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Hope College Anchor

SI SEE I BY T1BBER JENNINGS There seems to be a g r e a t deal of confusion these days in the Land of the Free, and, what with the omnipresent shadow of E u r o p e brooding like a vulture over the f u t u r e , it is most understandable. Even foreign developments, and the nightmare of London bombings can only partially o b s c u r e the national question, for not since 1917, when the country so enthusiastically accepted those scarlet decked invitations to Mr. Wil son's Coming-Out party, has interest been so sustained and violent. J O H N Q PUBLIC HOLDS TO DEMOCRACY The United States is hoping and trying to steer clear of all foreigr entanglements; its p e o p l e are striving to stem the flow toward an imminent depression; but morf important than these, John Q. Pub lie is endeavoring to hold on t( those principles of d e m o c r a c y which have left him religiously, personally and vocally free, and kept him prosperous and independent . . . Mistake me not when 1 say "the principles of democracy" . . . for many are there a t present who entertain the base suspicion that DEMOCRACY is not the only Greek name which might be applied to our government . . . also/Totalitarianism is an ugly word, but not necessarily an impossible one. Since the political machines of both parties have gone smash, and the presidential fight has become a m a t t e r of personalities, the greatest difficulty lies in unraveling the confetti from the main issues . . . Both candidates are laying a smoke screen that threatens to become really dangerous unless it shows some signs of dispersing before election . . . The p e o p l e naturally wish to choose the man who will do the best job, but such choosing is no longer a science . . . What with both men agreeing unexpectedly on some things, and orating indefinitely on others, it is Kike trying to play out a well staked hand while holding blank cards . . . The isolationist is now findinfrhimself completely isolated. R O O s W ^ T S f O T T&TyllGHTF U L ; NO MY DAY W A N T E D Mynheer Roosevelt can neither be very thoughtful n o r v e r y analytical . . . Jefferson, Madison. Monroe, and Jackson were great men both collectively and individually, yet they found it no hard task to place the welfare of their country above personal ambitions, and their loyalty to third term precedent should be indicative of the seriousness with which they regarded it. When any president considers himself indispensable to his country, he becomes dangerous . . . And then, too, if Wendell Willkie is elected, we should be spared the f u t u r e syndication of MY DAY . . . Keeping tab on Willkie's astounding leaps from one city to another is enough to make one seasick . . . but following Roosevelt is akin to sleeping death . . . However the old moral: "He who laughs last" was applied with marked success to the story of the hare and the tortoise . . . And you can laugh long on an empty stomach.

Kik, Bielefeld Win Community Chest Contest Henry Kik, Grand Rapids junior, and Emily Bielefeld, Holland senior, were w i n n e r s in a contest sponsored by the Community Chest organization to select two student speakers to promote the annual chest drive. Prof. Schrier judged the contest, which was held October 9. Winners will each receive five dollars. Mr. Kik and Miss Bielefeld will appear before many local groups to enlist the support of the citizens in the chest drive. A goal of $15,000 has been set to support various relief work in the city. Decisions in the contest were based upon the general effectiveness of five minute speeches.

Alcor to Plan Year A t Meet Tomorrow On Thursday Alcor will discuss plans and program f o r the coming year a t an afternoon tea. Officers f o r the year are Ruth Stryker, president, Bertha Vis, vice president, and Mary Bolema, secretary-treasurer. Alcor girls will again sell Homecoming favors.


Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland Michigan

Hope Graduate Mentioned For Outstanding Work

Hope Plans Homecoming Nov. 1 and 2

J . Oliver Lampen, '39, son of Prof, and Mrs. Albert E. Lampen, was mentioned for his work in connection with biotin in the Sept. 2.3 issue of Time m a g a z i n e . Mr. Lampen is working under an assistantship at the University of Wisconsin. Following a description of the work done with biotin and its associated substances. Time states, " J . 0 . Lampen and associates of the University of Wisconsin said last week that in minute traces, biotin seems to occur almost everywhere in animai and vegetable tissue. Without it, yeast cells and nitrogenfixing bacteria cannot live. In animals it seems to be necessary for normal enzyme function and skin and hair health. One gram of biotin dissolved in 25,000,000 gallons of water is enough to keep yeast cells alive. The biochemists conceded last week that biotin is the most powerful physiological substance known.''

Parade, Game And Banquet Mark Fete Card Plans for Homecoming on November 1 and 2 are already inder way and indications are .hat this year's event will be s gala an event as has ever aken place on the campus, acording to Homecoming Cohairman M a r g a r e t Bilkert, Calamazoo s e n i o r , and Jay /Vitte, Passaic, N. Y. junior.

