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Volume LIII

Fifty-third Year of Publication

Hope College, Holland, Mich., October 4,1939


Number y



Calvin Vandcr Wcrf America today is confronted with one of the greatest paradoxes of all time. We are a nation of one hundred thirty million selfgoverning people who know t h a t war is a crime—foul, loathsome, futile. Never before has this country espoused such intense devotion to peace. Ninety per cent of thousands of youths with whom I have talked—fellow university students, professional men, laborers, and unemployed—solemnly affirm that they would prefer to rot in jail rather than to fight a war other than to defend our land. Our government seems sincere in its desire to keep us out of war. Our military authorities, themselves, are most vociferous in their demands that we remain neutral. There is no danger of our shores being threatened by a foreign invader. For the present, it is the wish of all governments to remain on good terms with the United States. And yet, a majority of our people wag their heeds mournfully and say "we can't stay out."

Fraternities End Rushing Time With Bids Pledge Announcement Made By Office On Monday Ru.-Uiing officially ended Monday noon when Dr. J. Harvey Kleinheksel, inter-fraternity council advisor, announced the end of quiet ueriod. Seventy-seven men had pledged to the four fraternities on the campu«. Both bids and replica were handled through the college office by Dr. Kleinheksel. Rushing activities included series of society meetings, banquets and other entertainments. Individual rushing made movie-going and | "coke"-drinking the order of the day for the past week. An innovation by the inter-fraternity council this year was the inter-fraternity beach party held Thursday, Sept. 21, at Tunnel Park, for the new men on the campus. Each fraternity sent two representatives to the party to get acquainted with the new men. Acive lushing ended officially last Thursday at midnight, and the bids were in the office Friday morn" ing at 9 o'clock. The bids were distributed, and the replies returned, under the direction of Dr. Kleinheksel. Rules under which lushing activities were controlled were adopted by the men of t h e student council, acting as an inter-fraternity council, at a meeting held Friday, Sept. 13. Edwin Luidenn, president of the student council, stated Monday that no penalties had been inflicted on any group this year because of a rules viola1 I tion. (see p. 4 for pledges.)

Their foreboding is not illfounded. Already, there are at work those subtle currents of subversive propaganda which, despite any neutrality laws, may suck us a second time into the bloody vortex. But there is available a weapon which could stem the tide and make peace a permanent reality in this country—the counter current of peace propaganda. PREACHING NOT ENOUGH Politicians and clergymen alike harangue for peace from platform and pulpit. If only they would translate their words into action by establishing a mighty national organization for the dissemination of propaganda for peace! Radio, press, and movies could be employed to strip war of its camouflage of righteousness and show it as it really is—a colossal bloody swinA popular orchestra, an original dle. play, and local swing-singing will Mere preaching of the horrors feature Hope's traditional all-colof war is not enough. If we, the lege "mixer" to be held tomorrowyouth of the nation, plunge into night in Carnegie Gym, according another war, we shall do so with to Ardene Boven, chairwoman for the full knowledge that we are the event. marching into hell. That knowDirected especially at new stuledge would only serve to clothe dents, the mixer is sponsoied by our cause in heroic dignity and the Student Council. Upper classnoble grandeur. Once convinced men and faculty members will atthat "reason primed the riflle and tend en masse to "mix" with the honor drew the sword" we should Freshmen. The frosh will get their not falter. "green" at the climax of the assemPEACE PROPAGANDA NEEDED bly. Highlights of the program will But an effective campaign for be the jim-jam-jive-ing of Robert facts such as revealed in '•Arms Bonthius, senior, a n d popular and the Men," an article in For( tune Magazine, March, l j;>4; van swing songs of stylists Elynoi Paassen's "Days of Our Years", Spaan and Marthene Van Dyke. Gertrude Visscher Ardene Boven, and Millis' "Road to War," would seniors, and Beth Marcus, sophosafeguard us against the virulent more, have charge of decorations. chicanery which would lead us to While the frosh will be charged believe that ours was a holy cause. with the green. Fortified with facts, we should refuse to be thrown into the jaws of Moloch, the dupes of impeiialism and economic exploitation. We should decline to shed a drop of blood to make the world safe for The first meeting of the local the forces which create wars and to still the storm merely so that chapter of Pi Kappa Delta will be these forces could unleash another. a potluck supper at the lake cottage of Virginia Ellison, president CRUSADE WOULD KEEP US OUT OF WAR of Pi Kappa Delta chapter, next Wednesday, October 11. Such a peace crusade, with powProfessor William Schrier will erful and reputable backing, could voice his plans for the forensic keep us out of war. The day may year to the speech organization as come when it will be necessary "in he assumes the duties of Speech order to assure the continuous Department head. dividends into t h e coffers of a small international coterie which should solemnly resolve never to owns the banks and the lands and go back and wallow in the old mess the production" t h a t the certain of war. And secondly, we should interests would desire the U. S. to be able to defend our position with enter the war. I t would be em- intelligent, convincing arguments barrassing, indeed, to discover which will convert others to oui that the strings had been severed views and keep us steadfast when by the keen blade of peace propa- those who would inviegle and bully ganda, and the puppets who fight us into crossing the ocean to grovthe wars could not be made to el in the chronic slaughterhouse dance to the xune of imperialism that is Europe turn on the presand exploitation. sure. For no thinking man can We, as college students, have an deny that the day may come when individual duty in the m a t t e r of we who f a v o r peace may or*:e peace propaganda. F i r s t of all, we more be in the minority.

College Mixer Features Band

Shrier to Present Speech Program To Pi Kappans

LET US HAVE PEACE The most effective method of voicing pacifism is for each Hope Student to write Congressman Carl E. Mapes, House of Representatives, and Senator Vandenberg, Senate, Washington, D. C. Remember, our representatives yield to the greatest pressure.

Discussion of Neutrality Action At All-College Symposium Today LIVELY SESSION EXPECTED AT 4:00 P. M.

