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Hope College, Holland, Mich, October 1,1930

Volume XLIII

Hope Defeated • in the First Game of Season


Number 35

Lyceum Course Faculty Greets • REV. DRUKKER AT " Y " • Pull to Feature Managers Work Entire College * At the Y. M. C. A. Meeting • Battle at Black evening, September • For Big Crowds at Fine Welcome ** Tuesday River on Friday 30, in the Y room, the men of • •

Sand, food, and fun were featured a t the Y.W. beach party held a t the Oval on Tuesday. After the supper and the good time that went with it, Anne Koeman, Y.W. president, gave an inspirational talk fitted to an evening out of doors. After singing many songs, the meeting adjourned and the girls went home with a feeling of satisfaction and happiness because of an evening well spent.




* the college had a rare t r e a t * ALDAY AND BROWER WILL F E L L O W S H I P IS G E N U I N E AS * when Ray Drukker of Grand • F R E S H M E N CONFIDENT THAT LOSES TO OHIO STATE NORE N T I R E COLLEGE MEETS PUBLISH INFORMATION * Rapids spoke to them on "The • THEY WILL BREAK OLD MAL BY SCORE O F 19 TO 0 IN FIRST GET TOGETHER ABOUT FOUR PRO* Y Man." Mr. Drukker is well* P R E C E D E N T AND WIN SATURDAY AFTERNOON GRAMS * known throughout the country * "Success" is just the right word * for his work among boys and * BECK1ER IN CHARGE COACH USES DOUBLE The opening date of the College to use in expressing our sentiments * young men and Hope was for- • TEAMS ON LOCAL Lyceum Course is now less than a about the reception held j u s t one * tunate that Dr. Dimnent could * Dr. Dimnent Offers Award to Class Superior in Thursday's Contest TEAM month away. The first number will week ago. If we were to describe *. obtain one so loved and ad- * the evening's program in just four be presented on the last day of * mired to talk on her campus. * This Friday afternoon Freshmen this month at Carnegie Gymnasi- words, we would say mix-up, line- * Special music was in charge of * Coach Schouten Seems Satisfied and Sophomores will have the atup, double-up. and fill-up. Possibly um. Dr. J. B. Nykerk sponsor of With Showing of His Hope * Harry Ver Strate. * tention of the entire Hope College ' t h e course at Hope, reports that a fuller statement would be to the Eleven community. The dignity of upper the complete program has been liking of some. The reception started rather promptly having classmen will be of no avail in Although displaying pep and enarranged for. drawing the attention of all away been called for 7:45. It was difthusiasm of high degree, the gridHe has selected Marion Alday from the young greens or their ficult to gain access to the front ders of Hope college were overpowand Paul Brouwer to manage the sophomoric kindred; the power and doors of the Gym for awhile beered in the first game of the season Course this year. These young men persuasiveness of the faculty will cause some of the fellows evidently by a big Ohio State Normal footare beginning their campaign now for once be forgotten by all. All thought the reception was to be ball team at Bowling Green, Ohio, and have plans of giving the who know themselves by the name, Saturday. The final score showed EVELYN ALBERS IS ELECTED Course the necessary publicity. held outside. Finally some "brave" Hopites, whether they inhabit a ventured in, and the rest followed. the Ohioans to a 9-0 advantage, PRESIDENT O F GIRLS' CLUB Literature about this year's proMRS. FENTON CHOOSES NEW three room suite at Voorhees or a After having been pinned up with although the game was much closer grams will be distributed in a few AT ITS FIRST MEETING MEN FOR MONTH'S TRIAL garret room in the humblest house a blue triangle telling who, why than the score would indicate. days and a sales campagin will be TO FILL VACANCIES in the village, will leave all behind Hope encountered with a powerThe Girls' Glee Club for the new staged on the Campus as well as and what we were, everyone cirand follow the battling underclassculated from group to group. ful aggregation in Bowling Green. year had their first meeting on in the city at large. Coming up to a new student, one Over fifty men were in uniform Wednesday, September twenty-four To fill the existing vacancies in men to the banks of Black River, Exceptional quality packed into The annual Frosh-Soph pull will might greet him by name if his the Men's Glee Club Mrs. Fenton ready for play, and Coach Steller in the music room at Voorhees Hall. four numbers characterizes, generbe the feature attraction of the eyesight were good enough; he used two complete teams of equal has chosen the following for a The new members for this year ally, the Lyceum Course for this afternoon. There has been some might have a second look, having strength. The school itself is five are fourteen in number. This large month's trial: year. To begin with, Randolph intensive training on both sides read the name. or six times as large as Hope and number of new girls is due to the Tenors: Louis Cotts, Mich.; Lewis Churchill, grandson of the great After a short time of this mix- Scudder, Conn.; Linden Lindsey, under the direction of upper class allows players to compete for four fact that so many of the club gradEnglish peer and writer, and son coaches and each side is confident up came the line-up. The faculty New York. years on the varsity. uated last year. The new girls are: of an English statesman, will preof victory. During the past few stood in line at the front of the Following the initial game Hope Lois Ketel, Eula Champion, Lilli- sent a young man's views on world First Bases: Jacob Groetsma, years the sophomores have usually Gym, and as they said, an endless will have an added week to prepare an Sabo, Catherine Nettinga, Julia 111.; Preston Luidens, Mich.; John problems. Although Mr. Churchill been the victors in the f r a y , somefor the M.I.A.A. season. There is Walvoord, Mildred Essenberg, is only 23 years of age, his un- line of students went by to ex- Oldenburg. Mich. times winning out a f t e r a long and change greetings. Some folks no game scheduled for this week, Frances Learned, Lois De Free usual environment and his "blue" Second Bases: John Muilenberg, severe tussle and again, as last and next week Hope plays a t Al- (Junior), Arloa Van Peursen, blood have equipped him with an thought their arms must surely be III.; Bob Kruizenga. New York; Aryear, having a comparatively easy broken, while others just knew bion. Coach Schouten was satisfied Helen Smith, Olga Bender, Nellie understanding t h a t promises much. they were making a good impres- nold Dykhuizen, Mich.; Paul Brou- victory. It has therefore become with the showing made by the fel- Van Eeuwen, Margaret Steketee, He is touring America this winter almost the foregone conclusion of . sion on their professors, and would wer, 111. lows in the first game, but states Mildred Klow. season, and will give only twelve A successful year is anticipated some that the frosh "always lose." "profit" by it later. The facultythat there will be numerous hard The purpose of this first meeting lectures during his entire stay in for the Club to continue last year's However the frosh of '34 emphatworkouts before the next contest. was to elect new officers. The this country. So Hope College can must have experienced a good job work. In view of the fact that ihe ically inist t h a t this is going to be The usual mistakes of the first girls chose Evelyn Albers as % pres- well count herself tremendously >yell done when the last hand was Eastern Trip of the Club was so an "off year." J u d g i n g from the game of the year were evident in ident; Jean Herman as secretary fortunate in securing him. He will grasped, and everyone found seats successful, another trip is under zest they are putting into their Hope, and our men had the misfor- and treasurer; Helen Van Eenelecture on the opening night of the for the double-up. tune of playing one of the strong- naam as business manager; and The program was started by a consideration, the details of which preparation and by the material course of '30, which is Oct. 31. est teams in the Ohio conference Annetta McGilvra as librarian. jolly speech from Dr. Dimnent. The will be announced later. At a re- they have they may be able to Other numbers are a mystery while making the errors. They also decided that they would first number was a group of solos cent business meeting the follow- prove themselves correct. play in which the murder is com"Pull Day" will