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H o p e College. H o l l a n d , M i c h i g a n , M a r c h 1 9 , 1 9 3 0

Number 23-42

Plans For College Banquet Increase Campus Suspense

On page two of this Anchor you will find a detailed summ a r y of this seasons M.I.A.A. results. Our team is listed man by man in such a manner that any Anchor reader may compare them f o r himself. The varsity are listed individually through the efforts of the team manager, Harold Hoover, and Coach J . Schouten. One startling fact made evident is that Hope lost 7 games by a total of 18 points, an average of about 2% points per game. Today's sport page will look well in your college memory books.

Committee PromiseR to Secure A


Speaker of Sufficient Merit to Please All Students

TICKETS ON SALE The talk of the campus just now is the "All College Banquet" t h a t is to be staged the twenty-seventh of March in the Masonic Temple. Under the supervision of the Association Union provisions are being made to accommodate the entire student body and faculty. This building is noted locally f o r its fine banqueting facilities. Plans are under way to secure an outstanding speaker. Athletic awards f o r a large number of the fellows are to be given out. From all appearances the banquet will be a startling success. Tickets are now on sale (see Evelyn Steketee or Allen Brunson) and wholehearted cooperation is desired. All college functions, including mass meetings, have been noticeably few and f a r between. In order to overcome the tendency that is gradually growing to appeal to the society spirit to f u r t h e r all college activities, this banquet will be a change of policy. The fact t h a t it is a "dateless" affair will deprive many of an excuse f o r not going. —

Logicians Expect Season's Finals Anticipate Clashes with Purdue and Central College of Pella. Iowa, Soon The Hojie debaters are continuing thei" activities, even though the league season has already closed. Next Monday they plan to meet a crack team from Purdue University. This out-state club has been travelling f o r more than a week. They meet some team nearly every evening, and are indubitably a wellseasoned club.

!lM l



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Reorganization of Live Wire Grada Will Mean Much Help to Active Students


Civic Chorus Will Sing At Chapel On Lenten Program Fifty Voices to Blend in Rendition of Handel's Messiah on Next Sunday

Hope College Men's Glee Club, 1929 1930 Gentle men Son (/stern On March 25th a t 8:15 p.m. the Boy's Glee Club will give its annual concert in the Memorial Chapel. The numbers will be partially of a sacred nature, and some being from their list of secular offerings. The Club recently staged a successful 3,800 mile Eastern tour. T h e i r performances have evoked profound admiration f r o m their critical audience^. Their picture was taken with President Herbert Hoover in Washington, D. C.

Bronze Medal Is ta j W On



Despite the fact that our coveted "Glory Day" was discouraged, Hope turned out with flying colors and ligh hopes to the oratorical contest at Calvin College Friday afternoon and evening. In the a f t e r noon session the orations of the young women were given. Miss Gladys Huizenga, our representative, was a t her best as she spoke on her topic "From Slavery — Whither?" She more than deserved the bronze key which she received as third a w a r d in the final judging. F i r s t place was awarded jointly to Ernestine Anderson of Ypsilanti and Dorothy Baxter of Albion. "Education Plus" was the topic of Frances Cameron's oration of Alma. She won the second place.

Association Union Sponsors Joint Meeting of Campus "Y" Groups Prof. B. Raymond In Summer Work Joins Faculty for Vacation Season with Well known Men from Large Colleges Due to his outstanding work and study in his field. Prof. Bruce M. Raymond of the Hope College History Department has been offered 1 a position on the summer faculty of c e n t r a l State Teacher's College ' at Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Prof. Raymond has accepted the offer, and will teach from June 30th to August 8th on the subjects of "Special Methods of Teaching History" and "Foreign Relations." The classes are made up of high school teachers who desire to f u r t h e r their abilities in these fields. This distinction coming to one of our faculty reflects favorably on our school, for in a recent issue of the widely read "Central State Life," paper of that school. Prof. Raymond's appointment is headlined along with two other similar cases, one from Detroit College and another from the University of Michigan. Prof. Raymond now has his master's degree, and has worked for two summer sessions at Harvard. He won one of six scholarships offered by Harvard for sum- 1 mer students, another achievement. 1 He plans to return to Holland next | fall at the close of the summer school.

Another interesting prospect is a debate with representatives of Central College of Pella, la. This meet has not been definitely scheduled, but it is expected to occur sometime during the week of spring vacation. The debate will be held in Holland. Hope has never before entered into any contest with this, her sister college of the west. During the past week-end the Hope debaters: N. Burrggraaff, M. Alday, and R. Schaap, engaged in an audience decision debate with Albion College in the M. E. Church During the interim between the of Fennville. A vote was taken beafternoon and evening sessions, fore and a f t e r the debate. The act-1 ual result of the debate was in reception was given for the confavor of Albion. testants. The annual dinner f o r -ocoaches and representatives was held at the Rowe Hotel. The evening meeting started off with the The Journalism classes of Cen| oration of Mr. Peter Do Vries of tral State Normal have been visit1 Calvin, "Molded Men." He w a s ing many newspaper offices lately, awarded third place in the judgProf. 0 . Thompson is all ready ing. Mr. Harold Spiegel of Albion gaining practical knowledge. .making plans f o r the field trips placed second, and Mr. Frederick which he will take with his botany Fuller of Ypsilanti in his remarkclass this spring. In the near f u t u r e able presentation of "Our Racial he hopes to acquaint his students Myopia," won first place. Each of with the flora of the four mile Two little boys, late one a f t e r the contestants was excellent, and course, Macatawa, Port Sheldon, noon, roamed through a dark, cool the judging was rumored to be unand other nearby areas. The stuwood. Beneath them stretched a usually close. Music for the meetdents of the course are unusually brown, soft carpet of leaves from interested in this phase of the work, ings was furnished by the Calvin the previous autumn. Above them because it shows to them by prac- College Glee Club. Hope College the trees joined to form a thick had no "Glory Day." tical means the value of their roof that sun or rain could scarcely course. At present the classes are penetrate. The moving shadows busy peering a t "canned" specimens The Girls' Glee Club of Alma thrtlled with mistery as of an Amathrough the high-powered micro- toured the state. Their Drama Club zon jungle. scopes belonging to the new botany is staging a play, " T h e Importance W h a t was t h a t on a bare branch. room. of Being Earnest." Two young cranes barely fledged?

