
Page 1

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1907


the college



100 years

Volume 100 No. 1 1

Cold And Snowy But...

News Cosmos Lose "Green Acres" Page 2

It still wasn't cold


enough to

Hope Grad Leaves

discourage one

For Niger In Peace

runner from


wearing shorts at Page 3

— ' r

the recent NCAA Division III


National Cross

Michigan State To


View Soviet



at the Holland Country Club.

Page 9

Sports Hope Honors Fall Athletes At Banquet Page 1 1




Page 2

Dec. 2, 1987

News Texas Can't Curb Hazinig

"Green Acres" Residents Evicted By Psychology Professor *



By Geoff Penrose anchor Staff Writer An off-campus house known as u Green Acres", which for three months has held a number of mid-week parties, has been put out of business while ending a brief stint of campus and greek enjoyment. The house, located a 353 College Ave., has been inhabited by members of the Cosmopolitan fraternity for several years. But that will no longer continue, according to t h e j r 1 a n d 1 o r d, H o p e professor Dr. ames Motiff. Two weeks ago. Motiff listed U unacceptable , , and "disgusting" behavior as the reason for eviction in a letter to the men renting the house. Motiff also listed specific reasons for the eviction which included: a sign on the front


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door of the house, urination on the side of the house, and garbage in and around the house. In t h e l e t t e r , M o t i f f d e m a n d e d the h o u s e be vacated by Monday, Nov. 30 ( y e s t e r d a y ) . The f o r m e r residents are now faced with finding suitable housing before final e x a m s in two weeks. The house was home to five cosmo m e n and will be remembered by students a place of general good times. One student, who requested not to be named, commented, ' T h e y threw the best parties on Wednesday night. They might have been better than the ones on the weekend." Former resident Jeff Koster, s u m m e d up the feelings when he said, <fIt was fun while it lasted. Kinda like an end of an era." ''I h a v e no c o m m e n t whatsoever," said Motiff.

AUSTIN, TX (CPS)- The University of Texas just can't break down a "conspiracy of silence" among greek pledges long enough to curb hazing on the campus, stated an 111-page report issued last month. The report suggested Texas — as well as several other schools trying to stop fraternity and sorority hazing of their own memebers — is going to have a tough time succeeding until student attitudes change. The report was issued by a 26member Presidential C o m m i s s i o n on F r a t e r n a l Organizations, created last year by Texas President William Cunningham to i n v e s t i g a t e hazing, alcohol abuse and d i s r u p t i v e behavior a m o n g greeks.

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activity, and this makes it extremely difficult to deal with/' Olisl xI— T - 1_ *"* . • • a • said chairman John Ratliff, a UT law professor. "Normally it does not come to light until someone gets badly hurt.'' And reports of severe injuries are almost constant. For instance, a University of Mississippi student, Harry Cline, was killed when he fell down a

flight of stairs at the Kappa Alpha house. He allegedly had been drinking, despite a campus ban on drinking, and UM officials are investigating. Duke put its Sigma Chi chapter on probation for various party infractions, while University of Maryland officials announced they may install more rigid rules to regulate off-campus greek parties. Also this fall, Penn State disbanded its Alpha Phi Alpha chapter for physically abusing pledges, while Loyola of New Orleans issued a formal warning to is Beggars fraternity for reportedly harassing, mocking and excluding black students. Stanford University's Zeta Psi f r a t e r n i t y was "voluntarily d i s b a n d e d " for five y e a r s following an investigation of the drowning of a member in 1986. Texas has had more than its s h a r e of g r e e k t r o u b l e s , however. Lee Roever, a former Alpha Tau Omega pledge, recently won an undisclosed out-of-court s e t t l e m e n t f r o m the ATO national chapter after threatening to sue over a hazing incident. He and 20 other pledges were forced to stay awake for four days, and were pelted with

eggs. In September, the parents of Phi Kappa Psi pledge Mark Seeberger filed a $40 million suit, seeking damages for Seeberger's death by alcohol poisoning during a hazing ritual in 1986. UT banned the fraternity after the Seeberger tragedy, but last week's report asserted stopping hazing in advance may be impossible. T h e r e p o r t c i t e d two fraternities, the Texas Cowboys and the Silver Spurs, for continuing hazing despite administration warnings to stop. Pledges were taken for "rides" — driven far from home, then abandoned — the report said. Initiates also were shocked with electric cattle prods and beaten with paddles. "As long as the participants elect to have this done to themselves and want to maintain this secrecy, there's not a whole lot the university can do," Ratliff said. The commission said the Cowboys and the Spurs should not be allowed to represent the school at football games and other official events. The two fraternities tend to the Texas mascot during football games.

Sigmas Make Plans The Sigma Sigma sorority has many plans for the remainder of the semester. In addition to their annual red and green party with the Cosmopolitan fraternity, the Sigmas will be busy this month u s h e r i n g v e s p e r s , hosting the annual Christmas party for under privileged children and leading a chapel service. Every year the Sigma sorority, along with their brother fraternity, invites a p p r o x i m a t e l y 20-25 underprivileged children selected by the principal of Lincoln Elementary School to come over one day after school for a Christmas party. The children are served cookies and punch, while members of the sorority play

g a m e s with them for prizes and there is always a visit from santa with presents for everyone. The presents are purchased with sorority funds and picked out and wrapped Knickerbocker Chris Zinn does his pdrt. by the Sigmas. After the party, which usually lasts a couple of hours, the children are taken home and often tears are shed when it is time to leave. Once again this year, the By Scott Mancinelli dorms to raise money for cancer entire day, and hopefully for s e n i o r S i g m a s will be research. good. ushering the 2 p.m. Sunday On Thursday, Nov. 19, the Money is not the only goal of The Knicks handed out buttons Vespers service as they have American Cancer Society held the Smoke Out, however. Raising and brochures to promote this been doing for several years t h e 12th A n n u a l " G r e a t the awareness of the public now. In addition, the Sigmas American Smoke Out." The towards the danger of smoking idea. The day was a personal will be leading the chapel Cancer Society's cause was aiiii lung cancer is also ol critical s u c c e s s for the f r a t e r n i t y members who raised a record service on Dec. 9 at 11 a.m. As aided by the men of Kappa Eta importance. 95 percent of the $219.50. The Knicks are a good in the past, the service will Nu, who have participated in the people who contract lung cancer example of how Hope's • Greek consist of a couple of songs, a event for many years. The die within a year. o r g a n i z a t i o n s b e n e f i t the scripture passage and a brief Knickerbockers held coin drops The idea behind the Smoke Out community as well as the message. downtown and in several campus is for smokers to quit for the campus.

KHN Holds "Smoke Out"

Page 3

Dec. 2, 1907

University Of Chicago Ousts Its Whoie Student Government

The Peace Corps in

Mgcr / T


4.5 million

I.and Area;

490.000 square miles

Major Cities;

Niamey (capital) Ziiulcr Maradi T.ilunia

I annuancs;

I rench (ollicial) I lausa Djerma

Major F.Nports: Major Crops:

IVamiu. livestock, uranium IV.imns. millel. sorghum, .hc.ms. cotton

CHICAGO, IL (CPS) - All 50 officers of the University of Chicago student government have been ousted In the wake of a political scandal that h a s rocked the campus. Within l e s s than two weeks, the student body president h a s a d m i t t e d to b a l l o t stuffing and resigned, the vice-president has been ousted for not being enrolled as a student, and new elections h a v e been ordered to replace all officers elected in the Oct. 14 and 15 race for Student Government Assembly seats. "It's not unusual to have o l i t i c a l p r o b l e m s and i c k e r i n g on s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t s here and anyplace e l s e , " said university spokesman David Rosen. But, ''something quite




Hope Graduate Leaves For Niger; Becomes Agribusiness Advisor Hope graduate Teresa van d^n Hombergh, of Hartford, Mich., has been accepted into the Peace Corps. She left for the African country of Niger on November 16, 1987, a f t e r c o m p l e t i n g orientation sessions in the United States. As a Peace Corps volunteer, van den Hombergh will serve as an a g r i - b u s i n e s s a d v i s o r assisting r u r a l f a r m e r s in choosing more economically feasible crops, obtaining extension s e r v i c e s , and delivering p r o d u c t s to the market place. A graduate of Hartford High School, van den Hombergh attended Hope College, and earned a degree in business administration in 1987. Currently 5,700 Americans of all a g e s and o c c u p a t i o n a l backgrounds serve as Peace Corps volunteers in 61 developing nations. During the next 12 months, the agency expects to place a near record number of

A m e r i c a n s in a g r i c u l t u r e , forestry, fisheries, education, h e a l t h , and skilled t r a d e s programs. A particularly urgent need currently exists for U.S. citizens with e x t e n s i v e c a r p e n t r y , masonry, plumbing or general construction experience. In agriculture, individuals a r e sought who have commercial farm experience raising crops, small animals, beef or dairy cattle, bees, or who have participated in 4-H, FFA, or FHA programs. Peace Corps officials note that a college degree is not required for many job assignments. However, an individual should have at least three to five years of full-time work experience. There is no upper age limit. I n d i v i d u a l s i n t e r e s t e d in obtaining more information on Peace Corps job opportunities should call (313) 226-7928, ext. 454, or write: The Peace Corps, 477 Michigan Ave., Room M-74, Detroit, Michigan, 48226.

as drastic ( a s this) is not common." Yet at the s a m e time, the Unversity of North Florida's Student Senate decided to invalidate the results of a Sept. 30 election because a ballot box w a s mishandled. North Florida's new voting, however, c a m e off without incident a month ago. T h e misadventures at Chicago were considerably less accidental. The scandal started when student body president Kathryn Sampeck admitted to stuffing ballot boxes while serving as a poll watcher. Sampeck said she was retaliating for what s h e considered election violations by V i c e - P r e s i d e n t J i m Jacobsen.

Jacobsen, meanwhile, w a s ordered to leave office Oct. 28 by a student committee that learned he wasn't enrolled this fall. In addition, the committee discovered that one or two of the 200 candidates didn't have enough signatures on their candidacy petitions. The committee "found in e s s e n c e no e v i d e n c e of widespread fraud and abuse in the election, but certain procedural flaws, and called tor a new election" of all officers Nov. 10, Rosen said. Sampeck, in a statement released after her resignation, called her actions "a momentary lapse of judgement, and it has taught m e a lesson I will never forget."

