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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

February 20, 1959

Operqtion Annvi'lle Begins Monday Dr. Johnson Discusses Music by Nancy Malstrom A talk on "Music, the Universal Language" was given Tuesday, February 10th by Dr. Thor Johnson, who has conducted the Cincinnati Symphony and been a member of Toscanini's Symphony of the Air. » *

Mr. Simmeling principal of Annville Institute a n d Chuck Hesseling veep of the YM look through one of the science reference books that students use. Like many other books in the l i b r a r y this one bears a 1 9 2 0 copyright.

Four Days Many Memories By Carolyn Kleiber

Dr. Johnson believes that cultural tours of music and art are in order because art endures. The United States has been slow to realize this fact, he feels, and it took Iceland's sympathy for the Soviet Union to induce the United States to initiate a program of cultural exchange.

Committee Establishes $2,000 Goal To Build Institute's Library By Fritz Kruithof

With enthusiasm radiating strongly for the up and coming "Operation Annville, ,, which will be held f r o m February 23 through 28, eleven Hope College students and their chaperone Mrs. Jeanette Boeskool returned to Holland last weak a f t e r spending two action packed days in Annville, Jackson County, Kentucky. "Operation Annville," the pet project of the Y groups, had begun. The purpose of this southern sojourn was to allow these students to acquaint themselves more fully with the entirely inadequate library facilities at Annville Institute, and to introduce better relations beHope Admitted To tween Hope College and this fully Educational Association Hope College has been admitted accredited Kentucky high school.

to membership in the American Association of Colleges f o r Teacher Education according to Mr. Gerrit Vander Borgh, Professor of Education. Hope's membership Japan was the first to extend an was announced a t a convention of invitation. Chosen for the task the association held last week in was Toscanini's Symphony of the Chicago. Air in spite of the fact of ToscaThe A.A.C.T.E. comprises most nini's retirement. The orchestra of the teacher education schools in accepted the invitation and began the country and at present 486 with a nine week tour of Asia. schools are members. Said the Prime Minister of JapAttending the convention along an: "The United States might well with Vander Borgh were Mr. John recall its arms, but have them Ver Beek and Mrs. Helen Schoon please, please, send J a p a n all their of the Education Department. symphonies."

Twelve Make Trip Students making the trip were seniors Isla Van Eenenaam, Chuck Hesselink, and Larry Ter Molen; juniors Elaine Dykhuizen, Ethelanne Swets, and Don Gallo; sophomores Carolyn Kleiber, Emily Hradec, Jim Combs, and Fritz Kruithof; and freshman Dave Simala. Experiencing 70 degree temperatures and the even w a r m e r hospitality of their "blue g r a s s " hosts, the Hope crew did everything from attending church in a 30' by 30' bare-floored one-room building, to losing billfolds in bouncing jeeps, to challenging the Annville Institute basketball team to a big Monday evening game.