be preceded by a Bowling Green used straurht j s e | i refreshments as they did last by John Oldenberg. When, he ing officers were elected to serve mitted in the first act, thus creatthroughout the coming year: Lester series of Frosh-Soph contests to football for the greater part of the year in order to raise more funds. ascended the stage and stood verying the suspense immediately; and Van Der Werf, President; William be held on Thursday. These added game and crushed Hope under a still, we all thought he would anthat suspense never falters until Kuyper, Secretary-Treasurer; and contests were instituted to satisfy continuation of line bucks. In Gill, nounce some campaign plans for ! the curtain falls on the last Act. John Oldenburg, Librarian. the ravenous appetites of the fullback, the Buckeyes had one of next year. Instead, he said, "I am . An impersonator of Lincoln who the best plunging backs the boys Names were suggested for the greener elements because of the waiting for my accompanist." stands six feet f o u r as Lincoln did. \ had ever seen, and with Perry, ileet John Milenberg featured next Business Manager, but since this is abolition of hazing.. This program and has read all available material ' quarterback. Howling Green had a with his big shiny trombone. He a very important position and must of contest will be carried out on the Great Dmancipator, will combination that was hard to stop. was accompanied by Chuck Van necessarily be held by a man out- Becker, vice-president of the senior give readings from some of LinHope's offensive power was woeDomelen. -.'Milenberg's music is side .)f the Club, the office will be class. Among other things it infully weak, perhaps because of the THIS TUESDAY'S GATHERING coln's famous speeches. He will also always appreciated. As the last filled later a f t e r due consideration cludes a football rush and flag impersonate Lincoln as he acted in rushes. Each contest merits a cerblocking in the backfield. OUTDOOR " N A T U R E MEETnotes of the trombone faded away, has been given the matter. several of the great crises of his Bowling Green scored all its tain number of credits and the class ING" AT OTTAWA BEACH the curtains parted, and there stood life. points in the first half. One touchhaving the larger number of credits OVAL Mike Leenhouts in person. Mike is down was made in the first Deriod, at the completion of the program In conclusion, h fine musical a sure bet when its laughs we're while the other two followed in the will be awarded the "cup of valor" "The Morning S t a r " was the sub- number is coming. For f u r t h e r and after. "Dutch humorisms a la second quarter. The home team had ject upon which Ethel Cunnagin m o r e offered as a reward by Dr. Dimcomplete announcements Leenhouts" was fine, and we all the wind at its back in tho first spcke to the V. W. C. A. at its first watch The Anchor. Remember to nent. took it to heart though I didn't quarter and gained on the exchange meeting of the year, held last week secure your tickets now. First really see anyone picking up his Those driving their machines to (Continued on Page Four) Tuesday. She addressed her re- night. October 31. the scene of the pull are asked to appetite a f t e r the meals at Voormarks especially to the freshmen, leave the pavement on M21 at the hees Hall, next day. Someone must who had been escorted to the meetBOSTON VISITS CHAPEL Harry has a new Ford. His have told the cook! Following ALL I N S T R U M E N T A L I S T S schoolhouse corner just east of ing by their big sisters, advising " m a m m a " gave it to him so he Mike's humor came the Men's Glee A S K 0 D TO MEET IN READING town. They are to park them some" ' W h e r e are you going, my pretty- them to choose an ideal by which where along this side of the old ROOM AT SEVEN T H I S could conserve the strength he Club Quartet. They "favored" us dog?' to guide their lives, and warned Internrban Line. This is an urgent (Continued on Page 2) EVENING gains on Voorhees diet. 'I'm going to chapel, sir,' he said." them of dangers to be avoided in request made by those who own And he did! One day last week attaining their goal. Helen Van the property where the pull occurs. This is not a "want ad," but an Arrows will be posted along the While Dr. Dimnent was introducing Eenenaam, accompanied by Ethel invitation to all players of orches- way to assist those who are a n Dr. Thomas W. Davidson, the Leestma, sang "Deep River," and tral instruments to join the col- familiar with the locality of the speaker of the morning, a black Bernadine Siebers, who was presilege orchestra. A practice and bus- events. Boston terrior entered the vestibule dent of the Y. W. C. A. last year, iness meeting will be held this of the chapel, and finding the door expressed her pleasure at the large j The evening of the pull will be (Wednesday) evening a t 7:00 one of m e r r y making. As usual open, trotted solemnly down the attendance and wished the organo'clock in the library. Mr. Eugene center aisle towards the platform. ization a successful year. (Continued on Page 2) F. Heeter, the director, is very He stopped and sniffed at the The president, Anne Koeman, rerf—o freshmen (perhaps their verdant quested those who wished to be beloved campus. Moreover, the anxious to increase the size of the A RARE TREAT youthfulness attracted him), but enrolled as active members this Hope College Kurfew Klub benefit of the Frosh is always to be string section, and there is still On Tuesday evening, October 7, passed the reverend seniors with- year to sign purpose ciyds. While Adopts New Resolutions giv^n due consideration in all our room f o r a few other instruments as well. There was a good attend- the Y.M.C.A./will give a special out so much as a glance. Pup sur- these were being passed out, Olive Defining Current Policy actions. ance a t last week's meeting, but t r e a t to the Hope College fellows. veyed the faculty with interest, but Peeke, vice-president, announced However, it has never been the getting no response to the friendly that the next meeting would be a We, the Hope Kurfew Klub of the purpose of this body to bind itself feminine talent was decidedly in For t h a t evening they have secured the minority. So come on out, boys a s speaker Mr. Herman Laug, a wagging of his stubby tail, and beach party at Ottawa Beach, and Class of Thirty-one, believing in to any course of action, or to adopt and girls, and help make a real Hope graduate of 1929. Mr. Laug finding the speech beyond his com- hinted mysteriously a t "eats 'n the aristocracy of the Seniors nnd resolutions which might in any way orchestra for Hope this y e a r ! prehension, he considered the pos- games 'n everything." The meet- in t i e integrity of their judgment, was a popular student on our camcompromise its f u t u r e course. sibilities of a game of hide-and-go- ing closed with the singing of the do adopt the following resolution:' -o pus and is always a welcome visiTherefore, it is f o r us to do w h a t seek among the pews. The abun- Y song, a f t e r which the old mem- j Let it be known by all that the I t was a terrible blow to the tor. During the past summer he dance of legs and the size of the bers had the opportunity of meet- j H.K.K. does acknowledge and ap- is to be done and to enact what is Sophs of Voorhees tiall to be made an extensive tour of western feet making this difficult, doggie ing the freshmen and w e l c o m i n g preciate the new attitude toward to be enacted with the greatest of classed in with the Frosh in re- Europe. On Tuesday night he will freedom and in accordance only gards to Monday night. Monday tell of the Passion Play a t Oberamwisely decided to withdraw, and them to the Y. W. C. A. ' ' hazing lately expressed by the adwith those truths which have, in night is to be dateless night f o r megau, which he attended, a s well a f t e r one last regretful pause near o ministration. And let it be underthe freshmen, departed down the Sue Schoep was a week-end visi- stood f u r t h e r t h a t it is the policy of the glorious past, formulated the both Sophs and Frosh. Please re- aa of the battlefields of France and aisle with poise a senior might tor a t the dorm. She looks well and this august body to promote a feel- ideals and guided the actions of this member this, boys, and don't tempt other subjects of great i n t e r e s t says she is enjoying teaching. the girls. envy. Don't miss it. ing of truer college spirit on this worthy group.