Dickie Publishes Study Dr. Jane Dickie, an associate professor of psychology at Hope College, has recently published a major research study as one of nine chapters in a new book on fathers. Entitled "Interrelationships Within the Mother-Father-Infant Triad," Dickie's work appears with other national family psychology experts in Men's T r a n s i t i o n s to P a r e n t h o o d : Longitudinal Studies of Early Family Experience. Edited by Phyllis W. Herman and Frank A. Pedersen, official at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the book was published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. of Hillsdale, N.J. in October. In 1982, Dickie was invited to be a visiting scientist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, MD. As a result of her work, she was later invited to participate in a government-

sponsored conference on family interactions between parents and infants. Dickie focused her study for the conference specifically on parental transitions, particularly for men. Out of her work for NICHD and the r e l a t e d conference came the chapter for the book. Dickie's topic was a summary of a number of years' work. Prior to her trip to NICHD in 1982, she surveyed 46 couples with infants in the Holland area to study parent-child interactions and the effect of the infants on the mother and father and their marriage. With the help of Hope psychology students, she alpo investigated the parent-child interactions in the home in order to research role expectations (the sharing of care for the home and c h i l d ) , t h e m a r r i a g e relationship (communication and support in parenting), and the characteristics of the infant (sex and responsiveness).

Dickie found many pertinent points, but in general, the study revealed that realistic role expectations, supportive m a r r i a g e s and responsive infants improve parental skill and m a r r i a g e s a t i s f a c t i o n , especially for fathers. A Hope faculty member since 1972, Dickie specialized in human development. She also has done a considerable amount of research on child neglect and abuse in Ottawa County. For her constant commitment to children, Dickie was recently awarded Child Advocate of the Year Honors by Community Coordinated Child Care. The 4Cs honors a member of the community annually whose personal and professional life supports the rights and needs of children. A graduate of Alma College, Dickie earned master's and doctoral degrees from Michigan State University.

Albert E. Lampen Mathematics Contest And Conference Heid At Hope; 275 Students Attend The Hope m a t h e m a t i c s department hosted the 15th annual Albert E. Lampen m a t h e m a t i c s contest and teachers conference two weeks ago. Approximately 275 students from 31 lower Michigan Schools participated in the event. The students matched wits on 45 m a t h e m a t i c s p r o b l e m s of varying degrees of difficulty. The family of the late professor Albert Lampen, along with Hope College, provided cash prizes and Hope College scholarships

for the seven top scorers in the contest. Team trophies were given to the high schools whose top four students achieved the highest total score. The winner in Class A was Kalamazoo Central; the runner-up was Big Rapids. The winner in Class B was Forest Hills Northern; the runner-up was East Lansing. The winner in Class C was Galesburg-Augusta; the runner-up was Battle Creek Pennfield. The winner in Class D was N o r t h M u s k e g o n ; t h e

runner-up was West Michigan Christian. 41 teachers participated in the Teachers Conference in which Professor Elliot Tanis gave a presentation on " C o m p u t e r Drawn Designs Using a Circular Coordinate S y s t e m " and Professor Frank Sherburne led a session on "My Favorite Proff of the Pythagorean Theorem." Cochairmans of the event were Professor John Van Iwaarden and Lori McDowell.

Dec. 2, 1907

Dropouts Most Likely To Default On Loans (CPS) - College dropouts are more likely to default on Guaranteed Students Loans than students who complete their education, according to a study by the University of California at Los Angeles. Black students, students from low-income backgrounds and students who dropped oul of high school also are more likely to default on loans, UCLA professor Wellford Wilms found. In a study of more than 6,000 students at community colleges and vocational schools on the West Coast in 1985, Wilms found that 38 percent of students who


dropped out later defaulted on loans. By comparison, 17 percent of students who completed their studies did not repay their loans, Wilms wrote in his report, called "Whose Fault is Default?" Wilms' study, mandated by the California state legislature and funded by the state student aid commission, did not study defaulters' motivations.

may not pay back student loans because they are among the most d i s e n c h a n t e d and disenfranchised m e m b e r s - of society. "Blacks receive the lowest earnings and face the most discrimination in the job market," he said.

The study found that lender and school policies had little impact on the incidence of loan defaults. Students' characteristics, Wilms said, were the strongest variable leading to defaults. College d r o p o u t s , Wilms speculated, "either didn't have what it took or the program was not what they had hoped for. They became discouraged and don't pay back what they owe."

Wilms' study focused e x c l u s i v e l y on c o m m u n i t y colleges and vocational schools, he said, since they have the highest percentage of defaulters.

Wilms also determined that U.S. citizens are more likely to default than students from other countries attending school in the United States. " I ' m not an enemy of the GSL program," Wilms explained. "It's a good program, and important one." But the loan

Defaulters from low-income families, he said, "don't have the ability or desire to pay back loans." Blacks, Wilms theorized.

program, he said, discourages students from attending graduate schools because they balk at the debts they a c c r u e d during their u n d e r g r a d u a t e studies. To improve t h e program Wilms suggests s c h o o l s continiip to provide loan c o u n s e l i n g to students. Loans, h e s a i d , shouiri be dispersed in smaller amounts to keep a tight rein on t h e m o n e y . Schools that abuse t h e G S L program, he said, " s h o u l d hp kicked out of the p r o g r a m . ASAP."

Band Marches, Vandalizes Florida A&M Campus Paper Some 20 members of the F o r i d a A&M U n i v e r s i t y marching band invaded the campus newspaper office Oct. 28 and stole 1,500 copies of the edition of the FAMUAN that charged the band with hazing. The story said a parent had a c c u s e d m e m b e r s of t h e Marching 100 of beating other band members for being late for performances. In response, 20 m e m b e r s " s t o r m e d into t h e o f f i c e screaming and making threats to

myself and the staff," news editor Ellen Moran told the Associated Press. They proceeded to throw bundles of the paper out windows and down stairwells until the FSU police arrived. "This is not the way things should be done on campus," Michael Abrams, the paper's faculty adviser told College Press Service. But the incident focused "national attention" on the hazing charges. "They did t h e m s e l v e s m o r e h a r m by

Dr. David Myers Writes On Psychology And Religous Philosophy I



Dr. David Myers, the John Dirk Werkman professor of psychology at Hope College, has co-authored a softcover book of 30 short essays which explore the connecting points between what r e s e a r c h psychologists a r e discovering and what Christians believe. . Just published by Harper and Row, "Psychology Through the E y e s of F a i t h " w a s a collaborative effort between Dr. Myers and Dr. Malcolm Jeeves, a leading research psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist in the United Kingdom. Approaching psychology from a Christian perspective, Myers and Jeeves ask, "what are the key insights into human nature t h a t o n e e n c o u n t e r s in contemporary psychology? How does the resulting human image connect with Christian belief? And how might psychological findings be applied by Christians — in preaching, prayer, and the quest for faith and happiness?" Myers says the book is aimed at "college students interested in a Christian perspective on some of psychology's most fascinating and controversial topRST, and general readers interested in

hazing a l l e g a t i o n s , despite threats of lawsuits from the band's directors and pressures to portray the band — and Florida A&M — in a more favorable light. In mid-October, a Michigan State University student quit the marching band, alleging she'd

m ms HIM. NE Ktmum wjeoe

been hazed and had her hair forcibly e u t . The s t u d e n t , Cynthia Maggard, a Native American, subsequently sued the b a n d and MSU for discrimination. Elsewhere, Baylor University two weeks ago suspended its Tau

when oven cleaner was poured over his head during a fraternity hazing rite. Jeffrey V. Furek was i n j u r e d d u r i n g S i g m a Phi Epsilon's 1980 "Hell Night" while he and other pledges were being initiated at the campus fraternity house.

Kappa Epsilon at least until spring, 1988, for allegedly hazing a pledge. A jury awarded a former University of Delaware student $30,000 for burns he received

Furek was burned by the caustic solution on the neck, head and back. He allowed the oven cleaner to be poured over him, he said, because he "wanted to be a brother."

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brief essays on topics ranging from p a r e n t i n g to positive, thinking to the links between religious faith and mental health and social behavior." A few of the book's essays include: "How Much Credit (and Blame) Do Parents Deserve?" which examines the extent — and limits — of parental influence upon children; "Should There Be a Christian Psychology?" which r e v e a l s h i d d e n v a l u e s in psychology and ponders Christian responses to such; "Watch Your Language" which illustrates how words, even religious words, are containers which shape the thoughts poured into them;, and "The Power of Positive T h i n k i n g " which explores the benefits of positive self-esteem and optimistic thinking and also identifies three perils of excessive positive thinking. . "Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith" is Myers* seventh book. His ' ' P s y c h o l o g y a n introductory textbook written from 1983 to 1985 and published by Worth in 1986, has become A m e r i c a ' s best-selling new - psychology text in more than a


coming here. They portrayed themselves as they were portrayed in the story." The paper, said Abrams, will continue to investigate the





Ask for Sharon

Confidential Counseling

Free Pregnancy Testing


— • U.

Page 5

Dec. 2, 19P7 L

Holmes And Elder Texts Dull Sign Book Agreement

Computer Science

NEW YORK, N.Y. (CPS) - In broad review of American listory books used in U.S. schools, a teaching reform group claimed six weeks ago that the exts are mostly " d u U " , 'lifeless'" "bus schedules" of events that drive students away from studying the past. In its report, called American H i s t o r y T e x t b o o k s : An Assessment Of Quality, the Educational Excellence Network — a reform group based at Columbia University — said publishers often turn the texts into bland reflections of what "special interest groups" want them to say. The books, the report said, turn into "cheerleaders for minorities and special causes at the expense of central stories that mark the nation's political and economic development." Publishers become cheerleaders, the network's panel of educators charged, out of "cowardice, commericalism condescension and crassness."