"Annville Bulldogs crush the Hope basketball team, 71-39!" This imaginary headline might well appear in the paper of the school supported by the Reformed Church in Annville, Kentucky. On Monday This statement was a stimulant night, February 9, six male students from Hope: Don Gallo, Fritz to legislators — Humphries and Kruithof, Dave Simala, Larry Ter Molen, Chuck Hesselink, and Jim Thomas introduced a plan for an Combs, played basketball against International Exchange Advisory At a recent meeting of Alpha the Annville high school team in to Fine Arts Commission. Beta, the Hope chapter of Beta, Goal $2,000 their gymnasium. The school drive, which has a With ironic results a survey was Beta, Beta, national honorary bioTheir s i x cheerleaders from taken: "As a composer have you logical f r a t e r n i t y , the following goal set at $2,000, will provide Hope were: Emily Hradec, EthelRobert Weaver, Albert Smith, ever written a composition not persons were admitted to member- money toward buying fiction and anne Swets, Isla Van Eenenaam, and James de Jonge have accepted solely f o r the ears of the Western ship: Barbara Bootsman, Philip non-fiction books as well as textBlaine Dykhuizen, Carolyn Kleiber, the positions this year as judges segment of civilization?" As the Damstra, Peter DeJong, Marshall books for the pathetically poorly and Mrs. J. Boeskool. This game f o r the annual All-College Sing, disconcerting results revealed, Elzinga, Paul Fell, Dale Heeres, equipped Annville Library. was just one part of an exciting at Hope. there is a desperate need f o r a Paul Huizenga, Judy Mulder, RolWithout a doubt the N E E D IS four-day trip to Kentucky in which Music is a special interest of new source of inspiration and a land Schut, Lois Thoms, Fred Van GREAT. The teachers and stueleven students and Mrs. Boes- each of these three men. Robert new set of symbols is required to de Vusse, Glenn Van Roekel, Je- dents attempting to provide and kool participated. Weaver, f r o m Grand Rapids, is the make the language of music real- rome Wassink, and Carolyn Zhe. receive a good education are cryLater in the semester a banquet ing f o r good up-to-date books to Great Lakes ly universal. The trip began on Saturday director of the morning at 5:00 a.m. when two Chorus, a barbershop quartette. Regardless of the contemporary will be held and these new mem- aid them in their fight f o r knowledge. cars left from Durfee Hall. Fif- He also conducts several church thought that this seems to be the bers will be formally initiated. teen hours, and several stops later, choirs in the city. Albert Smith age of science, it can more acThe speaker f o r the evening was The Hope group was informed we pulled into the Annville cam- serves on the music staff at the curately be called the age of the Austin Aardema, who told about that most of the books which are pus, and headed gratefully for our Junior College in Grand Rapids, arts — an age in which interna- the research in cancer which the received are throw-aways, books beds, located in the girls' dorm, and James de Jonge is director of tional understandings can, as Dr. Biology Department is engaged in which can no longer help well boys' dorm, and the infirmary. Af- music at Calvin College, also in Johnson stated, be improved by under the supervision of Dr. Crook. meaning donators and which are Aardema has been associated with equally unhelpful and outdated for ter the 7:30 a.m. Sunday break- Grand Rapids. the arts. Dr. Crook since he originated the the Jackson County pupils. fast, we attended church services project. in Greyhawk, several miles from the school. Returning to the dorm, Austin first told of the nature Library Inadequate Browsing through the science we enjoyed a dinner of southern of the research, which is concerned fried chicken, and genuine southwith the activity of hormones on section of the library, which consisted of one shelf fifteen feet in ern style it was! The Palette and Masque Depart- to live and enjoy all those things living cells. Then he told of the length, the Hope delegates found In the afternoon we traveled by ment and the International Rela- they'd missed in the world. Rea- work which had been accomplished, many books published no more rejeep and pick-up truck to Bunkum tions Committee are now jointly son and sympathy strain with rea- and plans for the immediate f u t cently than 1920, quite inadequate where a service was held in a preparing f o r the production of lism as the six deceased men step ure. (Cont'd on page 3, Col. 4) small schoolhouse, and Rev. T. "Bury the Dead" by Irwin Shaw out of the grave and walk toward Hayes preached. The beautiful which is to be presented March peace while a maniacal general weather encouraged the girls' hik- 18th, 19th, and 21st. prepares a machine gun for action. ing spirit, and we walked "down The play is based on a theme The newly announced cast inthe road a piece," and visited some set against war and the useless cludes Carl Benes, George Clark, of the people who had been at the killing t h a t results from it. Em- Reuben Kamper, Jeff Jones, Rod service. Supper a t the dorm, and bodying a protest to this, six corp- Zegers, Larry Arends, Terry Hoffleading the Christian Endeavor ses arise, refusing to allow them- meyer, Walter Johnson, M y r o n meeting were followed by a get- selves to be buried because "maybe Kaufman, John Allen, Jim DeWitt, together at the minister's house. there are too many of us under Chuck Lemmen, George Worden, After Monday breakfast, which the ground now—maybe the earth A1 Koller, Tom Lubbers, Wayne was served at 6:30, we piled into can't stand it no more. You got Dixon, Jack Cruhton, D e n n i s a school bus and traveled over to change crops sometime." Shock, Hengeveld, Dave Meyer, John about twelve and a half miles of disbelief and incredulity build up Paarlberg, John Lubbers, Lee curving mountain roads. We held as one by one, officers, generals, Wenke, Tom Aardema, Donna our breath on some of the turns, wives and sweethearts fail to con- Hoogerhyde, Emily Hradec, Nancy but arrived safely at the rustic vince the corpses t h a t they ought Malstrom, Joyce Essenburg, Carol church in Sinking Valley, which to be buried. Rylance, Betty Vicha, and Lynne seemed to be located more on top Ignoring all pleas of practicality, Feltham. of one of Kentucky's highest common sense, and sanity, the six "Bury the Dead," a one-act play, mountains, than in a valley. After bodies maintain that they'd missed will last approximately one hour Larry Ter M o l e n a n d Emily Hradec pause in the Annville Library to browse we retraced our tracks, and ate so much of the good things in life and fifteen minutes and will be through the mqgazlnes and newspapers which are outdated and d i p l a p i (Cont'd on page 3, Col. 3) that they refuse to die, but intend directed by Joe Woods. dated.

Beta Beta Beta Admitts 14

Sing Judges Announced

P. and M.; LR.C. Joining To ^Bnry the Dead"


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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press


Published weekly by and f o r the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class m a t t e r at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special r a t e of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription R a t e : $2.00 per school year to non-student subcribers. Editor-in-Chief John Fragale, J r . Assistant Editor Nancy Boyd Editorial Board Carol Rylance, Carl Poit, W. Gardner Kissack Ronald Stockhoff, John Wiers, Nancy Raymer News Editor Norma De Boer Feature Editor Richard J a a r s m a Proof Reader Carol Vander Meer Copy Editor Lynne Feltham Photographers David Vande Vusse, Frederick Vande Vusse

CHRISTIANITY It is quite evident on our campus today that this question of Christianity is not only of great concern but also of immense importance. How often are people, not only here but in all walks of life, trying to give a new interpretation to the basic meaning and content of the Christian religion. We try to reinterpret Christianity in terms of our own experience and our own philosophy. Others come to the point where they even refuse to discuss this question. They say t h a t there are so many branches of Christianity, so many sects, so many different individual interpretations of the Christian religion t h a t it is impossible to arrive a t a normative definition of the Christian faith. These persons argue that it would take at least a book, and preferably two or even three volumes, to answer the question " W h a t is Christianity?" Yet, is this t r u e ? Is Christianity so complex? Or is Christianity and the Gospel concise, simple, and straightforward ? To me, the latter is true, for Christianity is Christ. Its origin is not in philosophy but in history.. That Christ lived, and died, and on the- third day He rose again are factual, historical events. True, there are many myths and legends which compare closely to the Holy Scriptures; but the Scriptures are not inventions of man to explain away the f e a r f u l unknown. They are history—the tracing of God's mighty acts f o r the salvation of man f r o m Adam through Christ. Christianity is founded not on ideas but on a Person, Jesus Christ. Second, these facts are revealed to us. They were not invented; they did not arise in reason or speculation. Christianity does not have its origin in the mind of man