The Anchor suggest the following for each student to write; Student speakers in the morning chapel service, news and Sir: ^ feature stories in The Anchor, climaxed by an all-college It is clear to me that the United States will in all ways benefit by keep-

symposium, in Graves library at 4:00 p. m. today, are focusing attention upon the solution of individual and national myself an objector and refuse to participate in the conflict. I believe policies for remaining neutral. ing out of the European war. Having come to this conclusion, I declare

that there are always available means of reconciliation. I emphasize, sir, that my stand is neither selfish nor cowardly. On the contrary, it is taken out of the gravest concern for my country's welfare and the single-hearted desire to make the United States more valuable to the peace to be established a f t e r the war. It is my request therefore t h a t you lend your strongest influence in determined efforts to maintain United States' neutrality. Very sincerely your constituent.

Commons Donors To Convene Oct. 11

Power of Opinion




Coming to Hope's campus f o r their annual fall meeting and an inspection of new Commons Room, the Women's League of the Particular Synod of Chicago will convene Oct. 11, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. Van't Hof, piesident of the organization.

At an afternoon meeting last Wednesday the newly elected Commons Committee, consisting of two representatives from each literary society and the independent group, met to elect officers and lay plans for the opening of the Commons Room. Gertrude Visscher, senior, was unanimously appointed to head the body. Cy Voogd, junior, was chosen vice-president. Joyce White, senior, was elected to the secretarial position. "Briefly delayed because of carpentry work which will be finished soon, plans have been completed for tlje opening of Hope's Commons Room," it was announced last week by Commons Committee chairman, Robert Bonthius.

The Women's League contributed over two hundred dollars to the Student Council's drive for funds for the Commons Room last year. Their visit to the campus will include an inspection of the Commons Room where Robert Bonthius, Commons Committee chairman, has been asked to speak to the grouft about the project and the college set-up.

The business meeting will be held in the dormitory lobby at 2 P. M., "The Commons Room will ofMrs. Van't Hof announced. The proficially open next Monday at gram will include a talk by Dean 1:00 P.M." Gertude Visscher, Lichty, head of Voorhees Hall, and president, announced today. a discussion of the Women League's fall project: the furnishing of the The three ofticers met upon the dormitory dining room with new adjournment of the committee chairs. meeting to draw up the rules govThe aim of the meeting will be erning the use of the Commons to impress Women's League mem- Room. The regulations prohibit bers with Hope College needs, uses smoking, card-playing, the taking and benefits, an officer said. of equipment out of the room, profanity, and f u r n i t u r e roughage. As a means of financing ping-pong equipment, the executive committee levied a five-cent fee upon the use of it. Having completed his job as Dorm life swung into full routine chairman of the Commons Comwith the election of Bernice Fremittee, appointed by last year's ligh, senior, as Vorhees Hall presiStudent Council to establish a Comdent. mons Room, Robert Bonthius yesSocial Chairman Elynor Spaan, terday expressed the hope that senior, announces that Open House Commons Room regulations will not at Vorhees will be held next Friday detain any student from making j evening after the Hope-Adrian use of the fine equipment and comi game. fortable atmosphere which student 1 Officers aiding Prexy Freligh in- body money has helped to install 1 elude: vice president, Joyce White; there. "Hope now has a real social I secretary, Marthene Van Dyke; and center for individual and group treasurer, Nelvie Vanderbilt. meetings," he said.

Voorhees Entertains, Freligh Elected Head

Campus Goes Boh-Boh-Bobbin' With Thirty-one Roberts Along "Hey Bob, come here." Would any of you suspect t h a t as simple and innocent a call as that might cause a minor catastrophe You are all advised not to make use of it anywhere on this campus—because you will surely be the object of a stampede if you do. For thirty-one of the burly male population of Hope college is legally answerable to the name "Bob", and is very liable to come tearing a t you. And w h a t you would do from that point on is only a big question mark. Football, oratory, debate, basketball, journalism, music—all these activities seem unable to survive without one or more "Bob" as a participator. And, as you know, this name has been made quite f a mous in these various fields. In fact we might say, without stretching the point too f a r , that our "Bob complex" forms a large part of the back-bone of Hope. Not only we students, but t h e profesaora also, have to u s e a

Beginning a concerted program for the preservation of United States neutrality. The Anchor today is sponsoring Peace Day. The growing sentiment on Hope's campus for keeping America out of the European conflict has pressed this paper, as campus voice, for the organization and expression of it.

great deal of caution in the use of



"prof" has very





called on "Bob" to answer some question, and has been quite overwhelmed by the abundance of answers. But, on second thought, maybe t h a t isn't such a faulty practice—at least it is one method to employ in order to unfailingly receive some sort of answer; rather than risk the possibilty of a speech-less void a f t e r some very individual name like "Harlow" or "Lambertus" has been mentioned. Now, that you know of this particular situation existing right in your "own back-yard", consider yourself fore-warned and be very exact, to save yourself f r o m the horror of a radiant "red-face", and "too, too embarrassing" explanation. Of course when you speak to your dearest friend—Bob, using his full, given name, he'll probably think you're crazy, but then-—

That the Government acts on the petitions of its people was shown last week as Rev. Oscar Maddaus, visiting lecturer on international relations, cited the historic armament reduction campaign of 1922. At that time there was a move to reduce armament expenditures, which President Harding ignored. In an effort to pass this legislation, thirteen million peace advocates wrote individual letters to the President asking for reductions in arms. The inevitable result was that President Harding's attention was given to the measure. "We cannot resist the public demand," he said. The reduction measure was passed and t h e United States Government saved three billion dollars, limited the size of a i r c r a f t carriers and scrapped several ships.

M.I.S.L. Announces Speech Events For Year The neutrality problem will be the subject f o r college debaters this year, it was definitely announced at the annual meeting of the Michigan I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e Speech League, held in East Lansing last Friday, September 29. Representing Hope at the state meeting. Prof. Schrier, Prof. DeGraaf, Virginia Ellison and Gordon Van Wyk, Pi Kappa Delta officers, took part in the wording of the question which will soon be officially announced. The conference also plans f o r other s p e e c h activities throughout the year. The question of neutrality has a wide appeal in the field of college debate, Prof. Schrier said. In planning activities f o r this year, the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League has scheduled the State Extempore Speaking contests as the first of major forensic events. Although the men's and women's contests are separate, they will both he held at Kalamazoo college on November 28. In choosing their subjects, the men have a choice between "The National Political Issues and the 1940 Election" and "Civil Service." The women may make their selection between "The Democracy Issue in America" and "General Education on the College Level."