Recieves Grant By NSF institutions. Begun in 1979 with six pioneer universities and orignally sponsored by NSF, CSNET has over 100 members nationwide. Hope's grant will pay for the college's membership fee and Under the direction of Dr. communication costs. Hope faculty members who Herbert L. Dershem, professor of c o m p u t e r s c i e n c e a n d will be using CSNET regularly chairman of the department, the a r e : D e r s h e m , w h o d o e s g r a n t in entitled " C S N E T r e s e a r c h o n a r t i f i c i a l M e m b e r s h i p in Support of intelligence and programming Computer Science Research." languages; Dr. Michael Jipping, CSNET is a computer science assistant professor of computer network t h a t links m a n y s c i e n c e , who r e s e a r c h e s educational institutions doing c o n c u r r e n t s y s t e m s ; a n d research work in that field. It P r o f e s s o r Gordon Stegink, allows quick distribution of associate professor of computer research results, ideas, and science, who is researching q u e s t i o n s to i t s m e m b e r computer graphics.

The Hope computer science department has recently been awarded a $9,375 grant over the next three years by the National Science Foundation (NSF) of Washington, D.C.








Dorm Sex $ CHICAGO, IL (CPS) - A parttime DePaul University student last month confessed to running a sex service out of her dorm room at the Catholic college. J o y c e O w e n s , 22, w a s s e n t e n c e d to t w o y e a r s ' probation and a $1,000 fine Oct. 28 for using her phone at McCabe Hall to link customers with prostitutes working for her "Exposure Unlimited" operation. DePaul had suspended Owens in June, soon a f t e r police arrested her on prostitution charges. "Owens," police Sgt. Jack Halpin said, "was strictly a m i d d l e m a n between the prostitutes and the customers."

Vtomen's Issues Organization If you would like to be on our mailing list please fill out the form below and nail to: FONDA GREEN STUDEOT DEVELOPMENT OFFICE NAME ADDRESS PHONE







Pregnancy can also be e n j o y e d . . . . W e live in a society

lhal emphasizes

we do. One exception, *


problems one rarely developing


^ •







dependent I


hiccups |


( j

on what

tie drinks


its own


and sucks his thumb. new.

H O L L A I I D also y o u re worried


lor him.

He wakes

the problems

of the warmth,

a b o u f pregnancy,

the child



kidneys, in cartilage

He is responsive


give us a call—


Wolthuis Is Panelist Dr. Ronald Wolthuis. a s s o c i a t e p r o f e s s o r of education at Hope, w a s a panelist at the lOth annual Teacher Education Division — Council for Exceptional C h i l d r e n C o n f e r e n c e in Arlington. Va. on Friday, Nov. 13.

The c o u n c i l w a s ree x a m i n g the r e l a t i o n s h i p between general and special education. Dr. Wolthuis served on a panel with other Michigan educators sharing their work in planning for the 1990s.

Formais This Weekend ??

has an w a v e s c a n be not bone,

grasp an object

and his position



t o touch

in the womb and cold

and less if it is given

and sleeps, gets bored


avoid piling extra classes on students who had enough hours with their majors and T h e A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s the core curriculum. Board is presently struggling Since then, some with s o m e issues concerning departments have exceeded the structure and program ol the 20 credit limit, which has academic minors. raised s o m e concerns that the Minors are a virtually new minors are getting too hard. a s p e c t of t h e H o p e Another issue up for debate c u r r i c u l u m , h a v i n g b e e n is the proliferation of minors added no more than 10 years n o w a v a i l a b l e . S o m e ago after student requests. departments have added two The s t u d e n t s felt an or three new minors and the added area of expertise on AAB is concerned about how their transcripts might help m a n y e a c h d e p a r t m e n t in f i n d i n g a j o b . T h e should be allowed to have. The main questions still Academic Affairs Board asked are what purpose a approved the idea and added minor should serve and how it to the curriculum. E a c h d e p a r t m e n t the minor program should be developed it's own minor, structured. There are no with the only restriction being grade point requirements for to keep the required amount minors and they are not of hours at 20. This w a s to required for graduation.

and limbs,

liver and

By 4 5 days brain

is complete,



By Julie Thornes anchor Staff Writer


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By 63 days he will

more if it is sweetened

Even the child's

AAB Questions Minor

Lakeshore Limontint Service


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sometimes under

and personal W e listen,

and sound

and can be taught

we at

joy the experience W e help,

Coll us for our Hope prices

is and

a sour taste. He gets

w a y and will

some pregnancies,

Why not go in style


and can make a list.

an easy grace in his buoyant

is most comfortable

intancy and childhood. Though we understand


his palm

teeth appear.

as well.

that long

are functioning:

eyes, ears, mouth,


his amniotic

lor something


cord pumping

• buds of milk


The book is distincitve in that it p r e s e n t s a l t e r n a t i v e viewpoints as an integral part of a student's first college exposure to n a t i o n a l g o v e r n m e n t materials. Only one other college text does this, and it uses different perspectives than do the Hope authors.

and development.

and the child's

•' moves


to learn



Engelhardt have been working on development of the book for several years and have tested it on a number of Hope classes. It will be published in late 1989 with a 1990 copyright.


h o w their child

of his or her muscles,

detected s

I he baby

fur their growth



that can be found

all o r g a n systems

*• umbilical



life stirring

in the exercise


to be pregnancy.

Some are surprised

the new


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is to discover

^ 5 days the heart starts beating,




one delight

their body.

they can detect






so necessary

\ \ i


are popularly

h e a r s of the joys and satisfactions

f or expectant before


and inconvenience


Hope College professors Jack Holmes and Robert Elder have signed an a g r e e m e n t with McGraw-Hill Book Company for publication of their textbook, ''U.S. Government: Fundamentals and Alternative Viewpoints". The third author of the book is P r o f e s s o r Michael J. Engelhardt, a Hope College graduate who was a visiting professor at Hope for two years and now teaches at Vanderbilt University. Holmes. E l d e r , and

be carried

to be into

u r u r \ BIRTHRIGHT OF can be a s well.

W e Care About



"Luxury transportation at an affordable price.' j







and counseling,


Of H o l l a n d

S. financial






21 W. 16th

Phone: (616) 392-5380 Telephone Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Dec. 2, 1987

Page 6

Fundamentalists Lose Couldn't Publish Last Week Control Of Baptists Colleges (CPS) - Fundamentalist Baptists lost the presidencies of Georgia. North Carolina and Texas to more moderate colleagues in church elections three weeks ago, some because of fundamentalist efforts to gain control of Baptist colleges in their states. In October, for example. Lee Roberts — a Baptist layman from Atlanta — sent an o p e n l e t t e r to fundamentalists claiming Mercer U n i v e r s i t y had become a center of immoral s t u d e n t b e h a v i o r , and suggested trying to replace the school's board of trustees. Fundamentalists succeeded in prompting the retirement of top officials of Southeastern Theological Seminary in North Carolina, and. witn their new majority on the school's board, pledged to hire only fundamentalist professors. The "literalist" Baptists — who believe biblical accounts of history are literally true — also have gained some control at Southwestern Theological Seminary in Dallas.

Several Baptist observers expected increasing pressures on professors and class content at more of the 51 Baptist colleges around the country. For the first time since 1979's nationwide voting, however, fundamentalists lost a few seats in Southern Baptist Convention election two weeks ago. In the voting, each state convention elects its own officers, who then help run Baptist institutions — including colleges — within their states. In Georgia, moderate Jim Pitts, 57, defeated literalist incumbent Clark Hutchinson. State Baptists also vetoed a measure to withhold two million dollars from Mercer — which along with Baylor University is one of the bestknown Baptist schools in the U.S. — until Robert's charges could be investigated. Moderate Rev. Leon Smith won the North Carolina convention presidency while Rev. Joel Gregory, who ran as a peacemaker between the Baptist factions, won in Texas.

for the holiday. The next edition A scheduling error left the campus without a newspaper was to follow on Dec. 9. b e f o r e t h e b e g i n n i n g of The Sentinel was already busy preparing their Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Break. According to editor Brian edition, and would not allow their Breen, The anchor had planned facilities to be used by the anchor on publishing an edition on Nov. staff. "What this means is we'll 25 before classes were dismissed

Campaign Tomorrow The annual Hope College Holland-Zeeland Community Campaign will be held tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 3) under the leadership of Gail Hering, chief executive officer of Atmosphere Processing. The Campaign is part of an annual effort by business people in Holland and Zeeland to raise funds for c u r r e n t college

operations. The goal for the campaign is $250,000. <4 Hope College is an important asset to the Holland-Zeeland area in terms of economic, c u l t u r a l , i n t e l l e c t u a l and s p i r i t u a l i m p a c t on o u r c o m m u n i t y , , , s a i d Hering. "Even though I did not graduate from Hope, I enthusiastically support the mission of the

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were later assisted by the Holland Police and Fire Departments in aiding the young chUd. The driver of the vehicle was not issued any tickets and Renkema was listed in stable condition at Holland Community Hospital on Monday afternoon.

college." Business leaders participating in the campaign will team-up with Hope faculty and staff members. Over 55 teams will call on 300 area businesses. The caller will meet for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. in the Maas Auditorium on the day of the campaign.

by Berke Breathed


Lincoln Student Hit On Monday, Nov. 23, a fiveyear-old Lincoln Elementary student was hit after rushing out in front of a van. William Renkema, was struck near the corner of Uth Street and Columbia Avenue at approximately 12:30 p.m. Officers from Public Safety were first on the scene and

publish today, like we hadn't planned," said Breen. The final edition of the first semester will be published on Dec. 9 as scheduled. No issue is printed the final week due to exams. The first issue of the new semester will be printed Jan. 13.