but in the mind of God. The essence of the Christian message is^ communicated to man by God Himself. This is what the word revelation means. It is only by revelation t h a t we realize how sinful we are. And only by revelation do we know our source of forgiveness in the f a c t that Christ died for our sins. Third, Christianity is a personal religion. Jesus Christ came into this world to save individuals—not to save all mankind. The Gospel speaks to us individually, calling us to receive God's g r e a t and free g i f t of salvation. To repeat, Christianity is not a philosophy of life nor merely a means of fulfilling our innate need f o r relatedness to our fellow men and to God. And neither is it merely a way to make life meaningful nor just a way to live successfully in modern society. Christianity is a personal religion where sinful persons conf r o n t a personal God and meet a personal Saviour, Jesus Christ. Fourth, Christianity is an authoritative religion. Its message can never be a subject of mere academic debate. It deals with our ultimate and eternal destiny. It is, in the words of Henry James, "a living, forced, and momentous decision." It is so vital that we must choose — we must make a decision. There is no way out; it is unavoidable. Yet, it commands not only our decision but also that when we are Christians, we reject egocentric motives and desires and live a life in complete accordance with God's will. This, to me, is Christianity. It is so simple that we can never fully understand it and so demanding that we can never completely fulfill its demands in our whole lifetime. This is the Christianity of the apostles and I am sure of many others on this campus today. —J. W.



What the "Y" Is Here are the basic contentions and stivings of the National YMCAYWCA and of our "Y". Its fulfillment rests primarily with the attitude you, the students, hold concerning it. We believe t h a t there is a God and that he reveals Himself to an individual in a personal experience, unique and particular in a special confrontation to that person alone; and we believe t h a t no one can transmit the reality of this experience of God to another by laws, testimony of experiences, exhortations, or environmental situations. Therefore, the National YMCA-YWCA has more or less defined its aim as one of helping stimulate students to seek an experience of God and Jesus Christ by openness and sincerety to oneself and to others while studying, listening, speaking, serving, worshiping and all other phases of life. The unique role of the "Y" is to receive and accept all people into our fellowship without their feeling uneasy because they hold different opinions or cannot say t h a t they truly have had a Christian religious experience. For in the final analysis, God alone can determine whether or not a person is actually a Christian—not individuals or institutions. Yet with this inclusiveness there must never by mediocracy or compromizing in clearly stating basic beliefs in Jesus Christ as God incarnate and announcing the principal Christian teachings as found in the Bible. The role of the "Y" is to provide a sense of identity, student with student, and student with God. This identity may be found only if we have a goal which is compelling and demanding. This goal is our search for the great eternal truths relating man to himself, to others, and to God. The "Y" must be one place where we can freely search and ask questions, a place for honest religious doubters. The students are encouraged to participate in Saturday discussion groups which may help to introduce this identity and this attitude of searching. The role of the "Y" is collectively and individually to state opinions, to decide issues, and to take action. The role of the "Y" is to deal with significant positive materials, relating truth and life, revealing the joy of Christ and the love of God, and discovering the relationship between what we do and what we believe. The role of the "Y" is to work within the college community, discovering and meeting the needs of it. The total campus is our Christian concern. Thus the " Y " is concerned with all aspects of life as they are related to eternal t r u t h s and to the replacement of trivial affairs of existence f o r the significant g i f t of life. So you see, the " Y " is concerned with what it really means to be a Christian, not just concerned f o r people to say they are Christians. In this concernment we should subject ourselves to conflicting questions of faith and doubt, love and hate, openness and selfishness, humility and pride, orthodox and humanitarian beliefs, God and a set of ethics in order to strengthen, modify, and advance the clarity in our understanding of our personal relationship to God. For answers we are dependent on the mercy of God, the reality of Christ and the Holy Spirit, prayer, the Bible, service, literature, speakers'and leaders, dtscirssion, and our personal honesty, openness, and understanding. These are the real concerns of the "Y". The proposed purpose of our YM-YWCA is this: We, the members of the YM-YWCA of Hope College are united in the desire to realize full and creative lives through a growing knowledge of God. We do also determine to offer the benefits of Christian fellowship to all members of the College Community in the study of Truth. Further, we shall seek to realize the Kingship of Jesus Christ in our lives, on campus and in the world. Our purpose is not to indoctrinate, nor to restate old cliches, nor to busy students with something "nice," nor is it to baby "immature Christians." " Y " is to stimulate growth and vision and to help unveil the love of God and the reality of Jesus Christ. The success of the "Y" rests primarily on the students' attitudes and willingness to become religiously mature.

Y Sponsors Bible Study This past Sunday at 2:00 P.M. the Worship Commission commenced its first scheduled Bible study of the season. For the first six weeks the group will be discussing the book of Ephesians. The Koffee Kletz, the meeting place, will be open every Sunday from 2 to 3:00 P.M. with the following individuals serving as leaders: Vivian Anderson, Paul Fell, Nancy Raymer, Dave Simala, Dave Sunde, Russ Sybesma, and several substitutes.