Science Classes To Probe Nature's Secrets Outdoors

Speakers Secured For Big Alumni Supper, March 31

Season's Score Sheet

Extensive Effort Evidenced by Pro•

gram Committee as Special Events Are Offered

Last night Rev. Paul E. Hinkamp gave his lantern slide lecture on "The Ministry of Christ" to an appreciative and goodly sized audience in the " Y " rooms. Rev. Hinkamp illustrated his talk with photos of many of the world'* greatest paintings depicting scenes of Christ's ministry from the time of his baptism to the events of Passion Week. E a s t e r week Prof. Hinkamp will give the last of his series of lectures on Christ during the Passion Week. These lectures not only prove to be pleasant, but also of much worth.

A Tumbling


Boys and girls of the Senior

Class had

a "roaring"

good time at the roller skating



the Virginia

Park rink Monday evening. Some of the participants learned a lot about skating and its effects on the vulnerable parts of the body. I t seems the wheels Went around so f a s t their feet could not keep up, and then, too, the floor was slippery! Many of them had not been on skates since childhood. Considering everything, they enjoyed themselves immensely. Almost everybody was there, and those who were not missed something worth while. It is reported that Donald Wade does well on skates.

In observance of the Lenten Season, the Holland Civic Chorus will give a sacred concert in the Memorial Chapel on Sunday afternoon, March 23rd. This chorus contains fifty voices of local repute, many of the singers possessing great talent. The soloist f o r the a f t e r noon will be Mrs. Lorenz Staples. Mrs. Harold Karsten will be the pianist, while Mrs. C. Snow will be at the organ. The program will consist of four or five choruses from the "Messiah" by Handel, the chorus being taken f r o m the Lenten portion of that work. Last Sunday the first of the Lenten Vespers drew a good crowd. The Civic Chonu is always an outstanding attraction.

At the coming supper, if plans go through, a Hope Alumni Club will be formed. The club will be especially f o r those alumni living anywhere in or about Holland, in the territory northward to Muskegon, eastward to Zeeland, and southward to Allegan and South Baven. Similar clubs of Hope Alumni already exist a t Chicago and Detroit. If things work a s smoothly as they do there, a club may also be started in Grand Rapids. "Such a club ia certainly preferable to an Alumni Association," says Prof. A. Lampen of the committee in charge. "The far away Hope graduates may find it possible to attend twenty-five and ten year class reunions, but they can not come to frequent meetings. But those living in the above mnetioned districts can easily attend the suppers t h a t will probably be given once every three months. Thus there will not only be the Hope spirit, but also community interest and welfare to draw them closer and to keep them united." o

Hope Reserves Do Well In Tourney Displaying a brand of ball that clearly outclassed their rivals, the Hope Reserves won their first game in the West Michigan A.A.U. tournament last Saturday night over the Michigan Bell Telephone Company five 19-11. Hope took the lead soon a f t e r the opening whistle on a free throw by Juist, and then, as a result of some long baskets by Beaver and Kruisenga, they managed to lead their opponents 12-6 at the half. In the last half the Bells threatened to ring a few times, but, due to a lack of system in playing, their attacks were warded off each time. Hope's playing was not up to the usual form either, as many of the passes were wild. But as the floor was rather small not much more would be expected of them. Tuesday night they meet the American Seaters in their second game. The Seaters boast of one of the strongest teams in their class. A victory over them is apt to bring Hope's "shock troops" into the finals.

Restless Urge of Out-of-Doors Calls to Young and Old One of the urchins was already up there, shaking the limb. The other pounced on the birds as they fluttered down. W h a t little creatures they were, mostly bills, legs and necks. The youngsters coddled the small, warm bodies in their hands, until finally, half in distress and half with regret, they let the clumOn went the boys. There goes a snake! Over prostrate logs and overgrown stumps they clambered.

Big doings will be afoot f o r the Hope alumni of Holland and vicinity on Monday, March 31. From 6 to 8 o'clock that evening there will be a supper given them a t Hope Church. The three speakers will be Mr. W. Wichers, president of the Board of Trustees and formerly a member of our faculty; Mr. Clarence Lokker, prosecuting a t torney of Ottawa county; and Mr. George Damson of the People's State Bank. The main purpose of the meeting will be the organization of a new club. Last year, because its members were too widely spread and because of other reasons, the Hope Alumni Association declared itself defunct giving its business into the hands of the College Administration. The old officers were retained with a view of possible reorganization, but nothing has been done t h u s f a r . .

They had it. No, it slid into the dark protection of a thicket. On they went, the long way home, stopping to dig up some potatoes from sy things f r e e again. a field, throwing them away because they were green. Vacation had begun. (Submitted by a staff member as a true episode f r o m the life of Prof. D. Sprague.)

Seniors Choose Their Places For Next Year Matrimony


Professions Call

Graduating Hopefuls As Year Ends It is a little early to state with any definiteness the plans of the senior class members f o r next year. Nevertheless, from hints and whisperings dropped here and there, the Anchor has gathered a little information. More will appear later. Cupid has been around the campus playing with hearts these four years and a few are planning on entering the bonds of matrimony. Lois de Wolfe tells us she is going to sell insurance. Paul Nettinga has a position teaching in a college in Kentucky, where his sist e r already teaches. J a n e t Yonkers and Rose Whelan have signed cont r a c t s to teach in Fennville. A number are going t o school to receive higher degrees. Among them are H e n r y Walthom, A r t h u r Arendonk and Marvin Kuizenga, who have scholarships; and Bemice Siebers, John Winter and Henry Stephens.

r r v u 'fee.