Girls' Glee Club Takes Fourteen New Songsters

Boys Glee Club Receives Ten New Singers

Ethel Cunnagin Addresses Y.W. at Initial Meet

Heeter Directs New Orchestra at Hope College


***"' "T




Nature's Lesson

worth while, if only for the ing out full force. I So leave y<mr books and worries, lett€r home contacts established during so Even the students may be e v e n " and c™e w a t c h t h e y o u n g 8 t e r s fight One day while visiting the'short a period. MenUl, social, coming to the realization that ^ xoo at Lakewood Farm, we 'and moral development inft- teachers and students are but 1 o had occassion to watch the pe- V t e l y outweigh the accumula- fellow-travelers on the same f P o m . l f v f V a a f c STAFF rac li on w e a 1JJ y ^ o n t h e i c a l e of road that leads toward truth. J- Coert Rylaarsdam culiarly human antics of a • The teachers are far ahead, J l i n t i r 6 COHCg'C Associate Editors Esther Mulder, Ivan Johnson, Harri Zegarius great beautiful Peacock. E n - l ! ! ^ W h a t i s , m o r e t r a * i c lighting the dark road for at Fine Welcome „port8 —Watson Spoelstra, H a r r y Veratrate closed with him in a huge pen l t h a n a ® a n w h o s e c u l t u r a l those who are still afar off. If 0 (Continued from Page One) e ! " Richard Nieaink 8 8 n 0 t k e p t P a C e we then, as students, can that was surrounded by o r d i ^ f f Marion De Kuiper our " ^ n ^ e r Song." To be a nary chicken wire were hts economical advance- learn more concerning Jack De Witt guides, their methods, and bit different, they encored with Learn n0W Camp™ News R u h j ^ merous fowls of various spe-i™ ^ . ^ c e r n their signals, why should we "Those Pals of Ours." Miss Leets1 Head Reporter,. ^ t, 8 0fhfe ma remarked a f t e r this number cies. Barnyard' hens of t h e i ^ 8 ! " " ' ^ not? Reporters: Ethel Leetsma, Rudolph Nichols. Grace Hudson, Julia them their prop€r place t h a t the accompaniment to "Those commonest variety, pigeons j * ™ Hondelink, Mayford Ross, M. Klow, R. Voskuil, K. Ives, P a l s " is very difficult. We feel it in your considerations. coockoo doves,- guinea hens C. Cook, M. Beach, W. Austin, C. Norlin. Pull to Feature must be— cockoo doves, guinea hens, Prof. Kleis scarred next by anBattle at Black Follow the Gleam ducks, mallards, storks, ban„ -j nouncing nouncmg tmh a rt the' tne climax enmax had naa come BUSINESS STAFF I v l V e r O i l r riuHy —we must eat. Of coufse, that turn hens, all thrown promisBusiness Manager , Huenink Fall receptions have been (Continued from Page One) was a success. The serving corps cuously together in helterAssistants.. , GeerHngs, Irving Decker Ru h the usual thing at Hope f o r a every class in the school is making did a fine piece of work, indeed, Circulation Manager Dave Reardon skelter fashion. For the most r e p r a t l o n s ffor o r aa p a r t y on that Soon aafftteerr eats eats were were served, served, long 1 strine* of v e a r s h u t a ppreparations f p a r t y on that Soon part the heterogeneity of the > ' { evening, and from all reports every sohie left, others followed shortly. seems to be called to task for group^ troubled the wic inmates i i m i a i e s ^ a c u l t y r e c e p t i o n s u c h a s w e | one of them is going to be plenty From t h e lips of all came expresgiving too little care to faculty less than the observers, who | ^ i s fall is something ^0(Mi- No reports can be had as to sions of entire satisfaction coni s a. appointments. We as students persisted in . . their . . _i attempts t o , ^ change fi*r o m the nature or place where a n y of cerning the evening entertainment. do not know much about these discover signs of hidden q u a r - m e r e l y welcoming the stu- the parties will be, t h e committees I feel sure t h a t f o r a long while, naturally being unwilling to divulge our memories will r e t u r n to that arr things. All we know» is that rels. No fighting between the r e n ^ s u p o n i v a l to their little schemes beforehand. pleasant evening of fellowship. there is now on the staff no sundry species occurred. O n l y i u r ^ n g t ^ e m ^ n t o immediate FOUND—AN INSTITUone who is not qualified by the haughty peacocks strutted P e r s o n a l acquaintance and coTION OF LEARNING training and intelligence to o p e r a t i o n w i t ht h e about with a touch of hostility j Acuity m embers hold his position. Moreover, members. in each step. Of these peaIn the latest number of The they are all surrendered and cocks there were two varieTransferring the fall recepLeader there was an article devoted to the service of manties: one of pure down whose tion from the hands of the which aggravated and grieved kind according to the princitail fanned out into a beautiAssociation Union to those of us. It aggravated us because W e invite y o u to look o v e r our • ples of Christianity as we at ful splurge of white; and the the professors is indeed an acit spoke in such a biting and Hope believe them. other variety of vari-colored tive move on the part of the conclusive way of the defects We are not acquainted with feathers. One of the. latter faculty to procure better coof our AJma Mater and its adthe salary deficiencies of our V // had placed herself directly in operation and understanding. ministration. It grieved us befaculty. One professor told us the center of the cage and on It is a f r a n k admission t h a i Our Stock is Complete in S i z e s and Styles. cause it was written by a son last spring that salaries at a section of ground well to- the good will of both teacher of Hope who served her a lifeHope compared very well with ward the front. Then, with her and student is necessary for time as a bearer of the "Mesthose offered at similar institail lifted magnificently in a efficientTwork. It was a chalsage of Hope" to other shores tutions in our land. As to the gorgeous fan and her delicate lenge to make all show their and as professor within her limited tenure of office we head with its crown of spray- colors. And the students—! own walls. We love Dr. Pieters have been informed that the ed jewels tilted in regal style, perhaps they understood—anfor his service to humanity single year contract applies she would slowly turn about as swered thp rail nnhlv Kir and to his Alma Mater; we only to new men who "miist though consciously preening hold in reverence his godliprove themselves." ness; we respect his scholarand showing off before the onWe are next rapped for our ship and the wisdom of his lookers. Like some maniquin indulgence in all manner of experience. In all these things proudly displaying her beauty, we can only hope and pray to frivolity: "fraternities, athle- this peacock paced slowly back some day be his peers. But we tics, movies," etc. As a good and forth, continually revolvmust disagree with the state- educator the writer will agree ing at the same time. From ments of the doctor because that the ideal education is the all indications she kept this up we feel that they are uncalled one which prepares the stu- the greater part of the day. well in the When an innocent bantum hen for and unsuitable. In fact we dent to function . ,. , , urtiitum nen nourish the secret thought environment m which he is | wandered between her and the must change crowd in her search for grubs, that the article wag written to placed. Method , W1 a create discussion rather than society. It is the angered x peacock would 1 a ng tlme since our to state f a r N ! Wend search for g r u b s , J h e angered 3 S Udent a n d t h e r e h a S peacock would strike at her The first thing we dislike j ^ u been a chan e out the artirlp i, it, ^ n . « Moreover, that with taloned claw. about the article is its cappart of society wljich the tion: "Wanted: An InstituThere was something hution of Learning." Hope Col- Hope graduate of today serves man in the way this dumb anilege is an institution of learn- is much wider than that of mal strutted vainly before ing. It was founded as such, forty years ago. We aren't all others. But there was a gengoing to be ministers. Must we chartered as such, and it has uine touch of life in the name go to university or to our vofunctioned as such. At this she bore, which was merely, very time Hope sends dozens cations unacquainted with the COMMON PEACOCK. accepted ways of social interof graduates annually to the course, and unable to become Values best graduate and professionmasters of the situation, or al schools in the country and An unfortunately l a r g e shall we seek to acquire social they make good. Authorities training which by reason of number of students come to at the U. of M. remark: "We college with the sole purpose like to get people from Hope." its high moral background will enable us to be leaders in in mind of acquiring just This year six Hope grads are society at large? Are we going enough education to pursue entering Rush School of Medito exert influence or shrink some gainful occupation. They cine, a school which takes on overlook the intrinsic values only 75 students annually away? What would Christ do? Personally we feel that schol- of college life, and if comfrom all schools in the country arship is essential and we pelled to give up school «bewith the exception of the " U " strive for it, yet we must say fore completing their course of Chicago, from which it T ™ total capacity of waterwheel generaton also that books give us only consider it a mere waste of takes another 75. The fact buUt by Qcneral Electric in the last ten yean is half of education. time, energy and money. that some seminary student more than enough to supply light and power for We write this article be- What a happy step forward if may have shown inadequate twenty cities of one million jpopuladon. J*9 m h tit GmrmJ EUctrk these students could be made preparation can perhaps be cause we love our Alma Mater prtr*m, hnadtAit tvtry Ssttndaf Installed in power houses along the waterways, dearly, because we feel that to realize t h a t the first object tPtmht m 0 mstm-wiJi N.B.C accounted for by the observaits administration is doing all of Hope is to teach us how to these machines transform the strength of mighty tion that few of the superior it can to make it a bigger and rivers into useful electric energy for homes, for live the happiest, noblest, and students are today attracted better school, and because we industry, and for transportation. by the seminary, which is disagree with our critic, much most serviceable lives t h a t we The vision and skill of coUege-tnuned men are truly deplorable. But Hope is as we admire him otherwise. are capable of. Certainly, We write it with a spirit hummoney is important, but not largely responsible for the continuing an educational institution, so bled by the consciousness of nearly so important as a of General Electric in its service of famishing why put out a "Wanted" sign? what Dr. Pieters has done for knowledge of using it most machines and devices that provide the swift, sure And its faculty is evidently Hope, and with the hope of advantageously. Each new convenience and the economy of electricity—on capable enough to make pos- ating among students and fafriend, each new experience iB land and sea and in the air. sible the fine scholastic rank- culty a mutual desire to advance again "to higher worth more than & month's, ing we at present enjoy. ground." even a year's, salary. One se- O l N H A t 95.7360C ELBCTKIC COMPANY. SCHBNBC T AD Y . Our beloved ex-president N E Editor. YORK mester at college would be I Stared at the Port OfTlce at Holland, Miehisan, aa S«coiid Clau Matter. — r a t o o f !»•*««• i K C Provided Jiruviueu for in SecUon 1103 of J ' Z r J 0 * . m a , ! , n-, r . a t Aetof ConirreM, October 8. 1917. Authoriied October 19, 1918.