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ec. 2, 1907

Page 7


onny Romm Amazes All i By Scott Mancinelli j anchor Entertainment Editor On Nov. 20 a surprisingly large jrowd showed up at the Kletz, .espite the snowy conditions, to >ie the Ronny Romm Show amsored byS.A.C. Ronny Romm is a professional ntertainer who uses his powers 'i Extra Sensory Preception to, ^ his words, "have everybody :K)sen up, relax, and have some iin. Tm not out to prove nything." Ronny described his Jbility as, "telepathy — the mind ))mind communication." ' He first realized he had this ility when he was about 12 ars old, and he has been leveloping it ever since. "I flways knew who was on the thone before I answered it," ays Ronny. He continued, "I ion't consider what I do a special ower, it's an ability that all eople have. Anyone could do vhat 1 do with practice." Ronny went professional with is show about three years ago. ince then he has worked his way up to doing 300 shows a year; 50 percent are college shows and

r e s t a r e on c r u i s e s or conventions. He has eight hours of material perfected so that he can vary his shows from night to night. B e f o r e he b e c a m e a professional entertainer Mr. Romm was a pre-medical student at Stony Brooks College in upstate New York. He decided that using his ability to entertain and astonish would be more profitable and fun for himself in the long run. Ronny began his show with very basic guessing games that are the staple of many magicians and entertainers. He asked an audience member to stand up and count the change in his pocket. He then asked the young man to concentrate his mind on the sum of coins. Ronny quickly guessed the correct amount. Next he asked s e v e r a l members of the audience to pick numbers in their mind and concentrate on them. These he also quickly guessed. For one of his more surprising feats Ronny asked three volunteers to each choose a three digit number and write it down. The sum of the three numbers was added up. Then an envelope which Ronny

by Berke Breathed



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had sealed earlier in the day was opened. The numbers in the envelope was the same as the sum of the three volunteers' numbers, 1674. At this point the previously "dead" crowd began to wake up with amazement. They had forgotten Ronny's earlier snide j o k e s and now w e r e concentrating on his increasingly incredible ability. For the final part of the show Mr. Romm had two students assist him in first taping and then blindfolding his eyes and face. Multiple layers of tape and cloth made it impossible for him to see. Each audience member was then asked to write down the name, telephone or social security number, and a couple of words describing a current problem in their life, on a small piece of paper. The papers were then put in a large bowl from which the blind Mr. Romm picked at random. Some papers he crushed up and tossed away i m m e d i a t e l y . O t h e r s he hesitated on, placing them against his brow, or rubbing them between his fingers. He seemed to be looking for the ones that had strong vibes. Those that Ronny did expound upon, he easily guessed that persons name, number, and the n a t u r e of t h e i r p r o b l e m ; d e l i g h t i n g the c r o w d b u t embarrassing the writer. One of the persons that had their paper picked was Phillip Beal, Dean for Student Development. Dean Beal's main concern was the stock market, especially the future of his recent investments. The task of predicting the stock market was a bit out of Ronny's league, however. In the future Ronny plans to incorporate hypnosis and possibly telekinesis (like spoon bending) into his shows. Magic, on the other hand, is something he is going to abstain from. "No slight of hand or magic. 1 tried. I'm spastic, my hands can't do it," Ronny said. Although he has no current plans to return to Hope for another show, he said he loves small colleges like Hope and would gladly return here for a repeat performance, hopefully sometime next fall.










Fearing The FCC, Campus Radio Stations Opt To "Play It Safe" (CPS)-Many local music fans thought of WUSB, the State University of New York at Stony Brook's FM station, as Long Island's hippest radio outlet. The station, after all, often played the new, radical music no one else did. But not any more. Like hundreds of college radio stations this fall, WUSB has gotten a lot of blander on purpose. At some campuses, the changes have torn apart staffs, and led to rhetorical wars with station managers and college officials. The station's retreat to "safe" music and p r o g r a m m i n g , broadcasters say, began last April, when the FCC revised its "indecency" guidelines. The FCC's April revision bars stations from using "language or m a t e r i a l t h a t d e p i c t s or describes, in terms patently offensive as m e a s u r e d by contemporary standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities or organs." The r e s u l t , t h e c a m p u s broadcasters say, was the new confusion about what material was okay to use. If they guessed wrong, the FCC could cancel their licenses. "The guidelines that used to give the appearance of being concrete are now fuzzy," said Intercollegiate Broadcasting System President Jeff Tellis. The FCC was to respond to petitions to reconsider the indecency policy a month ago, but, until an official decision is r e a c h e d , b r o a d c a s t e r s say they'll keep censoring themselves. While advertisers and ratings battles tend to keep off-campus stations close to the mainstream anyway, the FCC's April rule change drastically altered p r o g r a m m i n g at c a m p u s stations, which f e a t u r e experimental shows and often celebrate the outrageous. "College radio is at the f o r e f r o n t of doing t h i n g s different," said WUSB station manager Norm Prusslin. "Every time you have to ask yourself 'can I do this,' that's a chilling effect. Stations are smart to be c a u t i o u s , b u t it s t i f l e s creativity." So at the University of Washington, KCMU Jocks no longer s a y 4 4 the B u t t h o l e Surfers" when referring to the thrash band, in order to play it safe. "Now our DJs say the FCC S u r f e r s , " cracked station manager Chris Knab. John Murphy of the University of Connecticut's WHUS no longer airs Lenny Bruce monologues b e c a u s e the c o m e d i a n — arrested several times 25 years

ago for using what was called indecent material — might offend 1987 FCC sensibilities. "The guy's in the grave and he's still getting hit with this stuff." And University of Vermont program director Dave Smith warns volunteers not to air music by the Dead Kennedys and other puck bands if they're not sure the music doesn't contain sexual references. "We don't play as much hardcore and rap and that disturbs me a lot," Smith said. "If someone is offended, they can turn off the radio. It's another attempt by the government to censor music. But we don't want to end up in a legal battle. The FCC's new rule also has chased some gay, sex education, poetry and drama broadcasts off the air, reported Pat Watkins of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, which counts about 100 college stations as m e m b e r s . " T h e r e ' s no question about it, this has had a chilling effect." CoUege stations, typically run on shoestring budgets, generally have knuckled under to it, Watkins added, because "they don't have the resource to mount a fight." "It's important for stations and their staffs to understand the rules and the implications," said Prusslin. "Do you really want to risk your license to broadcast a few dirty words?" The FCC demonstrated it will play hardball when it issued warnings to three stations for broadcasting indecent material in 1986: Philadelphia's WYSP for shock jock Howard Stern's morning program, Los Angeles' KPFK for airing the homosexual play " J e r k e r , " and the University. of California-Santa Barbara's KCSB for playing the Pork Dukes' "Makin' Bacon," which contains references to oral and anal sex. The moves, said Watkins, are politically motivated: 4 'Clearly, the Reagan administration is linked with the Moral Majority and the religious right, which wants to impose its own morality on the rest of us and clean up the airwaves. And Pacifica," she said, referring to the non-profit foundation that owns KPFK, "has always bothered Republicans." "The FCC and the right," agreed P a c i f i c a E x e c u t i v e Director David Salnicker, "are out to get us." P a c i f i c a , a l e f t i s t radio network, lost a 1973 battle with the FCC, which stopped one of its stations, WBAI in New York

cont. on page 8

Dec. 2, 198?

Page 8

Inxs Doesn't Score With "Kick By Brian Breen anchor Editor Let^s get one thing straight. This is a good album. But ever since "The Swing" was released in 1984, Inxs has yet to reach the artistic level they did three years ago. And "Kick", their latest album, doesn't change this lucky reputation a bit. Of their last three albums, this is the least impressive by the sixman Australian band. However, it really isn't their fault. It's Just that "Listen Like Thieves" (their last album) couldn't top "The Swing". And now "Kick" cannot

top "Listen Like Thieves", so it puts a lot of musical distance between 1984 and 1987. Lead vocalist Michael Hutchence still sounds great as e v e r , and the b a n d does e x p e r i m e n t with r h y t h m s generally ignored in the past. For example, guitarists Tim Farris and Kirk Pengilly seem to {have picked up on the stining riffs of U2 and YES. Overall, the music has a more textured sound, as long as one doesn't get caught stranded in the layerings. If Inxs was a "cult" group at the beginning of the 80's (remember the single "Don't

Dining Room" This Weekend "The Dining Room," Hope College theatre department's second production this season will open this Friday, Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. in the DeWitt Center Main Theatre on campus. Additional performances of "The Dining Room" will be staged Dec. 5 and 9-12. An Audience Participation Program will also be held immediately following the Dec. 5 performance. Led by Dr. James Cook, Dr. George Ralph and Mrs. Jackie Donnelly, this session will give audience members the opportunity to respond to and ask questions about the production they have Just seen. Theatre faculty member John Tammi directs this modern comedy by A.R. Gurney, set in the dining rooms of several families. Tammi directed last y e a r ' s 4<Bus S t o p " a n d "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead." He was last year's recipient of the prestigous Kennedy Center Medallion for A m e r i c a n College T h e a t r e

Directors. Cast in "The Dining Room" are Barry Weller, Joel Tanis, Chip DuFord, Shelly Krause, Pamela Shuen, Kristi VanderKooi, James Lawrence, and Maria Vaver. Each actor and actress will create several characters, as a number of comic and touching scenarios dispaly the decline of the formal dining room as the center of family life. Scenery and props have been d e s i g n e d by T h o m a s H. Boelman, a senior theatre major, from Holland, under the supervision of Professor Richard Smith. Boelman previously designed the sets for "No Exit" and "Bus Stop". Costume and makeup design have been coordinated by Lois K. Carder while lighting and sound design is directed by Professor Perry Landes. Tickets are now available for this production. The ticket office will be open through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

morning," Gault-Williams said. "We've been very aggressive legally fighting this," countered Salnicker. "It's cost us $100,000 to b a t t l e this ruling. I ' m disappointed KCSB hasn't filed its own appeal." But college radio stations can't be as aggresive as Pacifica, Prusslin said. Not only do they have to fight the FCC, but they must also win over their own schools' administrations and trustees. College radio licenses are usually held by trustees. "That's a lot of red tape." Indeed, two weeks ago the University of New Mexico's student Senate refused to give $500 to a group of students wanting to resist a programming change at KUNM, which will no longer air cultural, Hispanic, Native American or protest music. But M a n k a t o State University's KMSU already limits itself to classical and jazz music because the station is " a reflection of the university," station manager Bill McGinley noted.

Would the reaction to this album be different without the achievements of the past two? There's no doubt in my mind. But good bands become great bands by topping their previous work. After some stunning music early in their career, one question r e m a i n s : Has Inxs finally peaked? Let's hope not.

Major Concert Dates Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

3 PAT METHENY, State Theatre, Kalamazoo. 5 AEROSMITH & DOKKEN, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit. 7 JAMES TAYLOR, Welsh Auditorium, Grand Rapids 11 JAY LENO, Masonic Temple, Detroit. 11 JOHN DENVER, Wings Stadium, Kalamazoo. 12 BOBBY McFERRIN, State Theatre, Kalamazoo.