Black River Tussle Keeps Classes Clicking SENIORS

At today's chapel service three Hope students outlined arguments for individual and national neutrality. John Gillesse, freshman debater, noted the economic devastation that always follows in war's wake, and pointed out that neutrality is the one safeguard against a nation's industrial and monetary collapse. T h e o d o r a Meulendyke, Y.W.C.A. officer and W.A.L. leader, pointed out already discernable war propaganda and urged a levelheaded approach to all events in order t h a t the perspective of basic issues might not be lost. Robert Bonthius, Anchor Editor, emphasized the fact t h a t a determined public opinion, backed by convincing arguments can keep us out of war and ready f o r a useful peace. ARGUE NEUTRALITY TODAY The afternoon meeting will be an all-college symposium. Several students and faculty members have been invited to present four-minute views on specific phases of the whole neutrality problem.. Lively debate is expected to arise f r o m these discussions. In these the audience will be free to participate. Four minutes will be the limit of floor privilege.


The Anchor has founded the peace program upon the conviction that our government can maintain a neutral position. It shonld be em.- , phasized that neutrality depends upon an unemotional evaluation of '' both the fundamental issues and' : the ultimate accomplishments o f - • pacifist methods versus military. .• methods. Only such an evaluation ; can relegate the inevitable "outrages of national honor" to their real importance. Only such an evaluation insures that reason is never sacrificed for passion,- and', love is never m a r t y r e d by hate.- • . REGULAR FORUM The Anchor plans regular convocations of the Wednesday sym- ' posium, if the response of the Col--• lege demonstrates such Enthusiasm.,; There are many subjects Which an ; all-college group could prpfitably discuss. In view of the fact that neutral- ' ity has been hotly debated in so- I ciety "bull sessions" and dormitory..; rooms, a large crowd of vitally, in-terested students is expected . t p j attend the symposium to express views and opinions on the subject. united to back the freshmen in their rivalry with sophomore class, hoping that the men of '43 will give the sophomores a real " t r i m m i n g " to make up f o r their, owni defeat last year. / . , Junior officers elected .last spring are Robert Dykstra, president; Cy Voogd, vice-president; R o b e r t a Rawson, secretary; Bob' S w a r t , treasurer.

SOPHOMORES Sophomore officers elected a t a meeting of the class held last spring are Kenneth Vanden Berg, president; Elmer Morgan, vicepresident; Lorraine Timmer, secretary-treasurer. The sophs have yet to hold their first meeting this year.

Seniors met in their first meeting of the year last week to elect Don Cordes as coach f o r the sophomore pull team. Don coached the victorious freshman last year. Officers of the senior class elected last spring are Donald Poppen, FRESHMEN president, and Kenneth Honholt, On Sept. 22, Don Dykatra of Device president; Donald Sager, sec- troit was elected pr&ftfcht of the retary-treasurer. freshman class. Other class officers will be elected a t a later date. JUNIORS Anthony " S t r e t c h " Penninga was At the same meeting. Miss P a u elected coach of the freshman pull line Loew was elected ' a a co-ed team a t the first meeting of the cotihcil representative, and Rober" junior class held Friday noon i n Hoek was elected t o represent Van Raalte hall. The juniors also men of

Hop* College Anchor


Page Two • i. i


Kr. •


Hope College Anchor CnUrtd *U the Port Offlct at Holland. Michigan. Second Clua Matter. Accepted for mailing at ipecliJ rate of postage provided for In Section 1108 of Act of CongreM, October t, 1917. Authorlied October 19. 1918. STUDENT ADMINISTRATION




A DEEPER MEANING T h i s afternoon's first College Forum will be welcomed by students and faculty alike. T h i s is said in the face of the realization that all the college will not attend the first session, for various reasons. But t h e forces that have given rise to the Forum are those which we all earnestly wish to f o s t e r on Hope's campus. And w e think that everyone will ultimately realize this and join in. F o r the College Forum idea is rooted more deeply than the mere idea of discussion, though the Forum will undoubtedly prove stimulating and thought-provoking in a most entertaining way.

It is rooted in our common desire to en-

rich student-faculty association. This can and will come, as w e all meet to exchange views.

5 0 YOU PLEDGED ' In another section of today's paper appear the choices of fraternity made by you, the new men of Hope's student body. The selection you have made is an important one in your collegiate life; for your fraternity will be either an everbroadening avenue to greater enjoyment of your four years here or an ever-narrowing road towards the dissipation of this valuable college experience. Of course you desire your newfound brotherhood to make life fuller for y o u ; yet it is up to you, individually, to desire which part your chosen fraternity is to play. A fraternity, by definition, is "a body of men associated for their common pleasure;" in other words, a fraternity is an instrument, or means, of enjoying common interests and friends: an avenue, so to speak, to a fuller college life. But all too o f t e n fraternity's real meaning is lost as the "pledge," excitedly enthusiastic over this new experience, invests his ^ L L in the society. In doing this he sells out his shares of Enriching Collegiate Experience. MEANS AND ENDS For the true perspective is lost and the fraternity is viewed as the one and only E N D of interest, instead of one of the several M E A N S of obtaining greater benefit from undergraduate life. Almost unrealizingly are built, upon this grave error, interests and friendships circumscribed by the fraternity affiliation, and such a mistake is as r u i n o u s as it is insidious. For, all too often, the error is not realized until after the four years are past and, in smug complecency, the society zealot is graduated, not from a college, but from a fraternity: for he knows little but his own group. Yet he has missed the great opportunities to gain a truly liberal education and to make friends; the loss of these leaves him with, not a rounded, but a sort of two-dimensional college experience. THE TRUE PERSPECTIVE