French Cloak Store


Taking Electrical Convenience

From Or Man River


if W J } .'w;1 FTftr'

• 7- ^ '.x ' r-HM

Pagt Three

Hope College Anchor

U. of M. while Lanning will attend Id mages de cough, id mages be Like one who carefully spreads his books sneeze Rush medical. The Frosh were told About him, and sits down to quiet about initiation so they will have il caddot smell libburger cheese study. By voice is nothig bud a wheese. something to look forward to. We often wonder if the FreshKnickerbocker: — v The K n i c k men will be able to display a s much At this time we certainly want peldges held a meetihg Thursday "Full" on Friday afternoon a s to take the opportunity f o r thank- many of them would lead us to ben i g h t They elected Harold Deing Ivan Johnson f o r contributing lieve they have. . Young p r e s i d e n t "Waddy" Spoelhis charming mustache to the Hope s t r a h a s started a candy store I t Notice. If either of our readers landscape. We are sorry t h a t the should find the jokes in this departthe house and is now taking all the g i f t has incurred so great a sara- ment too difficult to catch, they pin money f r o m the fellows. Waddy torial loss to Mr. Johnson but hope will be able to purchase a book of says he can soon pay his tuition t h a t he may have comfort in the explanations the y e a r a f t e r the now if the demand holds up. The 1930 Milestone comes o u t house was almost deserted because f a c t t h a t it was done for dear old of the exodus of football men to IJope.

small school boy, and Alice Boter as " A Backward Child" will add humor to the meeting, while the

I* Alethea: — The Aletheans are planning many outdoor meetings f o r the fall t e r m , but business problems necessitate a meeting in their room this week. A musical program of piano and vocal selections will be presented Thursday, followed by a short comedy, "While You Wait." Delphi: — "Readin' and 'Ritin' and 'Rithmetic" vocalized and accompanied by t h e rhythmical tapping of feet will introduce the Delphian Grammar School program Thursday. Berdean Welling a s a

educational aspects of the subject will be treated in other ways. Dorian: — To the strumming of a ukelele, Cowboy Kay Ives, singing rollicking western songs, will be featured in Dorian this week. The society will consider the cowboy and the wide-open spaces. P a p e r s and poems presenting "Life on the ranches," and "Wrangling Dudes" will be given, and songs by Lin Sabo will add to the program.

Sibylline: — Old favorites in books. Jazz, jokes, and safigs will reign supreme in the Sibylline meeting this week, and even " F a vorite Faculty Members" will be presented. A choice topic f o r deNOTICE! bate — " F a t vs. Thin" — will give I T. Masselink and G. Hanson opporM r . O v e r w a y f o r m e r l y of i tunity to demonstrate their powers t h e Colonial B a r b e r S h o p is | of speech to their Sib. sisters. Sorosis: — Sorosites will be all n o w at t h e keyed up at this week's meeting! Marie Kleis will tickle the keys, E. Drescher will present "Dramatized Keys," while J. Herman considers "The Key's in the Mail Box." Key RIVER AVE. i papers and other numbers will unlock Sorosis fun a t the meeting.


White Cross Barbers i

Phone 2465

The Ideal Dry Cleaners "The House of Service"

Cleaning and Steam Pressing Auto—Call Delivery—Service College Ave. and 6th St.