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Page t w o

Collegiate World Becomes Busied With

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR rssss.?H M K S E f r r r Editor.. Associate ^ " t o r 8 ^ Head Reporter Athlet



— K

.Gordon Van Ark Mulder




W a t s o n Spoelstra, H a r r y Ver Strate, f e s t e r SUfJiter R u t h

Pamnns News

Campus News

SSiy Edu.,:: Sorority Editor..'

V a n

D y k e

Richard Niessink ^

(Cosmopolitan Alethea With shamrock p r o g r a m s , Alet h e a enjoyed an Irish p r o g r a m Frid a y night. T h e f e a t u r e s w e r e an Irish poem, a q u a r t e t n u m b e r , an original reading in Irish b r o g u e , an Irish melody, and a p a p e r on St. P a t r i c k . T h e m e e t i n g w a s closed with society songs composed by the new girls as p a r t of their initiation

«rlon nlrtoonist Harold Klaaaen Reporters—Roger Voskuil, Harold Hoover, Rudolph Nichols, Harri Zegerius, Carroll Norlin Nicholas Burggraff, ^Lillian Sabo, Rose Whelan. ^ „ TtroM William Austin, John Somson, Ethel Cunnagin, n a n Johnson,


BUSINESS S T A F F Business Manager •••• ••••. " G e 7 r a l 4 H vIJoU Advertising Solicitors—Berdean W elling, C. Vander Naald, C. Becker, Ruth Geerlings, William Clougn.

(From address by Leslie A. Butler, superintendent of Grand Rapids Schools.) "It is at least just as easy for modern schoolroom activities to degenerate into formal, rigid procedure as it was years ago. The teacher who observes a project or a unit of work and then proceeds to appropiiate it as an entity for her own class, or who uses year a f te r year the same unit work she has initiated, becomes a mere copyist. We can decry the formalism ol years gone by and still be taking the role of the conservative who is constantly championing principles f o r which the radical fought only a few years before." This was not a plea for the consignment of measurement devices to the educational junk heap. Rather, the suggestion is offered that they be used more for confirmatory purposes and less as an arbitrary means for eliminating individuals from a natural school environment, aau especially that they be used with great caution when making decisions regarding near-normal students.—(Mich. Ed. Jr.)

To comfort thone who mourn, To make the blind to «e< the light... Restore the norrow-w&m. To bi-ing the "poor" to find the wealth

Spice and Cloves Glory Day h a s been postponed until next y e a r .

hi j i:iirt.i:!Ti:i ii;iri i:i:i:i:iJ'"n:rinuiQiuiKUQiiiciyiiun!tiflKnnnnBHBBBiOBi


Fraternal F r i d a y n i g h t " M i k e " Arendshorst, the r e t i r i n g president, will give his e x a u g u r a l and Paul N e t t i n g a , the president-elect, will give his i n a u g u r a l . " C h u c k " Van Dommelen, the well known F r a t e r composer, is going to m a k e m e r r y w i t h •MWHHUIHa IMHWW WIIW song and music. Gordon A l e x a n d e r n n m t w o m n m n rmraTiimi will m a k e his debut as a h u m o r i s t . 5

After a Meal —at the—

Holland Sandwich Shop

whole convention of t h e m in t h e ^ Sorosis room T h u r r d a y evening. ^ Lack of apparel forced Marion and Betty to a t t e n d the convention in one g i a n t over-all. They showed not only unusual cooperation in standing and sitting, but also unheard of h a r m o n y in t h a t popular d i t t y — "Shall I r e v e a l — " .


i t r m m i x u a m i miimiimmitwi n :riiru:riiii'nii:i:ili:r.ni:i!Mii:i.iiriU!i!iiii;i:ixri)Uixrj

Felt Hats Cleaned


1 US€ a

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H c r e ^ W i r a t ! ~ New Spring Topcoats and Suits ifo r 1




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Racket Restringing 24 H o u r Service.

Society Brand Topcoats from $ 3 5 . 0 0 up.

New Bring Hats and Caps, Neckwear. Shirts and Ties. What v e have is on display.

A T E R M A N ' S twotone rippledpeni (and pencils to match) i n t w o new, convenient sizes a n d in four beautiful colors, are meeting with enthusiastic a p p r o v a l everywhere!


Pens e q u i p p e d with sturdy, smooth-writinR 1 4 - k t . gold nibs. Pens and pencils can be bought separately or in sets in a t t r a c t i v e gift boxes. C o m e in a n d look t h e m over! LoreeSizt 5 7 . 0 0 a set

.Small Slt€, 50 a



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wm mm > •

ii:i,uiii:iT.iiraTiitii,iii:iii:i:ni iiu'in,i;iiiiin:niiiuii:i


Our idea of a traffic j a m is the first floor of Van R a a l t e between class periods.


It's all r i g h t to have an open mind, but remember to keep your mouth shut. At last the confirmed bachelors a r e g e t t i n g a " b r e a k . " You a r e requested not to get a date f o r t h e all-college b a n q u e t .

large p a p e r . T h e ' f k a l a m a z o o College Index" c a r r i e s a l a r g e p i c t u r e of t h e i r vict o r i o u S p a s k e t e e r s . Kazoo stages quite a large Bowling L e a g u e for its m e n folks. T h e D r a m a Club here, too is s t a g i n g t h e play mentioned ii\ the above p a r a g r a p h . The news coverage of t h e Kalamazoo p a p e r if a p p a r e n t l y q u i t e thorough.