President Edwin Luidens called the first regular session of the Student Council to order a t 8 o'clock Tuesday, September 26, 1939. All members responded to roll call. Dean D y k s t r a , senior, was appointed in charge of the pep meeting f o r Thursday evening. A mass meeting was scheduled to be held in Carnegie gym to arouse student enthusiasm f o r the J.C.-Hope game Friday night. It was planned to introduce the varsity football men to the student body. Dean Dykstra, senior, and Ardene Boven, senior, are co-chairmen of the All-College Mixer f o r October

5. This f v e n t will be the occasion for tl^e fjebut of the frosh adorned in their new "Green." Gala plans are beinjj made f o r the event, which is one pf the major all-college meetings of the year. As hefid of the commons committee, Robert Bonthius, senior, presented to the Council the Constitution f o r the Commons Room which had been approved by last year's Council. With a few minor changes, it was accepted. It was decided to appoint the treasurer of the Council as treasurer of the common so t h a t a closer union could be had between the two.

WE INTERVIEW Rev. Oscar Maddaus "We should remain out of the European conflict, not to avoid our share of suffering, but to make ourselves more valuable to the order to be established a f t e r this war," was the opinion of Rev. Oscar Maddaus of New York, visiting lecturer to Hope's campus last week. Member of the Reformed Church committee on International Justice and Goodwill a n d recognized authority on international relations, Maddaus' opinions are h i g h l y valued by many groups. Last year he was called to Washington f o r consultation with eight hundred economists, political leaders, and sociologists for a discussion of international problems. As an exchange minister to England, sent by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America in 1937, Maddaus obtained first h a n d information i n extensive European travel, holding conferences, interviews and consultations with citizens and officials of many lands. In 1936 he was a delegate to the Oxford Conference. He has also conducted classes dealing with social and political problems a t New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Asked for a solution to the present world problems, the expert emphasized the need for optimism. "The big job is to be done a f t e r the war is over," he said. "As a new world order will be forthcoming; it will be the job of all of us to work out the complex problems which always arise in a post-war era." He suggested t h a t a League of Nations, based upon the principles of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact, would be the ultimate answer to universal brotherhood. Rev. Maddaus reinforced his argument for the workability of a League of Nations on the grounds of United States history. He likened the present League set-up to the ineffective Articles of Confederation. "The Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia took over the. best parts of the Articles and in-

corporated them into our present Constitution; the same spirit could and would make a workable international constitution," he concluded. In consideration of the practical responsibilities of the post-war period, much insight will be necessary, the authority explained. He said that America's duty now is to study the reconstruction periods following the Revolutionary and Civil W a r s in order to better understand the social, economic and political courses which must be taken. We must be prepared to provide "the vitalizing authority of constructive thought which is imperative i n post-war economic, social and political problems," he said. Rev. Maddaus cautioned, "Beware of impatient radicalism, which will attempt to immediately impose the ideal solution." America must this time be prepared to move with reasoned insight in the direction of international as well as national order, he affirmed. Noticeable in Rev. Maddaus' views was the two-fold aim to preserve American neutrality for more valuable service a f t e r the war and the conviction that each American has a definite part to play immediately. He stressed the fact that, "the f u t u r e of the world lies in secondary lines among those of us with determined minds and single-hearted enthusiasm." While devoting much of his time to study of political and social problems, lecturing and peace work, Rev. Maddaus holds the pastorate of the Reformed Church of North Hempstead, Manhasset, New York. He has served this church for over a quarter of a century. Miss Minnie Schuleman, a social worker from Grand Rapids, will be the speaker at a joint meeting next week.

This editorial is addressed to you, the new fraternity men, Dr. Warner's Shakespeare class with the one desire of stimulating you to an evaluation of your listened to records of sixteenth fraternity in terms of its relative place in your college life. century music last week. As has been intimated, the fraternity is one of the subordinate parts of the institution, and its function is that of "an avenue" to fuller undergraduate living. But there are other Try Our Line of Dolicious "avenues," also, for you to travel: those of religious particiBAKED GOODS pation, athletic endeavor, forensic activity; musical essaying, Phone 2542 We Deliver and other roads. All have contributions to make to you, as a "Hope's Pastry Center" growing personality. It is wise, yea essential, that you make good use of several of t h e m ; for your ultimate growth is A F T E R T H E GAME dependent upon a three-dimensional development: intellectual, social, and spiritual. Assume the true perspective of your A S A N D W I C H AT fraternity's position: one avenue of development. Fraternity f r i e n d s h i p s are a subordinate part of the campus brotherhood. The fraternity man who lives up to his title is tolerant and friendly towards all. It is wise to make T H E BEST IN MEALS AND friends both in and out of the society. To restrict your friendSANDWICHES ships in any way is to dwarf your collegiate experience. T h e selection you have made is, indeed, an important one; 27 W. Eighth St. and, like every great decision, it brings in new problems to solve. What part will your fraternity play'in your life here? Will it benefit you or hamper you? Think on these things. And may t h e outcome of your thought lead to the construction of a greater personality.

French Pastry Shop

Reefer's Restaurant



By B. Van Putten and Genne N a f e

We're jealous. There are two other Student Prints (Sp?) on the campus. T i s said they are a very good "double exposure." We wonder if they can be developed negatively or positively? Wanted: A dark room. Km winy a good deal of poetic justice is neither poetic nor just; we hope you wili accept this little poem tve heard Brannock saying in explanation to one of the profs, 'tother day: Can't study in the fall— Gotta play football— Can't study in the winter— Gotta play basketball— Can't study in the spring— Gotta run track— Can't study in the summer— Gotta gal.— CONFESSION : —

Someone asked Mary Ruth Jacobs where she got her black eye, and she replied wearily: "Jumping." "Jumping at what?" "Conclusions." WARNING : —

You know they always say a sharp nose indicates curiosity, but recently they've added that a flattened one, too much. Because of the favorable reception and enthusiasm of our glossary of the War, w e continue: 1. Command—what one said when there is a rap on the door. 2. R y e — w h a t if you've had too much of you are usually a ! ! 3. Convey—asking permish to do something. 4. Moscow—mother's bovine creature. 5. T u g — a s in an excuse, "We were tug in the sand. Miss Lichty." 6. Corporal—a punishment no matter h o w you look at it. 7. France—as in they are the best France anyone ever had. 8. Gun—what just once b e — i s half done. 9. Nazi—no, no, you nazi man. 10. U. boat—a Dutch colloquialism, ya, ya, u boat. 11. T a p s — w h a t if you are clumsy, you fall up or down.