Committees which have been ap»ointed are: banquet, Bob Dykstra ind Marthene Van Dyke, seniors; mblicity. Bob Idema and Harold y'olenbrander, s e n i o r s ; parade, (enneth Vanden Berg, junior and iuth Stryker, senior; house decoraions, Margaret Nagy, junior, and Van Zyl, Kleinheksel i ' h u r s t o n Rynbrandt, senior; ilumni, Kuth Stegenga and Gus Attend Chem Meet; / a n Eerden, juniors; pep meet, J. O . Lampen Speaks Odwin Carlin and Bob Verburg, During the early part of Sep: e n i o r s ; game, Joe Di Giglio, •enior, and Doug M a c G r e g o r , tember, Dr. G. Van Zyl and Dr. J. H. iunior. Kleinheksel of the chemistry department attended the American All Alumni Invited Chemical society's annual meeting, All alumni will be extended the nvitation to revisit their alma and have returned with some very .later by means of the Alumni interesting information concerning )ulletin which will be sent out next the work of Hope's graduates in chemistry. veek. Outstanding in t h i s field is J. The floats in the parade on FriOliver Lampen, '39, who is conductlay night, November 1, will be ing vitamin research work at the udged by out-of-town critics. On University of Wisconsin. At the he prograrrT the pep meeting meeting of the ACS, a society comvhich will follow the parade will posed of 20,000 m e m b e r s , Mr. )e E d d i e Dibble's band and an Lampen presented a paper on his ilumni speaker, as yet u n a nresearch subject, biotin, more comlounced. A bonfire and snake dance monly known as Vitamin H. Mr. ire being scheduled tentatively, Lampen is a son of Prof. Lampen of / o h y Vieggrf - j u m W r -nmh Marty Hope's mathematics department. Bekken, senior, are helping the pep Besides Mr. Lampen's paper, two .neeting committee in making armore were read by former Hope rangements. students at the American Chemical Alumni Banquet Friday society's meeting. Drs. Van Zyl and The big alumni banquet, to fol- Kleinheksel also report that there ow the Albion game, is to be held were present at the meetings a good in the Armory. With Bob Mont- n u m b e r of Hope graduates, all gomery, student council president, leaders in their various fields of icting as master of ceremonies, the chemistrv. )rogram will include speeches by Dr. Wynand Wichers and Coach Milton L. Hinga, chamber music by Eddie Dibble's group, and numjers by a girl's trio made up of ilumnae of the class of IMO. The nembers are Mary Jane Vaupell, Fhelma Kooiker, and G e r t r u d e Florence Dykema, M u s k e g o n Young. The alumni speaker and sophomore, and Norma Lemmer. .•?ong leader have not been selected, Kalamazoo freshman, were named but the banquet committee promise? chairmen of the sophomore and that thev will be real stars. freshman teams participating in the sixth annual Nykerk cup contest, at the fourth student council meetWomen's Glee Club ing held Oct. 8, by Robert MontElects Officers gomery, president. The contest will Officers were elected for women's be held Nov. 1H in Carnegie gymnasium. ^lee club at their first meeting this Coaches for the teams vieing in fall. Ruth Stryker, senior, was speech, song, a n d p l a y for the sleeted president; Ruth DeYoung, trophy are: Jean Wishmeier, Holvice president; Carolyn Kremers, land senior, for the class of '43; business manager; Betty Daugh- and Nola Nies, Holland junior, for the frosh girls. crty, treasurer; May Clonan, secreThe council also discussed plans tary; Dorothy Wichers and Ellen for holding traditional Dutch Treat Jane Koiker, librarians. The thirty week, when girls will choose their girls are studying various selections "dates", in early December. The which they hope to use at concerts final date, however, will be anand assemblies off the campus. nounced later.

Dykema, Lemmer To Head Nylcerk Cup Committees

Sophf Take Annual Pull max Win in Games NGN POLITICAL

It is already a known fact here that Dr. Teunis Vergeer is a prominent member of the state board of examiners in the basic sciences. Of the seventy-six students who took the last exam, g i v e n during the summer vacation, he claims to have flunked more than a n y other member of the board. The professor of pathology of Wayne University failed ten students; the professor of chemistry a t Wayne, eight; the professor of biology a t Alma, two; while our own "genial" Dr. Vergeer placed eleven on the black list! It looks like danger ahead for science majors! Birthday spreads are the vogue of the dormites—among the honored guests are Mary Ruth Jacobs, Janet Arnold, Betty McCann, Gertrude Bolema.


Harmon (Bud) Wierenga is still recuperating from tuberculosis a t Bethesda sanitorium, Denver, Colorado. He has been permitted to t a k e several courses a t the University of Colorado in Denver while recovering. He still plans to finish his college education a t Hope.

With tradition almost traditionally upset by reversals for the sophomores in the last two years, the second-year men came back strong Friday to drag the freshmen through Black river near Waverly in the annual "pull", and thereby conclude the annual froshsoph games with a win. The strong-armed team of last year's frosh again saved themselves The FROSH—you have to give them credit for it—were making t mid-river stand when this picture was taken during the annual pull last Friday. The sophs won in 23 minutes, 24 seconds.

a cold wetting despite the desperate efforts of a light and unexperienced freshman team. In Holes 16 Minutes

Frosh Dig Holes, Eat Worms; Three Classes Enjoy Pull "It was a great fight, mom, but

The freshman girls (they in the

we lost," sighed all the downcast green tarns and ribbons you know ?) freshmen as they wearily wended with their sponges and lemons their way homeward after the were like answers to prayer for disastrous dunking in Black River the tired "pullers." And their last Friday. Not that they were a t signs — "Frosh Green Cross" — all prejudiced, of course! Clever, huh? Then there was the But take it for all in all, it was boy who said he didn't like oranges but preferred tangerines! a great day. My deah! The atmos- | We liked the officials, smug and phere! Cows, N' everything! And secure, cruising about in their the boys on the team digging holes palatial yachts while we stepped and making mud pies. Maybe they on other people's toes and hollered. were fiunting for worms. Swell day And the coaches whose vocal abilifor fishing, if nothing else, re- ties can speak for themselves. Black River, cold and wet, fancy marked one child prodigy we saw that, was muddied like the Missamong the crowd. issippi when those husky warriorA went through. The facial expressions of the innocent bystanders (on Hie Frosh side of course) were enough to make anyone burst into tears. Oh me, sad is the tale, and best skipped over hurriedly. We just don't mention that in polite circles, anymore! T h e chemistry department of

Seven Hope Chem Majors Placed In Grad Schools Hope college announced Wednesday

that every 1940 graduate who majored in chemistry has been located 1 in a promising position. During the s u m m e r vacation. Thomas Houtman accepted an assistantship in chemistry at Louisiana State university, Baton Rouge, La. Glen Quist of Holland accepted a position as assistant in the teaching of chemistry at Kansas State coHege, Manhattan, Kan. Others who left to assume their duties as assistants and for the continuation of their work in graduate schools are: Eugene Flipse, who will be at Harvard university; James Hinkanip who left recently for Ohio State university; Earl Purchase who accepted a full time instructorship at the University of Vermont; David DePree who will be at Massachusetts State college; and Milton Denekas who continues his work in chemistry at Western Reserve university, Cleveland, 0 .