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by Berke Breathed


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cont. from page 7 from airing comedian George Carlin's "Seven dirty words" m o n o l o g u e , in w h i c h h e lampoons the FCC for banning certain words. Last year, the FCC referred P a c i f i c a to t h e J u s t i c e Department for prosecution for broadcasting "Jerker," but the Justice Department declined to take action. Pacifica, too, is playing it safe. KCSB station manager Malcolm Gault-Williams says the network is playing it too safe. Although the station was condemned for "Makin' Bacon," the FCC's ruling "hasn't hindered our a b i l i t y to a i r a l t e r n a t i v e programming." "The implications are tremendous, since Pacifica is emulated and respected as a leader in this field. They've gove overboard." KCSB DJs, however, a r e required to pre-screen material. The station also has limited the hours potentially objectionable material can be aired. "Makin' Bacon" is one of our most requested songs. We just Jon't play it until the early

about Inxs in the past. "Kick" has been billed asji great album by a good band. Alfi there's no doubt Inxs has a large following. But you have to b€ a little disappointed.

sings,"... look at them go, look at them kick, makes you wonder how the other half lives." And on "Wild Life" it gets even less pointed. "Take one step out the door - look around for a whole lot more. Off in the distance fire burn bright, we make decisions that's what we do - that's what we do." There are some well written songs, though. "New Sensation", "Never Tear Us Apart", and "Mystify" won't leave most fans empty. But, "Guns in the Sky" and "Tiny Daggers" will. The rest is pretty much in-between, depending on what you've liked

Change"), they're certainly a mainstream progressive and rock band now. Yet, some musical elements have remained constant throughout their career. The continued use of brass instruments on "Kick" is one of them. What's lacking is the boldness and d a n c e a b i l i t y of t h e i r previous albums. Instead of making sweeping lyrical statements (a notable past example is "I Send A Message" from "The Swing"), Inxs has switched to Just making general comments. On "Devil Inside" Hutchence



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Dec. 2, 1907

Page 9

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Hansel Speaks In Dimnent Chapel By Kaylene Shannon

Soviet Television Comes to MSU

advertising telling us we do not add up. He said that within our life time we see 500,000 to 1,000,000 commercials telling us we need a certain product because we are not okay as we are. This can seriously damages our self-esteem whether we realize it or not. To boost. your self-esteem. Hansel recommended five steps: Accept yourself, know yourself, celebrate yourself and forget yourself. " T h e c o u r a g e to a c c e p t yourself is the greatest act of courage in your life. We all need to love who we are and who we are becoming and then give that love away to others. It is so easy to forget to encourage one another. I have never met a n y o n e who was too encouraged," stated Hansel. He also urged the audience to meet their full potential in every way possible. Hansel cited a study performed by Harvard ("a small junior college out E a s t " ) that showed that people reach only two to 10 percent of their full potential during their lifetimes.

He considered this exciting news anchor Feature Editor because it means we possess so much untapped knowledge that ''Laughter is one of the most would prove fascinating and sacred sounds in the world. enlightening to reveal. t Psalm 126 reads, ...and their "When is the last time you mouths were filled with laughter lived life to the hilt?" he asked and their tongues with shouts of the audience. "I believe in a joy.' Let's face it, life itself is H e a v e n l y F a t h e r who is funny." trustworthy, and so we should This quote by Tim Hansel learn to live life with a sense of provided one of the many themes reckless abandonment. for his speech in Dimnent Chapel I have written four two weeks ago on Nov. 18. Not commandments which I believe, only did Hansel succeed in if followed, will encourage us to making his audience laugh, but celebrate the uniqueness in us also inspired a few tears among all. They are: Thou shalt slow his listeners. Few, if any people down. Thou shalt live in the here left the chapel that night without and now. Thou shalt be greatful a wide smile on their face. and thou shalt not take thyself Hansel's main purpose was to too seriously. One of the most convince his audience to learn to imprortant questions I know is, celebrate their uniqueness. He 'Are you fun to live with, even if said, "Each and everyone of us is you live alone?'. We need to have absolutely unique. The story of fun sometimes. Don't take one of us is the story of us all. yourself too seriously. God takes Unless you live out your story to you seriously enough." its fullness, we all lose." H a n s e l c o n c l u d e d by Hansel felt that in today's encouraging the audience to society, it is particularly difficult c e l e b r a t e t h e m s e l v e s with to feel good about ourselves with everything they have. Selfthe perpetual barage from media esteem is a choice; a powerful, courageous decision to love forget, accept, be and celebrate what we all are. * s 5 Sophomore Don Kent said of * T ? * the speech, "I feel challenged * Pizza and good about myself and who I * am right now. I have been * * reminded that there is great * 317 Central Ave. At 13th St. * by t h e slice j cause to love everyone around me." • "I though he was great! I X laughed until I cried. He made me feel happy to be myself," said sophomore Sue Hartong. If you were unfortunate enough to miss Tim Hansel's speech, at G r e a t lakes Pizza wants to be your r least take heed to what he had to Celebrate yourself. Be pizza place. N o w offering you the only ^ share. unique and be fun. As John Powell once said: "Those who coupon w e put out for our famous learn to laugh at themselves will never cease to be entertained." Stromboli ! !

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superiors and discuss subjects which were once taboo, such as drug and alcohol abuse and prostitution." The signal from the new a n t e n n a h o o k - u p will be distributed throughout campus by MSU Instructional Television Services. A number of academic departments may take advantage of the programing, particularly political science, sociology, telecommunication, j o u r n a l i s m , linguistics and languages. A typical broadcast day in The antenna system picks up the Soviet Union might include signals from a system of four exercise programs, talk shows, Soviet satellites called Molniya. poetry readings, travelogs, news These satellites, which orbit the shows and even tours of Soviet earth in a high elliptical polar factories. These shows may not orbit, are designed to send have the glitz of "Dallas" or the p r o g r a m s from Moscow to humor of David Letterman, but distant locations in the USSR they provide a window through such as Siberia. which to view Soviet society. While the Molniya signals can "Now, in this period of be picked up in the United States, G l a s n o s t , it is e x t r e m e l y it is not possible to receive them i m p o r t a n t to study Soviet on a standard backyard satellite television because it plays such a dish. Special computer software significant role in the changes is heeded to guide the receiving being made by the Gorbachev antenna as it tracks the moving government," said Vladimir Molniya satellites. Installation of the new antenna Shlapentokh, an MSU professor system was made possible by a of s o c i o l o g y w h o w a s i n s t r u m e n t a l in o b t a i n i n g $40,000 grant from the United States Information Agency. funding for the antenna system. Other MSU units supporting the Television is a reflection of the project are the Office of the effect Glasnost has had on Soviet Provost, Vice President for society, Shlapentokh said. Research, International Studies, "Now they have real public the College of Communication debates on Soviet television," he Arts and Sciences, and the said. "They actually challenge College of Arts and Letters.

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EAST LANSING, MI -- Thanks to a federal grant and some futuristic technology, students at Michigan State University will soon feel like they are "back in the USSR." The recent purchase of a new satellite antenna system will give MSU students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to sample programs on Moscow's Channel 1, the state-run television station from the Soviet Union's capital city.

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Page 10

Dec. 2, 1987

Lambert Arrives In Hiroshima By David Lambert anchor Writer

When he had finished the These figures show her fall from hopes of a triumphant prayer, I felt refreshed, but recovery, to an agonizing death. uncertain of what to do to thank Editor's note: This is the 10th At the bottom of the monument, him. I decided that I would give in a series which chronicles the there is a pile of cranes — him the crane which I had been exploits, a d v e n t u r e s , and composed mostly of long crane folding. As I folded, I asked him thoughts of David Lambert chains — which is now three or what religion he belonged to, as during his travels in Japan on the four feet high, and about 20 to 25 he had spoken of a god whose Japan May Term last spring. feet in diameter. The cranes are name I had not heard before. unprotected from the weather, Unfortunately, he did not We arrived in Kyoto on a rainy but so many cranes are put on understand my question, and Sunday. On Monday it was the pile daily that the visible ones could not answpr raining also, reminding us that are fresh and bright. I tried to fill in the silence by reciprocating his prayer with a monsoon season, which starts in As 1 folded my second crane on June, had arrived. We took a tour the concrete patio by the hug, but the hug was not of the temples and shrines of monument, I was surrounded by reciprocated, and he left before 1 Kyoto in the rain. Tuesday schoolchildren on field trips. could finish folding the crane 1 proved to be a much brighter When I finished folding the was going to give to him. 1 day, which was fortunate, crane, a wave of sadness swept finished folding the crane, and because on Tuesday we went to over me. I blew the breath of life rang the Bell of Peace, pulling Hiroshima. into the crane — accomplished back the wooden post which When one is in Hiroshima, it by inflating the body through a served as the clapper five times. helps if one can fold a paper small hole in the bottom — as 1 Then I ook my third crane to origami crane. I folded three thought of the kiss of death the Sadako's monument, and placed cranes in Peace Memorial Park bomb brought to Hiroshima, and it with the others. today. I tucked my first crane will bring to the world if we can't One of the things which my under the dress of the goddess of find a way out of our nuclear visit to Hiroshima taught me was peace's statue. Another one was predicament. that it is vitally important for folded by the monument for Americans to learn the Japanese Sedako. Sedako was a girl who I looked around at all the language if we are to understand died of leukemia caused by the children, and thought of the hope Japanese people and their radiation from the bomb which which would be erased if the culture. My impression of the was dropped on Hiroshima. She bomb fell again. man who prayed for me was believed that if she could only somewhat negative because he I didn't feel comfortable with fold one thousand paper cranes, the idea of crying in front of a didn't speak good English, s h e w o u l d be w e l l . large group of schoolchildren, so although he had no reason to Unfortunately, she died before I walked over to the Bell of speak any English at all. In the she could fold one thousand Peace. The bell was housed same way, the schoolkids I cranes, but a monument was inside a small pavillion, and attempted having conversations erected for her in Peace produced a somber tone of with undoubtedly thought me a Memorial Park. Although the warning when it was rung by little dumb because I didn't story of Sedako speaks of one visitors to the park. 1 started speak much Japanese. 1 know I thousand cranes, one million folding my third crane on the felt more than a little dumb. cranes must have been put plaque in front of the bell. The conversations typically around her monument by now. r a n s o m e t h i n g like t h i s : As I was folding it, a Japanese The monument itself is a man came over, and asked me if "Herro." t4Koniche wa." t4My powerful symbol; Sedako stands I spoke Japanese. When I said name is Tanako." 44Watashi no triumphantly atop it, with a that I did not, he settled namae wa David Lambert des" skeletal steel crane on her head. (laughter) "What?" 44Bye-bve." uncomfortably on English. He 44 The body of the monument is a said that he wanted to pray for Sayonara." slender, hollow, concrete dome, me, and told me to close my eyes. Another thing Hiroshima which is about 20 or 25 feet high, He repeated the words "peace be showed me was how I wanted to and about 15 feet wide. The dome with you" in Japanese, and has three large arches framing asked me to keep my eyes closed, deny reality in the face of cascading chains or cranes but to cup my hands below my nuclear holocaust. As I looked at which have been hung ihside. waist, and to bow my head. We the remains of the A-bomb dome There are two more figures of stood there for about five - the only building to have been preserved as it was after the Sedako at the back of the dome. minutes in silence. attack — and the artifacts of the

