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Boost the Lecture

H i t r h o r

Course H


Volume XXXVII Hope College, Holland, Michigan. Oct. 19 1927 Number 36

1862 From Plain Wood to Beautiful Stone



Paper road at one of the me«t'"Ks of Hope College former Stu(lents of Chicago. Illlnola.


PAUL II. DKKKl'IF Ey Rev. J. Veneklascn. Oak Paix. 111. Ihcro Is a personal Interest In my duty of today in briefly reviewing the work of Paul H. DeKrulf. We were boyhooc plcymatec. brought up in the same small, provincial, solid, village of Zeeland. Michigan, we were frequently thrown together at school and during play hours. We knew Paul as a bright, care-free, happy lad. full of good humor, sometimes a bit cnobblsh. but usually democratic and companionable. His family was one of the first to introduce the automobile to the quiet village, and Paul was one of the first village sports in his low. rakish roadster. The early fraility of the new 'horselesst; carriage' was once revealed, to Paul's dismay, when an accidental tipping of an ordinary stick on the road deprived the car of its carburator and consequently its motive power, and there was no small amusement to the natives when the car had to submit to the humiliation of being towed home. The head wagging of the provincial Dutchmen was a solemn affair. Paul took it all good-naturedly, as he did most things. He himself confesses in one of his writings that "he suffered all his life from a slight but incurable clownlshness." It was with surprise and admiration that we learned of his success at college and university and his chosen profession. "Who is he. anyway?" asks the Literary Digest International Book Review of May 1926. "Who is he. anyway—this person who calls an intravenous hypodermic injection a 'shot' For several years after graduation he was a pathologist with the Rockefelle. Institute for Medical Research. He is a bacteriologist, also, and was formerly a university instructor in bacteriology, his favorite ctudy. As Capt. of the Sanitary Corps In Prance, in the World War. he made a special Investigation of the gas making microbes. He has a Ph. D. degree. As the above mentioned review says. "He is more than an accomplished Jazzologist." which term was applied to him from the style of some of his writings. Come of his best known writings arc "Jacqiiiss Loeb. the Mechanist." Harpers. January 1923; vjacquess Loeb." Amerlcai) Mercury. July 1925; "What is Disease?" same Sept.. 1^24; "Scientific Diana." Good Housekeeping, July 1926; also his first book. ''Our Medicine Men"; h® collaborated With Sinclair L§wis in his writlgg of the famous noyel "Arrowsmith;" and PeKnitf's best known book is "Mlcrpbe Hunters" Which is «|ld to enJoy as wide a reading and withdrawal frpm the Public libraries as any other bopkIn a series of essays for the CpQtury Magacin* 1922. he brought many attacks upon himself by vepturiRg assail the dignity of the healing prp? fmton. He later *rrpte "Our Medical Men", The Saturday Review ot Liter* ature, March 6. 1920. says of thlf. "We thought it • crude and binipiw peformance to which he itrung out. to public view, all the medical dirty linen which better men wer# trying to wash " Its style If conaclously Imitative 0/ Mencken, achieving all the bad taste of this literary bruleer, without hie brilliancy. Written in a spirit of disgust about things With which he was only superficially acquainted. His best known book Is "Microbe Hunters." Says the April 1936 Bookmen. "Paul DeKrulf, the scientific adviser who supplied Sinclair Lewis with the accurate details of "Arrowsralth" in his "Mcrobe Hunters" proves the posMtaor of high skill in the role of biographer ot celebrated bacteriologists. His non-technical method of presenting the lives of these immortal pioneers makes the volume one of the most exciting, yet instructive, ws have read in r w n t months." Says the Lit. Digest Review, "Microbe Hunters Is fact with a glees of fiction—medical o p e n 1)

Other Lyceum Programs Consist of Comedy, Concert and Lecture Numbers Liiiiiiiii-'ii

Laying of Cornerstone For NewMemorial Chapeilwins Construction of Third Chapel in History of Hope College 000 gathered CTntHnrofl on r\9y the 4 V* colAt least 1.000 lege campus at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. October 12 1927. to witness the laying of the cornerstone of the new Memorial chapel of Hope College. The driving rain that held sway the most of the day gave way to clear skies shortly before the exercises began. On the platform crected were Reverend O. De Jonge. D. D.. president of the Board of Trustees who was in charge of the program. Dr. E. D. DImnent. president of Hope College. C. M. McLean who laid the corner stone. Rev. Nicholas Boer, G. J. Dlckema. secretary of Hope College. D.-. J. E. Kulzlnga. president of tne Western Theological Seminary. Dr. E. J. Blekklnk and Rev. Henry Vcldman orator of the day. These men were robed in cap and gown as were the faculty members of Hope College. One of the interesting features wns the laying of the corner stone by .Mr. C. M. McLean of Holland. Mr. McLean and family have donated the beautiful Westminster chimes to be installed in the tower of the new building. As Mr. McLean applied the trowel, cementing the corner stone to the foundation he said: "I lay the cornerstone of a house to be erected, and devoted to the service of Almighty God: In the name of tne Father, and of the Son. and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which Is Jesus Christ. "Except the Lord build the house, they labor In vain that build it." Contenu of the box:— President Edward D. DImnent, saw to It that the copper box sealed up In the large cornemone of Hope's new m e m o r i a l c h a p e l , which is 42x24

inches, was well niied. Judgim; from the list of documents, newspapers, pamphlets, photographs and college History placed therein. The contents of the bore Is £iven by Dr. DImnent as follows: urogram of the Synodlcal Conference. bynod of Chicago. R c A. October 11 and 12, 1927; Program of the Lay.ng of the Cornerstone. Memorial Chapel .October 12; Program of the Sixty-second Annual Commencement June 1927; Program of the Class Day Exerc ses of the Class of 1927. Hope Preparatory School, June, lu27; Program of the Union Service of the churches of Holland and General Synod of the R C A . Holland. Mich.. Ju h e 6, 1926; The Leader. October 5 and 12, 1927; De Hope, October 4 and