Hope Men Plan New Organization

On Oct. 8 forty-seven men gath ered in the chapel to discuss plans for the organization of a club to be composed of all men interested in the ministry or mission work. No officers were elected but a committee was elected to consider various names f o r the group and to plan the next meeting. The c o m m i 11 e e elected was: William Miller and Robert Swart, seniors; Raymond Olthof, junior; D a n i e l Fylstra. sophomore, and Robert Johnson, freshman. In an attempt to elect a president, a tie resulted b e t w e e n William Miller and Robert Swart, both seniors, one of whom will be elected at the next meeting Oct. 22. Other officers will be elected and a name will be chosen for the organization.

Republican Mee^

Next Monday initiates the first

And then there was the fresh-

exchange dinner of the girls' dormi- man, who in blissful ignorance, retory



f r a t e r n i t y houses. marked to his pal,


Yeah, and 1

Phyllis Newcastle, Kalamazoo se- heard that each fraternity had a nior, is chairman of the affair.

private little 'highball' session be-

Young Republicans of Holland or- fore they sent out the bids."

ganized October 14 in Republican Prof. Bast conducted the church Headquarters with Dr. Bruce Rayservices at the Second Reformed mond, professor of history at Hope, church of Grand Haven, Sunday, officiating. Eddie Dibble was named October 13. president; Johnnie Visser, viceGertrude Bolema and Dorothy Wendt, both of Muskegon, are th«{ president; Ruth Stryker, secretary. new freshmen house board meitf* bers of Voorhees hall, elected in tfce house meeting held October 9. President Wynand Wichers spent several days last week campaigning f o r the proposed science building by speaking before groups in New York, New J e r s e y , and other eastern fitifti

Frosh Strategy Fails to Outdo Soph Weight


Frosh Girls, Soph Boys, Victorious In Games Thursday

Warned, Bast Conducts Warning to all science students:

October 16, 1940

Neteon A. Miles, state representative, was the main speaker. The club is sponsored by the Willkie f o r President club of Ottawa county. Dorothy Waldo and Nancy Boynton have been appointed co-chairmen of the Queen's float for t h e home coming parade by the W A L president, Margaret Bilkert.

Coach Hinga has to read the alphabetical list of names f o r his first hour history class s l o w l y these days. If he reads the names of Paul—Eried and Bob H a m m too rapidly, the result is "fried ham". We suggest that those unsuspecting frosh girls who were taken for "rides" and smeared with green paint a f t e r the inter-class games adopt " A f t e r the Brawl Was Over" as their t h e m e song. A h ! The country is so lovely in the f a l l ! The boys in the f r e s h m a n gym classes had their physical examinations on Tuesday, October 8.

For Ifi minutes the two teams, under the coaching of Bill Vlieger and Vernon Meerdink for the frosh, and Bill Hasbrouck for the sophs, pulled in their holes. The frosh took in a little rope during this period on the stroking and seemed a bit stronger than their opponents in this department. At the end of the IG-minute period, when both teams were ordered onto their feet by the judges, the heavier sophomqjre team, by reason of their w e i g h t and experience, seemed to completely outclass the frosh. Frosh Attempt Strategy Freshman A1 De Voogd crossed the stream and attempted to break the time of the sophomore team by swinging the rope, but the sophs were successful in breaking out the frosh anchor man, and the resistance dwindled rapidly. In midstream the frosh recovered and made a strong rally to slow up the drag. The first freshman crossed the opposite bank 23 minutes and 24 seconds a f t e r the first gun. Local historians stated that it was one of the shortest pulls in the history of the college. Sophs Repeat Win It was the second victory for the Sophomores, a difficult distinction to win in this classic. As frosh they pulled their superiors through, in their case, superiors who had also won in their first year. Time was ripe for a reversal, for too many victories for the green teams tend to swell their immature noggins. Now they must pot to the Sophs, and extend them all the deference given the upperclassmen. The pull was marked again by the tender mercies and attentions of inspiring b e a u t i e s of both classes who hurried up and down their respective lines, comforting fevered brows. It is suspected that many of the agonized expressions of the m a r t y r s in the pits are not so much the result of stress and strain as of a desire to have some sweet thing rush up, sympathy in her eyes (contested by admiration) and coo encouragement into the sufferers ear. Senior judges on the freshman side were Bob Dykstra, Gus Van Eerden and Harry Snell. Junior judges on the sophomore side were James Barr, Ken Vanden Berg and Blaise Levai. Bill Tappen and A1 Shiphorst acted as time-keepers. Soph Men Win Games The sophomore boys swamped the f r e s h m e n a t the games on Thursday, 31-17. The contests included pillow fights and the pole climb. On the girls' side, the frosh made up f o r the boys' defeat by winning f o u r out of seven contests. These games included balloon-busting, football relay, football throw, potato race and three 440 relays. Of these, the sophs won the balloonbusting and two of the three relays, while the frosh took the remainder. Judges f o r the games were Bill Tappen, Ray M e y e r s , Gus, Van Eerden and Ward Toner. Ken Vandenberg and Betty Daugherty were in charge of the boys' and girls' divisions, respectively.

Hope College Anchor

Page Two

Hope Colle{e flnchor Published every two weeks during the school year, by the students of Hope College Entered as seoond class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 1108 of Act of Congress, October S, 1917, authorized October 19, 1918.

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year . . Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan. Telephone 9436.

Campus Capers..