t t

POSTER SALEJ 5 Until Nov. 2 5 ^


blast in the Peace Memorial Museum, I wanted to deny the reality of what 1 knew had happened. At the dome, one could see the shadows of what looked like people. I didn't want to admit to myself that the shadows were of people — maybe, 1 thought, the shadows were just scorches left by the blast. In the museum, there were pictures of the architectural and human devastation after the explosion. A panorama showed mannequins with charred skin hanging from their arms, a conflagration in the background. It was easy to believe that this was just a re-creation, and that people didn't really look like that after the blast. There were also pictures of charred fabrics, shadows burned on buildings, pieces of charred wood, and a piece of steel bridge which had been twisted and broken by the bomb's impact. T h e r e w e r e s a m p l e s of fingernails which had grown back h i d e o u s l y d e f o r m e d because of the damage the bomb did to a victim's hand. There were bits of glass which had been taken from the bodies of victims of Hiroshima twenty years after the explosion. There were charred and deformed watches, radios, a piano, melted bottles, china, statues, fused bottle caps, a radiated horse (stuffed), hair which had fallen out of a victim's head, pictures of hairless women, pictures of bleeding gums4 and burns of every description. There was also a picture of a mass grave with 60 or 70 skulls and bones to match. It was a sobering collection, but I still felt the need to deny that the act from which the collection resulted had ever happened. The plaque in front of the Abomb Dome says that the ruins of the building will be preserved

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forever. One only hopes that the ruins will forever speak for a horror that will not be repeated As I watched the schoolkids stream by me, I wondered if they understood the horror and the message of the park anv better than 1 could, or if their day there was just another field t r i p ' 1 hoped that they would heed the message of the p l a c e . I hoped that the militaristic right wing groups which parade eternally through the Ginza w e r e just a n o m a l i e s , and not the rumblings of a future storm I could only agree with the inscription on the p l a q u e at the Bell of Peace which s a i d ;

"We dedicate this bell As a symbol of H i r o s h i m a aspiration. Let all nuclear arms a n d w a r s be gone, And the nations live in true peace! May it ring to all c o r n e r s of the earth To meet the ear of e v e r y m a n For in it throb and p a l p i t a t e The hearts of its p e a c e - l o v i n g donors So may you too friends, Step forward, and ring this bell for peace."

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Dec. 2, 19157

Page 11

Sports Hope Tops In MIAA Hope College finds itself in a f a m i l a r p o s i t i o n a t o p the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) allsports standings after the end of fall competition. The MIAA all-sports banner is awarded to the member school with the best cumulative record in all of the league's 17 sports for men and women. Hope is s e e k i n g an unprecedented ninth straight allsports award. After the fall season, Hope totaled 74 all-sports points followed by Calvin with 64, Alma

45, Albion 37, Kalamazoo 30, Adrian 22, and Olivet 20. Hope crowned four league champions this fall — football, women's cross-country, golf, and volleyball. All of the other teams finished in the upper half of their respective races. The men's cross-country team was second while the field hockey and soccer teams ended in third places. The all-sports award was initiated by the MIAA in 1934-35. Hope has won the honor 16 times f o l l o w e d by A l b i o n a n d Kalamazoo with 13 each. Alma 5 and Calvin 2.


£****« a***'

Athletes Named To Regional Teams In Two Sports Four Hope College studentathletes have been honored at the regional level for outstanding performances on their respective fall sports teams. Amy Johnson, a junior from Wilmette, 111., has been voted to the Great Lakes dll-regional field hockey f i r s t t e a m by the Collegiate Field Hockey Coaches Association while t e a m m a t e Susan Walter, a senior from Wappinger Falls, N.Y., has received honorable mention recognition. In volleyball, senior DeeAnn Knoll and sophomore Holly Vandenberg, both from Grand Rapids, have been voted to the Midwest all-region team by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. Johnson and Walter were voted to the all-MIAA field hcokey team this fall after leading the

Flying Dutch to a third place finish in the league standings (83-1) and an overall 9-6-2 mark under first year coach Karla Wolters. Knoll and Vandenberg were also all-MIAA first team choices in volleyball this fall, the second year in-a-row for both athletes. Knoll was voted the MIAA's most valuable player. Vandenberg was also an allregional choice in 1986 as a freshman. Knoll and Vandenberg are the only players to be honored from the MIAA. The Flying Dutch captured their first MIAA volleyball championship this fall posting a perfect record (12-0). They also advanced to the second round of the NCAA Division 111 playoffs and ended the season with a school-record 32-3 record under coach Donna Eaton.

Despite Heavy Snow, NCAA Division Championships Are Run In Holland By Ben Hanneman Anchor Sports Editor Hope College and Holland were alive with action two Saturday's ago as the NCAA Division III National Cross Country championships were held for the first time at the Holland Country Club. With heavy snow over most of Western Michigan on Friday many questions loomed about the possible course conditions for race day. Meet d i r e c t o r William Vanderbilt and his crew put those questions to rest clearing a

large area around the start-finish line and an eight foot strip around the entire course making last year's Nationals conditions look deplorable. The favorite in the women's race appeared to be St Thomas of Minnesota, winner of last year's Nationals in Fredonia, NY. This time St Thomas was forced to share the championship with a tough University of WisconsinOshkosh team. The Lady Dutch team improved their 1986 ranking finishing ninth overall. Leading the way for Hope was Sandra

Lake with Tauna Jecmen just 15 seconds behind. With Calvin representing the MIAA Hope fans were forced to watch the Knights compete for the top spot in the nation. Calvin qualified for the Nationals by outrunning Hope to the MIAA c r o w n . K n i g h t sophomore Adam Suarez qualified as an ail-American as he finished 13th overall with a time of 24:56. The 1987 National Men's Cross Country championship went to North Central as they finished with five runners in the top 25 and outscored UW Lacrosse by 11 points.

Athletes Honored At Sports Banquet Hope College honored its fall sports participants during an awards assembly two weeks ago. Hope teams won four MIAA championships this fall finishing first in football and golf for the second year in a row, women's cross country for the third straight year, and captured a first-ever volleyball crown. As a special recognition, members of the football team honored coach Russ DeVette who is retiring from the Hope faculty at the end of the school year. The team's captains presented DeVette with a portrait depicting scenes from his coaching career. S e n i o r t i g h t e n d s Todd Ackermann of Parchment and Bill Vanderbilt of Hamilton were voted the co-most valuable offensive football players while senior linebacker Don Dahlquist of Cadillac received that honor on defense for the second year in a row. The trio played on three

MIAA championship teams, posting a 17-1-2 league record during their college careers. Senior Jeff Dawson of Swartz Creek was voted the recipient of the Allen C. Kinney award which is presented to a player by the coaching staff for maximum overall contribution to the football program. A starting defensive back, Dawson was one of the captains of this year's team. Voted captains of the 1988 Flying Dutchmen were Mark Hahn, a junior from Westfield Center, Ohio; Jef Getzinger, a junior from Rogers City; Keith Stewart, a junior from Grand Rapids; and Matt Vredevoogd, a junior from Grand Rapids. Senior Randy Johnson of Grand Rapids was voted the most valuable runner in men's cross country. Johnson was a four-time all-MIAA runner for

the Flying Dutchmen. Voted the most improved runner on the men's team was Dal Townsend, a sophomore from Clayton. The 1988 tri-captains will be Dave Cooper, a junior from Wynantskill, N.Y.; Dave Kingma, a junior from Grand Rapids; and Mike Northuis, a junior from Grand Haven. Junior Tauna J e c m e n of Jenison was voted the most valuable runner on the women's cross country team. Jecmen was also the most valuable runner in the MIAA this fall and captured first place honors at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional last S a t u r d a y . Voted the most improved runner was Missy Fleming of Allegan. Jecmen and Fleming will be the co-captains of the 1988 team. Sophomore Todd Barckholtz of St. Charles was voted the most valuable player on the golf team while sophomore David Tull of Rochester was honored as the

most improved player. Barckholtz and junior Steve Knott of Niles will be the cocaptains of the 1988 team. J u n i o r Amy J o h n s o n of Wilmette, 111. was voted the most valuable player on the field hockey team while junior Lisa Chaffee of Ludington was named the most improved. Tri-captains of the 1988 team will be junior Susan Buttrey of Arden Hills, Minn., Johnson, and junior Stephanie Juister of Berrien Springs. Selected the most valuable player on the jayvee team was f r e s h m a n Katie S t r y k e r of R o m e o w h i l e freshman Abby Van Duyne of Flint was chosen the most improved jayvee player. . Senior Todd Winkler of Bloomfield Hills was voted the most valuable soccer player. Selected as the most inspirational player was senior Curt Blankespoor of Holland while freshman Brett Keating of Kalamazoo was honored as the most improved player. Tri-

captains of the 1988 soccer team will be junior Hans Hiemstra of Rensselaer, N.Y., sophomore Steve Ullenius of Muskegon, and sophomore Brent VanBlois of Orchard Lake. Senior DeeAnn Knoll of Grand Rapids was voted the most valuable player in volleyball. Knoll was also voted the most valuable player in the MIAA. Selected the most improved player was f r e s h m a n Lisa Wolterink of Holland. Tricaptains of the 1988 volleyball team will be junior Dianne Brown of Byron Center, junior Stacy Kyes of Allegan, and junior Sarah Smith of Grand Rapids. Co-most valuable players on the jayvee team were freshman Kristi Mortenson of Grand Rapids and Michelle Sterk of Zeeland while the most improved player was Lisa Nordlund of Ravenna. Voted the most improveo m e m b e r of t h e f o o t b a l l cheerleading squad was Jeff Mulder of Holland. »«

r: r p>r M

Doc. 2. 19|B7

Page 12

Hope Does Fine CC Meet Ben J. Hanneman Sports Editor morning. It's amazing what power you get in the media. We're approaching the Holland Country Club when what to our wondering eyes should appear... Oh, I guess someone already got that one too. Meet director and Hope coach Bill Vanderbilt, with the help of his snow crew cleared a huge area around the start-finish line that would have made the crew at the Packer football snow bowls look silly. All m o r n i n g s e v e r a l compliments floated around about the course and that the Oh, I guess the Wonder Twins seven-eight foot path cleared the have already monopolized that entire course made last year's Nationals in Fredonia look like a one. Those of us that run, or at least wash-out. The only glitch on the day was make a reasonable effort to run, the awards ceremony where the know that cold weather running is hard enough, let alone running men's results were delayed. It was minor, though compared to with five or six inches of snow. On days like that we would t h e s p e c t a c u l a r j o b by m u c h r a t h e r b e i n s i d e Vanderbilt and all those who p a r t i c i p a t i n g in w a r m e r helped make it a success. My winner of the week: the activities, like studying for 1987 National Cross Country finals, maybe? Now let's jump to Saturday Championships.