Two Recitals By Roy Hamlin J o h n s o n By Jim Michmerhuizen Last Thursday and Friday it was the privilege of a small — but wildly enthusiastic — audience to hear two recitals of piano music which, in depth, endurance, and sheer virtuosity, are not likely to be equalled in this vicinity f o r a long time to come. The only parallel t h a t occurs to this reviewer is the series of two recitals given here by William Masselos in the spring of 1957. In both series we were treated to brilliant young pianists whose only fault lay in the f a c t t h a t there already was a Horowitz or a Rubinstein, and there was room f o r only one Horowitz, or one Rubinstein; pianists, that is, whose only fault is that they are not famous — and t h a t is no f a u l t at all. Of all the works listed on the program f o r Johnson's two re-

citals, only two did not require the utmost in pyrotechnical dexterity. These were the Bach Prelude and Fugue which opened the first program, and the Mozart Adagio in B Minor which, had there been time, would have opened the second. Everything else was music that, f o r sheer technical display, would have delighted even the most insensitive of audiences, even though the music thought were to escape them completely. But the audience a t both recitals was not insensitive to the content of the music, nor was Mr. Johnson insensitive to the mental demands of the program, nor was the music devoid of intellectual, emotional, or spiritual intensity: thus were we treated to two of the finest recitals Holland has known f o r some time.

Mr. Johnson played the D major Prelude and Fugue with discreet warmth, th f u g u e more romantically conceived than the prelude, which was interpreted as being in the style of a Gigue. The fugue, extremely tight in construction, abounds in stretti of every sort; these were accentuated by delicate nuances of tempo, to my mind a better course than attempting to trumpet each entry at the expense of the preceding one. I wish there were more to say about the Barber Soata t h a n t h a t it was the high point of the entire series; but f o r those complacent unfortunates who did not hear it that Thursday night, description is futile — and f o r those who did, any attempt to describe the work on paper would be quite beyond the power of your reviewer.

February 20, 1959

What! Honor? The pre-critical article appearing in last week's Anchor in which our student council president attempted to explain what an "honor code" is, and how it would affect Hope College campus life, seems to have fallen sadly short of its purpose. Before we can intelligently discuss this m a t t e r f u r ther, we must first clarify the issues involved. In his article, Mr. Brockmeier seems to assume that the "code" would affect only the academic aspect of our campus life—"The proposed Hope College Honor Code is that each student pledges t h a t all work submitted by the student f o r credit is his own work." This is very good as f a r as it goes. However, the first question we should examine is: Could an honor code be effective if it does not include other moral issues such a s : stealing school athletic equipment, pilfering vending machines, breaking into lunch lines, disturbing others in the library, etc.? If it can, we must be careful in refering to Hope as having a campuswide honor code; if not, we must still define (1) t h a t towards which we must have honor and (2) what honor means and how an honor code should ideally work. Many believe the honor code would eliminate rules of conduct, but this is absurd. Do away with an accepted pattern of conduct and you have nothing left to honor. (This, of course, brings up the question, who will form the patterns t h a t we must honorably follow. A f t e r adopting the code, it will be more difficult than it is now to make rules flexible enough to allow f o r new and better maxims to evolve, and yet be defined well enough to enable the campus community to live together in harmony.) Here Brockmeier uses what he terms a " r a t h e r crude analogy" of a man driving down a highway at sixty miles-per-hour, to illustrate what he would have us "honor" in order to avoid "inconvenience" while driving. At sixty miles-perhour, does the driver respect the center line f r o m a personal sense of what is right or f o r self preservation? Would we not report "breakdowns" f o r our mutual self interests ? Brockmeier says we should uphold the honor code to "produce and maintain a pleasant, healthy, conducive atmosphere" in which to carry out the college's "end." But then he says t h a t we maintain the honor code by making it a m a t t e r of "honor" f o r everybody to " t a t t l e " on anyone seen cheating. Now would you feel any more a t ease with a thousand proctors replacing one professor?

A code of honor must, by virtue of its own definition, be a personal code of self-respect. What others do should have no effect on our acBy Betty Vicha Besides the musical compositions tions. The proctor and punisher explained in an earlier article, the must be none other than our own conscience. Opus, Hope's student magazine, is We need not, however, contend interested in student writing. The literary material which is desired as Brockmeier does, that the honor includes short stories, essays, dra- code will not work unless we are all mutually self-centered. An honmas, and poetry. Commenting on the need f o r or code is an idealistic concept, as student contributions, editor Den- are all moral codes. Therefore, it nis Camp said, "We do not expect would call f o r an exceptional stumasterpieces. The Opus is a stu- dent body to ideally execute an dent magazine which publishes honor code. This would be a g r e a t writings t h a t are most representa- challenge. "There is no middle tive of the student body. In order ground." If each student is willto do this, we must have a large ing to risk having the curve selection f r o m which to choose." broken or his sweat socks stolen Material f o r the Opus may be in order to place his confidence in deposited in the Opus boxes in Van his fellow students, and if suspiRaalte lobby or the library or cions and the materialistic "grade given to any member of the staff. point g r a b b e r " were eliminated, This year's Opus staff members then we will have established a are: Stu Wilson, John Angus, code of honor of which we can Chuck Lemmen, J a n e Tomlinson, truly be proud. Edna Hollander, Mr. Anthony —Duane M. Voskuil Kooiker, and Miss Protheroe. —Robert R. Van E t t e n