THE STUDENT PRINTS By Nola Nles and Peggy Hidden

Thnooper Eyes Frosh Push-Pull Method, Senior Dignity, Chamber Music Group, And Lincolns Lady Killing Technique By T H E THNOOPER




Yo-o-Heave-Ho — It's the Pull of innocent fun . . . By the looks

PUsocioied Cblle6tde Press

that done it to us and have you of Artie Timmer and his face a f t e r Fritz Bertsch noticed the Frosh Pull team walk- that scramble and flag-tearing afKen Poppen, Lorraine Timmer ing with the old Palmer Method ter chapel, the more experienced

Rditor-in-chief Associate Editors

""EDITORIAL S T A F F " Forrest Prindle, Milt Verburg Eddie Dibble Ruth Stryker Eugene Ten Brink Forrest Prindle

News Editors Sports Editor Feature Editor Photography Editor Headlines Special Reporters —

Milt V e r b u r g , LeHter L a m p e n , J e a n R u i t e r , W a l l a c e V a n L i e r e . J o h n W e s t h o f . N a n c y B o y n t o n , F l o r e n c e D y k e m a , N o r m a B e c k s f o r t , W e n d y R a m e a u , Dorothy i.uriiD. b l a s e Levai. M a r y h e l l e r , J e a n n e H o i i o n , H o w a r d m a a t m a n , I r m a Sioi»r r l s . Edit 1 ' K i a n r e n . A r t h u r T a y l o r .

of push and pull — they're rehears- class took it on the chin (or shall ing for next year cause it can't we say pan) too — The thnooper will give its recomhappen twice . . . Dutch Hofmeyer thought it was pretty bad while mendation to Eddie Dibble and his it was going on "but Gosh, it was Chamber Music group any day, almost worth it to have all those cause never have we seen such Frosh belles work on us, cause we "gentile" and "truly g r e a t " issuing don't get t h a t attention much;" you forth of musical gems . . . (Our know, you saw them too . . . there

Freshman Reporters — Larry Beltman, Fritzi J o n k m a n ,

Rovrer RietberK, J a c k


Faculty Adviser

comments on their down-to-earth were Norma Lemmer, Betty Mc- jamming have been censored) . . . Paul Brouwer Cann, Marge Emory, J a n e t Clark, Prexy really did himself proud that


and several others, all d a i n t i l y night too, and don't tell us that A1 Van Dyke "mushing lemons and chocolate at he doesn't appreciate such "modern Irma Stoeppels the fellows and slopping their faces symphonies" . . . George Lumsden Editorials ami feature articles express the views of the writer. They with w a t e r " . . . Doris Van Lente, as an autograph seeker ought to Margie Bilkert, Phizz Newcastle, go into housekeeping . . . And as make no claim of representing official Hope College opinion. and Ruth DeYoung were seen up- to our Chamber Music l e a d e r ,

Business Manager Circulation Manager

Chapel Service Changed?

holding the Seniorish dignity and

hasn't he been really "dibbling"

so the snooper, who sees all, hears

into a great variety of Hope coeds

Last year the student council waged a battle to correct many of the evils of the chapel system. An a t t e m p t was made to improve the chapel decorum and make it a real period of worship. Editorials were written and students were requested through a letter to the editor to conduct themselves in a manner befitting a chapel service. But this accomplished little. This year the faculty took the situation in hand and appointed a chapel committee, under the direction of Rev. Bast, to examine the situation and make recommendations. The result has been most g r a t i f y i n g to the s t u d e n t s and faculty alike. The committee has posted a member of the faculty in t h e rear of the chapel so t h a t the r e a r seats may no longer be occupied by c h a t t e r i n g late comers. The chapel services s t a r t on time regardless of the presence of either faculty or chapel choir. Announcements from the chapel have been cut to a minimum in order t h a t the atmosphere may not be broken. Even the special music has come under the scrutiny of the committee's music chairman. It is only fitting t h a t we ask students to cooperate in order t h a t we may show our appreciation for the a t t e m p t t h e faculty has made to improve our chapel services. We should put forth our best efforts to arrive in chapel on time. A f t e r we have become seated, we should -ihow p r o p e r respect. acting in a more reverent manner. Chapel should not be the place that you give and receive the latest gossip. Last but not least we should sing the hymns that a r e chosen by our music director. He is t r y i n g his best to improve the sarvice with a good selection of hymns that we know and can sing. Lets all come to chapel on time, sing the hymns, pay respect due the speaker, and receive the inspiration that can be derived f r o m such a service. R.P.

all but knows nothing, will forget lately . . . "the more the merrier" to say t h a t they did jump around we always say — and jitter a bit when they forgot Pi Kappa Delta, our intelligent-


Results in the poll conducted Friday by The Anchor are as follows: For President:

B o x Would





Willkie—305. Roosevelt.—57 Norman Thomas—3 more

s y m p h o n i c m u s i c ? O r d o you h a v e

Economic under:

s y m p h o n i c r e c o r d s t h a t you would

some good recordings, or if you would like to play some of your own. you are invited to join a club which will be organized for that purpose. The idea was suggested recently by Freshman M u r r a y Snow, and several other people seem interested in it. So whether you have any recordings or not, call Murray or Mrs. Curtis Snow and tell them that you are interested. Five o'clock each Thursday has been suggested as a time for the meetings. Watch the bulletin board for a definite announcement. Don't forget that Harold Bauer is playing with the Grand Rapids Symphony this Friday. You can get season tickets from Mrs. Snow for one dollar. Seats for the single concert, however, are available at the box office. There are a limited number of tickets a*ailable for Dorothy Maynor's concert in Grand Rapids, Oct. 28. Season tickets f o r the entire East Church Course can be purchased from Harold Leetsma. If you want a ticket f o r Miss Maynor's concert only, it would be wise to buy it immediately, either a t the box office (Civic Auditorium) or by mail.

More specific aid to England: No—165. Yes—143.

• ,

The Finer Things to Eat Next to Tower Clock. River Ave.

Choose the

Holland Country Club for Fraternity & Sorority Parties

Thos. J. Singer, Mgr. Phone 9162


Drug Store

Three to five years—37. No immediate possibility— 133. Should Canada be allowed to train aviators in U.S.? Yes—114. No—186.

at their opening dinner . . . Prof Bast and Bob V e r B u r g really played a bang-up game of pingpong with profuse gestures and elaborately sweeping form . . . and it was such a speedy game, the ball couldn't be seen and seemed to be absent entirely (in fact, it was) . . . Ice cream was beautifully and delicately served in a manner fitting the general tone of the meeting . . . in tops of casseroles, plates cut in half, coffee cups and such— for the sake of variety, the committee had deserted Emily Post and did the dessert service a-la-Mary Ruth Jacobs . . . (Is that what Fremont advocates as the correct thing to do?) . . . Now, yours truly takes a regretful "powder," and if no revenging campusite decides to do a "Green Hornet" act on the ttop^Ufcni^tft^pest and unb^sirable, there will be more hidden skeletons dragged into the open in the next issue.