It's the Friday night before the National Cross Country Championship two weeks ago and all of Holland is being inundated by several inches of snow. I look out the living room of Belt Cottage and wonder how 'anyone would be able to get the course in any semblence of shape in a matter of just 12 hours. Saturday the entire nation of Division III colleges will descend on the Holland Country Club in the form of the top runners, the shape of...

MIAA Soccer Team Announced Champion Calvin College heads the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic A s s o c i a t i o n (MIAA) allconference soccer team announced two weeks ago by the league's coaches. Calvin c a p t u r e d the championship with an 11-0-1 record and advanced to the NCAA Division III playoffs. The Knights were 14-5-1 overall. The Knights landed five players on the all-conference first team, led by senior forward David Fasold of Lansing who was voted the league's most valuable player. Calvin fullback Bert Bowden, a senior from Clifton Park, N.J., was voted to the all-MIAA team for the third year In a row. Joining him for the first time were t e a m m a t e s Stanley Hlelema, a senior midfielder from Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Tom Wybenga, a junior fullback from Tallmadge, Ohio; and Jeff Weenhuls, a junior goalie from Brookfleld, Wise. League runnerup Kalamazoo College had two players receive first team honors for the second year In row-sophomore forward Peter Dewhlrst of Ann Arbor and

junior fullback Chris Dukes of Portage. Others named to the first teamall for the first time-were Albion senior forward John Farnese of Sterling Heights, Hope senior midfielder Todd Winkler of Bloomfield Hills, Albion senior midfielder Doug Strachan of Sterling Heights, and Hope sophomore fullback Brent VainBlols of West Bloomfield. Players voted to the second team included: forwards — Calvin senior Mark Hendricks of Grand Praire, Alberta, Canada, Calvin junior Kurt Kolar of Mentor, Ohio, and Kalamazoo freshman Derek Bylsma of Ann Arbor; midfielders — Hope senior Mike Hubert dl Troy, Kalamazoo junior Dan Coats of Traverse City, Kalamazoo senior Mike Greening of Royal Oak; f u l l b a c k s — Albion Junior Radwan F a r a j of Dearborn, Kalamazoo freshman Jeff Wilson of K a l a m a z o o , K a l a m a z o o sophomore Alex O'Kullch of Birmingham, Adrian freshman Chris Thornton of Troy, Hope senior Jeff Belrd of Saginaw; and goalie — Hope senior Kurt Blankespoor of Holland.

7, "W***

Dutch fans watch the start of the nationals at the Holland Country club

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Dec. 2, 1907

Page 13

Ackerman, Vanderbilt Named MIAA MVP's This y e a r ' s Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) most v a l u a b l e o f f e n s i v e football player award is truly a family affair! The l e a g u e ' s c o a c h e s announced the all-league teams on November 19, with players from champion Hope College garnering the most valuable player awards on both defensive and offensive. The MVP honor on offensive Is s h a r e d by H o p e s e n i o r teammates Bill Vanderbilt of Hamilton and Todd Ackermann of Parchment. Each Is a twotime all-MIAA tight end for the Flying Dutchmen and they are cousins! The league's top honor on defense has been awarded to Hope senior linebacker Don Dahlquist of Cadillac. This marks the first time since the MIAA went to an MVP on offense and defense In 1984 that players from the s a m e school have received the award. In 1983, when the league had a single award, the coaches named A d r i a n ' s Steve Motte (a fullback) and John lafolla (a linebacker) as co-MVPs. 'Our players voted Bill and Todd as co-most valuable on offense so we submitted them to the league as one nomination,' said Hope coach Ray Smith. Smith, who has guided Hope to nine MIAA championships In 18 years, has called Vanderbilt and Ackermann the best tight end combo he has ever coached. Dahlquist Is a two-time all MIAA l i n e b a c k e r who w a s instrumental in leading Hope's league-leading defense against the rush the past two seasons.

Adrian quarterback Bruce Crosthwaite of Rochester Joins Vanderbilt and Ackermann as two-time all-MIAA offensive selections. The Bulldog signalcaller also received the honor as a sophomore. Four players have earned allMIAA honors on defense for the second time — Dahlquist, Adrian senior lineman Bob Urban, Olivet senior lineman Clint Alexander, and Hope senior back Jeff Dawson. Olivet senior Mark Raczkowskl has the distinction of receiving all-league honors on both defensive and offense — as a first team defensive back and a second team running back. Voted to t h e all-MIAA offensive firs t team w e r e : offensive linemen — Adrian junior Mike Scott, Hope senior Chad Campbell, Albion senior Brad Perkins, Alma senior Glen Helser, and Hope junior Jef Getzinger; receivers — Ackermann, Vanderbilt and Albion sophomore Jon Baarda; quarterback — Crosthwaite; running backs — Albion senior Steve Pente of and Adrian senior Wayne Roedel; and kicker (tie) — Hope freshmen Duy Dang and Albion freshmen Steve Moffatt.

League Field Hockey Team Announced

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206-7300775 Ext./^IE T h e 1987 M i c h i g a n Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) allconference field hockey team is dominated by newcomers. The 10-member first team announced two weeks ago by the league's coaches Includes eight players who are receiving allMIAA recognition for the first time. Alma College senior goalie Sheila Craig heads the honorees as the league's most valuable player. Calvin College senior Lisa Reeder, the league's alltlme leading scorer, received allconference recognition for the fourth year In a row while teammate Leslie Tanis, a junior. Is being honored for the third year In a row. Joining them as a first-time honoree Is sophomore teammate Jackie VanderBrug. Reeder Is the first field hockey

Voted to the all-MIAA first defensive team are: ends — Albion senior Charlie Wasczenski and Alma junior Tim Johns; linemen — Urban, Hope junior Matt Vredevoogd, and Albion senior Dan S t r e h l ; linebackers — Dahlquist, Alexander, and. Alma senior Rick Koler; backs — Dawson, Roczkowski, and Adrian junior Keith Bluhm; and punter — Kalamazoo freshman Paul Reppenhagen.

athlete to receive all-MIAA honors four years in a row. Joining Craig on the honor team from Alma is junior Kelly Holcomb. Other first team selections are Hope senior Amy Johnson, Hope senior Susan Walter, Olivet senior Anne Sartori, Albion senior Kelll Borden, Ardlan junior Sue Hlgglns, and Kalamazoo junior Nicole Thomas. Voted to the second team by school are: Adrian — senior Ketha Kerby; Albion — senior Anne Cleffone; Alma — junior Meg Fowler and junior Heather Hall; Calvin — junior Teresa Cerrato and sophomore Kara Van Dellen; Hope — senior Carol L u n d e r b e r g and sophomore Heidi Carlgon; Kalamazoo — junior Laura Behllng; and Olivet — sophomore Annette Brown and sophomore Gabrlelle W a l d e n . ^









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Page 14

Dec. 2, 1907

How did you feel about the registration process this semester?


JayHavenaarr Sophomore 1

^ G e n e r a l l y good c o u r s e selection, but the process is , kinda slow."

Chuck Alex

Dave Herman

Michelle Lobisco




"There is not enough variety for one thing. I think it's ridiculous that we can't get the classes we want since we pay a lot of money."

"It was good, but they should have a larger selection of sections for each class offered."

"I've never really had any problems with registration. The only time I've ever encountered problems is when I had to wait a semester. John Huisken is a honey pie."


Senior "The classes offered in the philosophy and religion departments more than adequately satisfy my interests, but the geology department is very limited in course offerings.

Personals TYPISTS — Hundreds weekly at home! Write; P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 PART TIME HOME MAILING P R O G R A M ! Excellent income! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. WEST, Box 5877, Hillside, NJ 07205 Gay Female seeks bi or gay females for fun and frolic. Possible relationship. Discretion Assured. Include phone and photo if possible. Write P.O. Box 2146, Holland, MI 49442. ' Travel Field Opportunity. Gain valuable marketing experience while earning m o n e y . C a m p u s representatives needed immediately for spring break trips to Florida or South Padre Island. Call Campus Marketing at 1-800-282-6221. Anchor classifieds are only 25 cents!! What a deal!! FREE — Trip to Daytona plus commission. Going to Flordia? Go for free. Take advantage of promoting the number 1 Spring Break Trip. If interested call Designer s of Travel 1-800-453-9074. Immediately! Eric Lindstrom: How 'bout them Tigers??? Somebody loves you Denise!!