— 11. 1927; The Christian Intelligencer and Mission Field. October 5. 1927; 'ihe Holland Dally Sentinel. October 11 .1927: The Holland City News. October 6. 1927. and The Industrial Issue of April 1, 1927. a historical document: De Grondwet. October U. 1927; The Anchor. October U, 1927; I h e Banner. October 7. 1927; Mlsfcionary Monthly ."De Heldenwereld," October. 1927; Association Handbook cf the Y. M. C. A. andY. W. C. A. of Hope College. 1927: Seventy-fifth Anniversary Exercises Program. The Union of the Western Reformed Church with the Reformed Church in America. October 13. 25; The Grand Rapids Press of October 11. 1927: The Giand Rapids Herald of October 12. Tho Chicago Tribune of October 12. 11^7; 'ihe Christian Herald .October B. 1927; Editor In Chief. Rev. Daniel A. Poling, D. D. Marble Collegiate Relo.ined Church, N. y. c.; The Moslem PJ-V. Ueiroit Fre«} Prww, Ortohrr 1° Lwemcr. D. D.. Arabian Mission. R. C. thcaic on the Colonization of Western A.. Editor in Chief; "A Dutch Settlenitnt m Michigan." a historical World. October. 1927. Rev. S. M. M.chttan by the Hollanciers. written py Mtss Aieiua J. Pleters. Ph. D., a uuACL;iwunt of one of the pioneers of the Dutch colonies; • Landmarks of tne Reformed Fathers.", a historical thesis written by Air. William o. Van Eyck. Holland, Mich.gan, on the historical development of the churches m and about Holland. Michigan; A Historical Monograph by Mr. William L. Eiouwer. New York City .on the uuvelOi inent and history of the Reformeu Church In New York City, the Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Umich; Minutes of the General bynod in one Hundred Twenty-flret bcssion. June .1927; The M.lestone of l lope College. Issued by the Junior Class in 1U27; Catalogs and Bulletins oi hope College. 1916. 1926, 1927; Ij^U. Ib21. 1922. 1924 1925. 1926. 1927; Memorial Volumes, 1916, 1921, iy23' Luiletin of Rutgers University, 192bld27; Bulletin of the College Llterature. Science, and the Arts, of the Uuivcr*».iy of Michigan. 1926-1927. Copies of the Charter. Constitution. and By-Laws of the Board of i rustees. Hope College, as Revised in 1027; Copies of the original chatter ot 1UG0 and its various revisions. Photographs of the Faculty of the College; Tne Senior. Junior. Sophomores. and Freshman Classes of the College; The Preparatory School; I h e Delphi Society. The Dorian Society. The pageant of Hope of 1926, Four Scenes; The Sybllllne Society.

^ Telegram of Congratulations from Mrs. Henrietta L. F. Vennema and MIsj Florence E. Vennema, the wife and daughter of former President Rev. Ame Vennema. D. D. The program was: Professional: From WinauU Chapel. The Board of Trustees; The Faculty of Hope College; Western Theological Seminary; The Preparatory School; The School of Muslo; Members of the Synodlcal Conference and Guests; Students. Doxology. Invocation: — President of the Western Theological Seminary Rev. John E. Kulznga. D. D. Music:—Glee Clubs. Scriptures:—Reverend Gerhard De Jonge. D. D., President of the Boa;d of Trustees. Hymn:—"The Church's One Foundation." directed by Dr. J. B. Nykerk, dean of Hope College. A/!d t s : Reverend Henry J. VelUman. D. D, Muskegon. Michigan. Member of the Board of Trustees and President of the Board of Trustees '17—'20. Laying of the Corner Stone:-—Mr. C. M. McLean. Holland. Michigan. Vice President of the Board of Trustees. Prayer:—Reverend Evert J. Qiukking. D. D.. Western Theological Sem- " inary. Music:—Glee Clubs, lienedlction:—Reverend Gerhard De Jonge. D. D. 'ihe President of the Board of Trustees and the President of tne College presiding. The address given by Rev. Henry J. veldman, D. D. of Muskegon, member of the Board of Trustees follows: " I would seem ungrateful. Indeed, If I did not say. that I deeply appieciate the honor which Is mine this afternoon, and yet I would have b*en far happier if that honor had uetn bestowed on some one else. The only ieaion why I consented to comply with the wishes of our honored President Is because of a growing realisation that I owe a tremendous debt to Hope College, because of what that Institution lias done for me and my children, and because of what it l.as done for the churches which I have served. Hence. In order to pay Just a bit of Interest on that unpayable principal that is why I am hero In this unsought for capacity. "I have chosen to speak for a few moments on the subject of first things first, or the pre-eminence of the Christian religion In the life of our denominational colleges. I have .

Winants Chapel in 1893 and as it is today

selected this theme for two reaixns. first, because it has seemed to me that the religious institutions of our land, born out of the prayers and consecrated gifts of God's own people, and founded upon his infallible Word have, even when we seek to oe as charitable In our Judgment of them as we can. in several cases departed many a league from the Ideal that was dominant m the earlier years of their existence, and that here Is need therefore of calling them back again to first things; and sccMUll> I h a v e c h o g e n ^ c I w e i i this theme because I am conscious of 1 ie fact and profoundly grateful for it that our own beloved school, with others, thank God. Is still faithful to this trust committed to it oy lips long silent in the grave. And I can give no better evidence for this, and need no better, than Just to remind jou of what is transpiring before our '•yea. "I t h l n k 11 n ^ y he stated without •ear of contradiction that the Christlon church, at least In America, nas been the mother of education. Somehow she has been back of every movement that has resulted In the establishing of public and private sshoola. at any rate that would be true of early colonial days. To the Dutch who held the school master in equally high esteem with the minister, belongs the honor of having established the first free public school on American soil in 1633. That it was a school with the Bible can not be doubted. Then we are Informed that every collegiate Institution, and that Includes Harvard Columbia Yale. Princeton. Rutgers, with the exception of the University of Pennsylvania. founded In the Colonies prior to the Revolutionary War, was established by some branch of the Christian church. The same thing, practically, holds true of of the cclleges east and west that have sprung up since that day. The churcch. in some one of its branches, was their mother and long fostered them after giving them birth. Whether they all still gratefully recognize their mother and continue to be guided by her fostering care, or whether they have severed the tie that bound them to her. and turned their backs upon the first principles so nobly taught, having become rich and enriched with goods, this is a question of supreme importance. While we do not wish to be unduly critical nor make it appear that we are possessed of the holler than their spirit—a thing which I (Continued on Page 3)