Columbia Hat Cleaners

m t i r r m i Mirrt n rrirn.i i u m i m : i m i m n n x t u o m i m i i . m i u j u n u i n i n i n n in 1111 ra u so r u n n i w m m m : 0

Lord I believe that Thou didnt come To lighten human r oe. To give men hope, to give them To labour here below, [faith To cheer the faint . . . lift up the weak,

At Y p s i l a n t i , rival of Hope College in the M.O.L., the " P h y s i c a l Education C l u b " is s t a g i n g a circus. Clowns a n d t r i c k s t e r s had full

s w a y f o r an evening. T h e i r debaters m e t W e s t V i r g i n i a " U " am' Iowa S t a t e recently. T h i s Normal College h a s a g y m n a s t i c t e a m which t o u r s t h e s t a t e . " Y p s i " h a s a fine,

Addison In his first visit to Vorhees hall, g Sibyllines where he now t a k e s sustenance, § THRUOUT A clever and instructive play w a s enacted before t h e Sibyllines F r i - " A b e " N o r m a n cast an a p p r a i s i n g i Expertly Blocked d a y evening. F r o m now on families eve over the spacious reception ] | will know t h a t they m u s t "Hold room. "Very p r e t t y , v e r y p r e t t y . Back" if they w a n t M i r a n d y to said N o r m a n with an i n t e m a t i o n - | have a beau. It w a s proven here ally conciliatory air. "Tiiose a r e g t h a t although t h e " p a r l o r " may bo p r e t t y p o r t r a i t s , " indicating Mr. B Suits pressed while U w a i t " w a r m e s t , the kitchen will have t o ] and Mrs. Vorhees. Ah, and t h i s ! , T e l e p h o n e 4656 11 W. 8 t h s t . be the r e t i r i n g place f o r the rest 1 g a z i n g into the large m i r r o r above r of the family. Families t a k e h e e d ! j t h e fireplace. " T h i s m u s t be a Rem• Miniiiinmi—i .n-i"—I"'— "•••mmBMMMOTMOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTMOTOTWOTWI brandt.' 1 rr IIII1 n 11.1 I I I I I I lllill •lOTOTroWOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTMMMOTOTOTOTOTOTWOTOTOTOTOTMBM Sorosis -o Hobos a r e not the common t h i n g P r o f . W e l m e r s W e r e going on on our campus, but t h e r e was a 1 a m a r c h with C a e s a r this t e r m , but

SATISFACTION They say, and we agree, t h a t Life is a game — a great game. If we take life too seriously, it loses this aspect and becomes a grind. To find the happy medium is a problem. A proper division of time helps. All work and no play makes "jack," and plenty of it, but it is not conducive to the highest happiness. Happiness — a f te r all that is the criterion — but happiness is an elusive quality. It does not endure pursuit. It can be scarcely more than a by-product. In the final analysis, the matter comes down to the individual. What is happiness to one is quite the opposite to another. College should help us to discover our own sphere of happiness, and should show us how to satisfy our needs in such a way as to produce happiness. —J. V.


f u r n i s h the music.

Delphi Originality w a s the f e a t u r e of F r i d a y ' s Delphi p r o g r a m . An original play by Alice Boter c a p t i v a t e d t h e audience, and one d r a m a t i c scene caused two of the y o u n g e r members to weep. A vested voiceless chorus amused the audience by t h e i r antics. Officer's t r e a t completed the s u r p r i s e s of t h e evening. with song.


m Lord, / believe, not in the creed* The wrangling people sag. Hut I believe in Thee . . . help Thou Mine unbelief to-ilug.

T h e Cosmopolitans h a v e an intere s t i n g p r o g r a m planned f o r their ;iext meeting. The p r o g r a m will be on an oriental t h e m e w i t h A. A n t a r in c h a r g e . Besides n u m b e r s by t h e Toonian boys, A n t a r h a s secured the service of T s u d a and Aradi to

C e n t r a l College of Pella, Iowa, first on the list of Anchor exchanges this week, is j u b i l a n t over t h e i r s t r o n g r u n n i n g on the c o u r t t h i s year. T h e i r t e a m won the Iowa Conference, a n d their a t h l e t e s h a v e been accorded much honor. T h e C e n t r a l i t e s h a v e been busied with plays a n d debates.

Emersonian The Emersonian program for this week is on the c h a n g e s on t h e c a m p u s as a result of the f r a t e r n i t y houses. " S t a n " Van L a r e and "Les'" Ellerbrook will f u r n i s h the litera r y numbers. Merle Rigterink will handle the humor of the evening w i t h a short story, while " H e r m " J a n s s e n will e n t e r t a i n the boys

Dorian Green reigned s u p r e m e in the Dorian room T h u r s d a y evening. T I E HOPK COLLEGE ANCHOR IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY THROl CHOl T T h e p r o g r a m , in honor of St. P a t rick, was composed of I r i s h songs, THE S( HOOL YEAR BY A GROIF OF INTERESTED ST I'DENTS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES II.'J# PER YEAR. folk lore, and games. An Irish HOLLANB CITY NEWS. PRINTERS. B a z a a r , a t which ice c r e a m cones, candy, and cookies were served, w a s the closing f e a t u r e enjoyed by those who b r o u g h t the necessary dime.


Spring Social and Academic Events


Now is the Time to Think of Engraied or Printed Class and Society Programs aid Invitations

Steketee-VanHuls Printing House,

Nick — " W h a t kind of a girl is That never ebbs awag,— Holland's Leading Printers This was Thg LIFE, Thou Son of s h e ? " 9 East 10th st. Phon^jisos Holland, Mich. Nack — "Well, if I had a t a l k i n g 0 make it mine for age. [God, | | : |:|| |: |: | : l :l M !r tl! ! ;l l lllli:tl:i:lllia:l 1:1 l:i:1 lll ll:i 11111 l|.jll^ p'r:'''''n jni n t! '|:); 'm ''|"'|iriM ltll'' PI' '' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lUHkUtKllliliyil' imiLI r picture of h e r , I'd censure i t ! " D. E . H.