Ice Cream

Cones Malteds Sundaes

MILLS ICE CREAM 206 College A v e . i Phone 2740 — We Deliver

Burgundy Cherry 1 C_ Royal Sundae . . 1 DC Its Delicious Ice Cream covered with Black Tasty Cherries, Whipped Cream and Nuts.

Jumbo M a l t e d s . ' v ^

Kodaks and K o d a k FiBiihing, Framing and G i f t s

Enjoy our New Soda Booths




. •

wishes for Hope College and Tfre Anchor the Success it Merits

Radio Repairing A l l T y p c i of T u b c i .

V •• ' •


New Line of Top Coats



Vanderlinde & Visser 50 East 8th St.



6 East 8th St.

Phone 3055

BORR'S Better Shoes

The Tavern with Best Cuisine—Pleasing



Attention... Hope Students! Have You Ever Tried Our Economy Fluffed Dry Service at 9c per Pound?




This Hotel Specializes in Catering for Class and Society

Expert Jeweler and

Ours are the pride of the Campus.





Would such p.id bring about war? Yes—203. No—101. War anyway within: One year—53. Two years 72.

sia, wasn't it, last Monday night

Mary Jane RestaurantPackage


Dress Shoes Many famous nukes to suit your fancy.

SAMPLE BUNDLE: 3 shirts, 2 drawers, 2 undershirts, 1 pajama, 3 pair socks, 6 handkerchiefs, 3 soft collars, 3 towels, 3 wash cloths. Average weight, four pounds — 36 cents. NOTE L This is probably less than the parcel post charge for sending home and return. NOTE II. You may have any or all of the shirts in this bundle finished at 10 cents each.


We Hope to see Hope's Students Borr's 21 W. 8th St.

Bootery Phone 2821

********* m . , . .

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Allen's Radio Shop



For Anything in Fine Printing . . .


All Work Guaranteed


Seen at the Dorm Open House was "Rangy Abe" Lincoln, making those bee-u-ty-full sweeping bows to all the good-looking upper class gals . . . Notice to all Frosh men . . . Please analyze "Rangy Abe's" Technique and then see if you can do Ijkewise — Speaking of P r e s s men, what happens to Bill' Van Kleef's ideals of tradition and "the chosen f e w " a f t e r the past weeks


Willkie—169. Roosevelt—50.

like other people to h e a r ?

If you would enjoy listening to


themselves and went back to their "greener" years . . . A1 De Voogd must have illusions of Tarzan or sompin, cause he sure e n o u g h made a pretty picture in the middle of the river exhibiting all his brute strength to pull the whole Soph team into the river . . . Did someone mention that the Soph's did pull rather inch-by-inchish after the green upholders were once initiated into the gentle a r t of wading in the river at the end of a rope — Could it be that the sight of the Frosh taking such a bath was worth prolonging —

Well, the Student Council Prery called the Froah-Soph meeting to water, and a lot of aqua has flowed over the Frosh since the last Anchor. So now is the time for all good Sophs to say **1 told you so!" SP And while we're on the subject — . Wain, wain, go away I Tsk, tsk, Michigan wetter! SP We're trying to get Fritz to put us on the Fifth Colyum. O. K.—so we aren't funny but we've got a sense of rumor. SP The sorority round-robins had everybody going cuckoo. (Bet we get the bird for that onel) Well, it is our excellent opinion that when you start walking the stwate and narrow you have to quit making the rounds. S P Apropos of autumn foliage: The Frosh aren't really jealous — they always turn green this time of year. S P Did it ever occur to you that the Dorm girls definitely have something wrong with their tipper story? No foolin', the roof leaks. SP MYSTERY: Who is this blonde bonfire that blazes levai? S P Out of considerashun for the new stoodence your St. Pr. (NOT stewed prunes!) offers now a few prof, verbs which it may be well to heed: (1) A prof, in the pen. is worth two in the college. (2) A strolling Soph gathers no knowledge. (3) All is not bright that bluffs. (*) A thing of duty is a bore forever. (!>) Man wants few quizzes here below Nor wants those quizzes long. S P E U R O P E A N S I T U A T I O N : Peace packt in a shoot case. S P Maybe Joe Witworth did escape from Yail but he's got a haircut that reminds us of a boyish boob. S P CONFIDENTIAL: It's a frosh egg that gets slapped in the pan. S P We hate to admit it but there are things that happen when you least expect them most. This is it: One brite and sunny A. M. When th-ere was lots of weather A Frosh went dashing past With his coat just Vi together J We started in to razz him But he did not even grin ^ 1 And we heard him faintly murmer "I'm late to class agin." SP And now, dear Doris Vanderborgh, we bestow upon you some of our words of wisdom. The next time you feel the cowboy spirit coming on remember that you can stuff a horse full of hay but that doesn't make the ride any softer. SP Therefore and to wit, good customers, what can we serve you that we haven't got and would you like it with or without? Without? Without what? Without chocolate? Sorry, but you'll have to take it without vanilla 'cause we ain't got no more chocolate.