Holland, Mich.

Coemopolittn:—A regular meeti n g was held T h u r s d a y night a t which Alva Ebbers read a number on Psycho-analysis^ "Les" Vanderwerf then entertained the boys with song; ."Don" Koeppe ended the program with a humorous number. Ike Meyer was voted in to swell the numbers of the Cosmopolitans. Saturday the Freshmen were put to work cleaning u p under the su- Bowling Green. However, Harms pervision of "Don" Koeppe. and Sompsen managed to keep the Emersonian: — Every member fireplace hot—also the radio. turned out to the meeting held Friday n i g h t A good program was enjoyed by the boys a f t e r which much important business was Well, well, here we are again transacted. "Bob" Freeman, rising t r y i n g to write a column of so-callyoung journalist, was appointed ed humor for the Anchor. And we F r a t e r n i t y reporter by the Presi- certainly feel t h a t as it is very dent. F o u r new members have been true that black cow gives white added to the ranks of the Emer- milk it is also true that through sonians last week, namely: Louis agony w | produce humor which Kotts, Toshio Ito, George Veldman turn produces agony just as the and John Chamberlain. A candy white milk may be fed to black store, the brain product of the calves. commercial genius John Mulder, And the day a f t e r tomorrow we has already yielded big returns^ alshall know which class is all wet. though it is only in its infancy. And oh, how wet that class will be. Fraternal:—A regular meeting However it is encouraging to the was held Thursday night. The pro- losing team to know that they are gram w a s : Appraisal of Faculty, more than welcome on the other Dutch Popink; Meaning of a Col- side, t h a t strong arms are pulling lege Education, Carl Walvoord; to receive them and sweet' coed Football Prospects, Tom Beaver; voices are singing a hearty welSolo, Ben Vermeer. Brute Jappinga come. and Nick Lanning, F r a t e r Alumni, The Hit of the Week were present and had a word for De wid is blowig throug de trees the new men. Brute is leaving for













WELCOME STUDENTS Make our Store your Headquarters lor

Clothing and Gents Furnishings

VISSER & BAREMAN 50 East Eighth St.



i "

Programs, Calling Cards, Stationery, Fine Papers 210 College Avenue

Holland Sandwich Shop Food Will Build You Up Quickly

DR. BANK ACCOUNT has cured many financial disorders and prevented many physical ones.




Watch and Jewelry <. Repairing

Still In Business You will find us at the old stand 19 East 8th St. Holland Ready to Serve you.

G. A. LACEY Photographer

If it's new y o u will find it at J. J. Rutgers Co. N e w Sweaters, New Ties, Hose, Shirts, Hats, Caps Made to measure Trousers for $7.00 Made to measure suits from $25.50 up. We carry the Holland Shoes.

WELCOME! STUDENTS OF HOPE! You are invited to use the Banking facilities of


The First State BaAk The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County

P R I N T I N G -



With that added touch- gives ii distinction and appeal Creative Printing Service 9 East 10th St. Phone 4337 Holland, Mich.


COZY I N N 68 East 8th St.

Recommended hy The English Department of

r /


Blue Bird Diamond Rings



The Best Abridged Dictionary b e c a u i e it is bawd upGn WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL—The "Supreme Authority . Here is a companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove its real value every time you consult tt. A wealth " ^ o f ready inlonnadon on words, persons, places, it instantly yours. 106,000 words and 1,/UU uiusirauoni. umu donaries of biography and raphy and other features. See It at Your Cofleie Boohtmt« if you name lha papa.


Jewelry Store

H H W f U l l i i l i l l i i r i i i w " " " — g

Write far Information to the PubluiuTJ. Free tpecimen pages






All Tired Out After Your Vacation?

- A t -

But, Rise that when the summons comes to join The innumerable caravan, which moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take His pew, in the quiet halls of chapel Thou go not like the foolish virgin, late Ashamed and silly, but awakened early By a good alarm clock, approach thy seat


is a part of our service to those who come to us for their printing requirements.


Gruen Watches Elgin Watches Bolnva Watches

i nmmm

interest and Courteous Attention Holland Printing Co.

The gay will laugh When you come late, the faculty will glare Plod on, and as on other mornings, t a k e ' y o u r place. The one assigned, and this ye shall not leave Nor disturb their mirty or their employments Fyr they will be well wroth with thee. As the long train Late ones keeps on gliding in, ye also will be wroth.


Elgin Watch**


Successor to W. R. Stevenson Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing

A CLEAR ANALYSIS of your expenditures is always possible with a checking account Feel free to avail yourself of our facilities at oil f i r n p o

Holland City State Bank HOLLAND, MICHIGAN


H P i ...




Page Three

Hope College Anchor small school boy, and Alice Boter


as "A Backward Child" will add humor to the meeting, while the Alethea: — The Aletheans are planning many outdoor meetings for the fall term, but business problems necessitate a meeting in their room this week. A musical program of piano and vocal selections will be presented Thursday, followed by a short comedy, "While Vou Wait." Ik-lphi: — "Readin' and 'Ritin' and 'Rithmetic" vocalized and accompanied by the rhythmical tapping of feet will introduce the Delphian (Jrammar School program Thursday. Berdean Welling as a

educational aspects of the subject

Cosmopolitan:—A regular meeting was held Thursday night at which Alva Ebbers read a number on Psycho-analysis; "Les' Vanderwerf then entertained the boys with song; "Don" Koeppe ended the program with a humorous number. Ike Meyer was voted in to swell the numbers of the Cosmopolitans. Saturday the Freshmen were put to work cleaning up under the supervision of "Don Koeppe.

will be treated in other ways. Dorian: — To the strumming of a ukelele. Cowboy Kay Ives, singing rollicking western songs, will be featured in Dorian this week. The society will consider the cowboy and the wide-open spaces. Papers and poems presenting "Life on the ranches," and "Wrangling Dudes" will be given, and songs by Lin Sabo will add to the program.

Sibylline; — Old favorites in books, Jazz, jokes, and s<»ngs will reign supreme in the Sibylline {meeting this week, and even "Favorite Faculty Members" will be presented. A choice topic for deNOTICE! bate — " F a t vs. Thin" — will give T. Masselink and G. Hanson opporM r . O v e r w a y f o r m e r l y of 5 jtunity to demonstrate their powers of speech to their Sib. sisters. t h e C o l o n i a l B a r b e r S h o p is Sorosis; — Sorosites will be all n o w at t h e keyed up at this week's meeting! Marie Kleis will tickle the keys, E. Drescher will present "Dramatized Keys." while J. Herman considers "The Key's in the Mail Box.'* Key RIVER AVE. papers and other numbers will un= lock Sorosis fun at the meeting.

| i

Emersonian: — Every member turned out to the meeting held Friday night. A good program was enjoyed by the l)oys a f t e r which much important business was transacted. "Bob" Freeman, rising young journalist, was appointed Fraternity reporter by the President. Four new members have been added to the ranks of the Emersonians last week, namely; Louis Kotts. Toshio Ito, George Veldman and John Chamberlain. A candy store, the brain product of the commercial genius John Mulder, has already yielded big returns; although it is only in its infancy.