Speaking of beauty hints they say if you give a girl an inch she'll take reducing exercises. Parting S h o t : — W e heard Betsy Race explaining the other day that she had not cut her hair, she had washed it and it had shrunk.


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i-rrn-inirinnannrm -

Hope College Anchor

Page Three

HOPE MEETS ADRAIN pULL-DOGS HERE FRIDAY Third Home Game Alma To Be First Foe of Frosh Sets Bulldogs Eleven On Dutch

•i ..

Scheduled f o r F r i d a y night, October 6th, is our third game to be played under the lights a t Riverview Park. The opposition comes from Adrian college. Coach Oliphant has stated that this year's team is both strongei and better balanced than t h a t oi last year. In spite of a d e f e a t ir their opening g a m e p i the season a t the hands of a strong Assumption college squad from Windsor Canada, the team looks forward t( the coming M.I.A.A. games sched uled with confidence. Nine lettermen have returned seven in the line, and two in th( backfield. The backfield, with it new frosh reserves (both Adriai and Olivet are playing freshmen 01 the varsity at present) is consid ered strong as shown in early season drills and scrimmages. Creates weakness will be a t tackle positions where illness and graduation have taken toll. Cottrell, halfback, who is bad a f t e r a year's absence, played unde Dale Sprankle when Sprankle wa: at Adrian. At this time Sprankh was coaching some championshi) teams in the Michigan-Ontari( League, and Cottrell was starring at half. Coach Oliphant plans to use botl the single wing back and punt for mations this year, using the shif; when coming from the huddle. Re turning lettermen are Launder slager, Welsh, Lowell, Powers, Bar r i c k 1 o w , Shaft, Fronerath am Woerner in the line, and Gee am Namowicz in the backfield. The Hingamen played, last year', game, an afternoon game, in i temperature of eighty-seven degrees. This was the highest tem perature encountered in more thai six years, and will probably mak( both teams appreciative of thi: year's night game.




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W.A.A. Board Plans For This Year Although the Women's Athletic Association has not held a meeting in this semester, plans are being made whereby a girl's sports prog i a m similiar to t h a t of last yeai may be carried out again this year. This program will include fall, winter, and spring sports. While the weather stays favorable those who have Student Council golf tickets are urged to go out and play golf. Another pleasant sport for this time of year is horseback riding. Advisor Jack Schouten, and Ruth Van Poppering, president of thi W.A.A., are making arrangement: for riding classes for beginners anc experienced riders. As soon as the f i n a l arrangements are made, notices will be posted on the bulletin boards so that the girls interested may sign up for one of the classes.

~ N I C K D Y K E M A The Tailor

In spite of the f a c t t h a t the varsity already has two games played, the freshmen gridders are 3till preparing themselves f o r their first encounter. According to Coach Jack Schouten, t h e team will not play its first game until the 20th of October -vhen the yearlings will travel to Alma to meet a strong frosh group. With several last minute regis.rations, the team has been considerably strengthened and ought -0 shape into a well-functioning init. The latest addition to the :quad is Donald DeFouw, at quarerback position, who played plenty »f football for Creston High school n Grand Rapids. Late registration ilso brought Warren Hendricks of ienton Harbor out to practice last veek. He is a fullback of no mean ibility. Supplementing these boys n the backfield will be Art Timmer, George and Clarence Prins, »Vhitey Without a doubt, the main stalvarts on the frosh defense will be Carl and Mike Krompoticle. These wo lads really have what it takes 0 break into opposing backfields. 3ther linemen to show up well in icrimmages are Cecil Knapp and iud Holcomb at tackles, Don Dyk;tra and Gordon Albers at ends, ''rank Lokker at center, and Har/ey Koop, also a tackle.

Albion Grid Team Deals Upset To Alma The MIAA football race gut off to a good start last Friday night when Albion upset the dope bucket and handed the highly touted Alma Scots a 6-0 licking. Alma held the advantage until the last four minutes of play when a Briton p a s j 2onnected for the lone tally. In a non-conference game the same night, Hope was held to 0-0 by a fighting Grand Rapids J. C. eleven. Hillsdale, last year's MIAA champions, won their opener with a lopsided 34-0 count from the luckless Adiian Bulldogs. In the other league game, Kalamazoo whipped Olivet 20 to 6 to tie with Albion and Hillsdale for the MIAA lead. Olivet, the week before, had been nosed out 7-6 by Grand Rapids J. C. however, before any girl may enroll in riding classes she must have written permission from home. Plans are also being made for in M.I.A.A. Olympic Play Day vhich will be held at Hope this year. Mr. Schouten is very anxious that ill girls sign up f o r the sports in .vhich they are most interested so that the campaign for girls athletics at Hope may be successful.

With this Friday's f a m e , Hope begins its MIAA scheoule. Observation a t this point would make it seem t h a t we will outclass our opponents from Adrian. H.-lsdale walloped them thirty-nine to nothing this past Saturday, t n d though this is by no means a criterion f o r our actions against them, we should, with added pressure on t h e offtnse, take them. Lest Friday's game against the Grand Rapids Junior eleven wa". one of the finest defensive games we have ever played. Ward and Charon, right and left halfbacks for Junior, who last year ran wild against the Hingamen did not r e p e a t They were bottled up, and definitely so, seldom reaching the secondary. Our offense needs umph. Olivet scored against Junior even though they could not hold them. In our game, we more than held up our end in one of the finest punting duels ever to be seen around these parts, but our running offense lacked sustained drive. Both Ray Meyer and Marv Den Herder cracked the Junior forward line in a manner always pleasant to the fans, but there was no sustained march to the Junior pay-off zone. Among things to be noted and remembered is the f a c t that this year's team holds three sophomore tackles and two soph guards. This should make the center of the line a poor path to yardage f o r the next two years. Opponents please note. This week's game will be Adrian's first in Holland, and it is to be expected that we give Coach Oliphant and his team a good welcome. Similarly it is to be expected t h a t we support our team. Cheering in will be more this Friday. Give the team our support.