Tonight sees the opening of the 1027-1920 Hope College L y c e u m Course w i t h the presentation of John Drinkwater's great dramatic epic. "Abraham Lincoln." The curtain will rise at 8:16 o'clock at Carnegie hall. This great and popular play.—presented by a New York cast, is the first number of a fourprogram course. The second number. a comedy entitled "The Message From Mars." is a delightful travesty on the possibility of life existing on our nearest; planet, and will be presented on November 15th; tho third, "A Concert Ensemble" will be given on December 1st and Includes vocal and Instrumental artists of the first rank. The last number.—a lecture,— has not been, as yrt, decided upon. Th- Play to be presented tonight was first produced In Birmingham. England, where it scored an Immediate triumph . This success was repeated in London, and after its Importation to this country, played at Stamford. Conn.. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Washington. D. c., and New York City with mounting popularity. A striking feature of this play, and one which has stlmulateel a nationwide interest, la that it was written by an Englishman. It is certainly an interesting and inspiring tribute to the great force of Lincoln's personality .especially when we stop to consider the wealth of material that was at Mr. Dinkwater's command among the historical characters of his own country. Ihe play Itself has about it a directness and a simplicity that is at once typical of the life of the great emancipator, and a revelation of Mr. Drinkwater's great dramatic ability. Sweeping aside all national prejudices. and holding his theme subservient to his artistic and moral convictions only, he has n o t only added a notable achievement to the dramatic art, but has gone far to cement a feeling of kinship and brotherly affection between the two greatest nations on the earth. The keen Interest shown by the student body in this course bids fair to make the series a real success.




Hazed To Humility

History repeats Itself they say. You might ask the members of the H. K. K. If this is true. They met In a regular meeting last Monday evening and true to tradition these lofty and wise seniors proceeded to assist several ardent young hopefuls in their eager search for knowledge at Hope's shrine of learning. They were urgently (and forcibly?) invited to spend an evening in the best of society. However It was rather a "cart before the horse" affair, for the guests must needs do the entertaining. and "hazing" too. At each call for service It was a Froeh and often several of them, who were on the Jump. Someone called for music anrf dancing. Again it was the guests' turn to respond. But selfishness is one of the last things of which the H. K. K. can be accused. In fact, they were so exceedingly generous that they brought their operatic chorus, composed of infant prodigees over to Voorhees Hall where the girls were pleased to hear t h e praises of the senior men l o u d l y sung by their youthful admirers. That was not the end though, for the next day came the distributing of the diplomas—rudely known 'as t i n ' funnels. The expert way in which these freshmen, so wise beyond their fellows, handled their unique pots, proves conclusively what Just one evening in the company of the H. K. K. can do, even for a member of the class of *31. May it be a time long remembered by these wiser yotng

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IF If you hold her hand, she may think you foolish. If you don't she will wonder why. If you kiss her. she may think you a cad. If you don't, she may think you slow. If you offer her a cigarette she may be offended. If yod don't, she may think you consider her puritanical. If you tell her of the women you meet, she may think you a rounder. If you don't, she may think you've had no experience.

N O W WHO'S COLLEGIATE? W h o is m o r e likely to win s o m e t h i n g w o r t h w h i l e in life's r a c e , t h e " c o l l e g e g r i n d " or t h e d a p p e r y o u n g collegian w h o goes in f o r social life a n d " c o n t a c t s " a n d m a k e s his studies a s e c o n d a r y a i m ? F o r a long t i m e t h e s t u d e n t s in m a n y colleges have been t a u g h t to t h e m — n o t by professors, b u t by f l a s h y y o u n g men w h o w e r e l e a d ers a m o n g t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e s a n d by some of t h e old g r a d u a t e s who h a d been "good t i m e b o y s " a n d later h a d gone out and s t r u c k it r i c h — t h a t college s t u d y d o e s n ' t p a y . M a k e f r i e n d s , mix in college life, get all t h e e x p e r ience you can, t h a t is t h e key t h a t will o p e n t h e door. Don't s p e n d too much t i m e with y o u r books. P r o f . H u g h Albison Smith of t h e University of Wisconsin d e c i d e d t h a t it w a s time to check up. So he looked into t h e r e c o r d s of all g r a d u a t e s of t h e university f o r f o r ty five years. H e r e is w h a t he f o u n d : Of e a c h 15 h o n o r students,. 14 h a v e obtained success in a m a r k e d d e g r e e , w h i l e b u t one in 46 of t h e r e m a i n d e r of t h e g r a d u a t e s below t h e h o n o r men, h a s been as successful. R e a d this conclusion: "If a s t u d e n t belongs to t h e highest t e n t h of his class, in g e n e r a l to t h e g r o u p m a r k e d excellent, his c h a n c e s of a c h i e v i n g a c a r e e r in life distinguished by t h e a p p r o v a l of his f e l l o w m e n a r e 40 times a s g r e a t as t h e y a r e , on t h e a v e r a g e , if he belongs to t h e lower n i n e - t e n t h s ; a n d f u r t h e r , t h e p r o b a l i t i e s of his n a m e being f o u n d in lists like ' W h o ' s W h o ' will be 50 t i m e s as g r e a t . " Of course t h e ideal s t u d e n t is one w h o is c o r r e c t l y p r o p o r t i o n e d — w h o is ' ' c o l l e g i a t e " a n d social and a t t h e s a m e t i m e a s c h o l a r . W e do not h a v e to choose b e t w e e n being one or t h e o t h e r — w e can be both. Let us p l a n our w o r k , s t u d y intensively, and t h e n go in f o r t h e social life as much as possible f o r in t h e last analysis, w h e n we will look back upon those " d e a r old college d a y s / ' we will r e m e m b e r with a glow of w a r m t h , t h e glorious t i m e s we h a v e h a d , j^nd t h e f r i e n d s w e h a v e m a d e . o —