I White Cross Barbers | i





I Mi o n e - 4 6 5



The Ideal Dry Cleaners



Fraternal:—A regular meeting was held Thursday night. The program was; Appraisal of Faculty, Dutch Popink; Meaning of a College Education. Carl Walvoord; s Football Prospects. Tom Beaver; g I Solo. Ben Vermeer. Brute Jappinga g and Nick Lanning, Frater Alumni, were present and had a word toi the new men. Brute is leaving lor


" T h e H o u s e of S e r v i c e ' '

I Cleaning and Steam Pressing C o l l e g e A v e . a n d (>th S t .

Holland, Mich.

Gruen Watches Elgin Watches Boluva Watches



Jewelry Store I

nrn mrn iaii:ia,!,iiiiiiiaaH!iiiiiii!iiiinininiiiinmiii:i:riiii!iiiiiMTOii'iii'i!inii:i3iiiiirinnHnir.!ninm!i:i!iiiii!iiHiiiaa,i«ii:riHiwirt!tniiiriiri(iiiiiHinnniiB!uinii*

wid is blowig throug d c t r e e



Auto—Call Delivery—Service 1

U. of M. while Lanning will attend Id mages de cough, id mages be Like one who carefully spreads his books sneeze Rush medical. The Frosh were told About him, and sits down to (juiet about initiation so they will have il caddot smell libburger cheese study. By voice is nothig bud a wheese. something to look forward to. We often wonder if the FreshKnickerbocker: — v The K n i c k At this time we certainly want men will be able to display as much peldges held a meeting Thursday "Pull" on Friday afternoon as to take the opportunity for thank- many of them would lead us to benight. They elected Harold Deing Ivan Johnson for contributing lieve they have. Young president. "Waddy" Spoels t r a has started a candy store at his charming mustache to the Hope Notice. If either of our readers landscape. We are sorry that the the house and is now taking all the should find the jokes in this departpin money from the fellows. Waddy gift has incurred so great a sara- ment too difficult to catch, they says he can soon pay his tuition torial loss to Mr. Johnson but hope will be able to purchase a book of explanations the year after the now if the demand holds up. The that he may have comfort in the 1930 Milestone comes out. fact that it was done for dear old house was almost deserted because Hope. of the exodus of football men to innninunniiiinia i Bowling Green. However, Harms and Sompsen managed to keep the The gay will laugh When you come late, the faculty fireplace hot—also the radio. will glare Plod on, and as on other mornings, take your place. The one assigned, and this ye shall Well, well, here we are again not leave trying to write a column of so-callN'or disturb their mirty or their ed humor for the Anchor. And we employments certainly feel that as it is very For they will be well wroth with true that black cow gives white thee. As the long train milk it is also true that through Late ones keeps on gliding in. ye agony wy produce humor which also will be wroth. — At— turn produces agony just as the white milk may be fed to black But. Rise that when tho summons calves. comes to join And the day a f t e r tomorrow wr | The innumerable caravan, which shall know which class is all wet. moves And oh, how wet that class will be. To that mysterious n-alm, when- I E However it is encouraging to the each shall take losing team to know that tlu-v an- His pew. in the (juiet halls of chapol more than welcome on the other Thou go not like the foolish side, that strong arms are pulling virgin, late Watch and Jewelry to receive them and sweet- coed Ashamed and silly, but awakened Repairing voices are singing a heart\ w d early come. By a good alarm clock, appro.uh thy seat I .m,i!iiiflMiiH:!:uxi:iiixi;iii«iiiiiiiiiiii;aii:iniin,miaxiiti*aanM • The Hit of t he \N eek

r, 1



jBnwiiuaim!iiiiiinriniiaiinuuninnnju«iiiW!i!i.iJipiiinuiitt intwiniKMiuuiun oo iximimu wxtJXEixixnmxminn.ix!!! ixi'i 1 iimiiixixM jam.rir

ia:iiuixui.iuixi.uxu-wnOTa;?mx 11 ixmuuximmmmmi 1 mimmnwmnrn


You will find us a t t h e old s t a n d

C a n d i e s , Fancy S u n d a y , Hot Fudge S u n d a e s , Hot Chocolate. T o a s t e d S a n d a i i c h e s , G i l b e r t ' s Chocolates


xi'iiiiixiiininLUiiuiicniiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiniiiiinuiiiitMn'ixi ruiuxnixiuxiiiii wiixtuMx-i 1x1:1:1:111 n: 11.11'mi: 1111111111:1 in 11111111 in 11 \ rn i n


Still In Business



19 E a s t 8 t h S t . H o l l a n d


liiuiuiuuxiaiiiiiii IMINA. INRN ixuaxuinnxiinaxiti an 11 ru mini lannxmaiiniiiircnriii INN: IT:.: r:.:! N 1 .1...:


R e a d y t o Serve y o u .

ttjinaxriuajiniiLixrraaxrDimrj'.iiKuniDrnim'iXMirana.iiixia m ma 11 miaa n in mi in 1:11 * r.w. nvi 1 inrr 1 ;n 11...: 1 .

M a k e o u r S t o r e y o u r H e a d q u a r t e r s for

Clothing and Gents Furnishings






If it's n e w you will find it a t J . J . R u t g e r s Co.


N e w S w e a t e r s , N e w Ties, Hose, Shirts. H a t s , ( a p s


u:m.i:iiiini:i.i I.I.M ; 11.111 rru uu; 1.1.11111 u IXUTI imi wMiMiMiiiiliiaiiiiaaiiiiioaaaiiTOXixiaw inn una ixnixixnn m i mim j £W e


I |

is a part of o u r s e r v i c e t o t h o s e w h o their printing requirements.

c o m e to us for





C r e a t i v e P r i n t i n g Service 9 E a s t 10th St. P h o n e 4337 Holland, Mich. —+

68 East 8th St.

*3^^* Recommended by Ii'?" The English Department of



I ^ 05


v .



G.iC.MERRIAMCO. Sprlngtlild,

Blue Bird Diamond Rings

Elgin Watches


WEBSTER'S \ COLLEGIATE I T h e B e s t A b r i d g e d D i c t i o n a r y because it is based upon WEBSTER'S jjg NEW INTERNATIONAL — T h e " S u p r e m e A u t h o r i t y " . Here is ^ a companion lor your hours of reading and study that will prove its real value every time you consult it. A wealth of ready inlormauon on words, persons, placcs, is instantly yours. 106,000 w o r d s and p h r a s e s with definiuons.etymologies.pronunciations, indations, and use in its 1,256 pages. pages cV 1,700 illustrations. Includes die" " # donaries of b i o g r a p h y and g e o g Jg* r a p h y and other features. See It at Your College Rookstore or Jli Write forlnformationtothel'ubhtlur*. Free specimen paga if yuu name this paper. .


JEWELER Successor to W. R . S t e v e n s o n

Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing


A CLEAR ANALYSIS of your expenditures is a l w a y s possible with a checking account. Feel free t o avail yourself of our facilities at all times.