9 East 10th St.

Phonea: 4837 and 9231

' Holland, Michigan



Hope College Anchor

A t

H o p e

a n d

For the second time in MIAA history, the Hope Dutch have lifted the scalp of the Kalamazoo Horneta. Last Saturday afternoon, the Hingamen spoiled the Hornets homecoming by pushing over the only tally of the game. The Hopemen were stronger than the score would indicate. At least two opportunities f o r scoring t h a t normally would hnve been m a r k e r s were passed up. Whitey Riemersma carried the ball f o r the only score. Captain George Heneveld received the ball used in the game from Coach Hinga, to whom it had been given f o r the victory. The coach also brought back the pair of wooden shoes t h a t goes to the victor of this scramble. Bob Montgomery played the hardest game he has turned in this year, as everyone on the team will bear out. Captain "Yutz", and bis senior teammates have never been beaten by a Kazoo team. As frosh, his class beat the Hornet frosh, the following year, the varsity tied Kazoo, and have beaten them the past two years. Tait of Alma, the character who in the Alma-Hope game made it a point, to avoid hitting the ground with the ball in his hands, also r a n lotose and wild against Hillsdale. Lateraling his opponents to a standstill, he was most responsible for the 39-0 score his team piled over the heads of the Dales Looking at this score, it would seem that wg hold a good edge over the Dales. However, the Dales beat Kazoo 14-7. We have said before that Hope should have h;!d a better score in the Kazoo game, but this is not fact. The Dutch show greater strength, but the advantage is not large enough to allow crowing. Onlookers at t h e frosh-soph pull of last week were im pressed no little by the nonchalance of sophomore coach Will Hasbrouck who arrived at the river snappily dressed in a stylish brown suit and an unworried expression. Inquiry reveals that beneath this unruflfled exterior was a pair of purple swimming trunks. ..Wilf was impressive, but not unprepared. ..Incidentally, the translation of Hasbrouck, and this according to Prof. Howithertz. is "rabbit pants".



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against Hillsdale there.

The l l o p e freshmen, in an attempt to b a l a n c e the ledger, brought home a victory a t the expense of Alma's frosh Wednesday, Oct. 9 under the lights a t Riverview Park. Early in the first period, Gary Koopsen toted the mail to a 24 yard score, ending a trek from midfield. The kick f o r the extra point was wide. The rest of this period was almost even, with Alma taking the edge in kicking from K o o p s e n whose kicks were all hurried by the forward wall of the visiting frosh aggregation. The second q u a r t e r was the stage of Hope's second score when Davis scored on an intercepted pass from inside the ten a f t e r Koopsen and Whitworth had carried the pigskin deep into Alma territory. This quarter f o r the remaining time was like the first with Alma still keeping the edge' 5 'in kicking.


This will

be homecoming f o r the Dales. It is the first time Hope has played a Hillsdale homecomng since four years ago when the Dutch beat them 14-6. Last year, a t Hope's homecoming, this same team replaced the festive mood of the dy with a dolorous one, beating the Hingamen 30-7. This year the klompen boys intend to reverse the situation. The Dale team this year is not as tough as that of last. Of the six veterans back f o r Harwood, those best remembered from last year3 game are Coburn, Touhy, and Ekland. Coburn ran and passed the Dutch ragged last year.

made with SW/fet-Ice C r e a m

Hingamen Bring Home Bacon to Happy Mentor in 7-0 Victory

Hope met its first defeat in the MIAA wars under lights friday Oct. 4, by a score of 20-7, at the hands of Alma, the powerful favorite to grab the league bunting. The first quarter was the scene of the initial Alma score when, a f t e r an early exchange of kicks, Kirby followed up a long run by Tait to score from the twelve on a left end run. The rest of the period was mainly a series of kick exchanges, however, Hope was twice within Alma's thirty by virtue of two holding penalties on Alma. Timmer Scores for Hope "Rabbit" Timmer o p e n e d the second quarter with a beautiful piece of broken field running to the tune of a 52 yard touchdown trek. Bob Montgomery converted to put Hope ahead for the first and last time in the fracas. After the kickoff. Alma's march was ended by a fumble at midfield, which was recovered by Art Kronemeyer. After a beautiful pass from Monty to Idema for fifteen yards, Hope fumbled and Alma started another trek. This ended when Tait was hit hard on a play from the four and fumbled, Phil Waalkes recovered.

Hope d e f e a t e d the Kalamazoo eleven for the second time since joining the MIAA, by a score of 7-0 Saturday, Oct. 12, as Kazoo celebrated her annual H o m e c o m i n g . Speedster "Whitey" Reimersma scored the only touchdown of the game on a fifteen yard run which started from a f a k e reverse lateral. Montgomery converted ending the scoring.

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Hope Holds Advantage This game, although not as fast as it might have been because of the heat, was, nevertheless a thrilling one. Hope held the upper hand all the way, keeping Kazoo ever behind the thirty yard line. Steve Dalla's kicking was the sourcc of strong opposition which kept the score down. Monty did the kicking for Hope, and his good work in this department was well backed by the work of George Vanderhill who was down under every one of his boots to stop M i c k e y Van Keuren before he got started. In the second quarter, and again in the third, Monty attempted to stretch the score via field goals, but both attempts were unsuccessful. Hope once passed up a chance to score when they took to the air in pay territory, a f t e r a substantial gain through the line. The Hornets intercepted, and Hope was stopped for the moment. Heat Old Rivalry This is one game of the year that both teams are at their best, as the Dutchmen are fighting to win for Coach Hinga, a Kazoo alumnus, and the Hornets are fighting to defeat this alumnus. Since this rivalry started back in 1910, twenty-two games have been p l a y e d , with Kazoo winning 15, Hope 4, and 3 ending in ties. Two of Hope's victories were scored in the two last contests, and the other two coming before the debut of the MIAA league. Since this debut in 1931, Hope has won two, lost six, and tied three. Throughout this rivalry, Hope has scored only 90 points while the Hornets tallied 355 points. The most lopsided score came in the second contest in 1912, being G4-5 in favor of Kazoo. Maybe this set of statistics in some way accounts for the keenness of the rivalry.