THERE AIN'T NO FLIES ON US T h e spot-light h a s been t u r n e d r a t h e r s t r o n g l y on certain p h a s e s of t h e school a d m i n i s t r a t i o n d u r i n g t h e last weeks, and c o m m e n t pro a n d con h a s been a u d i b l e all over t h e c a m p u s . And, seemingly, as t h e w a l r u s rem a r k e d to Alice, t h e time h a s c o m e to s p e a k of m a n y things. W hy n o t ? To c l e a r t h e a i r occasionally is a p r e t t y good t h i n g , even if t h e l i g h t n i n g a n d t h e t h u n d e r - c l a p s a r e a bit over done. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , t o o o f t e n w e a r e a f r a i d of going too f a r a n d do not go f a r e n o u g h . W h a t is y o u t h , says t h e older m a n , but t h e t i m e of e n j o y m e n t a n d irresponsibility, f o r g e t t i n g his own y o u t h . W h y not a i r our g r i e v a n c e s ? Youth of t h e college a g e is not irresponsible. It is t h e most serious, t h e most e a r n e s t l y and sincerely inq u i r i n g t i m e in t h e whole life of a m a n . In it is l a r g e l y d e t e r m i n e d t h e a t t i t u d e he shall t a k e t o w a r d life in t h e f u t u r e , " B e not like d u m b d r i v e n c a t t l e , " s a y s t h e poet very succinctly, "S-s-s-h!" says t h e elders, " D o n ' t d i s t u r b things. Let s l e e p i n g dogs lie." Let s l e e p i n g d o g s lie a n d w a l k r o u n d t h e ugly b r u t e s ; not f a c e p r o b l e m s , not seek an honest solution to t h e questions t h a t p e r p l e x us, but go a r o u n d t h e m . A n y t h i n g to p r e v e n t a fuss. W h y ? W h y s h o u l d n ' t youth be a n s w e r e d ? Is not t h e college s t u d e n t become a man, a n d h a s he not a l r e a d y p u t a w a y childish t h i n g s ? S o m e of the w o r l d s g r e a t e s t individual a c h i e v e m e n t s h a v e been t h o s e of m e n b e t w e e n t h e a g e s of t w e n t y and t h i r t y . This e t e r n a l pussy-footing does not get a m a n a n y w h e r e a t all. W h y s h o u l d n ' t h o n e s t questions d e m a n d honest a n s w e r s ? W h y should w e be t r e a t ed as children w h o c a n n o t u n d e r s t a n d ? Sores n e v e r cleansed will k e e p on f e s t e r i n g a n d h i n d e r i n g g r o w t h . Cleansed and t r e a t e d t h e w o u n d s heal a n d t h e body is whole a g a i n . F o r y e a r s questions h a v e been a r i s i n g in t h e m i n d s of s t u d e n t s a n d e i t h e r t h e y h a v e l a c k e d t h e c o u r a g e to ask t h e m , or t h e y h a v e been r e b u f f e d w h e n the attempt was made. At t h e s a m e time t h e r e will be one or t w o great big fat flies on us. W e ' r e so busy looking for them on other folks t h a t we m a y be overlooking a f e w on ourselves. P i n g ! goes our gun and w e score a hit. But the wound is patched over and to all intents and purposes no harm has been done. And as often as not, the bullet proves a boomerang. Why a l w a y s be working at cross purposes. The ripping up process is easy but the e f f e c t is havoc unless out of it something finer and better can be built. Work should not be for a special interest but for the common interest. More can be accomplished at the conference table with a common interest, than in shoot-

ing it out.

If you tell her she Is the first you have loved, she may think you lie If you tell her she Is the first you have kissed, she will know you lie. Now, what In the deuce Is a fellow to do?—Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Intoxication seems to be a lost art, but this Is partly due, according to Inspector Zanes, to the fact that a man who drinks nowadays docs not go out and shout, but usually falls where he drinks. A man who takes two drinks of what Is sold near Times Square and does not fight is said to be a coward, but those who take two usually take the third.

which causes complete anesthesia. "New whisky is the greatest ally the Police Department has," said Policeman Gallagher, at Porty-slxth Street and Broadway. "It docs most of our work for us. We used to have to subdue the boisterous ones but the new stuff subdues them automatically before they start getting boisterous."—From a report of the Election night crowds in the New York Times.


Chimp (coming from the dressingroom)—"You said you had shown me everything of Interest about the University, you deceitful old t h i n g " Panzle (all worried)—"But Duckle."

I did.

While you are waiting to start a savings account, ycu are losing the interest that your money would earn deposited on a savings account in this good bank. Don't delay opening an account any longer. Come in today and get a savings book.

Chimp—"You didn't show me the BOO."

Fanzee—"There isn't any zoo, little girl."

Peoples State Bank

Chimp—"You mean old thing, I know there Is. I heard Mary Just say she saw a dancing what that was the cat's klookus and Nell said, 'That's nothing; I saw a bird with a pedal potency on him like a centipede.' "—Virginia Reel.

Holland, Mich.

Hoekstra's Ice Cream

The Forum Dear Mr. Editor:— Your editorial of last week on "Those New Rules" regarding abEcnces leads me to request the privilege of a brief reply through the columns of the Anchor. I wish not to make a refutation but rather to give an explanation. The following points paraphrased from the editorial in question may well be contrasted with the actual facts In the case If we wish to arrive at the truth. 1. Two absences bar a student from a course. 1. Two absences beyond the number of credit hours given in a course are allowed before a student is barred from the course unless he is wilfully remiss In his duty and cuts classes without any reason for doing so. 2. Only absences due to Illness or death are excusable. 2. What constitutes a legitimate reason for absence is determined by each Instructor and may depend upon a student's attitude toward his work. Each individual case of absence is treated on ita own merit and is not subject to any immutable impersonal rule. 3. Hope students do not require such stringent regulations. 3. The rules governing absences were changed because there were so many requests for excuses that the registrar could not afford to devote the time required to handle the situation. 4. The rules place a ban on extended glee club, debating, or athletic trips. 4. The rules place a ban on only those tours which are so extended that the participants absent themselves from forty-flve ecitations. This permits ten debate or athletic trips in each semester with an average of four and a half recitations missed for each trip. It permits two glee club trips of two whole weeks and an extra week-end provided one is taken each semester If a longer trips is desired, as far as these rules are concerned, it Is possible to schedule one lasting from January 21 thru February 19 without the particlpanta losing any credit in either semester. 5. The average Hope faculty member does not favor the rules. 5. These rules were drawn up by a committee of the faculty—five in number—who met on several occasions to revise their tentative proposals. When Anally the rules were presented to the faculty they were passed unanimously. 6. The "cut" system would be more in conformity with the practice of other schools and is more desirable. The actual facts In the case are these; 6. The prevalence of the "cut" system is not evident In published rules governing absences. On the other hand, the rules now in force at Hope are based upon an investigation of the rules in force In a large number of coUeges and universities. Its various features are found almost verbatim, whole or in part, in the rules of the foUowlng institutions; American University, College of Liberal Arts, Washington. D. 0.; The College of Emporia. Emporia, Kansas; Birmicigham-Southern College, Blnnlngfcwn. Alabama; CoUege of Engineerlag .Ohio State Unlvendty, Columbus,


Cream of Uniform Quality

Ohio; Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio; Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota; Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts.