Have Your Garments Cleaned and Pressed —at the— •

Paris Dry Cleaners 75 East 6th St.


Hope's Basketeers Show Better Scores

F I N A L M. I. A. A. B A S K E T B A L L S T A N D I N G FOR 1930.

Than Albion and Hillsdale In Final Balancing of M.I.A.A. Court Results S p o e l s t r a R a t e s Second of HIrH P o i n t Men W i t h 88 t o His Credit Although Kalamazoo c o l l e g e cinched t h e M. 1. A. A. crown several weeks a g o , t h e r e w a s still considerable b a n t e r i n g f o r t h e o t h e r positions in t h e c o n f e r e n c e till t h e final g a m e s . A l m a took second h o n o r s j u s t a s t e p behind the Horn e t s . Kazoo won nine g a m e s in t e n starts, losing at Alma for the single setback. A l m a w a s d e f e a t e d a t K a l a m a z o o and also lost to Albion. F i n a l s t a n d i n g s show Hope tied f o r f o u r t h place. w L Pet. u 1 .900 8 2 .800 5 5 .500 Hope 3 7 .300 3 7 .300 A n o t h e r r a c e of i n t e r e s t w a s the b a t t l e f o r individual scoring honors. Gussin, A l m a g u a r d , led f o r finally finished first w i t h an even 100 points f o r ten g a m e s . He m a d e e i g h t e e n p o i n t s a g a i n s t Hope t h e r e a n d ten here. Because of his speed and a c c u r a c y , he is r a t e d as t h e o u t s t a n d i n g p l a y e r of t h e year. Hope took a high place in t h e h o n o r s d u e to t h e shooting of " W a d d y " S p o e l s t r a , r a n g y center. He w a s second in t h e final reckoni n g with 88 points, t h i r t e e n ahead of t h e third m a n . His final drive of 19 points p u t him into t h e place of he had been in f o u r t h or fifth f o r t h e l a s t f e w games. T h e s c o r i n g leaders a r e : G. F.G. F. T.P. Gussin, A l m a 10 47 6 100 S p o e l s t r a , H o p e ....10 fi8 12 88 Gilmore, Olivet 10 28 17 73 DeTrsmore;-Albion . - 7 - 28 16 7^ R e s t i f o , Hillsdale.. 10 27 17 71 Simmons, A l m a 10 24 22 70

T h e d e b a t e r s of Hillsdale College h a v e t a k e n an E a s t e r n t r i p . T h e g i r l s of t h e debate s q u a d a r e t o u r i n g the n o r t h of Illinois. One of t h e i r Greek letter g r o u p s gave a D a d ' s n i g h t . T h e co-eds of Hillsdale play b a s k e t b a l l , too.

Games Played .' 10 10 10 10 10 10

College Kalamazoo Alma Olivet Hope Albion Hillsdale

Central College Wins Iowa B.B. Conference Lose But One G a m e in F i f t e e n , Are Hereby C o n g r a t u l a t e d By Hope College

GuHsin ( A l m a ) Spoelstra ( H o p e ) Gilmore (Olivet) Densmore (Albion) .. R e s t i f o (Hillsdale) .... Simmons ( A l m a )

W e a r e glad to h e a r t h a t Hope's " S i s t e r College," C e n t r a l , a t Pella, Iowa, h a s been d o i n g some g r e a t work in basketball, winning t h e Iowa Basketball Conference by t a k i n g 14 o u t of 15 games. T w o t h e original q u i n t e t have been selected on t h e Iowa All-State t e a m . Clarence Wilkins, brother of " C o r n y " Wilkins of W e s t e r n Theological S e m i n a r y , m a d e ten field goals in t h e final g a m e with Buena Vista. S t u d e n t s of Pella celebrated a "Victory Day," parallel of H o p e ' s f o r m e r "Glory D a y , " on March 10. C e n t r a l is also doing fine work t h i s y e a r in t h e field of d e b a t i n g and oratory. o Grad Wins New Place

Games Played 10 10 10 7 10 10




^00 .500 .300 .300 .200

Fouls G 12 17 Ifi 17 22

Baskets 47 38 28 28 27 24

Total Points 100 88 73 72 71 70





25.8 points m a d e per game. Total No. Pts. by Opps. 276 27.6 points made per g a m e by Opps. Total No. Pts. by Hope 258 Seven g a m e s lost by a total of 18 points. K a l a m a z o o and Hillsdale 5 minutes overtime games. Lost to Hillsdale by 1 pt. Lost to Albion by 1 pt. Lost to K a l a m a z o o by 2 pts. and 3 p t s .

Hope's chief bit of a t h l e t i c i n t e r e s t , basketball, h a s been completed f o r t h e year. A l m a came t o Carnegie gym l a s t week T u e s d a y to t r i m t h e Schoutenmen 36-29 in a very i n t e r e s t i n g game. N o t until the final minutes did Alma have t h e lead, yet they walked off with t h e victory. Hope w a s ahead 18-12 a t the half and kept on top f o r the g r e a t e r s h a r e of the last period. With a f e w m i n u t e s to play, Spoelstra w a s benched on f o u r personal fouls and t h e Hope scoring punch was lost. Nineteen points on e i g h t baskets a n d t h r e e fouls f o u n d t h e i r w a y opposite his n a m e in t h e ledger d u r i n g t h e f r a y . C a p t a i n Carl Van Lente and " B o o " Cook shone in t h e i r l a s t g a m e s f o r t h e school. Gussin, Brown, and Simmons headed Alma. o

Although the " K n i c k s " were ahead most of t h e game, the "Cosmos" c a g e r s defeated t h e m 30-23 T h u r s d a y night. The Addisons had a hard t i m e b e a t i n g the Independents, the l a t t e r being only one point behind as the g o n g sounded. The fine showing of the Independents was due mainly to t h e stellar playing of Carrol Norlan. T h e Emersonians w e r e also given a hard fight by the F r a t e r s , the shooting of N e t t i n g a especially had a v e r y telling effect on the score board. C u p e r y and Ensfield were mainly responsible f o r the one point lead which the E m e r s o n ians had when t h e g a m e ended. The second round of the league is nearly completed now with the Emersonians leading and t h e Addisons a close second.