Holland City State Bank HOLLAND, M I C H I G A N




B«iiiiiiiamia:iiiaaxi:i:i:riiciirtxiiiiiB:inii:M iiwiamrBiXMiainiairriuiia-iaiixi i;iii;i:i:iiiiw.ia lami nxia i ia.i i nil Lia.iaa i u i.i:.u: i..a i LUXIIJ





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The First State Bank


With that added touch- gives

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P R I N T I N G -


'1 IT'IIN, 11> |.! 11 HI MN I ia:I I ixm 1:1:1,1:11. N I.I I::IIH i Iinxiiananiiaiia r* I-: ITMM I;: I MiI:maim I:I!I;I 11 nnnn ixianaaxi.HEtmajxu

^ r oii a r e invited to use t h e B a n k i n g facilities of

11 ^ | !j

Programs, Calling Cards, Stationery, Fine Papers | 210 College Avenue



unanaiiai rxriii i mainaiuaanaaicia una. lanuaauian rauxi i ixm :nxi B:U:I maiixdniiiianmnimr,111:111:1 m:ri ma 1 u m aiiuw





c a r r y t h e H o l l a n d Shoes.


Holland Printing Co. |


G. A . L A C E Y P h o t o g r a p h e r

g I ii:iaaiii:inii;i:iiiii:i;i,ni.i:iji'iici:i;iTi!iiiiia!iiiitj:iiiii!!^i:iiiiiiiiiaiuiiuii:iai(iin!i uixiaaaaiiiiaxiuiiiiiuiiuaiiiiaiiaiiTxwii.iaii'intFiiiaamiitrBii.Hfliiiflaaxna

M a d e t o m e a s u r e T r o u s e r s f o r $7.00 M a d e t o m e a s u r e s u i t s f r o m $25.50 up.

50 East Eighth St.

Interest and Courteous Attention


H o p e College A n c h o r

Page Pouf f o r a n u m i ) c r of y e a r s in T o k i o .

Oltmans Speaks to Volunteers on Japan's Needs

He told the s t u d e n t s how he h a p pened to become a m i s s i o n a r y . W h e n s t i l l a s t u d e n t , he w a s p r e s ent




c e r e m o n y of














| C i r e e u M i l l C'afe






Always A Popular Place To Eat

Ruth Van Dyke. Anne Duth. Ma-, rion S l u y t e r . L a u r e n a H a l l e b r a n d s . Florence


formally opened the





Mildred Helen

Lois and


Kooeman. Pelon.





Van 1



1;; I'M1: • 111:; 11

imiimujiiiimilu.nmi 11.1:u :.L:IU. ; 11:11 rmn 11 k• njnu

I W e will be glad to t a k e c a r e of y o u r K o d a k I w o r k a n d a s s u r e you of p r o m p t , t h o r o u g h a n d in1 e x p e n s i v e service.

t h e line. P e r r y hit t h e l i n e f o r t h e

" C o r n i e " V a n d e r N a a l d w e r e t o be

first touchdown. T h e t r y f o r e \ t r a






Finally, the









line, he s m a s h e d



f o r ih'-

j team








I of line. T r y f o r e x t r a p o i n t f:iil( •(. |







' t h r e a t e n e d the Bowling Green goal. V o o r h e e s H a l l w e l c o m e s 24 n e w

' O n one occasion J i m m y Z v e n ^ r | i n m a t e s , i n c l u d i n g IS F r o s h . .I J u n - t ai.d G e o r g e P a i n t e r b r o k e t h r o u g h i o r s . 1 S o p h o m o r e a n d '1 h i g h a n d b l o c k e d a p u n t , but a H o w l i n g school pupils. I G r e e n m a n r a c e d b a c k a n d beat ...it *





Same (Quality - Lower Cost

'1 l.e o u t s t a n d i n g H o p e p l a \ e r w : ' : J i m m y / . w e m e r . w i t h C a p t a i n Alien

across from J. C. Penneys

I'.runson a l s o b e i n g a h i g h l i ^ l l in t h e a t t a c k . J i m T y s s e p u n t " ( l well.

fee'.' j s e n d m y b l a n -

ket'- o u t . *


completed f o r >hort g a i n s .

I t h a i >he m i ^ h t h e a s k e d t o p a y a " b l a n k e t fee," she replied. " W h y blanket







' weaknesses













11:111.! 1' 1111 r



L. T .


Juist I'.runson

L. G. C. \i. ( ; .

Marsh Stevenson


. N ' i n a t u r e g o l f is one of t h e IU-W j L e e n h o i i b Holland.

Some enthu.-i-



R. T .



L. 11.


Tysee Norlin

IL 11. F. 1!.


1 )alman







In s p i t e of t h e p r e d o m i n a n o irreen


1 'erry


noticeable around

; erlin; are







; ton, C o l u m b u s .

Beauty Shop in Connection Call f o r A p p o i n t m e n t s 2071 11 ir:> 14 a;..n 1 im;•: 1111'.unuiuiiininui re-1













1 SERVE IT ANT) YOU PLEASE ALL: 133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave.

P h o n e 5470

w e t r u s t h e r l a m e n e s s will !»e c o m p l e t e l y g o n e b e f o r e b a s k e t ball M-.;son opens.

P h o n e -KMG I'.ernie S i e b e r s w a s a r e c e n t visitor


the dorm.

I'.ernie a n d


Tysse left Friday for " R u s h . " Push does










c o l J u t M l k c r \iy a p p l y i n g a delic'ate lilin (.I A r n o r r t t a Cream



o r — i l v m i r sLin Is oily —



I .illc

1 a c t i o n . I^otK


Quality Shoe Repairing "Dick The S oe Doctor" Electric S h o e Hospital

t e e n c r c a t r J l-y 1 l i z a h c t l i

I 3 E. 8 t h Street

A r J c n t' 1 s a f c ^ u u r J tlu* s k i n as well

as t o



l o v d i n r s . s . ; \ r u l lor e v e n i n g

" nw!iiiaiiii:m.iuiiii!uiiiiiiii,iiiinui:iniRi«afliiirjimiraii:Dwiuiinurarainiiuiii!i'ui E

P John Dykema

— v o n will l i n J n o t h i n g s o J c 1 i g li t l"u 1 a s P r o t c c t a ELIZABETH ARUEN'S Venetian Toilet Pirparatiom are on sale at

Model Drug Store

C r e a m , a rick, velvety and "I I f 1 fasting h n i s h for n e c k and

arms ae well

as f a c e .

E L I Z A B E T H A R D E N , 673 Fifth Art., New York LONDON






Make our store your headquarters

o! tljc.sc 1 VcparatioM.s liavr

Joseph Borgman



PHONE 5442

j Model Laundry 14

The Soft Water Laundry"

Wet W a s h , Rough Dry Finished Work 1 HOLLAND,




| 1

i lii<iiiiiiniiMiii|iliiiiiliiiiii:li.i:i::iiiiiii:iii'l,i'iiMiiliiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii»iiiiiiililiiiliililiiiiii:iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i:iiiilii:iii!iiiiiii:i:iiiiilliniiiiii:iiiiiiim'fliiiiiiiii'iiiiiii:iiiiiiiii[|iiiiiii|.iii

F o s s back to t h e c a m p u s ajjain and




Substitutions: Frisema for Juist.

the cam- I W y n g a r d e n fur Leenhouts, Damp u s . f a l l is h e r e a n d t h e Fre.-hi u 1: s t r a f o r S l i g h t e r . R e f e r e e : L y n n , s e e m t o be a c c l i m a t e d . H e i d e l b e r g : C m p i r e : W a g n e r . ObWe

:uiaaaiijiiua!iii:i.ni:i:iri:i.i:i,. u a

1 I . I T U ' I T I 1.1 I T I R M 1.1:11111 I.I::.! 11.11:11 M 11 RI 11:1 IN

Ault < ialdner

R. K.

n i g h t a n d m a d e t h e b r i l l i a n t .••cor' '.Hi.