65 East 8th St.

The "cut" system would be more stringent than these rules In that it would permit two less absences before debarring a student from a course, and It would permit no makeup work but would give a zero for every absence regardless of the reason for that absence.

Phone 2212

Keefer's Restaurant

I realize that I have theorized concerning the leniency of "Those New Rules." in practice they will perhaps not prove quite as lenient as I have made them appear. For example in counting the number of trips an athlete might take I have left no room for a few absences which he might be obliged to take on account of Illness—especially if he is a football man. But the stringency has been so exaggerated in the minds of many students that this slight exaggeration on the other side will, I trust, bring us nearer to a true understanding of how the rules will work. If your editorial leads us all to a careful perusal of the rules and a realization that the very large majority of Hope students will not in the least be affected by them it will have rendered an unwitting but worthwhile service. Shall we not all cooperate to bolster up the weak wUl power of the very few to whom neglect of duty will otherwise become a pernicious habit? Cordially yours, IRWIN J. LUBBERS.

For Ladies and Gentlemen HOLLAND


Quality Work

Prompt Service

Holland Dry Cleaners Our Del very Car is at Your Service 9 East Eighth St.

Telephone 5528


Successor to W. R. STEVENSON 24 East 8th St.

They Should Not Have Left

Parker Fonntain Pens and Fine Watch Repairing

In answer to Lester Bossard's write-up under the heading "Why They Left," the editor Is refuting a position with which he was formerly sympathetic. A discussion with Informed persons soon convinces a student that Hope College must consider Its constituency. Often seemingly minor affairs have caused religious organizations to withdraw their financial support of the college. This action would soon raise the tuition for Hope students. Of course, such considerations are often Irksome but the administration and students cannot be oblivious to them.

Suits and Top Coats Made for each other and for you I Shirts call for unusal companions in neckwear. Our ties will feel at home around your neck.

VISSER & BAREMAN 50 East tth Street

Objection to the college faculty fan also be met by the observation of other schools. First of all, large universities always employ assistants, who have Just graduated from college ,to Instruct students during the first years. Naturally they present a greater array of Ph. D. men. However they are department heads'who do little or no instructing. I t is also interesting to note that until five years ago, the American College Association held that every college faculty should contain thirty per cent Ph. D. instructors. The condition was dropped because these Instructors did not possess a sympathetic attitude for the student. Advanced study had caused them to lecture "above the heads" of the students. Hope's administration agrees with this belief. ConsequenUy, less highly trained professors are employed for the good of the student. So perhaps Hope Isnt so bad after aU.

Holland, Mich.

DuMez Brothers Have the national advertised


Kayser and Perrin Gloves in the latest styles.

The Chocolate Shop For light lunches, Ice Cretin and Confections




Page Three






Illuminated by the flames of a huge bon-flre Friday night, the studenU of Hope College Inatllled in the hearta of their football men, the eolemn idea t h a t they must defeat Hillsdale. All afternoon the Prosh "boys" tioled and strained In an effort to gather enough wood to feed the ravenous Are, for they realized their doom if the Are should go out before the ceremoniess were over. Also the air had a certain snap and sting which made the students appreciate the noble efforts of the Prosh. Mr. Lubbers. Mr. Hager. and Kuiper started things with words of advice which were eagerly accepted by the student body. Each clan was expected to perform a s t u n t of some k nd . The Prosh gave a fair demonstration of how a snake dance should bo staged, b u t they'll soon catch the Idea of it when they see us go through one or two. As the Soph stunt, three talcnrxl musicians, Art Van Arendonk and his guitar, Don Wade with his mandolin, and Don Hicks on his accordian stepped u p and very ably represented their class. Tho Juniors and Seniors either were bashful or unprpared for they were not heard from. Then Rus Japinga Introduced all the football men and there was no end to the yelling and cheering led by George Cllcquonl and Billy De Haan. As a grand flnale, the entire student body formed a snake and danced down the main streets of the city stopping at; the Ooionai with the Idea of rushing it. The proprietors told them If they would wait until the second show st« ted they could all get In, without any trouble. What could they do with the time they had before the second show began? Some one asked for a few solos from the Prosh . One by one the poor Prosh demonstrated their vocal talent by a few weak attempts, untU one conceited Prosh thought he'd be stubborn, so he said he couldn't sing. John Mulder Immediately found himself sitting In the middle of the fish pond Not a single Prosh offered a helping hand. They Just sat back and watched one of their own number get a good ducking.

(Continued f r o m p a ^ e H with a Jazz obllgato; a melodrama of the microscope." "in Microbe Hunters we have medical science novelized and dramatized." "It is an amazing, fascinating book. It is calculated to infect the laity with a reading fever which will run Its course from cover to cover before one can lay It aside. It Is a true a ory of adventures of explorers In the fantastic wor'd of the unseen; it partakes of the qualities of the novel and moving picture." New York Times Book Review. Peb. 28. 1926, says, "He has brought the dead microbe hunters to warm and vigorous life. He has made himself one o." a dozon or half-dozen men in America who write entertainingly as well as accurately about science." H. L. Moncken In "The Nation" for Jan. 1926, says, "He converts Its heroes from the cold. Impersonal scientists of legend Into brilliantly real and human men. It is an exhilarating and valuable contribution to one of the noblest chapters In the history of mankind." "The Bookman" says. "He starts the story of germ hunting and killing with the 17th Century—with Anthony Leuwenhoek. This Dutchman came Into the world where Servetus was burned to death for daring to cut up and examine the body of a dead man: where Callleo was shut up for life for daring to prove that the earth moved around the sun. He developed a passion for lens grinding and made microscopes. He dlsco'-ered In stagnant rain-water little s n i n a l s c. thousand times smaller than any creatures which we had seen with our eles alone. He follows with the story of Slallanzanl. 1729. who proved how these organisms were generated. Describing Lceuwenhoek as "the «tolld Dutchman," he describes S. ae the "dashing Italian." He follows with the story of the "flamboyant Pastcur" who studied rabies, after finding that eight persons In his village had died 'In the choking throat, parched agonies of hydrophobia, after being bitten by a mad wolf, and developed a vaccine for the disease. Then comes the patient Kock, "The Death Plghter'; the Britons Bruce and Poss. 'muddling through the meshes of rod tape," the chapter on Bruce being entitled 'Tne Trail of the Tsetse'; then of the Yankees Smith and Reed (Walter Reed), with 'the bomely shrewdness of Uncle Sam,' the men who fought yellow fever; one constantly thinks of these as clothed in their national colors. It Is a pltv that he left out the Irish and the Nepro. Happily he closes with the ever pop-

Model Drug Store

ular Jewish comedian In Paul Ehrllch." The New Republic. May 6, 1926, calls it "The King of Sports; old vaudeville stuff of national traits." Says the N. Y. Times review, "The defect of his method is that he tries too hard to be entertaining. He must make hlc narratlvi. gallop at full cpeed. His association with America's foremost novelist (Lewis) has left Its mark. I trust that this brief sketch may first Induce us to read his book; but also, that It may give us pride In one of the sons of Hope who Is making his mark In his chosen field.