MOONBEAM: You a r e wonderful!! (Even if you do cheer for the wrong school!) — KKR Jim: Your "only miracle" is awesome. Congratulations!! —D Kaylene: what's brown, fuzzy, soft, and feels good?! Admit it!! Seeking large house ( 4 - 6 people) for next year. Willing to take over the lease in May. Call x6393. To Sleak & Sleazy, Fast & Furious: Bring over some "beandip". You've got us curious. You're iust 20 steps down, so bring tne beverage. We'll get "wild 'n crazy" and work on your "leverage". We Love you — The Ladies LOST: Red Canon Snappy 35mm c a m e r a . L o s t beginning of November. No clues where — any info please call




REWARD. Listen to Steve & Eric on WTHS 2-6 a.m. on Tuesday Mornings. It ROCKS!! Do you know any good (or bad) jokes?? PLEASE call Ethan Henderson at X 6 4 3 1 anytime of the day or night!! Will Steve ever finish his Macro paper? Tune in next week and find out!! Hamster cage for sale, SLEAZE: No regrets, no cheap! Used only once by love, no tears. Livm' on my loving pet who was flushed by own was the least of my fears cruel roommates. Leave - STING personal here for details.

If you shoot a mime, do you have to use a silencer?

Kappa E Delta Chi "Beat the Book Buying Blues" Raffle!! A $1 raffle ticket could win you $250 credit at the bookstore. Drawing is Dec. 9, z $1 ^ 111 ' n ' Our Macroeconomics paper: by Eric, Rolfe, and Don. 'rThe falling dollar really sucks, 'cuz people just aren t buying bucks." RANGER BOONIE : Roses are paisley Violets are plaid When y o u s t r e s s o u t I f e e l s o s a d . Take a break and do some stewballing. P.S. What shall we do with a drunken sailor? In the poor house? Of course you are you're a college student! Save a bundle! Buy a $1 raffle ticket from a Kappa Chi which could win $250 credit at the bookstore. Drawing Dec. 9 at 10 p.m. in the Kletz. SLEAZE: I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean, my logic has drowned in a sea of emotion - STING STING: The Chivas is on its way. Too bad you won't be here for the x-mas party! Ah weU, I guess I've lust got the ladies to myself, en? (wicked grin...)



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Page 15

Dec. 2, 1907

Opinion still Life Raising The Fetus Age Jim Monnett "Every woman should make the choice herself," say the prochoice people. They say that a woman shouldnH ruin her life with an unwanted child. Well, I agree. Now, before anyone reaches down my throat and rips out my heart, let me finish. Since I'm a male and it can't happen to me, I thought I should listen to the arguments on both sides of the abortion issue, and then make an informed opinion. I have since done that. I move for the pro-choice people. The clinching argument for me was that the child isn't really alive until it is born and gets a soul. I disagree. I don't think that kids get their souls until puberty. Therefore, mothers should be able to abort the children until t h e a g e of t w e l v e . T h e s e 'children' will henceforth be called fetuses just like they are before physical birth according to the pro-choice people. I realize my arguments are revolutionary, but let's look at the evidence., Around twelve puberty starts. The fetus bodies start changing as if a whole new personality (soul) was moving in. Armpit hair grows because the new soul needs th^ extra


id Q


space near the heart. The male voice changes as the soul starts taking control of the fetus. The new soul in the female body just transforms everything to such an extent that I don't even want to talk about it. Another side effect of puberty and the soul arrival is the change in personality. Suddently the fetuses have wild mood changes as the soul tests out the capabilities of the brains. What we call the old personality is just a reflex action of the brain as it waits for the soul to come in and expand it to the limits of its potential. Listening to the pro-choice people call the kicking that an unborn fetus does a reflex action, I realized that the same thing is happening with pre-pubescents. They are moving about, but unliving without a soul. They are just like a chicken that had its head cut off and is still running around. The difference being that the pre-pubescent fetus is responding to so much more stimuli that it can actually carry on a conversation even though it is still souiess. The other a r g u m e n t s for abortion still apply up until the

H o p e College


The anchor

fetus gets its soul at twelve. The pro-choice people argue that a mother may be too poor to afford a child, or she doesn't want to settle down with a kid because of college. The reasons a r e numerous, but they apply even more after the fetus is born. It may be preferable for her to try to raise the fetus for a few years. If she really doesn't want it she can put it up for adoption or better yet abort it. Abortion after birth also cuts down on bad people because a parent can find out if the fetus has natural meanness. If the parents see that the fetus is unruly or cruel around the other fetuses in kindergarten and first grade, they can just put the fetus up for adoption or better yet abort it. Why put the fetus up for adoption and let a couple who desperately want a child have an unruly fetus? What are the odds anyway of the parents treating a fetus well after they have waited in line for three years to adopt it? The question may arise how we go about aborting fetuses at the, say, 11 year old stage of development. I suggest establishing clinics that we can advertise on TV and in the Yellow P a g e s as " F a m i l y Planning Centers." Here a couple or an unwed mother will come in with the fetus in tow. She'll go in one room and it'll go somewhere else where it'll be destroyed just like the pre-birth fetuses are if they are still moving from reflex action after the present abortions. My way will be better because the mother does not have to go through the tremendous mental stress of being in the room during the fetus destroying. She can sit in another room and read People magazine. What could be easier? So what do you say? Let's write our congressman and have the law declare that fetuses get souls at age twelve instead of birth. It is more humane this way.


Can We Get All The Classes We Need? Two weeks ago, students got the opportunity to register for next semester's classes. And once again, there were a great deal of complaints that very few students got all the classes they wanted or needed. For upperclassmen, particularly seniors, getting every class one wants or needs is rarely a problem. Many students diligently plan their next semester's courseload in order to have the best possible schedule for their own needs. And yet sophomores and freshmen usually face last-minute additions or deletions, depending on when they register and which courses are filled or closed. As most students soon come to realize, there are preferred professors for almost every course and preferred times. The later a student registers, the more likely it becomes that he or she will get stuck in the most boring eight a.m. course possible. There is a certain security in knowing that as you come closer to graduation, you will get more of the classes you desire, but surely the current method of registration could be improved upon. Perhaps the Registar could publish a list of courses along with the number of students generally accepted into each class, so that students can fairly estimate their chances of getting into a course long before registration begins. These estimates could even be added directly into the college catalog, to eliminate the need to print new sheets each semester, and still allow students easy reference. This would increase the efficiency of the advising process, as well as virtually eliminating the frustration caused by i not being able to get into any classes you've signed up for. Teh obvious response is that this solution would put too great a burden on the Registar's office. But*wouldn't it also decrease the number of drops and adds filed after courses begin? After all, one way around the scheduling difficulties of underclassmen is to merely use the drop-add form as a method for getting Into classes that are "closed". Perhaps In the future we'll see something like the size lists In the catalog or In the Registar's office. It would certainly expedite the registration process and make It a less frustrating experience for all of us. This week's winner: The women's varsity basketball team for setting a new school record for most points In a single game. The Flying Dutch defeated Concordia 107-33 last weekend. It was the first time a Hope women's team broke the century mark.



EDITOR Brian Bre«n




Paul J. Chamnest

Kathy Kar


NEWS EDITOR Eric $hotw«li

L '


J. Hanneman



Jim Monnett Beth Pechta Geoff Penrose A.C. Vanderkolk


i Publlitwd w k l y during f h . .chool y « r und.r t h . authority o( t h . Stu<i.nt M.dlo Con,-


Committee. POSTMASTER: Send eddres* changes to The anchor, DeWitt Center, Hope College, Holland, Ml 49423-3690. The opinions of thl* newspaper are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or administration.

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Letters To The Editor

^Actions Speak Louder Than Words I am writing to you in reference to an event which occured on Tuesday night. Nov. 17, at the 1987 Fall Sports Banquet. First, I would like to applaud all those studentathletes who were recognized for outstanding achievement in their respective sport. Secondly, congratulations should be given to the coaches for a very successful fall season. In particular, I feel coach DeVette's thirty plus years of service and devotion to Hope deserves special recognition. D e s p i t e all t h e s e accomplishments, however, the evening was slightly tarnished. The program began in style with the presentation of our MIAA champion football team. A f t e r r e c o g n i t i o n and awarding of the team's 1 individual honors by the c o a c h e s and the announcement of next year's captains, I was a little hurt by the apparent self-centered actions that followed. j As the next team was being introduced 90 percent of the football players excused t h e m s e l v e s from the

by Berke Breathed


remainder of the program. I know that to them the most i m p o r t a n t p a r t of the program was over and I'm not doubting the fact that other time committements did exist, but after the tremendous support the Hope community and students gave to the football team this season, I expected at least 40 and suppi minutes 01 SUDDOrt courtesy in return. I guess my expectations were too high. Please don't get me wrong — 1 'm not saying that anyone intentionally failed to support or r e c o g n i z e a n o t h e r ' s accomplishments. Rather, what I'm trying to say is that so often it's true: actions speak louder than words. Too often, without meaning to, we fail to step out of our own worlds and recognize that others exist. It is my hope that each day we take some time to show (not just tell) others that we truly care about them and care about what is happening in their worlds.


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Page 17

Dec. 2. 19(371

mu). we WOKP

Sex Can Kill In reaction to the brilliant play recently done h e r e at H o p e by out t h e a t r e d e p a r t m e n t , I a g r e e with the service done by E . R e k a J e l l e m a in the N(lOV. 18, 1987 anchor. I h a v e no complaint with the a r t i s t i c e n d e a v o r s , only with the selction of this type ' of' play a t this t i m e . No, I a m not a prude, just a student who h a s c o m e to learn — I a m an older s t u d e n t who h a s set m y m o r a l v a lu e s . The play shows sex a s something that is funny and by being funny a c c e p t a o l e . It showed it w a s okay to nop ho f rom one bed to a n o t h e r with no feelings of responsibilities or c a r i n g . Sex is the m o s t w o n d e r f u l concept c r e a t e d bv God for




by Berke Breathed


Letters To The Editor

m m r Mmi/m

us. We can look at it t n a t way or somethings t h a t in 1987 can kill us. AIDS is not only for the community according to t h e local health d e p a r t m e n t . T h e r e a r e 15 reported c a s e s of AIDS in the Holland a r e a . Most a r e no gay-related. All a r e typical colfege age. All will die. T h e r e is no cure. College 1 thought w a s to m a k e one think through your life, y o u r g o a l s , v a l u e s , priorities. When we p r e s e n t this type of play, we a s a college community are s a y i n g in e f f e c t t h a t indiscriminate sex in fine. Is i n d i s c r i m i n a t e d e a t h okay?

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Theplaytime comes in multiples of 5 for 2.00


with each addition of 5 plays at the same rate.

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EXAMPLE 5 plays






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*6.00 ETC...

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