Grid Tilt Hopemen again d e f e a t e d an eleven f r o m Ferris college in theii opening game of the season helc beneath the lights a t Riverviev^ Stadium, September 22. The first quarter was brightened with plenty of action. Ferris toot the kick-off f r o m Hope and lost the ball without bringing it int( Hope territory. Soon the Hingamen jegan a march of successive drivef ;oward the Ferris goal, climaxed b j Marvin DenHerder's line plunge Artiich took him over f o r the firs; jcore of the game. Honholt missec .he conversion.

Still in the first quarter. Bran lock punted fifty-five yards fron lis own forty to the Ferris five /ard line. Capt. Campbell of Ferrh .umbled and the ball was recoverei .or .Hope on the Ferris five-yart .ine. Art Kronnemeyer carried th( jail over for the second touchdown. Brannock missed the conversion. The second q u a r t e r went bj scoreless, but in the third quartei Hope made its third score by mean: of a fumble that rolled into the Ferris goal area. A punt deep intc the Ferris territory d r i b b 1 e c filed with the Student Council presthrough the fingers of the Ferris ident. man under it, rolled across the goal 7 Nothing besides the hands and line, and was downed by Ken Honfeet shall be used for the digging holt for the last Hope touchdown of holes. of the game. 8—No cleats of any nature or In the final minutes of the fourth description shall be allowed. quarter, Bidwell, the Ferris quar^—No man shall begin to dig terback, brought the stands to theii footholes until the firing of the feet with a brilliant seventy-yard lirst pistol shot, except the anchor man, who may prepare his hole run for a touchdown. Marv Den before the start of the tug-of-war. Herder managed to touch him on 10—A first whistle will give a the ten-yard stripe, but couldn't e a r n i n g to get ready to dig holes. keep him from scoring the only After a wait of one minute, a sec- Ferris touchdown. The final score )nd whistle will be blown to allow read Hope 18, Ferris 6.

Committee Announces Rules For Frosh Soph Pull Albert Shiphorst, chairman of the Inter-class Activities Committee, made the following announcement about the Frosh-Soph contests. The Frosh-Soph Field Day will be held Thursday, October 12, at 2 p. m. The Pull will be waged on Friday afternoon, October 13, at 4 o'clock. "Stretch" Pennings will coach the frosh, while Don Cordes will attempt to keep the sophs from getting their feet wet. Ken VandenBerg was elected captain of the sophomore team. Here are the official rules foi the coming pull; 1—This tug-of-war shall be waged across Black river at the customary place, on the afternoon of Octobei 7 at 4 p. m. 2—This tug-of-war shall be undei the supervision of the members oi the Student Council and by sucl. men as they may choose. . 3—The sides on which each team shall station themselves shall be decided by a vote of the memben of the sophomore pull team.

inen to dig for five minutes. Third •vhistle requires that all digging stop, and that men rest for five minutes. There will then be a warning whistle, a wait of one minute, ind a whistle which requires that men pull in their holes. A f t e r 15 .ninuUs, another warning whistle will be blown, but teams continue pulling in their holes until the whistle on the 16th minute, which requires that both teams stand, and 4—There shall be a maximum ol continue pulling until the first man 18 men on each bank of the river, of either team reaches the opposite but if either team cannot produce bank. the required number of men, the 11—Any man violating any ot teams shall be reduced evenly by these rules and regulations will be the captains under the supervision barred from the tug-of-war a t the of the Council president. A list of discretion of any or all of the memmen shall be drawn up by each bers of the committee in charge. class captain and team coach, and 12—Three judges will be apit shall be handed to the president pointed by the chairman of the of the Council before 10 a. m. ol committee in charge for each side the day of the pull. of the river. They shall supervise 5—No man is eligible to partici- the progress of the pull, and repate, who is not duly classified with move any member of the teams not the class on whose side he stations complying with the rules of the himself. contest. There shall be a timer in 6—No man is eligible, who does a boat in the center of the river to not file the report of medical ex- supervise the pull. aminations before 10 A.M. the day These are the rules—may the of the pull. The report shall be better team win!

The second quarter featured Ray Meyers' ball carrying. Two first lowns were hammered out through lis speed and hard hitting. The quarter ended with the ball on Junior's thirty, and without a serious threat of either goal. The first real scoring opportunity iell to Junior when Schloss,-Junior ight guard, recovered a fumble on -he Hope sixteen. Advancing the iall to the twelve-yard mark, Junor attempted a field goal. The kick .vent wide and was picked up by Brannock and carried back a few /ards to the Hope four-yard line, brannock punted out toward the fifty-yard marker, where it was fumbled by the Junior safety man and recovered by Ken Honholt to 3nd the drive. The last quarter held and denied Hope's last desperate drive for a score. Marv DenHerder crashed through for two first downs, but the drive could not be sustained. The game was the third scoreless tie to occur among our battles with Junior. WE

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In the second game of the season Hope gridmen met the Grand Rapds Junior men here last F r i d a y light to fight a scoreless game, j o a l t h r e a t s were few, as the Hope ine withstood the heavier Junior ine. Hope made five first downs igainst one f o r Junior. The first luarter settled quickly into a puntng duel between Brannock and 3haron, with Charon holding the ^dge a t first. Brannock soon struck he groove, however, and showed i slight edge over Charon. The luarter ended with the ball in center field, and with no scorinar threat.