Chicago Synod Meets On Campus If Annual Session As guests upon the campus last Tuesday and Wednesday, Hope College entertained the Synodlcal Conference for the Synod of Chicago. There were present the minister and an elder from each church In the synod. This body Is In the habit of meeting In the fall, at Holland, on the campus and In the various churches. However. next year, the place of mooting will be Grand Rapids. Tho Rev. J. P. Heemstra was chairman of the conference, opening the meeting and taking charge of the program. Three sessions were held each day, the first two in Winants Chapel and the evening meeting In the Third Reformed Church. Each of the daytime sessions was opened with a scripture exposition by Dr. W. W. White of White's Bible School In New York City. Dr. White was the principle outside speaker present. He made several very fine addresses during the conference, and everyone felt that his presence had been a great asset. The remainder of the meetings wore taken up with addesses by the various ministers and elders, dlerusslon, and business. o

SENIOR GIRLS ELECT AT VOORHEES MEETING The Senior girls of Voorhees hall entertained the rest of the girls In their class on Tuesday evening In the reception room of the hall for the purpose of organizing the Senior Girls Association. Prlscllla Vermoer took charge of the election of officers . The results of the election are as follows: Pretidont—Edna Cook; Vice-Pres.—Margaret Boter; Soc.-Treas.—Arlyne Haan.


33 35 W. 8th St.

Try Our Fountain Lunches

Delicious Toasted Sandwiches

Portable Corona Typewriter

Sporning Goods



Where All Sportsmen Meet



Beauty Parlor Call 2071 for Appointment |

Quality Shoe Repairing That's Our Business

"Dick" the Shoe Doctor

Style Red Coat. Just the thing for College wear. and looli diem over.

Come in

L o k k e r - J R i i t ^ e r s Co.



Although the rain prevented the Y. W. C A. beach party from becoming a reality, the spirits of the girls were not dampened, and they turned out one hundred and eighteen strong for a party in Carnegie Gymnasium. The social committee headed by Theresa Mool served a delicious supper which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present . Acrobatic stunts of various natures were indulged in showing the skill of some of our number along that line. Games, music and stunts filled in the rest of an u n usually pleasant evening.

No Natter How Nnch KNOW ONLY SO MUCH AS YOU Yon Learn. V0U REMEMBER Your

mind will obey you Juit In proportion to the rcquiremon's you place upon It If jou give it a chance. You can always remember If you train your mind to serve you when and as you want It to serve. You can think and talk better and clearer with training that will take but a few minutes of your time. Prof. M. V. Atwood. formerly of the N. Y. College of Agrlculiure at Ithaca, now Editor of Utica Herald-Dispatch wrote: "I have all memory courses and yours Is bi-st of lot. You owe it to the public to publish it In book form." In response to this and other demands this course has been issued in a handy little volume to fit your pocket and the cost la but Three Dollars postpaid until December when Five Dollars will be the price. LIFE AND HERALD, Johnson City, N. Y,

12 Pencils with Name Printed in Gold, 60c. assorted colors, high grade No. 2 blackhead, postpaid. Ca*e« for six pencils. Morocco.

$1; leather, 75c: imitation leuther. 60c. LIFE AND HERALD, Johnson City. N. Y

Are You Getting

Your Moneys Worth '

F r o m your p r i n t i n g ? If n o t , c h a n c e s a r e y o u r p r i n t i n g could be b e t t e r Mediocre p r i n t i n g will n o t sell y o u r p r o d u c t s . H a v e u s t a k e c o m p l e t e c h a r g e of y o u r n e x t job. P r i n t i n g of D i s t i n c t i o n " will pull h a r d f o r you.

Electric Shoe Hospital


Ice Cream and Confections We have the Mary Lee ' Candies

First Class


Printing of Distinction 9 East 10th St.

13 E. 8th St.

Phone 5908

Holland, Mich.


STUDENTS Do not envey your schoolmate because of his neatness and well dressed appearance. He getshis service at the


Caps Suits Dresses Shoot Shlned Suite Pressed While You Walt.

After the Play To-night Come to

For Refreshments

Laughlin's RESTAURANT Serves the best foryou. It's the place to eat and the place to treat.

Cemplata Printing t«rvlc«


D. Schaftenaar, Prop. Phone 5328

Where is Created for Your Publicity

We Call For and Deliver

Just Received a new

Barber your hair

Will serve.youthe best in

The Colonial Barber Shop |

Beauty Parlor In Connection

The Home Volunteerss gathered together Prlday evening In the basement of Van Vleck Hall. The meeting was In charge of Prof. Hager. who spoke on the subject. "Preparation for the Ministry." He said that preparation should begin before one enters college. The Individual needs first of all the experience of salvation in his own life before he can point out that transition for the life bf others. In the second place he needs a Divine Call. Pather. mother or the local preacher often presses the young man to go Into the ministry. but he needs more than that, to be a successful minister. He needs to be called by God. Lastly be needs * to make a thorough preparation In college. He should have a dedication" of purpose. He should do everything to keep alive the experience with which he come to college. '