Introducing Opus


February 20, 1959

Social Sidelights


by Scotty Wallace Despite the date the joint ALPHA PHI-Arkie meeting, held last Friday 13, turned out to be a very successful evening. Carolyn Kleiber talked about her trip to Annville, Kentucky and the humor paper was given by Dean Nederveld. The "Arkie" Quartet also sang . . . Alpha Phi's formal is to be held tonight at the Manger Hotel in Grand Rapids. The theme will be, "The King and 1." Sharon Grossman and Lorraine Hellinga are co-chairmen of the event . . . A circus theme entitled "The Greatest Show on E a r t h " has been chosen f o r the joint Alpha Phi-A.S.A. meeting to be held March 6 . . . "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" is the name of the song to be sung at the All College Sing. Margot Fisher is the director. Gene Boelte, EMERSONIAN senior, presented his address, "The Deadliest Battle on E a r t h " at the Friday 13 literary meeting. Emcee, Stan Whi continued the "Professor Kissack" tradition by reading some "high cultured" poetry.. The Emmies began Valentine's Day early by serenading the women's dorms last Friday night. Sandra Decker was in charge of the traditional SOROSIS alumnae meeting held on February 13 in the Music Building auditorium. Eleanor Ver Burg played a medley of love songs on the piano and Joy Philip read several poems for the serious paper. Paula Nykamp gave the humor paper on the thoughts and deeds of children concerning things they love. Sandra Dressel ended the program with a clarinet solo. A f t e r refreshments the alumnae were invited to visit the sorority room . . . For the SIBYLLINE Valentine meeting the sorority invited Mr. Williams of Williams Jewelry to talk and give a demonstration on diamonds. The COSMOPOLITAN formal was held Friday 13 at Spring Lake Country Club. "In An Oriental Garden" was the theme of the formal and nobody doubted it when they beheld the back drop of a large Buddha, the fountain and the pool set among trees and grass. Exotic dishes of oriental food were also served . . . Jim Evers was emcee f o r the evening. Dennis Camp gave the welcome. Entertainment was provided by Mark DeWitt who sang "A Kiss in The Shadows," "Hello Young Lovers." Lee Wenke assisted as his fraternity brothers gave a humor paper entitled "A Survey of the F a r East," and Tom Kruiswyk and Tom Aardema played an instrumental . . . Music f o r the evening was provided by Ray Kusniak and his Orchestra.

FLICKS HOLLAND T H E A T R E Men., Tues., Wed., Feb. 23-25 OLD MAN AND T H E SEA with Spencer Tracy Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 26-28 PERFECT FURLOUGH Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh PARK T H E A T R E Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 23-25 S H E R I F F OF FRACTURED JAW with Jayne Mansfield Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 26-28 LAST MILE with Mickey Rooney ESCORT W E S T with Victor Mature






Page Three

Y Trip

Seminar on Urban Housing Problems Attended in Chicago by Diane Sluyter

Y's Announce Semester Program Efforts of the joint YMCAYWCA have produced a program for the second semester, designed, through consideration of different phases of Christian living, to help the college student face problems and responsibilities.


• An f c * * *

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IRC Semester Theme Announced The theme f o r the second semester LR.C. program is "Approches to Intercultural understanding." Several events are being scheduled to contribute to this theme.

The spring banquet, at which the scholarship recipients will be announced, will take place March 25. Guest speaker for this event will be Dr. William Schlag, cultural First, in recognizing Interna- affairs officer of the Austrian tional Theater Month, IRC is co- Counselate General of New York. operating with Palette and Masque Another campus visitor will be in the production "Bury the Dead", Dr. Carl Comton of Anatolia Colwhich will be performed for the lege, Thessaloniki, Greece, who group on March 18. will speak May 6 concerning Greek-American cultural relations.

"Our Mission" is the theme for the month of February. Juvenile delinquency, segregation, and prayer have been discussed in past weeks; the concluding topic next Tuesday is "The Mission Drive" with Reverand Hayes as speaker. March offers opportunity for evaluation of "Personal Decision, World and Religion." A panel from Midland, Michigan, a discussion under the direction of CIO leaders, a movie, and a religious drama comprise the Tuesday night activities for this month.

The Seminar attended was sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee. The purpose of this weekend was to give a glimpse to the group, consisting of 12 students, into the huge housing and segregation problem that faces our cities today. Chicago is the most distinctly segregated city in the United States, and the tour Highlighting April will be the on Saturday morning revealed this spring Y conference to be held the quite clearly. last weekend at Hastings, MichThe students traveled through igan. Also planned is an explanaChicago's South and West Sides tion of various religious sects in and visited Lake Meadows Housthe modern day society, a unique ing Project which is one area of sermon-in-song by baritone Hobart slum clearance where middle inMitchell, and Y elections. come, integrated homes have been May being the last month of erected. school, the Y has made plans f o r This has provided one answer to special farewell meetings. The part of the problem, but where do Mother-Daughter b a n q u e t this the displaced, low income famyear will coincide with the visit ilies go ? This has been a big part of Dr. George Buttrick of the New of the problem, and has caused York City Columbia Presbyterian. much of the reaction in the transA beach party at Ottawa will ition areas in Chicago, where the formally conclude the year. Negroes are moving into old white homes and the white families are flooding to the suburbs.

