oversight of the wotk of the Society. T he Secretary shall give notice of m eetings, shall record the m inutes cf each session, and shall prepare the Annual Report. It shall also be her duty to transm it to the W om an’s Board the names of the officers of this Auxiliary, a report of its proceedings and condition, whenever necessary, and the Annual Report with th at of the Treasurer. T he Treasurer shall report the state of the T reasury at every m eeting, and shall rem it the funds obtained, a t least once a year, on o r before the tenth day o f A p r il, to the T reasurer of the W om an's Board. A r t . 6 . T his Society shall hold regular meetings on the ----- , and an annual m eeting on t h e ------, to receive and adopt the Annual Report, and to elect officers.


D I R E C T I O N S F O R F O R M I N G MISSION B A N D S . 1. An association of young ladies, formed to aid the Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America, shall be called a “ Mission Band,” and shall be auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Church in which it is formed, or to the Woman’s Board. 2. Any young lady may become a member of a Mission Band by the payment of twenty-five cents yearly. 3. The officers of a Band shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected annually. ' 4. The President shall preside at all meetings, and shall have a general oversight of the work of the Band. The Secretary shall beep a record of the pro­ ceedings of the Band, and shall make an Annual Report to the Society to which it is auxiliary, or to the Woman's Board of Foreign Missionsof the Reformed Church. The Treasurer shall receive and hold all sums contributed, paying the same at least once a year to the Treasurer of the Auxiliary of the Church in which the Band is formed, or to the Treasurer of the Woman’s Board of Foreign Missious of the Re­ formed Church.

MISSION C I R C L E S O F C H I L D R E N . 1. An association of children remitting money yearly to the Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America, shall constitute a “ Mission Circle.” * 2. Each circle shall be designated by an appropriate name, and shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer, to whom due acknowledgment can be returned by the Woman's Board. Or, if preferred, the following can be adopted:




“ We desire to help in sending the Gospel to heathen children, that they may hear of Christ, who died to save them. We promise to give one cent a week to the Missionary Box, and to come together once a month to hear about Missions, and to work for the cause.”

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