Phone 2847

Kazoo Bows 2nd Time to Team of Former Hornet

Battleship Tait Scores Twice as Alma Moves Step Closer to Bunting

The probable lineup will' place Lagg at left end, Fry at left tackle, Manby at left guard, Hobart at center, Klophestine at right guard, Gunne at right tackle, Touhy at right end. In the backfield, Wright The third quarter saw the only will quarter, Coburn will be at right half. La Roux a t left half, points of Alma scored as Car! and Eklr.nd at full. Davis plowed his way to six points Sol Wolf and Gord Piatt, big and missed the a f t e r tally. He had threats of the past for the Dales, up to this time done a good bit of and both holders of All-MIAA the Alma running. The yardage berths, Wolf at tackle, Piatt in the advantage came to Alma at this backfield. are assisting Coach Harpoint when Koopsen muffed a bad wood this year. The Hopemen are center on a punt formation and the rested up, having no game this Alma made her next score in visitors recovered in home terriweekend and are missing none the third quarter, a f t e r moving tory. from the lineup. There were no from one end of the field to the Both teams threatened in the injuries in the Kazoo game Oct. 12. other because of her tricky laterals fourth stanza, but neither team and Hope's kicks. The score came could put over that final punch. from Alma's 37, when, a f t e r a Throughout the contest, Hope held lateral pass, Tait took the ball to the edge, and the contest displayed pay territory. some promising lads for M.I.A.A. The last quarter ended Alma's future. Sarton of Alma's line, and scoring when, a f t e r an attempted Carl Davis at quarterback f o r the field goal, Hope took the ball on S c o t s looked promising, as did the 20, but Alma scored when Tait Gary Koopsen and Davis of Hope's intercepted Montgomery's pass on rear guard, and Yeomans, Slager, the first play, carrying the score to and Morgan of our forward wall. 18, and the point after carrying The toe of Carl Davis shook off it tn 19-7. threats time and again, while the Scots Show Champ Caliber all-round work of Koopsen kept This game, from beginning to Hope on the upper side of the conPants, K h a k i . . . 50c end, deserved the title of a chamtest. pionship game, for both t e a m s Colored . 75c played a very good brand of ball. Hiipe^kpwever, w a s . no match, f o r S o 7 . 3 5 c the Alma line, which outweighed the Dutchmen. Alma's gains f o r CROSS the most part were dependent on Converse Barber factor, for they needed that Shoes $2.00 & S3.50 this added time given by a heavy line to start them. The lateral played A l l Star an i m p o r t a n t part in Alma's Leather Shoes $5.00 ground gaining, and no coach could AFTER THE GAME go wrong, or deny the value of a A SANDWICH AT strong line plus the superb running of Battleship Tait. Hope's light but fighting line did a job none could be ashamed of, as did her fleet T H E BEST IN MEALS AND 206 River Ave. backs. Heneveld, Bekken, Tappan SANDWICHES and Van Dyk stood out on the line, while Reimersma, Monty, and Timmer are due for bows in the rear flank. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT


Swiff s Ice Cream

Saturday, October 26, the Dutch

Koopsen, Roy Davis Score For Dutch; C. Davis Counters for Alma

We Have l t ~


Follow Open Date Dutch Take It With Hillsdale 11 On Nose; Alma Away October 26 Scots Win 20-7

A w a y . . . | ^ ^ ^ by Eddie Dibble

Page Three



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Hope College Anchor

Pago Four

Pi Kappa Delta Elects Jacobs and Becksfort To Fill Vacancies

YW Inducts Frosh, Miss Gibbs Speaks Tuesday, October 15, YW mem-

Pi Kappa Delta elected Mary an impressive Ruth Jacobs, F r e m o n t senior, to fill candle-light recognition service for the office of president which was the f r e s h m a n girls. Eloise Boynton. vacated by the death of Anthony Pennings last s u m m e r . Norma YW president, c o n d u c t e d the Becksfort, junior from Holland, will service. succeed Miss Jacobs as vice presiA f t e r the reading of the official dent. Elections were held Oct. 7 at YWCA litany by Eloise Boynton, the first meeting of the year in the Miss M a r g a r e t Gibbs, Hope college commons room. librarian, spoke to the girls on the A social period and supper pres u b j e c t , "Christian Fellowship." ceded the election and a f t e r w a r d "But if we walk in the light, as He Prof. Schrier reported on the Michiis in the light, we have fellowship gan Inter-collegiate speech meeting one with another," was the thought in East Lansing which he attended left to the girls by the speaker. the preceding Friday. Plans were Special music consisted in a solo, made for the speech program of the "The Holy City." by Bertha Vis, year. It was decided a speech rally and Charles Wakefield Cadman's of all interested students will be "(Jalilee," sung by a trio composed held at 4 o'clock on Oct. 22. of Ruth Stryker, Mary Bolema, and Bertha Vis. Carolyn Kremers also played a selection of hymns on her violin. bers w i t n e s s e d

Muskegon Minister Presents Vivid Pictures to Y M

Tuesday, October 22, Miss Metta .1. Ross will speak to YW on the subject, "The Christian Spirit in Art."

Rev. Bert Brouwer of Muskegon, counsellor and g u i d e to young people, addressed the YMCA last HAVE YOUR EYES E X A M I N E D night. His vivid Bible pictures in by story a p p e a r weekly in the Sunday School Guide. With the large attendance, an inspiring song service was held under Optometrist the direction of William Miller, se24 E a s t 8th S t r e e t nior. Special music was rendered by William Goodrow, junior. At the meeting of Oct. 22, Mr. Fred C. Van Hartesveldt, Detroit AGENCY business representative f o r t h e No. 6 East 8th St. Wheeler Van Label Co., will speak to the men. Holland, Mich.

W. R. Stevenson


Miller Named Vice-President by Blue Key Society


William Miller, Detroit senior, is the new vice-president of Blue Key, national honor f r a t e r n i t y , replacing the late Anthony Pennings. He was elected at the meeting held October 9 in the F r a t e r n a l house. A committee composed of A1 VanDyke, Bob Dykstra, and Gordon VanWyk was appointed by President F r i t z Bertsch to make plans f o r the annual Blue Key formal dinner to be held early this year. Present at the meeting were thirteen Blue Key men and two faculty members.