Biological T r u t h Miss F u l m e r — G e r a l d , your e s s a y UIUUH . on " M y M o t h e r " w a s j u s t t h e sa me a s Harold's. Johi Gerald F a i r b a n k s — Y e s , m a ' a m we have the sa me mother.—Mich. Ed. J .


Joseph Borgman

P h o n e 5442

Model Laundry

i J u s t i n Bussies, Class of .'20, and iTOrmiirrrmi hmhimihi mimra nn ri 1:1:1 Btnnn nm rmiiTiTi inn 11:1:1.1 inn inminnramninniu 1 un n "The Soft Water winner of an Ohio S t a t e Science •HMMMMnHMMMMnHnHMMMMI Laundry" Scholarship in his y e a r , has com- iimaww nmiiimimii w mir 11 m 1 nn nm wummmmmamm vmmmmmmmmmmmuta mm pleted arrangements with the Wet Wash, Rough Dry S t a n d a r d Oil Company by which he Finished Work becomes one of t h e i r chemists at | 331 College Ave. Whiting, Indiana, s t a r t i n g April RIVER AVENUE Holland, Mich. j C. HUIZENGA, Prop. 1st. Bmmnmmmmummnmmmmmmmmmmii lujiiii.riiiJxi.iiiniiiLixnainiHinnajnnjn^ — — o tiTumwrrri 111111 m i 1 n n 11 im 1.1 ommami m m i a n B H O m n m n n litnm 11 m itrm 1 m 1 mn mn inrfii a ibm uw liiinn ru mn mi i imtMmuBi wm mn mi i i:irai:i:in:i:i:m:i wnniiimraBmiainii The "Olivet College Echo" reli^iMiiiiiiiiiiia;umi^u:ijmi:i:i:i:i:i:iii:iii:i:ri:Mii:i:i:i:i:i.i;i:M;ij:ij:i!i'iii:i:i:iiiiiiiiii:m:inii:i:iiiiri:i^im:iii;iii:i:in!iiiii:i:rjini^ii!iimiii:HBiimiiwimiBi p o r t s J o h n Cardwell as being elect- «:iniiiiiuuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniin s ed head of their basketball t e a m P. f o r 1931.


Good Clothes

I'liixuicimmriT: kii:!'! til

Have Your Golashes Repaired at


j Visser & Bareman

"Dick" the Shoe Doctor

Electric Shoe Hospital

50 East 8th St.

D. Schaftenaar, Prop. Phone 5328

Always at Your Service

White Cross Barbers



B. H. Williams

At Popular Prices. Our Prices always Right.

Jeweler 1st Class Watch and Jewelry Repairing



MmnwnmwiBiiiiiiiiiwiiwiiiirniiwwiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiaiiMi ii—ihiiiiiiiiiii iiiuhi iiiiiiiii i niini I'liiini iiihi iiiiiii 11 iini m m 11 'i Kinn ii.i.i i;nn:i:iiiri;i:n:i!i:i:i

1 3 E. 8 t h S t .

Interest and Courteous Attention


is a part of our service to those w h o come to us for their printing requirements.

You are invited to use the Banking facilities of


Holland Printing Co.

Beauty Shop in Connection


H o l l a n d ' s Finest P r i n t e r s

C a l l f o r A p p o i n t m e n t s 2071

Programs, Calling Cards, Stationery, Fine Papers

W e Call For a n d Deliver

iiiii:i!iJ'Jirrn:irir|irn:iiri(rixi:rru,.i:r.ujiiiiiniL'ixi.iiiirii:ijnii4iri!iiu<jiin!iTaiEiiiiiiiii9iiiiii:ixiiiiCL'LLi:i:i Li.i:i:m:iii!i 111:1:1:1 i:i:iiiii.i:i!i:i;rumiur iuii:i.'ai'n:ii:i:mnii;i:mMxnraaai 1' naasMMu1; .1 iiruHnu:niniiniiiin.iira:ii:i:ni:i lan.i unra nn iraiiiramirarancraraia^

Opp. Post Office

210 College Avenue




Phone 5554

Flowers Delivered Around the Corner or Around the World


i m nrrm i;i unxi i:i;i:i;iu;imiauiii.imimmn,i i :ij:i:i;iii i;i:i;iiM;i;i;i;iJii:ri;i:iii:i!Diirnii.i:m:i 11.1:1.111,1 ri cnu i miunni i mirmnni n in i iiri.::i:i:i!i:i.i:i:i!i:iuiiiiii:u;iuii!i:iiiiiiiiuii:i:iu:i:mn:u:iiiii:i:


Candies, Fancy Sundaes, Hot Fudge Sundaes, Hot Chocolate, Toasted Sandwiches, Gilbert's Chocolates

OPPOSITE TAVERN dXB3 lixmsa 1.1 m u mmammmmmmmBmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nnmoxn mn > n u 11 h 11 ihi m i nm i iiiiiiiii iiiini i mil wmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmi

Ice Cream (SERVE IT AND YOU PLEASE ALL) 133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave. U irimjiil BMWWWMHWWa

• • H n a n n E n i nam u i m m ititi mj uminiwrawaaiinHiHiiii mmmmmmmmmmmmt m m m a t m i niniiniciiiiii


"For Things Musical199 Opeen Mill Cafe

. Sheet Music. ii!i:iiiiu:i:eiiin:miMXU!iuraiiiiUBXuu:Hr.aiiiunia;

W e know that it is only w h e n you are satisfied that you go away satisfied.


Eat Where Everything is most Like Mother's

Laughlin's Restaurant

Holland, Mich.