Other highlights of the semester include two IRC conferences. The first, the midwestern regional conCarol Cook, a senior at Hope, ference, will be held- March 20-21 will attend the executive board at Franklin College, Franklin, Inmeeting of the Student Michigan diana. The second, the national $2,000 Goal.. . Education Association in Lansing, (Con't from page 1) international relations conference, tomorow, February 21 at 9 a.m. will be held at Asilomar, Califor- in this day of space and electronCarol, secretary of the student nia, near San Francisco, April 1-4. ics. Last year, students looking educational organization, will be for material on the "gay ninties" one of seven board members who found most of the books published will meet to discuss f u t u r e plans Four Days . . . before that time. Annville's most for the 1000-strong association. (Cont'd from page 1) recent edition of one of the two High on the Student MEA's lunch, we toured Annville's class- leading encyclopedias was pubagenda is the annual state-wide room and vocational buildings, lished in 1922. conference scheduled f o r April 3-4 weaving and home economics deResearch work is limited for the in Lansing. This conclave will tie partments, and the farm buildings, 120 students because of the poor in with the parent organization's giving special attention to the li- pupil-book ratio. It is an underRepresentative Assembly which brary needs which Operation Ann- statement to say that Annville will meet at t h a t time. ville has been organized to fill. students are struggling under Carol and the board also will The basketball game on Monday their great handicap. Hope stuwork out a handbook for use by local Student MEA groups and night was a thrill f o r both the dents can well appreciate the probplan for area meetings next fall. Annville and Hope students. For lem facing this Reformed Church Other members of the executive them, it was quite a triumph to high school. Uppermost in the minds of these board are: Wanda Heier (Jr.), beat a team of college men, and president, from Central Michigan for us, it was a chance to really students on their return to Hope's College; Sharon Kruggell (Soph.), get to know the students, who campus were these two questions: vice president, from Benton Har- seemed more like younger broth- What is an education without book? What, in truth, is a school bor Junior College; and Jack Sizer ers and sisters, than strangers. without a library? Tuesday morning, reluctantly, (Jr.), treasurer, from Western

Carol Cook Will Attend MEA Meeting

Michigan University. Also on the board are: Ruth Lutz (Jr.), historian, from Hillsdale College; Robert Havens (Sr.), publicity chairman, from the University of Michigan; and Sandra Eiker (Fr.), special delegate, from Michigan State University. Gerald N. Simmons, Student MEA coordinator from the parent organization, will serve as an advisor a t the meeting.

we left Annville — with a great many memories. On the journey back to Hope, I am sure that each of us realized the wonderful opportunity we had had in visiting Annville. We would like to stress the potential of the young people we met, and ask t h a t you give your fullest support to Operation Annville, set up to provide the library equipment which these students so readily need and deserve.


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A weekend in Chicago! This is something we all look forward to with great anticipation, as did these six members of the Y Social Responsibilities C o m m i s s i o n — Myrna Schalekamp, Dorene Tornga, Marilyn Scudder, Diane Sluyter, Barbara Gray, and Tom Bruno — who attended a seminar there last weekend on Urban Housing Problems. However, this weekend will be one that they will long remember, but for many different reasons.

The Anchor would like to offer a belated "thank you" to Dave and Fred Vande Vusse for the excellent photography in last week's issue.

From Lake Meadows, the group drove through the Gold Coast section of Chicago, driving two blocks further back into more slums and low housing projects, through the Rush Street section, stopping to visit Jane Addams*- Hull House, and also observing the Skid Row area which really opened the eyes of the group as to the hundreds of men, wandering aimlessly along the street because of lack of money, love, friends, or family. A walking tour of the West Side transition area was also made, where the students could observe the conditions of many of the homes more closely. Discussions were then held with leaders of the Chicago Housing Committee, the Urban League, and the NAACP giving many insights into past accomplishments and future problems that face them in Chicago. Now the NAACP is working on an integration housing program for all of greater Chicago.

Sunday morning the group attended an interracial Congregational Church, having another unique experience by seeing White, Spanish, and Negro people worshipping happily together in the midst of a city of turmoil. The weekend left the group with Store nearest your College a new insight into this great probSmartest Clothes on The Campus lem and a new realization of the Tux for rent responsibility that faces each of us today. Further weekends will be TER HAAR CLOTHING held by the Social Responsibilities 50 East 8th St. Commission for anyone interested.


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I Page Four







H o p e A c c e p t s T o u r n a m e n t Bid Kalamazoo^ Stall Doesi^t Stop Hope H o p e Col lope h a s a c c c p t o d a n in-

v i t a t i o n to p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e G r e a t

L a k e s division of t h e N C A A r e g ional c o l l e g e division b a s k e t b a l l t o u r n a m e n t , it w a s a n n o u n c e d today by H a r v e y C. C h r o u s e r , a t h letic d i r e c t o r at W h e a t o n College and t o u r n a m e n t m a n a g e r .