COSMOPOLITAN Elmer Morgan, maestro elite, opened the Cosmopolitan meeting F r i d a y n i g h t with a neighbor-jarr i n g song session. Clinton Harrison delivered a humor ppp^r entitled "The Fangdoozler", while Senior William Miller lent serioufl tone t3 the meeting with " H a r b o r Pilot". Ja c k Whelan was m a s t e r critic of the social meeting. The selling of slaves occupied the remainder of the evening.

lowing the gr oup s i n g i n g , the pledges were given an o p p o r t u n i t y to show their paddling ability in t h e f o r m of an elimination contest. A f t e r this e x t r a o r d i n a r y exhibition, the glowing pledges were sold to the members of the f r a t e r n i t y f o r a nominal fee. Howard M a a t m a n , senior, read a serious p a p e r ent i t l e d "Educational Recreation." The social meeting of the evening was concluded with the singing of the Knick song.

FRATERNAL A humor paper by H a r r y Hakken entitled "The Log Book of N o a h " allowed F r a t e r s at their regular meeting Friday night to give vent to their pent-up laughter. A serious paper by Bob Hoek was entitled "The Master Key". Ken Poppen provided the musical division of the progrem with a piano solo. Ets Kleinjans performed the duties of m a s t e r critic.

DELPHI From all r e p o r t s the round-robin r u s h i n g rough-house was a success, and naturally the Delphians did their part. Each installment of frosh and new girls to arrive at Marjorie Brouwer's h o m e was greeted by President R u t h Schuitema and each young lady was presented with a miniature " c a m p u s kid." A f t e r Miss Brouwer had s u n g a Delphi version of " S i g m a Chi" the sorority members introduced the new girls and themselves individually. How and why it got on the program is still a mystery but Nola Nies read a paper on everything in general and nothing in particular and dedicated it to the new students.

McFarlin, Negro Tenor, To Sing Here Sunday Pruth McFarlin, talented Negro tenor, will appear in a concert Sunday at 4 o'clock in Hope Memorial chapel. Mr. McFarlin at present is a member of the faculty of the Piney Woods s c h o o l at Piney Woods, Miss., using his talent to help the less f o r t u n a t e of his race. Mr. McFarlin is rapidly becoming recognized as a great American tenor. The singer's accompanist is his wife. Hazel McFarlin, who is an a r t i s t in her own right. His prog r a m o p e n s with "The Lord's P r a y e r , " Mallotte, a n d contains other ever-popular Negro Spirituals. The program is sponsored by t h e Holland Christian Endeavor union.

EMERSONIAN The Emersonian meeting of October 11 was opened by a song service led by Frank Lepori. The main business of the meeting was the selling of slaves. The highlight of the meeting was the passing of cigars by Bill Wormuth in honor of his engagement to P e g g y Van Kampen. The e v e n i n g was concluded with a business meeting of the old members and a pledge meeting.

On the evening of October 10. pledges and regular members of the Knickerbocker f r a t e r n i t y met at the f r a t e r n i t y house for their weekly assembly. The meeting got off to a rousing s t a r t with g r o u p singing led by Robert Spaulding. Immediately fol-


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At the round robin p a r t y on October 3, f r e s h m e n girls detoured off State s t r e e t to the Shrameck residence, where they descended into the realm of the other half, slumming with Sorosis. " I t ' s da bull" was slung by "Babe Wishmeier" a f t e r which "Choipers" S t r y k e r and Van Dyke choiped their own a r r a n g e m e n t of "Home, Home in the Slums." "The New Yoik Boid ? ' Folensbee entertained in her characteristic Brooklyn accent, followed by Dougherty and Vander Borgh, SIBYLLINE "Dead End J i t t e r b u g s . " "Shoe Shine The Sibylline L i t e r a r y society Boy" w a s sung by the "Choipers." held its round robin p a r t y in a barn DORIAN October 3rd. Each installment of On October 3, the Dorian Literfrosh had a wagon ride to the barn p a r t y by way of initiation. A f t e r ary society held their round robin President Eloise Boynton had wel- l party a t the home of Arlene Rosencomed the guests, eight Sibyls, ap- dahl. Under silver s t a r s and s o f t propriately dressed as f a r m e r s and blue lights, the new girls were welf a r m e r e t t e s , w h i r l e d away in comed to the midnight s k i e s by snappy barnyard frolic to the tune Dorian's president, Nelvie Vanderof "Turkey in the S t r a w " and to bilt. J e n n i e Spoelstra, E m i l i a the accompaniment of violin, guitar, Moncada, and Nelvie Vanderbilt, all and piano. Following this number, robed in flowing w h i t e gowns, Sibs Van Hoven, Bocks, and Webber moved up a draped s t a i r w a y to a came sliding out of the hay to sing little dim alcove and s a n g " S t a i r " H a r v e s t Moon" and "Home, Home way to the S t a r s . " Ruth De Young in the Barn," a f t e r which Becksfort gave an o r i g i n a l reading, " 0 , g a v e h e r interpretation of the Mighty Sun." The home was made "Moo-Cow-Moo" with sound effects lovely and picturesque with floating pendant s t a r s and a huge silver by an obliging cow. moon. T h e blue lights and reflecting blue and rose mirrors were effective in lending a mystic, celestial atmosphere. Sachets of s t a r dust were given t o all t h e new girls. -



ALETHEAN Pink lemonade, popcorn, animal crackers, and balloons all were combined to make u p the Alethean f a i r to which all the new girls were invited on October 3, the evening of the round robin p a r t y . A f t e r a musical p r o g r a m presented by Aletheans and gr oup singing in which everybody took p a r t , each guest received a " p e a n u t m a n " as a favor. The A l e t h e a n s entertained a number of f r e s h m e n again at an informal p a r t y held at Anchor Inn, October 11. A f t e r the dinner, the girls l e f t for " t h e pull" h d d at Dorothy Waldo's home in Zeeland. Each girl participated in "the pull" —by pulling t a f f y .






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