Phone 5470

17 W. 8th St.


D. J. DU SAAR 10 East 8th St.

Meyer Music House Your Band Instruments.

Holland Photo Shop



Victor Records]

The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County ' . ; wiiwiii iimmmmmmm




Pet. .900

M. 1. A, A. G A M E S — SCORING Fouls Foul Personal Total G a m e s Goals Made A t t e m p t s Fouls Points Made Played 15 21 9 41 10 13 9 48 20 8 17 10 19 21 88 .*...10 38 12 21 9 14 16 51 10 9 5 16 23 7 10 0 0 1 2 2 4 0 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 3 1 1

Name Dalman Becker Spoelstra Van Lente Cook Japinga Kruizenga Van H a i t s m a



Games Lost 1 2 • 5 T 7




Games Won 9 8 5 3 3

Final Court Tilt Further Laurels Not Satisfaction Won By Addisons To Alma Quintet In Intramurals

Cleanliness, Service, Quality CHRIS KOROSE, Proprietor

is built upon your success and we stand ready to aid you in every way possible. Why not open a Savings Account with us? ..i

Peoples State Bank Holland, Michigan





Pi Kappa Delta Honors To Be Showered Upon Hope Debaters

m s i v

As Average of Victories Is High fetu

Hope College boasts a chapter of the Pi Kappa Delta honNettinga Elected President orary forensic fraternity, one At Fraternal Stag of tho finest forensic groups in the country. Only the better On Friday evening, March 10, the class colleges are granted chap- F r a t e r s enjoyed a St. Patrick's ters in this f r a t e r n i t y , which de- Day Stag at their house. The freshmands a membership of high cali- men under sophomore H. Schade bre. Membership in this group is a decorated the lounge room in green great asset to aspiring public and white so as to create a long speech and debate coachcs. Student dining hall. Places were laid for 40 members are admitted only a f t e r men at the steak supper served by having participated in inter-colle- the ladies of the Sixth Reformed giate contests in Oratory and De- Church. C. Vander Naald, J. bate. Debaters must have one vic- Meengs, E. Poppink, J. Van der tory, two defeats, or three non-de- ' Kolk and E. De Jongh featured on cision encounters to their credit to : the program. At the election of officers Paul Nettinga was elected qualify. Hope's chapter Mich. Gamma, president, Henry Steffens, vicehas always been an active group. 1 president; William Wichers, secreTheir membership has been small tary, and James Tysse, janitor. V*'Wthis year, but will be increased I u- V W r'V shortly. Because of the large debate schedule this season several young men were able to qualify for the coveted "key." The new candidates include our orators: Paul Brower and Gladys Huizenga; besides the debaters: Marion Alday, "Going, going, gone!" barked out Nicholas B u r g g r a a f , Gerald Huenink, Hendrick Noble, Justin Van the auctioneer, accompanied by der Kolk, and Donald Wade. Still | crashes from the Indian club gavel, others are expected to qualify be- and the "St. James I n f i r m a r y " was fore the season closes. All member- delivered into the hands of an enship applications must be made to thusiastic group of girls by "Bill" Leonard Hogenboom, chapter pres- i Clough. Not a hospital ward, but an impromptu sale of once — a n d ident. now — popular songs was being I Miss Boyd—William, vou're lazy. featured at last Friday's pep meetWhy when I went to high school ling in the gym. " F o r t y ! " — a n d I thought nothing of studying five J a n e t ' s autographed song went to hours a night. William Clough—Huh, I don't Roger. The youthful " R u s s " Smith think much of it myself.—(Mich. a s a combined auctioneer, clerk, Ed. J.) and demonstrator, could not be ex: celled. A song, a duet, and the cliH MWTIHUIU wwuimmiM imw 111 JI i m 1111 iwin u—i M I = max reached with Donald Hicks iB 3 and his Hopeite accordianing orchestra — the crowd on its feet (singing, only) and what more could be said of a peppy mass meeting! Snake dances and snapthe-whip occupied the evening's program. Friesma sang, and S a m e Quality Muilenberg played. Lower Cost

Pep Meeting Is Featured By The Auctioneer's Pleas

Ad Solicitors Vie Workers In Far For Higher Totals Away Lands Look With the knowledge that their Forward to Home efforts will be rewarded with the presentation of a fine silver trophy if they excel, the present business staff of the Anchor is striving every week to please the local mer chants. The Anchor has had to raise its ad rate, due to a sad deficiency in the economic scheme, and the ad solicitors are going f r o m business place to business place in their weekly jaunt, convincing merchants of the amount of money a college does bring to a town. Cornelius "Sleepy" Vander Naald has been bringing in some high totals the past few weeks, with Berdean Welling, Clarence Becker, and Ruth Geerlings following in close succession. With the close of athletics, C. Becker bids f a i r to startle the business world. William Clough has a f r e e lance route. Gerald Huenink directs their labors.

The coming of summer will mean | much to the missionaries of the Many students are already con-1 Reformed Church, many of whom templating the possibilities of work | are now in foreign fields, but who for the summer. (Now t h a t we j will commence their regular oncehave had work for the winter.) ' in-seven-years t r i p home this season. A majority of those who are Fortunate for a few of the in- expecting to spend a well-earned mates of Voorhees Friday night vacation in America have been a t t h a t the moon did not reveal to t h e ; one time enrolled in Hope College, serenaders the blushes and heart The list runs as follows: Dr. and 1 flutters that the solos caused. Mrs. A. Oltmans, and their two daughters of J a p a n ; Rev. and Mrs. The new telephone in the "dorm" B, C. Moore of J a p a n ; Rev. L. A. is causing confusion. Some of the Talman of Amoy, China; Rev. and lucky ones had special rings, but Mrs. H. P. De Pree and family of now because the phone only rings Amoy; Dr. and Mrs. T. Bosch of once, turmoil reigns supreme. Amoy; Miss R. Broekema of Tong— — o an China; Rev. and Mrs. J . P. A L U M N A IS P L E A S E D Muyskens of India; Rev. and Mrs. W


I ndia Dr


WITH ANCHOR POLICY ^ \ ™ T , | , ' „ Mrs. M. Olcott of India; Miss Mary The Anchor staff begs permission to publish a complimentary letter from an alumna in the East, who, too modest to permit the use of her name, is nevertheless willing to have her credit made public. She says, "The Anchor staff is to be con gratulated upon the paper they are publishing. The columns prove of great interest to us who are so f a r distant. Keep up your strong effort to make a good paper." —P. E.