Dutch Win 47-37; 9th MI A A Victory Hope C o l l e g e ' s b a s k e t b a l l t e a m overcame a f r u s t r a t i n g experience in t h e Civic C e n t e r S a t u r d a y n i g h t a s K a l a m a z o o C o l l e g e slowed t h e g a m e but only su c c e e d e d in k e e p ing the s c o r e down a s Hope won, 17-.M7 b e f o r e 2,500 j e e r i n g f a n s . It w a s H o p e ' s n i n t h M1A A win in 10 s t a r t s a n d its 2'ird s t r a i g h t home win a n d HJth in t h e l e a g u e at home. T h e H o r n e t s a r e now 5-5 in the M1AA a n d 7-10 o v e r a l l . Hope now h a s a 1 1-2 overall m a r k . Coach Kay S t e l f e n decided t h e only way he could b a t t l e H o p e on s o m e w h a t e v e n t e r m s w a s t o slow t h e g a m e c o m p l e t e l y . So a s soon as the H o r n e t s gained possession of t h e ball a f t e r H o p e scored t h e y began a rotating offense, passing, s c r e e n i n g a n d c u t t i n g and k e p t t h i s u p f o r five m i n u t e s b e f o r e W a l t M a s e r d r o v e in f o r a s h o t a n d missed. Hut his s t r a t e g y w a s s o m e w h a t o f f s e t r i g h t at t h e o p e n i n g tip. Hope c e n t e r P a u l Henes t i p p e d to Kay K i t s e m a w h o fed W a r r e n V a n d e r Hill who c o n n e c t e d on a j u m p s h o t with t h e g a m e 12 seco n d s old.

V a n d e r llill led t h e l a s t d r i v e w i t h e i t f h t p o i n t s on t h r e e l)uckets a n d two free shots. K i t s e m a and Henes did a ^ood j o b of g e t t i n g off t h e i r f e e t in t h e ^ a m e and s n a k e d s e v e r a l rel)ounds off each b o a r d . K i t s n n a led Hope with 15 p o i n t s while Henes and V a n d e r Hill each had 1 1. T h o m p s o n m a d e i 1 f o r t h e H o r n e t s a n d F l e t c h e r had 10.

s e m a , a w a y f r o m t h e b a s k e t with t h e revolve. Hut h e r e his p l a n w a s s t y m i e d b e c a u s e t h e big m e n , alt h o u g h r o t a t i n g w i t h t h e i r m e n on a m a n - t o - m a n d e f e n s e d i d n ' t pull aWay f a r e n o u g h f r o m t h e b a s k e t f o r t h e H o r n e t s to s n e a k t h r o u g h . Henes w a s f o u l e d and m a d e a f r e e s h o t to m a k e it 8-0 w i t h 14 m i n u t e s l e f t b e f o r e Hob Hrice connected f o r Kazoo w i t h 12:37. H e n e s scored on t h e r e t u r n up floor and H o p e led 5-2 at t h e 1 0 - m i n u t e mark. Kach t e a m scored seven p o i n t s in t h e n e x t 10 m i n u t e s . H o p e led 11-!) w i t h 59 s e c o n d s t o play b e f o r e K i t s e m a t h r e w in a f r e e s h o t 15 seconds later. Kalamazoo revolved f o r t h e r e s t of t h e half and M a s e r missed a o n e - b a n d e r at t h e h o r n to give H o p e t h e 12-9 h a l f t i m e lead. The t e a m s played deliberately in t h e second h a l f , w o r k i n g f o r t h e good s h o t . E a c h t e a m had good luck on its s h o t s . H o p e hit seven of its f i r s t nine in t h e second h a l f . K i t s e m a a n d Henes each m a d e t h r e e b a s k e t s but Hob F l e t c h e r , who had t h r e e b a s k e t s , a n d J o h n T h o m p s o n , who s a n k two, all f r o m o u t c o u r t k e p t t h e H o r n e t s challenging. Hope led 28-15 w i t h 16:30 to go b u t t h e H o r n e t s n a r r o w e d it to t w o p o i n t s , 28-2(5 w i t h 10:57 l e f t . K i t s e m a a d d e d his t h i r d b a s k e t and Henes a f r e e s h o t to pull H o p e o u t in f r o n t 31-2(5 a t t h e 1 0 - m i n u t e mark. H o p e k e p t t h e five-point s p r e a d and increased the bulge to eight points, 40-32 w i t h f o u r m i n u t e s t o play. The Dutch added seven s t r a i g h t p o i n t s in t h e n e x t t h r e e m i n u t e s a n d s h o v e d t h e m a r g i n t o 15 p o i n t s , 47-32. K a l a m a z o o scored five p o i n t s in t h e l a s t m i n u t e t o n a r r o w t h e final s c o r e to 10 p o i n t s . *

Chrouser reported that the four t e a m s selected this s e a s o n will all be at l a r g e . Last s e a s o n , t h r e e of t h e t e a m s w e r e at l a r g e , a n d the f o u r t h t e a m w a s t h e w i n n e r of tinIllinois C o l l e g e C o n f e r e n c e , which w a s W h e a t o n . T h e C r u s a d e r s , with an overall I7-.'i r e c o r d , a r e l e a d i n g the Conference again this year. W h e a t o n is r a n k e d f o u r t h in the n a t i o n in t h e I ' l l s m a l l - c o l l e g e poll. Lee I T u n d is W h e a t o n coach.

H o p e s h o t 19 pel 1 c e n t , h i t t i n g 18 of Ml) f o r its best lloor m a r k t h i s s e a s o n . V a n d e r Hill had (MO; Henes, 5 - 1 2 ; K i t s e m a , 5 - 1 0 ; Vriesm a n , 2-2 a n d H e e r n i n k , 0-5. T h o m p son hit 5-10; F l e t c h e r , 5-1); Hrice, 'i-4 a n d M a s e r , .'i-T. H o p e m a d e live of H> f r e e s h o t s a n d t h e H o r n e t s , 5-().