H o p e p l a y e r f o r t h e ball on t h e

! foot

' d u m b . A t l e a s t o n e ^rirl f r o m N e w , J e r s e y is. W h e n t o l d on t h e t r a i n



R A I) ' S A R B E R

Yes. t h e F r o s h a r e intellectually

w h e n p a r is 4'>.

.hUimnil i:i:i:>J 1 :TM ; 1:1:1:11:1:1.


River Ave. between 7th and 8th St.

I m a d e t h e final t o u c h d o w n on a r u s h 1 of "J') y a r d s t h r o u g h t h e r i g h t s i d e

a s t i c fan.s p l a y e d a u a m e t h e o t h i - r j H e a v e r

M h Si.



t o u c h d o w n . H o p e w a s o f f s i d e on t h e

> p o i t s of

Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners


. e x t r a point play to give t h e home

11.11:11 n I.I 1 iiPii rnniiTiinin mm.: rn ru;i:i IIINIII i:r::u: iCinrrm irmnimw calling

Shoe Shine Parlor in C o n n e c t i o n



1 correction. Lineups; Don W a d e h a s been a fa Hope (0) Bow 1. G r e e n ( 1 9 ) v i s i t o r a t t h e b u r / . e r s f o r t h e paM K Thu-ro e( k. He s a y s i t ' s c h e a p e r t h a n (i. W i e g e r i n k L. K.

While Y0.1 Wait


j Just Opened-

I f i r s t g a m e will be b r o u g h t out f'oi

Because ( ' o l l e g e f o l k s know i h e y c a n g e t real service of this kind at t h e C o l u m b i a ("leaners is whv one f i n d s t h e place filled a t all t i m e s . B e f o r e you give t h a i new girl a r u s h look at y o u r H a t Suit a n d Shoes.



tlie g i r l s c o m f o r t a b l e .

From Hat to Shoe'^-i ViaS

W e b i d y o u o n e a n d all a h a p p y r e t u r n t o H o l l a n d .

point f a i l e d . Gill b e g a n


N i c k h a s b e e n k e p t bu y m a k i n g



h i s a t t a c k s on t h e c o m m i t t e e 1 H o p e f o r w a r d w a l l in t h e s e c o n d w a s c h o s e n t o look i n t o t h e m a t t e r 1 p e r i o d , a n d a f t e r p o w d e r i m r t h "


P ^.

Hopeites-Old and New!


of p u n t s . A f t e r s e v e r a l a t t a c h - , on

D. J. Du Saar,


T o m a k e t h e d a y of t h e " p u l l " a


j Welcome--Welcome Back Hope Students


big success. " W a t t y " Spoel.-tra and


^ b 0 T E R'

Suits Pressed


w e r e to r e p r e s e n t t h e J u n i o r Class.

Iva K l e r k e n t e r t a i n e d h e r s i s t e r , j (Aci ' M i s s E d i t h K l e r k , a t Voorhet



I §


p r e s i d e n t . Lois De F r e e w a s c h o s e n I a b o u t s of t w o m o r e of t h e a l u m n i : s e c r e t a r y . T h e c l a s s v o t e d u n a n i j J u l i a V a n O s s is t e a c h i n g L a t i n m o u s l y on h a v i n g " L y n n " S a b o

the week-end.

11:11 •

' CHRIS KOROSE, Proprietor

giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuNiiiiuiiiiiniiiniii!iiiiiiiiiitiiii:iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii!iiiii!ii.i:i:iwiii!i rHiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirMxiii 111111:11 iiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii< |


Always the Latest Styles in Clothing-, Furnishings and Shoes

e.niiin MiM:.iii:iiri!




Ph 9746 i



at their respective homes.





Keulen a r e spending the week-end


while " J a k e "


DePree, Mina Becker, Louise Kieft.

W i t t w a s u n a n i m o u s l y e l e c t e d vicethe

'in 111, :I'Mllin

11 W e - 1


in ( s i n c e t h e c l a s s is t h e s m a l l e s t



to go

f i r s t m e e t i n g of t h e y e a r in


We have discovered

iiiiiiiii:i:iinur.iii:iii!Uiiuiiiinu!i nri!




s e e if all of t h e s t u d e n t s w e r e f i l i n g


| Model Beauty Shoppe i I JIINI'IIUI'M HUM


a n d M a t h , a t l l a s l e t t . Mich., a n d c h i e f c o l l e c t o r of d u e s . H a r r i e t B a r o n is t e a c h i n g in J u n i o r For student council m e m b e r s . 1 h i g h a t Hyroti C e n t e r . M i c h . Edith Drescher and (leoige Paintei



I 27 W. 8th St.



j t h e m i s s i o n w o r k in J a p a n h a s b e e n in t h e c o l l e g e ) " L o n " F o x f o r m e r 1 v e r y f r u i t f u l — o n e o u t of e v e r y "J 10 p r e s i d e n t , h e a v e d a s i g h of relief



Kole w a s obliged

for Grand Rapids F r i d a y to recup-


t h e n e w C h a p e l on M o n d a y , l a s t , a t 1::](). A f t e r a n x i o u s l y w a t c h i n g t o

j v e r y e n c o u r a g i n g f o r he s a i d t h a t

Finger Waves. Including e

Marcelling and


m u s t p u t h i m s e l f on t h e s a m e level





being a convert. i H i s t a l k w a s a n i n s p i r a t i o n t o all



he is h i g h e r t h a n a n y J a p a n e s e ; h e

j Why Pay More?!


h a v e to

h o m e W e d n e s d a y b e c a u s e of " S u m -

W h e n a m i s s i o n a r y is j

with them. T h e c o n c l u s i o n of h i s s p e e c h w a s


R o d e n b e r g h a v e b e e n ill t h i s w e e k

sent to J a p a n , he m u s t not feel t h a t |

Friday afternoon at 1 -o'clock. A f t e r a s h o r t d e v o t i o n a l p r r i o d h'd by L a u r a (luiirclaa.-, t h e m e e t i n g w a s p u t in h i s c h a r g e . Dr. O l t m a n s h a s j u s t r e c e n t l y ret u r n e d f r o m J a p a n w i t h his f a m i l y w h e r e t h e y h a v e been m i s s i o n a r i e s



s t a t e d t h a t t h e J a p a n e s e c h u r c h is






b e on h a n d e a r l y t o t a k e a G e r m a n


his life to mission work. In t h e c o u r s e of h i s

Dr. O l t m a n s w a s t h e s j x ' a k c r of Student


a m i s s i o n a r y . It so alTected h i m t h a t h e r e s o l v e d t h e n to c o n s e c r a t e





Carl Walyoord Elected Leader of Junior Class

$1.50 Per Year

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