We have the Exclutive Agency in Holland for GILBERTS CHO:OLATES


Discuss Ministry


Holland Boot Shop

Slightly Used

Hot Fudge Sundaes



Prof. Hager Leads Home Volunteers

Steketee-Van Huis Printing House

Hot Chccolate ar.d Wafers


solemn exercises today, so may It be his privilege to be a participant In the still more solemn exercises that shall be held, as we trust, a few months hence, and on that day may he with Joyful heart be able to t u r n over to the proper authorities a bullding complete in all of its appointments and free from debt. That, that will be easily possible providing we, and the friends of Hope East and West, will contribute In proportion that we have been blessed." , The above Is an architect's drawing of Hope's new Memorial Chapel to be erected at an estimated cost of $260,000. The frontage over all north and south Is 220 feet, the depth is 190 feet, the large tower is 120 feet high, while the small turrets are 100 feet each. The main auditorium Is 60x92 feet, with a seating capacity of 960; the rear balcony Is 40x60 feet seating 360, the side balcony Is 16x72 feet seating sDGrwhlle the stage which Is 34x70 feet can seat 200. The seating capacity of the entire building Is well over

abominate with my whole bouI. yet the facts are not wanting that not a few of these schools have not only cut loose from the church but cut loose also Evangelical . Christianity, from the faith once delivered unto the Salnto, substituting philosophies heathen In their origin and antlChrlstlan In their tendencies, and sciences bold In their attack upon the King of Books. How do we know? By the test that Jesus has himself given us even t h e i r fruits. May I w h i s p e r it softly, by the sad, sad e x p e r i e n c e in ^ the lives of a few of Hope's brightest f and noblest sons. Only a few weeks ago a brother clergyman of another J denomination told me that while he N was pursuing a course of studies in ' 1 one of these highly lauded schools ^ he fell into a religious conversation ^ with an apparently well educated and well bred woman, when she suddenly Interrupted him by saying: Where do you get that line of religious talk?" and then she added: 2,000. 'Hell, I've tried It all, and there's On the main floor the main corrinothing In It for me.' 'This school,' dor Is 16x90 feet; the rooms for missaid my friend, 'Is shot through with sionary work, Bible study and Y. M. a spirit of skepticism, yea, with a C. A. and for other uses are 60x96 spirit of atheism.' Thank God that Is feet and there will be a store room not true of Hope. What we are wit26x48 feet. nessing to-day bears strong proof of The building Is to be built of Bedthat fact. PIrst things are still given ford stone on four sides. There will first place, the Christian religion Is be reinforced concrete walls, steel still holding the position of pre-embeams and concrete floors throughInence It did from the beginning. out. But while the past has been radiant It was necessary to change the with glory the future will be more architect's plans, building the tower glorious still. I lay no claim to the 20 ft higher In order to accommodate prophetic gift but I venture the asthe beautiful chimes given by Mr. sertion that what we are doing here C. M. McLean and family of Holland. today as friends of this Institution in In memory of the late Mrs. McLean. laying the corner stone of this magThe Westminster chimes are a 22 nificent memorial chapel will prove tone set costing at least $12,000. No to be the entering upon a new epoch city In Michigan outside of Detroit In the hlstry of our college. has a set that will equal these. The "Now that spirit so peculiarly chimes can be played from azi organ characteristic of Hope throughout key board or can be mechanically set three quarters of a century, has never to chime the hour, the half and the found tangible reallzaton In a buildquarter hour. These can also be reging beautifully expressive of this ulated to chime both day and night, religious Idea. That want Is now to or the night chimes can be eliminabe supplied. ted. "I am proud of my Alma Mnter; The beautiful rose window that proud that she's going to have the will be Installed Is from the class of rare distinction of erecting upon her 1916. campus a building of this type; proud The pulpit will be a unique affair that she's honoring the men that laid built of Rosewood, and Is the handiher foundation deep In the Word of work of Rev. Benj. Rotschafer of India. the living God; proud that she's lifting this Word and the Church that Is the bearer thereof to a higher level than they have ever been lifted here Phone 3499 before; but I am proud also of the man In whose fertile brain this noble building had Its birth; proud of Me man who with undaunted courage Exclusive and holy zeal has shouldered the load Incident to securing funds for SHOES & HOSIERY such a great undertaking, the greatTo Satisfy Us, O u r Shces est, perhaps, ever attempted In the history of our school—I refer, of Must Satisfy You. course, to Dr. Edward D. DImnent. JAMES BORR, And as It has been his privelege to 232 River Ave., opp. P. O . be an active participant in these

for all

Hot Coffee

Barbers Who Cater to Students FAY FORTNEY Rear of Ollies

(Continued from Page 1)

Have a Malted Milk -At-

Van longeron' L 8th Street



Idea! Lnnchet that reach the spot. CANDY




. . •J








We have a complete new line of



'/ I

Snappy Oxfords Exceptional in Value and Style


Warm Friend Tavern T H


S ^ ",d

"The College Widow" Added-Comedy—Nrws S A T U R D A Y - M a t i n r e i Daily

"Sailor Izzy Nuryhy" C<im dy


3 Acts V-A-U-D-E-V-I L-L-E Mondiiy E x t r a added Attraction

BIG COUNTRY STORE NIGHT w i t h A i l e e n P r i n g l r & Norn-an K e r r y in

"BODY AND SOUL" Added—Comedy- Niws T U E S D A Y , W E D N E S D A Y ar.d T H U R S D A Y , Oct. 26-26 27


"The Moon of Isral" T h e W o r l d ' s Most S t u p e n d o u s S p e c t a c l e ! A d d e d — C o m e d y - News.



"The Shadow on the Wall" E x t r a Added A t t r a c t i o n T h u r s d a y only

"Fred's Barrel of F u n " FRIDAY a n d S A T U R D A Y . Oct. 21-22

"The Wolf Hunter" Added Cutm dy and Serial. M O N D A Y . T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y . Oct. 26. 26 27

"The Gay Retreat" Added—Comedy-News

The Jerrold Co. smice


60 E. 8th St.

Phone 2995



you can do better"

SUITS Strictly

4^ 41


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u u . u x )



Make JERROLD'S your Headquarters for all your needs CLOTHING



Hope opened It s local M. I. A. A. football season with a wonderful victory over the fast Hillsdale outfit. Rarely has a Hope team displayed more fight then the team that va'ked out on the field at Rivervlew Park last Saturday. A record crowd came to see three good games and their expectations were more than fulfilled. It was a source of satisfaction to everyone to know that at last the team had arrived and will be a factor in all the remaining games in the fight for the confeionce championchip. They have whipped a team that was being groomed for the championship until it met an unexpected defeat at the hands of Hope. The first quarter found Hope on the receiving end of the kickoff, with R. Japplnga running It back to the 18-yard line. After falling to gain on two plays. Hope punted to the 49yard line where Capt. Rowe took the ball and ran through the entire Hope team and was finally stopped on Hopes* 19-yard line. Hope braced however and after failing to make their downs, Hope took the ball and immediately kicked out of danger. An exchange of punts netted Hills. dale 3 yards. The second quarter opened with Hope punting out of bounds on Hlllsdales' 9-yard line. Allinder immediately kicked out of danger for Hillsdale, Kleis taking the punt from the Hope 48 to the Hillsdale 45-yard line. Klcis made three yards, with Nettinga adding one. and R. Japplnga adding three more. On the fourth down Japinga kicked to the 10-yard line with the Hillsdale safety man fumbling the kick but recovered on his five yard line. Hillsdale kicked on the first down and It was Hopes' ball on the Hillsdale 45-yard line. Hope bound the Hillsdale line holding in fine style and so punted to Rowe who ran back from his 14 to his 38-yd line. Two exchanges of kicks produced no gain for either side and the half ended with Hillsdale In possession of the ball on its own 40-yard line. The third quarter opened with Hope kicking off to Voss who returned ten yards to his 35-yards line. Cascarelll carried the ball out of bounds for no gain. Rowe made ten yards on the next play and first