Vriesman. f





Henes, c

•I 0



V a n d e r Hill, g

5 (i



Heernink, g



















V a n d e r Hilt, g Totals Kalamazoo Hrice,





Maser, c





Thompson, g




1 1

Fletcher, g Kramer, f Lindenberg, c V a n d e r Klok, f

5 0 0 0

0 1 0 0


10 1 0 0




scores t w o o n h i s f a v o r i t e


in g a m e



'1 0 0

u; 5 13 37 Totals Officials: Clevenger, Crocker, Niles.

T h e o t h e r at l a r g e t e a m will be chosen from six possibilities, ( h r o u s e r s a i d . T h i s t e a m will be n a m e d in t h e next w e e k . The t e a m will be selected I rom W i s c o n s i n or Illinois. T h e w i n n e r of t h e ( i r e a t L a k e s r e g i o n a l m o v e s to F v a n s v i l l e , Ind.. f o r the final t o u r n a m e n t , M a r c h 12, 13 and 1 I. T h e w i n n e r s of e i g h t r e g i o n a l s will be in t h i s t o u r n e y . Hesides t h e ( i r e a t L a k e s , t h e y include N o r t h e a s t . F a s t . Midwest. Mideast. Southwest. South Central a n d Pacific C o a s t .













MI A A S t a n d i n g s W 9 8 (5

Hope Calvin Alma Adrian Kalamazoo Albion Hillsdale Olivet

5 5 5 3 0

L 1 2 4 5 5 6 7 11

Pet. .900 .800 .600 .500 .500 .445 .300 .000

Hope h a s a I 1-2 r e c o r d with its l o s s e s to V a l p a r a i s o , 90-8(1 in an o v e r t i m e a n d Calvin, (;(;-(;2. T h e Dutch a r e l e a d i n g t h e Ml.A A with a 9-1 record. Hope h a s been r a t e d 17th and 2()th in t h e I T I s m a l l college poll t h i s s e a s o n . N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n , the t e a m which d e f e a t e d W h e a t o n , 78-(;i t h i s s e a s o n , is a s t r o n g p r o b a b i l i t y as t h e t h i r d at l a r g e t e a m . T h e Wildc a t s a r e coached by S t a n AI beck, f o r m e r A l m a College coach, a n d h a v e d r o p p e d t o u r g a m e s in Id s t a r t s this s e a s o n . .Northern p l a y e d in t h e NA1A t o u r n a m e n t in K a n s a s C i t y , Mo., last s e a s o n .

(37) FG F T P F T P 3 I 4 7 0


T h e t o u r n e y will be held F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , M a r c h (5-7 in (Hen Kllyn, III., H i g h School. (Hen Fllyn is located a b o u t two m i l e s n o r t h e a s t of W h e a t o n , III. T h e g y m is r e p o r t e d to s e a t b e t w e e n 3,000 and 1.000 f a n s . W h e a t o n ('olio ge h a s also a c c e p t «'<l a bid to t h e -team tournament. Chrouser C r u s a d e r s won tin' r e g i o n a l with a 101-93 win o v e r lope and weiv d e f e a t e d by Kvansv lo in thr consolation g a m e i th.tonrney.

" W e w e r e h i t t i n g a b o u t '2X p e r cent of o u r s h o t s in t h e last t h r e e ^ a m e s , " S t e t f e n s a i d , " a n d I decided to slow t h e ^ a m e o r t h e y would h a v e rolled o v e r u s . " K a l a m a z o o s h o t Hi of f o r IS p e r c e n t . T h e y m a d e -1-10 a n d I'i-IW.

T h e Dutch e n t e r t a i n e d A d r i a n W e d n e s d a y n i p h t in t h e Civic Cent e r i?i an MI A A g a m e . T h e Bulld o g s r a n into a s i m i l a r stall pulled by Albion l a s t week and t h e H r i t o n s s t o p p e d A d r i a n , 49-47. T h e H o p e - K a l a m a z o o score w a s t h e 1 his g a v e H o p e a 2-0 l e a d a n d l o w e s t r e c o r d e d so f a r t h i s s e a s o n d e f i n i t e l y w a s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t , j n ^ 1 ( l ^JJAA b a s k e t in t h e g a m e a n d t h e y d i d n ' t Hope (17) h a v e to go a f i e r t h e ball. FG F T P F T P Steffen had planned to d r a w ;> 5 K i t s e m a , f 1 15 H o p e ' s big m e n , H e n e s a n d Kit-

Chrouser extended the invitation to Hope M o n d a y a n d t h e a c c e p t a n c e w a s a n n o u n c e d t o d a y . It will m a r k t h e second s t r a i g h t y e a r H o p e will c o m p e t e in t h e t o u r n a ment.

T h i s r e p r e s e n t s a t o t a l of :\'2 t e a m s p l a y i n g in r e g i o n a l t o u r n a m e n t s to pick a n a t i o n a l w i n n e r . I he ( i r e a t L a k e s w i n n e r p l a y s t h e Pacific C o a s t w i n n e r in the first r o u n d . S o u t h D a k o t a , w i n n e r of the M i d w e s t r e g i o n a l l a s t w i n t e r , is the defending national champion.

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