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Hooe College Anchor

Page Four

Y.M. On Peace " A b e t t e r world is in the m a k i n g u n d e r n e a t h all t h e present confusion, noise, t u r m o i l and s t r i f e . " So s t a t e d D r . Oscar Maddaus, chairm a n of t h e R e f o r m e d Church Comm i t t e e on I n t e r n a t i o n a l Justice and Goodwill, in a n a d d r e s s delivered to the Y.M.C.A. a t t h e first m e e t i n g of t h e y e a r , Sept. 26. " O u r immedia t e p r o b l e m , " he said, "is keeping out of t h e b a t t l e . " He f o r e s a w t h a t a long w a r would m e a n American intervention " O u r g r e a t e s t t a s k , however, is in s e e k i n g w a y s to help re-establish the world on a peace basis when the conflict h a s ceased." Obviously we will be in a b e t t e r position to do t h i s if our c o u n t r y does not p a r t i c i p a t e on the battlefields of Europe. Dr. M a d d a u s s t a t e d t h a t the crisis is the g r e a t e s t in the history of the world f r o m the point of the numbei of m e n involved and the complex and scientific age in which we live

Churches Unite For Peace Action

Mrs. H. Poppen Talks to Y.W. On China

" N e v e r b e f o r e in h i s t o r y h a s the world been a s consciously active f o r peace as it is t o d a y , " s t a t e d Rev. Oscar Maddaus, recognized a u t h o r ity on international relations, last week, in a n interview with The Anchor. S u r v e y i n g the peace movement in t h e United States, Rev. Maddaus said t h a t both secular and church organizations have in recent years ' g o n e steadily ahead a n a l y z i n g the •eligious, philosophical, economic, and social conditions which make for or militate against peace." He s t a t e d t h a t there is a s t r o n g feeling in America a g a i n s t participa;ion in the E u r o p e a n war.

" T h e people of China a r e on a g r e a t trek into the interior. T h e J a p a n e s e a r e driving them f a r t h e r and f a r t h e r inland," was a s t a t e m e n t made by Mrs. H e n r y Poppen, missionary f r o m China, a t Y.W.C.A. m e e t i n g Tuesday, October 3rd.

Bast Speaks to C.W.L. On "Quiet Hour"

Mrs. Poppen is now in this count r y because of w a r conditions t h e r e . She quoted General C h i a n g KaiShek as saying, " C h i n a is on a g r e a t m a r c h . She is m a r c h i n g to the cross of sacrifice and to the cross of J e s u s C h r i s t . "

The song service and devotionals were led by L a u r a Rosenraed, junior, and Althea Raffenaud, senior. Teddy Meulendyke, one of our As a committee m e m b e r of the Senior " Y " members, s a n g the old Reformed Church's C o m m i t t e e on f a v o r i t e hymn of J o h n H. N e w m a n , n t e m a t i o n a l Justice and Goodwill, "Lead Kindly L i g h t . " She was acRev. Maddaus informed the report- companied by Alma Weeldreyer, er t h a t the F e d e r a t e d Council of the senior. Jhurches of Christ in America is i powerful organization f o r peace egislation. In cooperation with the Federated Council of the Churches )f Christ in America, the R e f or m e d Mrs. Paul Harrison, missionary Jhurch has recently subscribed to to Arabia, addressed a large ashe use of the World Council of sembly of Hope girls at the first Churches memorandum which sets m e e t i n g of the Y.W.C.A., held Seporth the responsibility of the tember 20. church in this time. This memoThe meeting began with a s h o r t randum is being used by all song service led by Virginia Verchurches. s t r a t e , senior, and s c r i p t u r e w a s The concerted efforts of the read by the president, Isla McpChurches of Christ are powerful pelink. Pauline Loew, f r e s h m a n , forces in W a s h i n g t o n , according to provided the special music with a Rev. Maddaus. "Through t h e s e violin solo, entieled "Corelli's Sevchurch and secular peace g r o u p s en .h Sonata." She was accompanied young people are now b e t t e r in- by Alvin S c u t m a a t , f r e s h m a n . formed than ever before on the Mrs. Harrison, who arrived in real issues," he said. this country the l a t t e r part of J u n e

Arabian Missionary Speaks to Y.W.

" T h e daily quiet hour should be m a i n t a i n e d , " P r o f . Henry Bast tol< C.W.L. m e m b e r s at the opening m e e t i n g on Sept. 29. P r o f . Bast g a v e a short talk on "How " to Keep the Call Before You," which was followed by a lively g r o u p discussion. " T h r e e steps or aids in full-time service are the daily devotion period, r e a d i n g biographies of f a m o u s missionaries, and active work on a restricted scale while still in college," he said. President A1 Van Dyke conducted Voorheesites the m e e t i n g . He announced t h a t Al. f H. Van Dyke would review his trip e w — a t least to t^ie World Youth Conference in about this t i m e A m s t e r d a m at next week's meeting. introduction of

are expecting E a few, serenade? of the year, with pledges included.

and spent the s u m m e r in the E a s t , vividly described to the girls the life of the Arabian people, t h e i r kind hospitality, and w a r m - h e a r t e d ness.





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Dan Cupid scored another marital victory on W e d n e s d a y , September 27th, w h e n Mr. Arnold Verwoert, sophomore at Hope college, and Miss B e t t y G o r h a m of Grand Rapids were united in m a r r i a g e by Rev. Mel T r o t t e r in a c h a r m i n g home wedding. T h e newly-wed couple will reside in Grand Rapids. • o

Alethean T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m o e r 28, the Alethians held a s h o r t business meeting to plan a pot-luck s u p p e r f o r T u e s d a y evening. All Alethians were p r e s e n t at t h i s supper, and t h a n k s to the c h a i r m a n , Lois Glerum, everyone had plenty to e a t a n d a h a p p y time.