Has just what you want, served just as you like it.

Next to

J. C. Penney's



The Albion debaters have had no defeats this season, according to the "Albion Pleiad." J i m m y Densmore won a bridge game recently with a hand of 13 diamonds. Albion has dropped varsity baseball. Albion lost to Olivet on the court, The staff rests happy with this and thus dropped to third place in thought, and also with the knowl- the ratings. edge that the subscription list is Lampen—Now we find t h a t X is steadily growing, there having been equal to zero. about sixty names added in the last Langeland—Gee! All t h a t work few weeks. for nothing.

T h a t w i l l appeal to y o u m e n w h o w a n t t h e E l e g a n c e of t h e O u t - o f The-Ordinary in fabrics and workmanship. ALL O N E P R I C E

mmamaam ram anrmrarm ua un i u mn i n m asat i u rcmijanmituamcrtu 11 Miutumc mm a rtm:! MS m i imin i iiimhwiw—ww

E x t r a fine q u a l i t y f a b r i c s , i m p o r t 37 E. 8lh St.

Becker—"Can I get anything in Across frim J. C. Peniey's this store to e a t ? " Clerk—"Interior decorations on =cai:ri:u.ta:Lrrrrn 11 rrunmiiu uxri rrata runmpB the second floor." LU7U"j'TiT!37iiwX;T:wi!'M..'.lJ^!i! w4.iirrat.iii iriiuiiJii'iiu.L''Tn rifrrrrn n k i mrrrt i n 111 n m luji oji i rc.rrH.Ttii

Holland, Mich.

P h o n e 9218

ed and domestic, made up in the n e w e s t styles for young m e n .


T h e y h a v e that snap and class that is o n l y f o u n d i n strictly h a n d tailored clothes.

Bewitching New Styles in MISSES' FROCKS at $10 and $15

m ira irm im i Wiuuiuainn'xpQ mxmxmznxnnr i u:0iniij iin.rrm:rixrmaTrtrmirmxri.i n torntrnxrcaa

g h e j E R R O L B Co.

I here's t h e breatli of S p r i n g sprightliness in t h e i r tiny blossom patterns, in t h e i r airy chiffon a n d seorgette. in their vivid crepes, in their jackets, capelets, p e p l u m s , tiers.

Holland's Young Business Men — t h e i u i u r e leaders ol this district — find t h e H O L L A N - D C I T Y S T A T E B A N K n o less interested in their Hnanc al welfare t h a n in that of established executives.

Sizes 14-20—Misses and W o m e n .

60 East 8(h St.


u mmammmmmmmmmmmmm i mnxnin nm mn m hi inn m n n i « " - ^ t t mrt tirin rJiTmirrr HUmmniiitMRUBttin nrrm 11 rrri rirnram n in • mi— mn



Phone 2 4 6 5

Holland City State Bank wumuii ittamuiCMi imutcrarorrretrarn n rnmnnmn i unn urr; inn i w ru i m. ..u m n miut ; i: cm ;.a;5 o mxnnmnmuiTrn inarruxm t a a m m : crannnxtDD cru-mximrm a a u n i u a m a rrtrrtmuttn


n mmmmmammmm mmmmmm i: m m MBnwgiMiuj mm


The Ideal Dry Cleaners

Holland, Michigan

Beautiful Assortment of Spring Suits and Topcoats Now In


Teacher—What courts do you r Geegh of India; Rev. E. Caluerley know of besides the Supreme and Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison Court? of A r a b i a ; and Dr. Miss Rottscha-1 Alexander—Tennis courts. ii 11. fer of Arabia. These people will be tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm around and about Holland and ut iirm innTitn i rnrnT^m Mnjomiiimart-riT rirn-n other centers of the Reformed Church during the summer and fail months of 1930.

Brad's Barber Shop

N o matter w h a t your age or p o s i t i o n , the facilities a n d experience of t h i s old-established b a n k are yours to c o m m a n d .

Teacher — William, compose a sentence containing the s t r a n g e r . Willie—You found so many mistakes in my 'rithmetic yesterday, I bet you strained yer eyes.

"The House of Service"







Cleaning and Steam Pressing


A u t o - - C a l l Delivery—Service

in Arrow "Trump" Shirts!

College Ave. and 6tl. St.



amireunmurt run mm nn mmrant? liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiMjm^^J •wwntnTrrnmrrriTn nrnmu rnuN riinimi'ijim'i m'mri

Big selection at $22.50

P. S. BOTER & CO. Clothing


•roiiiJBMiwwiiiWMWHi^hBntaiimiiOTiiaainniii'iiiiiiBtrcuniii^miuniriitrffiCTtairiiriiiKiin immwiiiMiii iiiiii IIIIIIIIWWI—i n amm ornmrn i nn rmnxi i:rri.Ti.n u laurraj n;i i;: rrjirrnxi rn rra.ra meam auMHi mmmmmmamm

Spring Millinery

Keefe^s Restaurant

N o w being shown at the


Ladies and Gentlemen Holland


is ^2.15 — in white, the price of this famous broadcloth is only 11.95. That's value for a shirt that's useful every d a y in d i e year!




Grand Haven

LOKKEMTGERS CO. 39 East 8th S t .

P h o n e 5175


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