The Best Hot Fudge Sundae in Town



BOTERS Watch ojr Windows

SUITS at $22.J


A Complete Eastman Stock



R. Japplnga kicked off to Rowe who returned 15 yards to his 30-yard line. A pass was Incomplete, and the second Hillsdale pass was Intercepted by De Cook on the 45-yard line. Hope failed to gain. De Cook made five yards on the next play. Hillsdale opened up with a flock of passes hoping to t u r n the tide of the battle In the closing moments. Two passes were incomplete and a third pass was Intercepted as the game ended.

score. Hope started the second half In great style. The line opened big holes, and Becker and Scudder found the Olivet line for gains at each attempt. Marching down to less than twenty yards from the goal line Hope fumbled and a golden opportunity was lost. In the final period Olivet covered a fumbled ball near the goal line but lacked the punch to bring across the white line which meant a touchdown. A good brand of ball was displayed by both teams with Hope slightly outplaying the Olivet team. Hope's line was stronger, and her backfield was more successful on line plunges. Olivet had the edge on end running although her gains were small. Becker and Scudder proved to be the most consistent ground-gainers for Hope while Madden and Swarthout were the shining lights for the Olivet team.


Phone S470

Our complete Fdll and Winter showing of Co-ed dresses is now ready. The prices are always moderate.

Party and Dance Frocks of Taffetta and Georgette. Attractively Priced

Just received 103 Dresses for School and College. Sizes 13 to 19— 16 to 38. Specially pricei1.

JERSEY F R O C K S Fine in quality Beautifully made.

$9.75 to $25.50



25A Anniversary

Popular B o x M o d e l Overcoats for Young Men Look over our new stock before inresting in a Winter overcoat.

Long-Wearing Fabrics


Yes 1 And you'll find smart, snappy lines and finished tailoring in our Coats as well. The model shown at right in a variety of plain colors, fancy overplaids or novelty weaves. Topnotch value a t —




Men's Fancy


37c 49c 69c Pair Fall w e i g h t sox of l o f t a n d c o m f o r t f l b l e »i.k wnd w o o l at an a n u s o a l l y l o w p r i c e ! N e a t a l t r a c l i v e p a t t e i n s — s m a r t colorings—all sizes.

58 E. 8th St.

Holland, Mich.

H o p e i t es:-Best wishes for a profitable year at Hope. You are invited to use the Banking facilities of

The First Ntate Bank The oldest and the largest State Bank in the County


The entire Hope line gave a good account of Itself.

Fountain Pen Special Made by the Waterman Pen Co. Beautiful Green unbreakable barrel. 14 Karet Gold Pen. GEO. H. HUIZINGA & CO. Opp. Warm Friend Tavern

The Colonial Theatre Where you see the highest class photoplays and hear the best music.

Ice Cream 28 West 9th St.

The fourth quarter opened with Hope fighting desperately to score a touchdown, as It seemed as If the Hillsdale squad was weakening under the continual hammering. After failing to gain Russ punted to the Hillsdale 31-yard line where Hillsdale tried a pass on the first down. Nettinga Intercepted the pass and ran to the Hillsdale 23-yard line. Hope could not make her downs and It was Hillsdale's ball on her own 14-yard line. Porosky made ten vards around end. but Hawkins lost six on the next play. Allinder then punted to his 43-yard line. On the first play a pass to Van Lente was good for 23 yards. Nettinga added three. Hillsdale was penalized five yards. De Cook ihade two yards. On the next play a pass to Winter over the goal-line was good for a touchdown. Klay was successful with a place kick for the extra point.


For Your Photographic Needs and Gifts


A determined Hope freshman football team swept through the ranks of Coach Collin's' yearlings at Olivet but because of some unforunate breaks of the game were forced to go Into a scoreless tie with the Ollvetlans Much had been heard of the prowess of the Olivet frosh prior to the game and when they took to tho field, the husky team looked capable of verifying the umors of a great teams. ' The two teams went Into the game and before long It was felt that a close contest was'at hand . The Hope team was slow In getting started and Olivet played in Hope's territory a good deal the first quarter. In the second quarter, Scudder intercepted a pass, giving new life to the Hope men. but they were unable to score. Poor punting In the first

S1 s.oo

Hillsdale elected to kickoff and Russ Japplnga ran the kick back thirteen yards to his 26-yard line. Nettinga made six yards and Russ added three with Brute making It first down.

Hope Fresh Versus Olivet Frosh * Ends In Scoreless Tie At Olivet HOPE VEARLINUH LOOK CJOOI) IN


down. Porosky fumbled on his 40-yd line where R. Japplnga picked It up and ran for touchdown. Nettinga ran back the Hillsdale blcked-off to the 30-yard line. Hope made eight yards on three plays and on the fourth down punted to Wager standing on his 25-yard line who ran it back to . hlo 33-yard line. Porosky made 12 yards. At this stage of the game Kleis and Cascarelll were ejected from the game for staging a little battle all their own. Rowe made three yards. A pass Rowe to Wager was good for first down on Hopes' 39-yard line. On an end run Rowe ran to the 29-yard line with Porosky adding three and Wager losing three on the next play. On the next play a pass Rowe to Wager was good for a touchdown. The try for the extra pains was uncuccessful and thus the score was tied.


D O L O R E S r O S T E L L O in



Voa will meet the folks you know at the Colonial.

Cireeii Mill Cafe For a Good Lunch After the Play. CLEANLINESS, SERVICE, QUAUTY

Green Mill Cafe




FOR THINGS MUSICAL Pianos and Victrolas Rented Meyer Music House

17 W. 8th St.


Phone 5167

J «v ' A •.'.s 4 •« ;

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