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Cosmopolitan T h e S e p t . 25th m e e t i n g of t h e Cosmopolitans was opened by a lusty song service led by t h e able maeetro, F r e d Bertsch. Wesley K r a y read a p a p e r on " P a l a r o i d s , " and explained t h e i r uses, supplementing it with an i n s t r u c t i v e demo n s t r a t i o n . . . F r e s h m e n g u e s t s were introduced in a s h o r t a c q u a i n t a n c e session t h a t followed with t h e Cosmos song, b r i n g i n g to an end a much enjoyed p r o g r a m . On Sept. 27 Bud M o r g a n got t h e meeting rolling off to a good s t a r t with a r o u s i n g song period t h a t broke into c h e e r f u l a t t i t u d e . Climaxing the p r o g r a m Ken Vandenberg read an i n t e r e s t i n g p a p e r on "Vaccination." T h e conclusion of the p r o g r a m was met with a g r e a t ovation of plaudits. Emersonian E m e r s o n i a n began the y e a r with an a m b i t i o u s p r o g r a m of f o u r literary m e e t i n g s . With P r e s i d e n t G. Donald S a g e r presiding, the evening a t once took on an a t m o s p h e r e of good fellowship and f u n . The highlight of the m e e t i n g s was tiie banquet held at t h e W a r m Friend T a v e r n . S o m e thirty-five Emersonians and a like n u m b e r of new men enjoyed a p r o g r a m of a lighter n a t u r e than t h e usual literary f a r e . Fraternal A rigorous song-service, led by B t b Powers in reai P a d e r e w s k i fashion paved the o p e n i n g meeting of the F r a t e r n a l s . M o r r is Tardiff gave a serious p a p e r on the a r m s ' e m b a r g o question, which was followed by a s h o r t open forum, s t i r r i n g much t h o u g h t on this subject. Following the m e e t i n g ref r e s h m e n t s were served. Knickerbocker Wednesday evening saw the opening meeting of the Knickerbockers a t t e n d i n g the i n f o r m a l gettogether. T h e r e were a goodly group of alumni who reminiscently recapitulated their e n j o y a b l e f r a t ernity days. An informal discussion of current events was participated in by f r e s h m e n g u e s t s as well a s prominent alumni. S t i m u l a t i n g fellowship was enjoyed by all.

Delphi The v a r s i t y squad of Delta Phi held initial drill a n d m a n e u v e r s COSMOPOLITAN last T h u r s d a y evening in the Delphi George K a r d u x Robert F o p m a room. They sat down a t a t a b l e Ray Olthof Gordon Albers decorated a s a football field to p a r J a c k Whelan Don De Fouw t a k e of the s a t i s f y i n g thrills of t h e Robert Whelan J a m e s B a r r various dishes of food lined on Clinton H a r r i s o n Theodore Zanstre e i t h e r side of the c e n t e r line. Both Gordon Michmorshuizen sides were duly a p p r e c i a t e d and E l m e r Van Wieren tied f o r score. Coaches D a l m a n , Cornelius P e t t i n g a sophomore; Marcus, sophomore; Wallace R i e m e r s m a tied f o r score. Coaches Dalman, • » • and Race, sophomore, were responEMERSONIAN F i a n k Lepori Judson Van Wyl sible f o r t h e display. Willis Slocombe John De Boer Dorian E a r l Butler Carl Verduin The Dorian society w a s reunited James Burger Harold Booh Tuesday, S e p t e m b e r 19, as the g i r h A r t h u r Wicks Phil D y k s t r a g a t h e r e d to attend t h e Allegan Milton V e r b u r g Clarence W a g n e r County F a i r . A f t e r a s h o r t business Dan Schcurens D a v i ( i M o r r i s o n meeting in the Dorian room the Earl De W i t t , T girls piled into cars f o r the drive Andrew V o l d h u i ^ R o b e , t S w a i t to the d i s t a n t city w h e r e the g a l a A i t Taylor Homer Barber event was in full swing. Kenneth Ward F r a n k Zweering The evening was s p e n t in studyCornelius Plansoen ing the v a r i o u s exhibits, visiting La Mar ' ' . a n k a m p concessions on the midway, and Harold Collenbrander consuming t a f f y , hot dogs and pop Clarence V a n d e r Velde corn. It w a s a tired but happy FRATERNAL g r o u p with a slight p a r a l y s i s of Mike Krompatick Robert Idema the purse t h a t finally l e f t the f a i r Carl Krompatick Robert Hudson grounds. A r t h u r Timmer Don Dykstra Sybilline i Claience P r i n s Robert Hoek On F r i d a y , September 'J2nd, a Cecil Knapp ' George Prins " h o u s e w a r m i n g " tea, initiating t h e W a r r e n Hendrix Richard Chard completely renovated S y b i l l i n e 1 Cecil Bacheller Harvey Koop room, was enjoyed. The festive a t Alvin S c h u t m a a t Edwin Nieusma mosphere w a s enhanced by a backS e y m o u r Padnos Kenneth Poppen ground of blue and white, the soJ a m e s Riekse William Pelon ciety's colors, contrasted with salKen Geelhood F r a n k Lokker mon. Charles Holcomb J a y Hiddema Sibylline begins the scholastic Robeit Montgomery year with the following as her Everett Kleinjans leaders: Beatrice Kline, p r e s i d e n t ; KNICKERBOCKER Nina Fopma, vice-president; Bertha Robert Carley Don Van Dyke Vis, s e c r e t a r y ; E s t h e r Van AlsEdward Claus j o h n siagter burg, t r e a s u r e r . R o b e i t Hollemar Wallace Stoepkei Soros is Robert Spauldinj Robert Preston At the s h o r t m e e t i n g F r i d a y , Bill Rooks President Althea R a f f e n a u d called Alvin Leenhoute H a r r y Knudson . Don Cordes, who h a s been esthe meeting to order, a f t e r which 1 P a u l Van E e n e n a a m sociated with pull t e a m s in one all business was discussed briefly Howaid Vander Kuyl way or a n o t h e r f o r the p a s t f o u r inasmuch as the society was to yeais, and now is sophomore Anthony Penni/igs, f r e s h m a n 1 proceed as a body to the Grand coach, has had about 15 men out pull coach, has had nearly 20 men Rapids Junior-Hope football game, for the past several n i g h t s . He out regularly f o r his team. Spirit The next m e e t i n g was announced reports fine spirit on the t e a m , has been r u n n i n g high, he an- under the c h a i r m a n s h i p of Lois which will go into action a g a i n s t nounced Tuesday night. J a n e Kronemeyer. the f r e s h m e n Oct. 12.


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